
Use filters if you want to indentify, get more information about a coin or add to your online collection.

With this form, you can search on the CoinsBook coins catalog.

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Select Country: if you know a country of a coin select it from a list.
Select Govenrment: then country is selected you can chose govenment.
Select Currency: then government is selected you can chose currency.
Lettering: if you want to search for a coin by simply writing off all or part of the letters on it.
Denomination: if denomination is known, e.g. 2 Euro. Denomination on this field can be used in both word and decimal form: 2 Cent or 0.02.
Year: if date is known, in this field can be used both dates, year from a calendar used on a coin and gregorian year (if coin uses other calendar).
Circulation: chose wheather search for circulating or non-circulating coin.
My Collection: chose wheather search in your collection, not in your collection or all coins.
Order By: select how search results will be arranged: By denomination (default), by start year, by Catalog number.
Tokens: tick if your are looking only for tokens.
Trial Strikes: tick if you are looking only for trial strikes.
In Exchange List: tick if you are searching in your exchange list only.

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