Coin Snippet Game

Coin Snippet Game


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Participant is invited to answer 15 different questions. Indicate issuing country by a snippet of a coin photo, correct answer earns 5 points. If the answer was wrong the whole coin is revealed and the question is repeated, in this case the correct answer earns only 1 point.

If two players achieve the same score, the one who complete the task faster is rated higher. So time is important too!

Good luck!

Best scores

User Points Time (s) Date
User Points Time (s) Date
User Points Time (s) Date
zoltanajoskis 75 27 2016-12-04
Guillermo Granados 75 29 2017-06-28
Manovandet 75 31 2017-06-18
Sergey Kurakov 75 32 2017-06-29
YuriyDema 75 34 2016-12-03

Last Competition Results

User Points Time (s)
Arbor 136 496
Alfonso Franco 133 450
Sergey Kurakov 122 247
Guillermo Granados 117 563

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