

( 3 active )

105 results
obverse of 2 Fillér (1950 - 1989) coin with KM# 546 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG 1971
reverse of 2 Fillér (1950 - 1989) coin with KM# 546 from Hungary. Inscription: 2 FILLÉR BP.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 546
Denomination: 2 Fillér
Year: 1950 - 1989
Weight: 0.6500
Diameter: 18.0000
Thickness: 1.1900
Shape: Round with hole
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Fillér (1953 - 1989) coin with KM# 549 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR · NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG · 1955 ·
reverse of 5 Fillér (1953 - 1989) coin with KM# 549 from Hungary. Inscription: BP. 5 FILLÉR
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 549
Denomination: 5 Fillér
Year: 1953 - 1989
Weight: 0.6000
Diameter: 17.0000
Thickness: 1.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 530a
Denomination: 10 Fillér
Year: 1950
Weight: 0.8500
Diameter: 19.2000
Thickness: 1.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Fillér (1950 - 1966) coin with KM# 547 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG 1961
reverse of 10 Fillér (1950 - 1966) coin with KM# 547 from Hungary. Inscription: 10 FILLÉR BP.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 547
Denomination: 10 Fillér
Year: 1950 - 1966
Weight: 0.8600
Diameter: 19.2000
Thickness: 1.2500
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Fillér (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 572 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NEPKÖZTARSASAG 1968
reverse of 10 Fillér (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 572 from Hungary. Inscription: 10 FILLÉR BP.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 572
Denomination: 10 Fillér
Year: 1967 - 1989
Weight: 0.6000
Diameter: 18.5000
Thickness: 1.1500
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Fillér (1946 - 1950) coin with KM# 531 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR · ÁLLAMI · VÁLTÓPÉNZ · 19 47
reverse of 20 Fillér (1946 - 1950) coin with KM# 531 from Hungary. Inscription: 20 FILLÉR B P.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 531
Denomination: 20 Fillér
Year: 1946 - 1950
Weight: 4.0000
Diameter: 21.0000
Thickness: 1.9000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum-Bronze
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Fillér (1953 - 1966) coin with KM# 550 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG 1961
reverse of 20 Fillér (1953 - 1966) coin with KM# 550 from Hungary. Inscription: 20 FILLÉR BP.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 550
Denomination: 20 Fillér
Year: 1953 - 1966
Weight: 1.2500
Diameter: 21.0000
Thickness: 1.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 20 Fillér (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 573 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG · 19 72
reverse of 20 Fillér (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 573 from Hungary. Inscription: 20 FILLÉR BP.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 573
Denomination: 20 Fillér
Year: 1967 - 1989
Weight: 0.9500
Diameter: 20.3000
Thickness: 1.3500
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 627
Denomination: 20 Fillér
Year: 1983
Weight: 0.9000
Diameter: 20.4000
Thickness: 1.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminium-magnesium
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 50 Fillér (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 574 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR · NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG ·
reverse of 50 Fillér (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 574 from Hungary. Inscription: 50 FILLÉR 1978 BP.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 574
Denomination: 50 Fillér
Year: 1967 - 1989
Weight: 1.2500
Diameter: 21.5000
Thickness: 1.5500
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Forint (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 545 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG 1950
reverse of 1 Forint (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 545 from Hungary. Inscription: 1 BP. FORINT
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 545
Denomination: 1 Forint
Year: 1949 - 1952
Weight: 1.4600
Diameter: 23.7000
Thickness: 1.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 555
Denomination: 1 Forint
Year: 1957 - 1966
Weight: 1.4000
Diameter: 23.7000
Thickness: 1.6500
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Forint - Set Issue (1966 - 1967) coin with KM# 555a from Hungary.
reverse of 1 Forint - Set Issue (1966 - 1967) coin with KM# 555a from Hungary.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 555a
Denomination: 1 Forint
Year: 1966 - 1967
Weight: 5.8500
Diameter: 22.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 1 Forint (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 575 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR · NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG · 1989
reverse of 1 Forint (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 575 from Hungary. Inscription: 1 BP. FORINT
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 575
Denomination: 1 Forint
Year: 1967 - 1989
Weight: 1.5000
Diameter: 22.8000
Thickness: 1.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Forint (1950 - 1952) coin with KM# 548 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR · NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG 1950
reverse of 2 Forint (1950 - 1952) coin with KM# 548 from Hungary. Inscription: 2 FORINT BP.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 548
Denomination: 2 Forint
Year: 1950 - 1952
Weight: 4.9000
Diameter: 24.8000
Thickness: 1.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Forint (1950 - 1952) coin with KM# 548p from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR·NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG 1950 P.V.
reverse of 2 Forint (1950 - 1952) coin with KM# 548p from Hungary. Inscription: 2 BP. FORINT
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 548p
Denomination: 2 Forint
Year: 1950 - 1952
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 25.0000
Thickness: 1.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Trial Strike
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 556
Denomination: 2 Forint
Year: 1957 - 1962
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 25.0000
Thickness: 1.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 556a
Denomination: 2 Forint
Year: 1962 - 1966
Weight: 4.9000
Diameter: 25.0000
Thickness: 1.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel-Zinc
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Forint (1970 - 1989) coin with KM# 591 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG
reverse of 2 Forint (1970 - 1989) coin with KM# 591 from Hungary. Inscription: 2 FORINT 1983 BP.
Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 591
Denomination: 2 Forint
Year: 1970 - 1989
Weight: 4.4400
Diameter: 22.4000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass
Medal orientation ↑↑
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Country: Hungary
Catalog Number: KM# 576
Denomination: 5 Forint
Year: 1967 - 1968
Weight: 7.2100
Diameter: 27.0000
Thickness: 1.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑

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