

( 1 active )

28 results
obverse of 1 Grosz - Sigismund III - Type 2 bust (1623) coin with KM# 11 from Danzig. Inscription: SIGIS:III:D:G:REX.POL.D:PRV
reverse of 1 Grosz - Sigismund III - Type 2 bust (1623) coin with KM# 11 from Danzig.
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 11
Denomination: 1 Grosz
Year: 1623
Weight: 1.0400
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver
obverse of 1/4 Thaler - Sigismund III (1610 - 1615) coin with KM# 6 from Danzig. Inscription: SIGIS.3.D:G.REX.POL.M.D.L.R.PR.
reverse of 1/4 Thaler - Sigismund III (1610 - 1615) coin with KM# 6 from Danzig. Inscription: MONETA.CIVIT.GEDANENSIS.1615
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 6
Denomination: 1/4 Thaler
Year: 1610 - 1615
Weight: 6.8300
Diameter: 29.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver
obverse of 1 Ort - Sigismund III - Type 2 bust (1615 - 1616) coin with KM# 6 from Danzig. Inscription: SIGIS:III.D:G:REX.POL.M:D:L:R:PRVS:
reverse of 1 Ort - Sigismund III - Type 2 bust (1615 - 1616) coin with KM# 6 from Danzig. Inscription: MONETA.CIVIT:GEDANENSIS.1615 S-A 16-15
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 6
Denomination: 1 Ort
Year: 1615 - 1616
Weight: 6.8300
Diameter: 29.0000
Shape: Irregular
Composition: Silver
obverse of 1 Ort - Sigismund III - Type 3 bust (1616 - 1621) coin with KM# 14 from Danzig. Inscription: .SIGIS:III.D:G.REX.POL:M.D.L.R.PRVS:
reverse of 1 Ort - Sigismund III - Type 3 bust (1616 - 1621) coin with KM# 14 from Danzig. Inscription: MONETA.CIVIT:GEDANENSIS.1618. S-B 16-18
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 14
Denomination: 1 Ort
Year: 1616 - 1621
Weight: 6.5900
Diameter: 29.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver
obverse of 1 Ort 1/4 Thaler - Sigismund III (1623) coin with KM# 15 from Danzig. Inscription: SIGIS:III:D:G:REX · POL · M:D:L · R:PR · 1	6
reverse of 1 Ort 1/4 Thaler - Sigismund III (1623) coin with KM# 15 from Danzig. Inscription: · MONETA · CIVIT · GEDANENSIS · · 2 · 3 ·
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 15
Denomination: 1 Ort 1/4 Thaler
Year: 1623
Weight: 7.0700
Diameter: 29.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Ducat - August III (1734) coin with KM# 95 from Danzig. Inscription: AVGVST:III · D:G:REX POL:M:D:L:R:P:EL:S:
reverse of 1 Ducat - August III (1734) coin with KM# 95 from Danzig. Inscription: MON:AVREA CIVITAT:GEDAN 1734
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 95
Denomination: 1 Ducat
Year: 1734
Weight: 3.5000
Diameter: 24.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.986)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Groschen - Friedrich Wilhelm III (1809 - 1812) coin with KM# 137 from Danzig. Inscription: 1812
reverse of 1 Groschen - Friedrich Wilhelm III (1809 - 1812) coin with KM# 137 from Danzig. Inscription: DANZIGER KUPFER MUENZE EIN GROSCHEN M
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 137
Denomination: 1 Groschen
Year: 1809 - 1812
Weight: 3.2000
Diameter: 21.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
obverse of 1 Pfennig (1923 - 1937) coin with KM# 140 from Danzig. Inscription: 1923
reverse of 1 Pfennig (1923 - 1937) coin with KM# 140 from Danzig. Inscription: 1 Pfennig Danzig
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 140
Denomination: 1 Pfennig
Year: 1923 - 1937
Weight: 1.6300
Diameter: 17.0300
Thickness: 1.0600
Shape: Round
Composition: Bronze
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Pfennige (1923 - 1937) coin with KM# 141 from Danzig. Inscription: 1937
reverse of 2 Pfennige (1923 - 1937) coin with KM# 141 from Danzig. Inscription: 2 Pfennige Danzig
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 141
Denomination: 2 Pfennige
Year: 1923 - 1937
Weight: 2.5000
Diameter: 19.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bronze
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Danzig
Denomination: 5 Pfennige
Year: 1923
Weight: 2.0000
Diameter: 17.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass
Trial Strike
obverse of 5 Pfennige (1923 - 1928) coin with KM# 142 from Danzig. Inscription: 1923
reverse of 5 Pfennige (1923 - 1928) coin with KM# 142 from Danzig. Inscription: 5 Pfennige Danzig
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 142
Denomination: 5 Pfennige
Year: 1923 - 1928
Weight: 2.0000
Diameter: 17.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Pfennig (1932) coin with KM# 151 from Danzig. Inscription: 1932
reverse of 5 Pfennig (1932) coin with KM# 151 from Danzig. Inscription: 5 Pfennig Freie Stadt Danzig
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 151
Denomination: 5 Pfennig
Year: 1932
Weight: 2.0000
Diameter: 17.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum-Bronze
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Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# Tn1
Denomination: 10 Pfennig
Year: 1920
Weight: 2.0500
Diameter: 21.5000
Thickness: 1.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Zinc
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Pfennig (1920) coin with KM# Tn2 from Danzig. Inscription: STADT DANZIG 1920
reverse of 10 Pfennig (1920) coin with KM# Tn2 from Danzig. Inscription: 10
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# Tn2
Denomination: 10 Pfennig
Year: 1920
Weight: 2.2500
Diameter: 21.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Zinc
obverse of 10 Pfennige (1923) coin with KM# 143 from Danzig. Inscription: 1923
reverse of 10 Pfennige (1923) coin with KM# 143 from Danzig. Inscription: 10 Pfennige Freie Stadt Danzig
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 143
Denomination: 10 Pfennige
Year: 1923
Weight: 4.0000
Diameter: 21.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Pfennig (1932) coin with KM# 152 from Danzig. Inscription: 1932
reverse of 10 Pfennig (1932) coin with KM# 152 from Danzig. Inscription: 10 Pfennig Freie Stadt Danzig
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 152
Denomination: 10 Pfennig
Year: 1932
Weight: 3.5000
Diameter: 21.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum-Bronze
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1/2 Gulden (1923 - 1927) coin with KM# 144 from Danzig.
reverse of 1/2 Gulden (1923 - 1927) coin with KM# 144 from Danzig.
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 144
Denomination: 1/2 Gulden
Year: 1923 - 1927
Weight: 2.5000
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.750)
obverse of 1 Gulden (1923) coin with KM# 145 from Danzig. Inscription: 1923
reverse of 1 Gulden (1923) coin with KM# 145 from Danzig. Inscription: 1 Gul den FreieStadt Danzig
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 145
Denomination: 1 Gulden
Year: 1923
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 24.0000
Thickness: 1.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.750)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1 Gulden (1932) coin with KM# 154 from Danzig. Inscription: 19 32
reverse of 1 Gulden (1932) coin with KM# 154 from Danzig. Inscription: *FREIE STADT DANZIG* 1 GULDEN
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 154
Denomination: 1 Gulden
Year: 1932
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.5000
Thickness: 1.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Gulden (1923) coin with KM# 146 from Danzig.
reverse of 2 Gulden (1923) coin with KM# 146 from Danzig.
Country: Danzig
Catalog Number: KM# 146
Denomination: 2 Gulden
Year: 1923
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 26.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.750)

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