Soviet Union (USSR)


( 1 active )

136 results
obverse of 1 Rouble - 40th Anniversary of World War II Victory (1985 - 1988) coin with Y# 198 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1985
reverse of 1 Rouble - 40th Anniversary of World War II Victory (1985 - 1988) coin with Y# 198 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: Отечественная война 1945-1985
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 198
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1985 - 1988
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - 12th World Youth Festival (1985 - 1988) coin with Y# 199 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1985
reverse of 1 Rouble - 12th World Youth Festival (1985 - 1988) coin with Y# 199 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ЗА АНТИИМПЕРИАЛИСТИЧЕСКУЮ СОЛИДАРНОСТЬ,
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 199
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1985 - 1988
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Ruble - International Year of Peace (1986 - 1988) coin with Y# 201 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1986
reverse of 1 Ruble - International Year of Peace (1986 - 1988) coin with Y# 201 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ГОД МИРА
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 201
Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1986 - 1988
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - Battle of Borodino (1987) coin with Y# 203 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1987
reverse of 1 Rouble - Battle of Borodino (1987) coin with Y# 203 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 175 ЛЕТ СО ДНЯ БОРОДИНСКОГО СРАЖЕНИЯ 1812
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 203
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1987
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - Battle of Borodino (1987) coin with Y# 204 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1987
reverse of 1 Rouble - Battle of Borodino (1987) coin with Y# 204 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 175 ЛЕТ СО ДНЯ БОРОДИНСКОГО СРАЖЕНИЯ 1812
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 204
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1987
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1987) coin with Y# 205 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1987
reverse of 1 Rouble - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1987) coin with Y# 205 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1857 1935 К.Э. ЦИОЛКОВСКИЙ
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 205
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1987
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - 70th Anniversary of Revolution (1987) coin with Y# 206 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1987
reverse of 1 Rouble - 70th Anniversary of Revolution (1987) coin with Y# 206 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1917 70
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 206
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1987
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - Birth of Maxim Gorki (1988) coin with Y# 209 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1988
reverse of 1 Rouble - Birth of Maxim Gorki (1988) coin with Y# 209 from Soviet Union (USSR).
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 209
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1988
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - 160th Anniversary of the Birth of Leo Tolstoi (1988) coin with Y# 216 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1988
reverse of 1 Rouble - 160th Anniversary of the Birth of Leo Tolstoi (1988) coin with Y# 216 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: Л.Н. ТОЛСТОЙ 1828 · 1910
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 216
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1988
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Ruble - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Modest Musorgsky (1989) coin with Y# 220 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1989
reverse of 1 Ruble - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Modest Musorgsky (1989) coin with Y# 220 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1839 1881 М. Мусоргский
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 220
Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1989
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - M.Y. Lermontov (1989) coin with Y# 228 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1989
reverse of 1 Rouble - M.Y. Lermontov (1989) coin with Y# 228 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: М. Ю. ЛЕРМОНТОВ 1814 1841 М. Лермонтов
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 228
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1989
Weight: 12.0000
Diameter: 31.2500
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - Hamza Hakim-zade Niyazi (1989) coin with Y# 232 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1989
reverse of 1 Rouble - Hamza Hakim-zade Niyazi (1989) coin with Y# 232 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ХАМЗА ХАКИМ-ЗАДЕ НИЯЗИ 1889 1929
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 232
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1989
Weight: 12.7000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
СССР. 1. РУБЛЬ. 1989.
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 233
Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1989
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Ruble - 175th Anniversary of the Birth of Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko (1989) coin with Y# 235 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1989
reverse of 1 Ruble - 175th Anniversary of the Birth of Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko (1989) coin with Y# 235 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: Т.Г. ШЕВЧЕНКО 1814 1861 Т. Шевченко
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 235
Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1989
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - 100th Anniversary to Birth of Tschaikovsky (1990) coin with Y# 236 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1990
reverse of 1 Rouble - 100th Anniversary to Birth of Tschaikovsky (1990) coin with Y# 236 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1840 · 1893 П.ЧАЙКОВСКИЙ
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 236
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1990
Weight: 12.5000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - 130th Anniversary to Birth of Anton Chekhov (1990) coin with Y# 240 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1990
reverse of 1 Rouble - 130th Anniversary to Birth of Anton Chekhov (1990) coin with Y# 240 from Soviet Union (USSR).
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 240
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1990
Weight: 12.6000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Ruble - 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Francisk Scorina (1990) coin with Y# 258 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1990
reverse of 1 Ruble - 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Francisk Scorina (1990) coin with Y# 258 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1490 ОК 1551 ФРАНЦИСК СКОРИНА
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 258
Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1990
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - 550th Anniversary to Birth of Alisher Navoi (1990 - 1991) coin with Y# 260 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1991
reverse of 1 Rouble - 550th Anniversary to Birth of Alisher Navoi (1990 - 1991) coin with Y# 260 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1441-1501 Алишер Навои
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 260
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1990 - 1991
Weight: 13.0000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Ruble - 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Pyotr Nikolaevich Lebedev (1991) coin with Y# 261 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1991
reverse of 1 Ruble - 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Pyotr Nikolaevich Lebedev (1991) coin with Y# 261 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: П.Н. ЛЕБЕДЕВ 1866 1912
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 261
Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1991
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Ruble - 850th Anniversary of the Birth of Nizami Gyanzhevi (1991) coin with Y# 284 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ 1991
reverse of 1 Ruble - 850th Anniversary of the Birth of Nizami Gyanzhevi (1991) coin with Y# 284 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: Низами Гянджеви 850 лет
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 284
Denomination: 1 Ruble
Year: 1991
Weight: 12.8000
Diameter: 31.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑

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