

( 1 active )

1303 results
obverse of 3 Roubles - Arctic Convoys of WWII (1992) coin with Y# 304 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 3 ЛМД РУБЛЯ 1992
reverse of 3 Roubles - Arctic Convoys of WWII (1992) coin with Y# 304 from Russia. Inscription: CЕВЕРНЫЙ КОНВОЙ 1941 · 1945
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 304
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1992
Weight: 14.3500
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Victory of the Democratic Forces of Russia on August 19-21, 1991 (1992) coin with Y# 317 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 3 MMD РУБЛЯ 1992
reverse of 3 Roubles - Victory of the Democratic Forces of Russia on August 19-21, 1991 (1992) coin with Y# 317 from Russia. Inscription: 19-21 АВГУСТА 1991г.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 317
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1992
Weight: 14.3500
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Trinity Cathedral (1992) coin with Y# 349 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1992 г. БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Trinity Cathedral (1992) coin with Y# 349 from Russia. Inscription: ЭПОХА ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ · XVIII в. САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ ТР
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 349
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1992
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Rubles - The 50th Anniversary of Victory on the Volga (1993) coin with Y# 318 from Russia. Inscription: ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1993г. ММД БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Rubles - The 50th Anniversary of Victory on the Volga (1993) coin with Y# 318 from Russia. Inscription: •СТАЛИНГРАДСКАЯ БИТВА• 1942-1943
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 318
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 14.3500
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Russian Ballet (1993) coin with Y# 323 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1993г. Ag 900 ЛМД 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Russian Ballet (1993) coin with Y# 323 from Russia. Inscription: РУССКИЙ БАЛЕТ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 323
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - The 50th Anniversary of Victory on the Kursk Bulge (1993) coin with Y# 328 from Russia. Inscription: ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1993г. ЛМД БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - The 50th Anniversary of Victory on the Kursk Bulge (1993) coin with Y# 328 from Russia. Inscription: 50 ЛЕТ ПОБЕДЫ НА КУРСКОЙ ДУГЕ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 328
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 14.3500
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - The 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of Kiev from Fascist Invaders (1993) coin with Y# 340 from Russia. Inscription: ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1993г. ММД БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - The 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of Kiev from Fascist Invaders (1993) coin with Y# 340 from Russia. Inscription: 50 ЛЕТ ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЯ КИЕВА ОТ ФАШИСТСКИХ ЗАХВАТЧИКОВ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 340
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 14.3500
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - The Olympic Century of Russia: Football, 1910 (1993) coin with Y# 351 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1993г. Ag 900 ЛМД 31,1 БAHK POCCИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - The Olympic Century of Russia: Football, 1910 (1993) coin with Y# 351 from Russia. Inscription: ОЛИМПИЙСКИЙ ВЕК РОССИИ ФУТБОЛИСТЫ В ИГРАХ V ОЛИМПИАДЫ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 351
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Brown Bear (1993) coin with Y# 409 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1993 г. Аg 900 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Brown Bear (1993) coin with Y# 409 from Russia. Inscription: СОХРАНИМ НАШ МИР
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 409
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Contribution of Russia to World Culture: Anna Pavlova (1993) coin with Y# 450 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1993г. Ag 900 ЛМД 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Contribution of Russia to World Culture: Anna Pavlova (1993) coin with Y# 450 from Russia. Inscription: РОССИЯ И МИРОВАЯ КУЛЬТУРА АННА ПАВЛОВА
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 450
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - The First Russian Voyage Around the World: The Map of the Voyage (1993) coin with Y# 464 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1993г. Ag 900 ЛМД 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - The First Russian Voyage Around the World: The Map of the Voyage (1993) coin with Y# 464 from Russia. Inscription: ПЕРВОЕ РУССКОЕ КРУГОСВЕТНОЕ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ 1803-1806 КАРТА ПЛАВАНИЯ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 464
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Franco-Russian Alliance (1993) coin with Y# 465 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1993г. Ag 900 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Franco-Russian Alliance (1993) coin with Y# 465 from Russia. Inscription: РОССИЯ ФРАНЦИЯ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 465
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1993
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: Battle of Leningrad (1994) coin with Y# 341 from Russia. Inscription: ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1994г. ЛМД БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: Battle of Leningrad (1994) coin with Y# 341 from Russia. Inscription: 50-летие РАЗГРОМА НЕМЕЦКО-ФАШИСТСКИХ ВОЙСК ПОД ЛЕНИНГРАДОМ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 341
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1994
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Architectural Monuments of Russia: The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Suzdal (1994) coin with Y# 345 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1994 г. Ag 900 ЛМД 31.1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Architectural Monuments of Russia: The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Suzdal (1994) coin with Y# 345 from Russia. Inscription: РОЖДЕСТВЕНСКИЙ СОБОР XIII-XVI вв. СУЗДАЛЬ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 345
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1994
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of Sevastopol from Germany's Troops (1994) coin with Y# 346 from Russia. Inscription: ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1994г. БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of Sevastopol from Germany's Troops (1994) coin with Y# 346 from Russia. Inscription: 50-ЛЕТИЕ ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЯ г.СЕВАСТОПОЛЯ ОТ НЕМЕЦКО-ФАШИСТСКИХ ВОЙСК
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 346
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1994
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: The Liberation of Belgrade by Soviet Troops (1994) coin with Y# 366 from Russia. Inscription: ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1994г. ММД БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: The Liberation of Belgrade by Soviet Troops (1994) coin with Y# 366 from Russia. Inscription: ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЕ ЕВРОПЫ ОТ ФАШИЗМА БЕЛГРАД 20 · 10 · 1944г.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 366
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1994
Weight: 13.7000
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - The 50th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War: Liberation of Koenigsberg (1994 - 1995) coin with Y# 380 from Russia. Inscription: ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1995г. ММД БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - The 50th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War: Liberation of Koenigsberg (1994 - 1995) coin with Y# 380 from Russia. Inscription: ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЕ ЕВРОПЫ ОТ ФАШИЗМА КЕНИГСБЕРГ 09 · 04 · 1945г.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 380
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1994 - 1995
Weight: 14.3500
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Trans-Siberian Railway (1994) coin with Y# 389 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1994г. БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Trans-Siberian Railway (1994) coin with Y# 389 from Russia. Inscription: 100 ЛЕТ ТРАНССИБИРСКОЙ МАГИСТРАЛИ МОСТ ЧЕi
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 389
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1994
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Russian Ballet (1994) coin with Y# 405 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1994г. Ag 900 ЛМД 31.1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Russian Ballet (1994) coin with Y# 405 from Russia. Inscription: РУССКИЙ БАЛЕТ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 405
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1994
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Architectural Monuments of Russia: The Intercession Church on the Nerli-River (1994) coin with Y# 458 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1994г. Ag 900 ММД 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Architectural Monuments of Russia: The Intercession Church on the Nerli-River (1994) coin with Y# 458 from Russia. Inscription: ЦЕРКОВЬ ПОКРОВА НА НЕРЛИ 1165г.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 458
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1994
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating

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