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887 results
سلطان احمد. بن. محمد خان عز. نصره ضرب في. مصـر سنة. ١٠١٢.
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 18
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 18
Denomination: Altin
Year: 1603 - 1606
Weight: 3.5000
Diameter: 20.5000
Shape: Round (irregular)
Composition: Gold
Medal orientation ↑↑
Silver coin  Egypt  KM# 21
خلد ملكه. ضرب في. مصر سنة. ١٠٣١.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 21
Denomination: 1 Akce
Year: 1622
Weight: 0.3200
Diameter: 11.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver
Medal orientation ↑↑
العيد المئوي للتنظيم النقابى المصرى١٩٩٨ ـ ١٨٩٨.
خلد ملكه. ضرب في. مصر سنة. ١٠٤٩.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 42
Denomination: 1 Akce
Year: 1639
Weight: 0.2900
Diameter: 12.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Zeri Mahbub - Abdul Hamid I (1778 - 1783) coin with KM# 127 from Egypt.
reverse of 1 Zeri Mahbub - Abdul Hamid I (1778 - 1783) coin with KM# 127 from Egypt.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 127
Denomination: 1 Zeri Mahbub
Year: 1778 - 1783
Diameter: 22.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
عبد الحميد خان بن احمد مظفر دائما.
ضرب في. مصر.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 121
Denomination: 1 Para
Year: 1773
Weight: 0.3500
Diameter: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Billon
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Zeri Mahbub - Mustafa III (1758) coin with KM# 105 from Egypt.
reverse of 1 Zeri Mahbub - Mustafa III (1758) coin with KM# 105 from Egypt.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 105
Denomination: 1 Zeri Mahbub
Year: 1758
Weight: 2.6000
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
Medal orientation ↑↑
مصطفى. بن. محمد خان عز. نصره ضرب في. مصـر سنة. ١١٢.
سلطان البرين. وخاقان البحرين. السلطان بن. السلطان.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 63
Denomination: Jedid Eshrefi Altin
Year: 1695 - 1701
Weight: 3.2500
Diameter: 19.0000
Shape: Round (irregular)
Composition: Gold
Medal orientation ↑↑
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 86
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 86
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 86
Denomination: Zeri Mahbub
Year: 1731
Weight: 2.5500
Diameter: 21.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
Medal orientation ↑↑
محمود بن مصطفى عز نصره صرب في مصر سنة.
سلطان البرين. وخاقان البحرين. السلطان بن. السلطان.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 88
Denomination: Zari Mahbub
Year: 1731
Weight: 2.6100
Diameter: 21.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
Medal orientation ↑↑
مجمود خان بن مصطفى.
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 91
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 91
Denomination: Zinjirli Altin (Findik)
Year: 1731
Weight: 3.4600
Diameter: 18.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 119
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 119
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 119
Denomination: 1 Zeri Mahbub
Year: 1766 - 1769
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
Medal orientation ↑↑
السلطان عبد الحميد بن احمد خان عز نصره ضرب في مصر سنة.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 125
Denomination: Half Zeri Mahbub
Year: 1774 - 1785
Weight: 1.3000
Diameter: 18.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 127
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 127
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 127
Denomination: 1 Zeri Mahbub
Year: 1778 - 1784
Weight: 2.6000
Diameter: 22.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
Medal orientation ↑↑
مصطفى بن عبد الحميد مظفر دائما عز نصره صرب في. مصر ١ سنة.  ١١٢٢.
Gold coin  Egypt  KM# 159
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 159
Denomination: 1 Zeri Mahbub
Year: 1807
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold
Medal orientation ↑↑
محمود بن عبد الحميد مظفر دائما. پ.
Copper coin  Egypt  KM# 162
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 162
Denomination: 1 Para
Year: 1808
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
Billon coin  Egypt  KM# 135
Billon coin  Egypt  KM# 135
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 135
Denomination: 5 Para
Year: 1803
Weight: 1.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Billon
Medal orientation ↑↑
محمود بن عبد الحميد مظفر دائما.
٧ ضرب في. مصر. ١٢٢٣.
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 165
Denomination: 5 Para
Year: 1808
Weight: 0.6000
Diameter: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Billon
Medal orientation ↑↑
محمود بن عبد الحميد مظفر دائما.
Billon coin  Egypt  KM# 166
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 166
Denomination: 5 Para
Year: 1808
Weight: 0.3800
Diameter: 14.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Billon
Medal orientation ↑↑
محمود بن عبد الحميد مظفر دائما. پ.
Copper coin  Egypt  KM# 167
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 167
Denomination: 5 Para
Year: 1808
Weight: 6.2800
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
محمود بن عبد الحميد مظفر دائما.
Copper coin  Egypt  KM# 169
Country: Egypt
Catalog Number: KM# 169
Denomination: 5 Para
Year: 1808
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑

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