Fourth Zlot


( 3 active )

604 results
obverse of 500 Złotych - Treasures of Stanislaw August: Ladislas of Varna (2015) coin with Y# 941 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA . 500 ZŁ JAGELLONIS FILIUS NATU MAJOR, VIVENTE PATRE REX POLONIAE DESIGNATUS, IN REGEM HUNGARIAE CORONATUS A.
reverse of 500 Złotych - Treasures of Stanislaw August: Ladislas of Varna (2015) coin with Y# 941 from Poland. Inscription: VLADISLAVUS VARNENSIS. I.P.H.F.
Country: Poland
Catalog Number: Y# 941
Denomination: 500 Złotych
Year: 2015
Weight: 62.2000
Diameter: 45.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.999)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 500 Złotych - Treasures of Stanislaw August: John Albert (2016) coin with Y# 969 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA . 50 ZŁ CASIMIRI FILIUS TERTIOGENITUS VLADISLAI HUNGARIAE ET BOHEMIAE REGIS, AC DIVI CASIMIRI FRATER, SCYTHARUM VIC
reverse of 500 Złotych - Treasures of Stanislaw August: John Albert (2016) coin with Y# 969 from Poland. Inscription: IOANNES ALBERTUS.
Country: Poland
Catalog Number: Y# 969
Denomination: 500 Złotych
Year: 2016
Weight: 62.2000
Diameter: 45.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.999)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 500 Złotych - Aleksander Jagiellończyk (John Alexander Jagiellon) (2016) coin with Y# 970 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA · 500 ZŁ 2016 mw CASIMIRI NATORUM QUARTUS, EJUS AUSPICIIS LEGES A CANCELLARIO LASKI COLLECTAE, AC TYPIS EX
reverse of 500 Złotych - Aleksander Jagiellończyk (John Alexander Jagiellon) (2016) coin with Y# 970 from Poland. Inscription: ALEXANDER. I.P.HOLZHAEUSSER.
Country: Poland
Catalog Number: Y# 970
Denomination: 500 Złotych
Year: 2016
Weight: 62.2000
Diameter: 45.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.999)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 1000 Złotych - Beatification of John Paul II (2011) coin with Y# 776 from Poland.
reverse of 1000 Złotych - Beatification of John Paul II (2011) coin with Y# 776 from Poland.
Country: Poland
Catalog Number: Y# 776
Denomination: 1000 Złotych
Year: 2011
Weight: 93.3000
Diameter: 50.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.999)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating

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