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159 results
obverse of 16 Rigsbankskilling / 5 Schilling Courant - Christian VIII (1842 - 1844) coin with KM# 733 from Denmark. Inscription: CHRISTIANVS VIII	D:G:DANIÆ V:G:REX F.K. ♔ 1842 V.S.
reverse of 16 Rigsbankskilling / 5 Schilling Courant - Christian VIII (1842 - 1844) coin with KM# 733 from Denmark. Inscription: 16 RIGSBANKSKILLING *	* 5 SCHILLING COURANT
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 733
Denomination: 16 Rigsbankskilling / 5 Schilling Courant
Year: 1842 - 1844
Weight: 4.2100
Diameter: 21.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.500)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 16 Skilling Rigsmont - Frederik VII (1856 - 1858) coin with KM# 765 from Denmark. Inscription: FREDERICVS VII	D:G:DANIÆ V:G:REX F.K 1857 V.S
reverse of 16 Skilling Rigsmont - Frederik VII (1856 - 1858) coin with KM# 765 from Denmark. Inscription: 16 SKILLING R:M:
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 765
Denomination: 16 Skilling Rigsmont
Year: 1856 - 1858
Weight: 3.9000
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 1.1000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.500)
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# Pr69
Denomination: 1 Krone
Year: 1990
Weight: 3.5000
Diameter: 20.1500
Thickness: 1.6000
Shape: Round with a round hole
Composition: Copper-nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Trial Strike
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 56
Denomination: 1 Ducat
Year: 1666 - 1669
Weight: 3.5000
Diameter: 24.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.979)
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 304
Denomination: 1 Ducat
Year: 1667 - 1668
Weight: 3.5000
Diameter: 23.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.979)
obverse of 1 Ducat - Christian V (1671 - 1674) coin with KM# 340 from Denmark. Inscription: CHRISTIAN.V.D.G.REX.DAN.NOR.VA.GO.
reverse of 1 Ducat - Christian V (1671 - 1674) coin with KM# 340 from Denmark. Inscription: · DVX · SL · HO · ST · DI · COM · OL ·&DEL · 16 71 G K
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 340
Denomination: 1 Ducat
Year: 1671 - 1674
Weight: 3.5000
Diameter: 25.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.979)
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 444
Denomination: 1 Ducat
Year: 1696
Weight: 3.4500
Diameter: 17.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.979)
obverse of 12 Mark - Frederik V (1757 - 1763) coin with KM# 586 from Denmark. Inscription: D · G · DAN · NOR · VAN · GOT · REX ·
reverse of 12 Mark - Frederik V (1757 - 1763) coin with KM# 586 from Denmark. Inscription: PRUDENTIA ET CONSTANTIA · XII · MARK · · 1757 · V.H.
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 586
Denomination: 12 Mark
Year: 1757 - 1763
Weight: 3.1180
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.875)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 32 Rigsbankskilling - Frederik VI (1818 - 1820) coin with KM# 690 from Denmark. Inscription: FR VI
reverse of 32 Rigsbankskilling - Frederik VI (1818 - 1820) coin with KM# 690 from Denmark. Inscription: *32* RIGSBANK SKILLING. 1820. I.F.F
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 690
Denomination: 32 Rigsbankskilling
Year: 1818 - 1820
Weight: 6.1300
Diameter: 25.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.687)
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# Pr70
Denomination: 2 Kroner
Year: 1990
Weight: 5.9000
Diameter: 24.5000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round with a round hole
Composition: Copper-nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Trial Strike
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 431
Denomination: 4 Krone
Year: 1693
Weight: 72.0000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 7.3500
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.833)
obverse of 2 Ducat - Christian V (1675) coin with KM# 347 from Denmark.
reverse of 2 Ducat - Christian V (1675) coin with KM# 347 from Denmark. Inscription: 5CC5
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 347
Denomination: 2 Ducat
Year: 1675
Weight: 7.0000
Diameter: 17.2500
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.979)
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 432
Denomination: 6 Krone
Year: 1693
Weight: 108.0000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 11.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.833)
obverse of 1 Rigsdaler - Frederik V - House of Oldenburg (1749) coin with KM# 575 from Denmark. Inscription: FRIDERICUS V.D.G.REX DAN.NOR.V.G
reverse of 1 Rigsdaler - Frederik V - House of Oldenburg (1749) coin with KM# 575 from Denmark. Inscription: TROE LOVE MOD OG HVAD DAN KONGENS GUNST KAND VINDE MENS NORGE KLIPPE HAR MAND SKAL HOS NORDMAND FINDE. 17 6M 49
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 575
Denomination: 1 Rigsdaler
Year: 1749
Weight: 28.8900
Diameter: 40.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.875)
obverse of 1 Speciedaler - Frederik III (1655 - 1656) coin with KM# 204 from Denmark.
reverse of 1 Speciedaler - Frederik III (1655 - 1656) coin with KM# 204 from Denmark.
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 204
Denomination: 1 Speciedaler
Year: 1655 - 1656
Weight: 28.7750
Diameter: 44.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.875)
obverse of 1 Speciedaler - Christian V (1671) coin with KM# 318 from Denmark. Inscription: CHRISTIAN:V.D.G.REX.DAN:NOR:VAN:GOT:
reverse of 1 Speciedaler - Christian V (1671) coin with KM# 318 from Denmark. Inscription: 1671
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 318
Denomination: 1 Speciedaler
Year: 1671
Weight: 28.8900
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.875)
obverse of 2 Rigsdaler - Christian IX - Death and Accession (1863) coin with KM# 770 from Denmark. Inscription: CHRISTIAN IX	KONGE AF DANMARK MED GUD	FOR ÆRE OG RET H.C 1863 RH
reverse of 2 Rigsdaler - Christian IX - Death and Accession (1863) coin with KM# 770 from Denmark. Inscription: FREDERIK VII	 DOD DEN 15	NOVEMBER 1863 F.K * 2 RIGSDALER *
Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 770
Denomination: 2 Rigsdaler
Year: 1863
Weight: 28.8900
Diameter: 39.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.875)
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 872
Denomination: 200 Kroner
Year: 1990
Weight: 31.1000
Diameter: 38.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.800)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Denmark
Catalog Number: KM# 876
Denomination: 200 Kroner
Year: 1992
Weight: 31.1000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.999)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Denmark
Denomination: 1000 Kroner
Year: 2010
Weight: 8.6500
Diameter: 22.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating

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