

( 2 active )

117 results
obverse of 2 Gulden - Maximilian II - Madonna Column (1855) coin with KM# 848 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN II KŒNIG V. BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Gulden - Maximilian II - Madonna Column (1855) coin with KM# 848 from German States. Inscription: ZUR ERINNERUNG AN DIE WIEDERHERSTELLUNG DER MARIENSÄULE IN MÜNCHEN 1855 PATRONA BAVARIÆ
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 848
Denomination: 2 Gulden
Year: 1855
Weight: 21.2100
Diameter: 36.0000
Thickness: 3.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I - Monetary Union (1837) coin with KM# 792 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG I KÖNIG VON BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I - Monetary Union (1837) coin with KM# 792 from German States. Inscription: MÜNZVEREINIGUNG SÜDTEUTSCHER STAATEN 1837
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 792
Denomination: 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1837
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 38.0000
Thickness: 4.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Thaler - Ludwig I - Maximilian I (1839) coin with KM# 804 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG I KŒNIG VON BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler - Ludwig I - Maximilian I (1839) coin with KM# 804 from German States. Inscription: REITERSÄULE MAXIMILIAN'S I CHURFÜRSTEN V. BAYERN ERRICHTET V. KÖNIG LUDWIG I 1839
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 804
Denomination: 2 Thaler
Year: 1839
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 37.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I - Walhalla (1842) coin with KM# 811 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG I KÖNIG VON BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I - Walhalla (1842) coin with KM# 811 from German States. Inscription: WALHALLA 1842
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 811
Denomination: 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1842
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 37.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I - Marriage (1842) coin with KM# 812 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG I KÖNIG VON BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I - Marriage (1842) coin with KM# 812 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN KRONPR. V. BAYERN U. MARIE K. PRINZ. V. PREUSS. VERM.D.12 OCTB.1842
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 812
Denomination: 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1842
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 37.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I (1842 - 1848) coin with KM# 814 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG KÖNIG VON BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I (1842 - 1848) coin with KM# 814 from German States. Inscription: 3½ GULDEN VII EINE F. MARK 2 THALER VEREINSMÜNZE 1843
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 814
Denomination: 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1842 - 1848
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 41.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Thaler - Ludwig I - 100th Anniversary Academy of Erlangen (1843) coin with KM# 817 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG I KOENIG VON BAYERN C. VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler - Ludwig I - 100th Anniversary Academy of Erlangen (1843) coin with KM# 817 from German States. Inscription: HUNDERTJÄHRIGE GRÜNDUNG DER HOCHSCHULE ZU ERLANGEN DURCH D. MARKGR. FRIEDR. V. BRANDENB. BAYR. 1843
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 817
Denomination: 2 Thaler
Year: 1843
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 37.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Taler - Ludwig I - Birth of Two Grandsons (1845) coin with KM# 821 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG I KOENIG VON BAYERN C. VOIGT
reverse of 2 Taler - Ludwig I - Birth of Two Grandsons (1845) coin with KM# 821 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG ERBPRINZ V.B. GEB. 25. AUGUST LUDWIG KOEN. PRINZ V.B. GEB. 7. JANUAR 1845
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 821
Denomination: 2 Taler
Year: 1845
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 37.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I - Bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn (1847) coin with KM# 823 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG I KÖNIG VON BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Ludwig I - Bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn (1847) coin with KM# 823 from German States. Inscription: STANDBILD DES FÜRSTBISCHOF'S JULIUS ECHTER V. MESPELBRUNN ERRICHTET ZU WÜRZBURG 1847
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 823
Denomination: 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1847
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 37.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Maximilian II - New Constitution (1848) coin with KM# 830 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN II KÖNIG V. BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Maximilian II - New Constitution (1848) coin with KM# 830 from German States. Inscription: VERFAS- SUNG 1848
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 830
Denomination: 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1848
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 41.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Maximilian II - Johann Christoph von Gluck (1848) coin with KM# 833 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN II KŒNIG V. BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Maximilian II - Johann Christoph von Gluck (1848) coin with KM# 833 from German States. Inscription: STANDBILD DES JOHANN CHRISTOPH RITTER VON GLUCK ERRICHTET IN MÜNCHEN V.KÖNIG LUDWIG I 1848
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 833
Denomination: 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1848
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 41.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Maximilian II (1849 - 1856) coin with KM# 837 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN II KÖNIG V. BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden - Maximilian II (1849 - 1856) coin with KM# 837 from German States. Inscription: 3½ GULDEN VII EINE F. MARK 2 THALER VEREINSMÜNZE 1856
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 837
Denomination: 2 Thaler / 3 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1849 - 1856
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 40.2000
Thickness: 3.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Thaler - Maximilian II - Erection of Monument to King Maximilian II (1856) coin with KM# 850 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN II KOENIG V. BAYERN C. VOIGT
reverse of 2 Thaler - Maximilian II - Erection of Monument to King Maximilian II (1856) coin with KM# 850 from German States. Inscription: DENKMAHL DES KÖNIGS MAXIMILIAN II IN LINDAU ERRICHTET V. D. STÄDTEN AN DER SÜD-NORD-BAHN 1856
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 850
Denomination: 2 Thaler
Year: 1856
Weight: 37.1200
Diameter: 41.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Vereinsthaler - Maximilian II (1859 - 1860) coin with KM# 861 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN II KÖNIG V. BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Vereinsthaler - Maximilian II (1859 - 1860) coin with KM# 861 from German States. Inscription: ZWEI VEREINSTHALER XV EIN PFUND FEIN 1860
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 861
Denomination: 2 Vereinsthaler
Year: 1859 - 1860
Weight: 37.0400
Diameter: 41.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 2 Vereinsthaler - Maximilian II (1861 - 1864) coin with KM# 862 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN II KÖNIG V. BAYERN C.VOIGT
reverse of 2 Vereinsthaler - Maximilian II (1861 - 1864) coin with KM# 862 from German States. Inscription: ZWEI VEREINSTHALER XV EIN PFUND FEIN 1862
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 862
Denomination: 2 Vereinsthaler
Year: 1861 - 1864
Weight: 37.0400
Diameter: 41.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Ducat - Maximilian II - Trade Coinage (1849 - 1856) coin with KM# 839 from German States. Inscription: MAXIMILIAN II KÖNIG V. BAYERN C.V.
reverse of 1 Ducat - Maximilian II - Trade Coinage (1849 - 1856) coin with KM# 839 from German States. Inscription: EIN DUCATEN 1854
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 839
Denomination: 1 Ducat
Year: 1849 - 1856
Weight: 3.4900
Diameter: 21.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.937)
obverse of 10 Mark - Ludwig II (1872 - 1873) coin with KM# 892 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG II KÖNIG V. BAYERN D
reverse of 10 Mark - Ludwig II (1872 - 1873) coin with KM# 892 from German States. Inscription: DEUTSCHES REICH 10 M. 18 72
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 892
Denomination: 10 Mark
Year: 1872 - 1873
Weight: 3.9800
Diameter: 19.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Mark - Ludwig II (1872 - 1873) coin with KM# 894 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG II KÖNIG V. BAYERN D
reverse of 20 Mark - Ludwig II (1872 - 1873) coin with KM# 894 from German States. Inscription: DEUTSCHES REICH 20 M. 18 72
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 894
Denomination: 20 Mark
Year: 1872 - 1873
Weight: 7.9700
Diameter: 22.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Mark - Ludwig II (1876 - 1883) coin with KM# 903 from German States. Inscription: LUDWIG II KŒNIG V. BAYERN D
reverse of 2 Mark - Ludwig II (1876 - 1883) coin with KM# 903 from German States. Inscription: DEUTSCHES REICH 1876 * ZWEI MARK *
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 903
Denomination: 2 Mark
Year: 1876 - 1883
Weight: 11.1100
Diameter: 28.1500
Thickness: 1.8400
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 2 Mark - Otto (1888) coin with KM# 905 from German States. Inscription: OTTO KOENIG VON BAYERN
reverse of 2 Mark - Otto (1888) coin with KM# 905 from German States. Inscription: DEUTSCHES REICH 1888 * ZWEI MARK *
Country: German States
Catalog Number: KM# 905
Denomination: 2 Mark
Year: 1888
Weight: 11.1100
Diameter: 28.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)

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