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1303 results
obverse of 3 Roubles - Architectural Monuments of Russia: The Monastery of the Virgin's Saint Entrance Presentation in Yaroslavl (1997) coin with Y# 560 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1997г. Ag 900 ММД 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Architectural Monuments of Russia: The Monastery of the Virgin's Saint Entrance Presentation in Yaroslavl (1997) coin with Y# 560 from Russia. Inscription: СВЯТО-ВВЕДЕНСКИЙ МОНАСТЫРЬ Ярославль
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 560
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1997
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Swan Lake (1997) coin with Y# 567 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1997 г. БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Swan Lake (1997) coin with Y# 567 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 567
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1997
Weight: 34.5600
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Swan Lake (1997) coin with Y# 568 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1997 г. Ag 900 31.1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Swan Lake (1997) coin with Y# 568 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 568
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1997
Weight: 34.5600
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Russia-Belarus Treaty (1997) coin with Y# 575 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1997г. Ag 900 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Russia-Belarus Treaty (1997) coin with Y# 575 from Russia. Inscription: Договор об образовании сообщества России
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 575
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1997
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Architectural Monuments of Russia: The Monastery of the Nativity Birth-Giver-of-God Hermitage of Kursk (1997) coin with Y# 585 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1997г. Ag 900 ММД 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Architectural Monuments of Russia: The Monastery of the Nativity Birth-Giver-of-God Hermitage of Kursk (1997) coin with Y# 585 from Russia. Inscription: МОНАСТЫРЬ КОРЕННОЙ РОЖДЕСТВО-БОГОРОДИЦКОЙ ПУСТЫНИ 1597 · Курск ·
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 585
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1997
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Sergei Witte's Emission Law (1997) coin with Y# 586 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1997г. Ag 900 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Sergei Witte's Emission Law (1997) coin with Y# 586 from Russia. Inscription: ЭМИССИОННЫЙ ЗАКОН
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 586
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1997
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Reconciliation and Concord (1997) coin with Y# 587 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1997г БАНК РОССИИ Ag 900 31,1
reverse of 3 Roubles - Reconciliation and Concord (1997) coin with Y# 587 from Russia. Inscription: ПРИМИРЕНИЕ И СОГЛАСИЕ 1917 19 1993 1997
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 587
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1997
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Roubles - Protect Our World: Polar Bear (1997) coin with Y# 593 from Russia. Inscription: 3 РУБЛЯ 1997г. Ag 900 ММД 31,1 БАНК РОССИИ
reverse of 3 Roubles - Protect Our World: Polar Bear (1997) coin with Y# 593 from Russia. Inscription: СОХРАНИМ НАШ МИР
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 593
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1997
Weight: 34.8800
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Rubles - The XIX World Festival of Youth and Students 2017 (2017) coin from Russia. Inscription: РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ Ag 925 31,1 ММД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2017 г.
reverse of 3 Rubles - The XIX World Festival of Youth and Students 2017 (2017) coin from Russia. Inscription: XIX ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ МОЛОДЕЖИ И СТУДЕНТОВ ∙ РОССИЯ 2017 ∙
Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2017
Weight: 39.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Rubles - The Bicentenary of the Foundation of the Forwarding Agency of the State Paperstock (2018) coin from Russia. Inscription: РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ Ag925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 г.
reverse of 3 Rubles - The Bicentenary of the Foundation of the Forwarding Agency of the State Paperstock (2018) coin from Russia. Inscription: 200 ГОЗНАК
Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Make CB Better
Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 3 Rubles - Guarding the Homeland (2018) coin from Russia. Inscription: РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ Ag 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 г.
reverse of 3 Rubles - Guarding the Homeland (2018) coin from Russia. Inscription: НА СТРАЖЕ ОТЕЧЕСТВА
Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Make CB Better
Country: Russia
Denomination: 3 Rubles
Year: 2018
Weight: 33.9500
Diameter: 39.0000
Thickness: 3.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating

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