Austro-Hungarian Empire


( 2 active )

28 results
obverse of 1 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1868 - 1873) coin with KM# 441 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KIRALYI VALTO PENZ
reverse of 1 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1868 - 1873) coin with KM# 441 from Hungary. Inscription: 1 1869 K · B
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 441
Denomination: 1 Krajczár
Year: 1868 - 1873
Weight: 3.3300
Diameter: 19.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1891 - 1892) coin with KM# 478 from Hungary.
reverse of 1 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1891 - 1892) coin with KM# 478 from Hungary.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 478
Denomination: 1 Krajczár
Year: 1891 - 1892
Weight: 3.3300
Diameter: 19.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 4 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1868) coin with KM# 442 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KIRÁLYI VÁLTÓ PÉNZ
reverse of 4 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1868) coin with KM# 442 from Hungary. Inscription: 4 1868 K.B.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 442
Denomination: 4 Krajczár
Year: 1868
Weight: 13.3000
Diameter: 27.0000
Thickness: 2.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 443
Denomination: 10 Krajczár
Year: 1868 - 1869
Weight: 1.6600
Diameter: 18.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.400)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1870 - 1889) coin with KM# 451 from Hungary. Inscription: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I K · A · CS · ES · M H · S · D · O · AP · KIR · K.B.
reverse of 10 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1870 - 1889) coin with KM# 451 from Hungary. Inscription: VALTÓ PÉNZ 10 KRAJCZÁR 1888
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 451
Denomination: 10 Krajczár
Year: 1870 - 1889
Weight: 1.6600
Diameter: 18.0000
Thickness: 0.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.400)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1868) coin with KM# 445 from Hungary.
reverse of 20 Krajczár - Franz Joseph I (1868) coin with KM# 445 from Hungary.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 445
Denomination: 20 Krajczár
Year: 1868
Weight: 2.6600
Diameter: 21.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.500)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1882 - 1890) coin with KM# 469 from Hungary. Inscription: · FERENCZ JÓZSEF I · K · A · CS · · S M · H · S · D · O · AP · KIR · K · B ·
reverse of 1 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1882 - 1890) coin with KM# 469 from Hungary. Inscription: 1 Ft · MAGYAR · KIRÁLYSÁG · 1883
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 469
Denomination: 1 Forint
Year: 1882 - 1890
Weight: 12.3400
Diameter: 29.0000
Thickness: 2.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Francs / 4 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1870 - 1879) coin with KM# 454 from Hungary.
reverse of 10 Francs / 4 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1870 - 1879) coin with KM# 454 from Hungary.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 454
Denomination: 10 Francs / 4 Forint
Year: 1870 - 1879
Weight: 3.2300
Diameter: 19.0000
Thickness: 1.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Francs / 4 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1880 - 1890) coin with KM# 466 from Hungary.
reverse of 10 Francs / 4 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1880 - 1890) coin with KM# 466 from Hungary.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 466
Denomination: 10 Francs / 4 Forint
Year: 1880 - 1890
Weight: 3.2300
Diameter: 19.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Dukát - Franz Joseph I (1868 - 1869) coin with KM# 448 from Hungary.
reverse of 1 Dukát - Franz Joseph I (1868 - 1869) coin with KM# 448 from Hungary.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 448
Denomination: 1 Dukát
Year: 1868 - 1869
Weight: 3.4900
Diameter: 19.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.986)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Dukát - Franz Joseph I (1870 - 1881) coin with KM# 457 from Hungary.
reverse of 1 Dukát - Franz Joseph I (1870 - 1881) coin with KM# 457 from Hungary.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 457
Denomination: 1 Dukát
Year: 1870 - 1881
Weight: 3.4900
Diameter: 19.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.986)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Francs / 8 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1870 - 1880) coin with KM# 455 from Hungary.
reverse of 20 Francs / 8 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1870 - 1880) coin with KM# 455 from Hungary. Inscription: *MAGYAR KYRALYSAG* 1877 20 Fr. 8 Fl.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 455
Denomination: 20 Francs / 8 Forint
Year: 1870 - 1880
Weight: 6.4500
Diameter: 21.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Francs / 8 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1880 - 1890) coin with KM# 467 from Hungary. Inscription: FERENCZ JOZSEF I .K.A. CS ES MHSDO AP KIR. KB
reverse of 20 Francs / 8 Forint - Franz Joseph I (1880 - 1890) coin with KM# 467 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KIRALYSAC 20 fr 8 frt 1887
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 467
Denomination: 20 Francs / 8 Forint
Year: 1880 - 1890
Weight: 6.4500
Diameter: 21.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Fillér - Franz Joseph I (1892 - 1915) coin with KM# 481 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KIRÁLYI VÁLTÓPÉNZ 1908
reverse of 2 Fillér - Franz Joseph I (1892 - 1915) coin with KM# 481 from Hungary. Inscription: 2 K · B
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 481
Denomination: 2 Fillér
Year: 1892 - 1915
Weight: 3.2800
Diameter: 19.0000
Thickness: 1.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bronze
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 497
Denomination: 2 Fillér
Year: 1916 - 1918
Weight: 2.7800
Diameter: 17.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Iron
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Fillér - Franz Joseph I (1892 - 1914) coin with KM# 482 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KIRÁLYI VÁLTÓPÉNZ 1965
reverse of 10 Fillér - Franz Joseph I (1892 - 1914) coin with KM# 482 from Hungary. Inscription: 10 FILLÉR K · B
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 482
Denomination: 10 Fillér
Year: 1892 - 1914
Weight: 3.0000
Diameter: 19.0000
Thickness: 1.3200
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Fillér - Franz Joseph I (1914 - 1916) coin with KM# 494 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KIRÁLYI VÁLTÓPÉNZ 1915
reverse of 10 Fillér - Franz Joseph I (1914 - 1916) coin with KM# 494 from Hungary. Inscription: 10 FILLÉR K · B
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 494
Denomination: 10 Fillér
Year: 1914 - 1916
Weight: 3.0000
Diameter: 19.0000
Thickness: 1.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel-Zinc
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 496
Denomination: 10 Fillér
Year: 1915 - 1920
Weight: 3.0000
Diameter: 19.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Iron
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Fillér - Franz Joseph I (1892 - 1914) coin with KM# 483 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KIRÁLYI VÁLTÓPÉNZ 1898
reverse of 20 Fillér - Franz Joseph I (1892 - 1914) coin with KM# 483 from Hungary. Inscription: 20 FILLÉR K · B
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 483
Denomination: 20 Fillér
Year: 1892 - 1914
Weight: 3.7000
Diameter: 21.1000
Thickness: 1.5200
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Fillér - Karl I (1914 - 1922) coin with KM# 498 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KIRÁLYI VÁLTÓPÉNZ 1917
reverse of 20 Fillér - Karl I (1914 - 1922) coin with KM# 498 from Hungary. Inscription: 20 FILLÉR K · B
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 498
Denomination: 20 Fillér
Year: 1914 - 1922
Weight: 3.2500
Diameter: 21.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Iron
Medal orientation ↑↑

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