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obverse of 1 Bit (1764) coin with KM# 7 from France.
reverse of 1 Bit (1764) coin with KM# 7 from France.
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 7
Denomination: 1 Bit
Year: 1764
Shape: Round with a round hole
Composition: Silver
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Country: France
Denomination: 3 Deniers = 1 Liard = 1/80 Livre tournois
Year: 1767 - 1774
Weight: 3.0500
Diameter: 21.0000
Thickness: 2.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 2 Bits (1764) coin with KM# 8 from France.
reverse of 2 Bits (1764) coin with KM# 8 from France.
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 8
Denomination: 2 Bits
Year: 1764
Diameter: 27.0000
Shape: Round with a round hole
Composition: Silver
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Country: France
Denomination: 12 Deniers
Year: 1590 - 1593
Weight: 2.0500
Diameter: 24.5000
Shape: Round (irregular)
Composition: Silver (.240)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1 Sol - Louis XV (1768 - 1774) coin with KM# 542 from France. Inscription: LUDOVICUS XV DEI GRATIA
reverse of 1 Sol - Louis XV (1768 - 1774) coin with KM# 542 from France. Inscription: REX 1771 FRANCIÆ ET NAVARRÆ
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 542
Denomination: 1 Sol
Year: 1768 - 1774
Weight: 12.2400
Diameter: 28.0000
Thickness: 2.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Coin orientation ↑↓
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Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 578
Denomination: 1 Sol
Year: 1777 - 1791
Weight: 12.2350
Diameter: 29.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 12 Deniers - Louis XVI (1791 - 1793) coin with KM# 600 from France. Inscription: LOUIS XVI ROI DES FRANÇOIS D
reverse of 12 Deniers - Louis XVI (1791 - 1793) coin with KM# 600 from France. Inscription: LA NATION LA LOI LE ROI 12	D• 1791•3• DE LA LIB
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 600
Denomination: 12 Deniers
Year: 1791 - 1793
Weight: 13.3700
Diameter: 28.5000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bronze
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Bits (1764) coin with KM# 10 from France.
reverse of 10 Bits (1764) coin with KM# 10 from France.
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 10
Denomination: 10 Bits
Year: 1764
Diameter: 39.0000
Shape: Round with a round hole
Composition: Silver
obverse of 1 Ecu - Louis XV (1715) coin with KM# 412 from France. Inscription: LUD.XV.D.G.FR.ET NAV.REX
reverse of 1 Ecu - Louis XV (1715) coin with KM# 412 from France. Inscription: SIT.NOMEN.DOMINI.BENEDICTVM 1715
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 412
Denomination: 1 Ecu
Year: 1715
Weight: 30.5900
Diameter: 41.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Sols (1792) coin with KM# Tn35 from France. Inscription: LES FRANÇAIS UNIS SONT INVINCIBLES L'AN IV DE LA LIBERTÉ
reverse of 5 Sols (1792) coin with KM# Tn35 from France. Inscription: REVOLUTION FRANÇAISE. MEDAILLE QUI SE VEND 5 SOLS A PARIS CHEZ MONNERON (PATENTE) 1792
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# Tn35
Denomination: 5 Sols
Year: 1792
Weight: 25.0800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bronze
obverse of 6 Livres (1793) coin with KM# 624 from France. Inscription: REGNE DE LA LOI. CONSTI- TUTION Dupré 1793.
reverse of 6 Livres (1793) coin with KM# 624 from France. Inscription: · REPUBLIQUE FRANÇOISE · · L'AN II · SIX LIVRES. A
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 624
Denomination: 6 Livres
Year: 1793
Weight: 29.3500
Diameter: 38.5000
Thickness: 2.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 24 Livres (1793) coin with KM# 626 from France. Inscription: REGNE DE LA LOI · 1793
reverse of 24 Livres (1793) coin with KM# 626 from France. Inscription: 24 LIVRES W · REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE · · L'AN II ·
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 626
Denomination: 24 Livres
Year: 1793
Weight: 7.6500
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
obverse of 1 Centime (1797 - 1799) coin with KM# 646 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE · Dupré ·
reverse of 1 Centime (1797 - 1799) coin with KM# 646 from France. Inscription: UN CENTIME L'AN 6 · A
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 646
Denomination: 1 Centime
Year: 1797 - 1799
Weight: 2.0000
Diameter: 18.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bronze
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Centimes (1796 - 1800) coin with KM# 640 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE
reverse of 5 Centimes (1796 - 1800) coin with KM# 640 from France. Inscription: CINQ CENTIMES L'AN 5. A
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 640
Denomination: 5 Centimes
Year: 1796 - 1800
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 28.0000
Thickness: 2.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bronze
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1 Décime (1796 - 1800) coin with KM# 644 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE
reverse of 1 Décime (1796 - 1800) coin with KM# 644 from France. Inscription: UN DÉCIME L'AN 8 K
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 644
Denomination: 1 Décime
Year: 1796 - 1800
Weight: 20.0000
Diameter: 32.0000
Thickness: 3.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bronze
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 2 Décimes (1795 - 1796) coin with KM# 638 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE · *
reverse of 2 Décimes (1795 - 1796) coin with KM# 638 from France. Inscription: 2 DÉCIMES L'AN 4 A
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 638
Denomination: 2 Décimes
Year: 1795 - 1796
Weight: 20.0000
Diameter: 31.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1/4 Franc - Napoleon I (1803) coin with KM# 653 from France. Inscription: BONAPARTE PR. CONSUL.
reverse of 1/4 Franc - Napoleon I (1803) coin with KM# 653 from France. Inscription: REP. FRA. QUART . . AN 12. .A.
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 653
Denomination: 1/4 Franc
Year: 1803
Weight: 1.2500
Diameter: 16.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1/2 Franc - Napoleon I (1802 - 1803) coin with KM# 648 from France. Inscription: BONAPARTE PREMIER CONSUL ·
reverse of 1/2 Franc - Napoleon I (1802 - 1803) coin with KM# 648 from France. Inscription: RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. DEMI FRANC. .. AN 12. .A.
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 648
Denomination: 1/2 Franc
Year: 1802 - 1803
Weight: 2.2500
Diameter: 18.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1 Franc - Napoleon I (1802 - 1803) coin with KM# 649 from France. Inscription: BONAPARTE - PREMIER CONSUL
reverse of 1 Franc - Napoleon I (1802 - 1803) coin with KM# 649 from France. Inscription: RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. 1 FRANC. . . AN 12. .A.
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 649
Denomination: 1 Franc
Year: 1802 - 1803
Weight: 4.2900
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 2 Francs - Napoleon I (1803) coin with KM# 657 from France. Inscription: BONAPARTE PREMIER CONSUL. Tiolier
reverse of 2 Francs - Napoleon I (1803) coin with KM# 657 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. 2 FRANCS AN 12. BB
Country: France
Catalog Number: KM# 657
Denomination: 2 Francs
Year: 1803
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 27.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Coin orientation ↑↓

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