

( 1 active )

1303 results
obverse of 2 Roubles - Italy (2011) coin with Y# 1307 from Russia. Inscription: ГОД РОССИЙСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ И РУССКОГО ЯЗЫКА
reverse of 2 Roubles - Italy (2011) coin with Y# 1307 from Russia. Inscription: ХРАМ ПОДВОРЬЕ СВЯТИТЕЛЯ ЧУДОТВОРЦА НИКОЛ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1307
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2011
Weight: 22.2600
Diameter: 34.0000
Thickness: 2.7500
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Rubles - The Centennial Anniversary of the Birthday of the Chess-player M.M. Botvinnik (2011) coin with Y# 1319 from Russia. Inscription: ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2011 г. • 15,55 ММД
reverse of 2 Rubles - The Centennial Anniversary of the Birthday of the Chess-player M.M. Botvinnik (2011) coin with Y# 1319 from Russia. Inscription: М.М. БОТВИННИК 1911 1995
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1319
Denomination: 2 Rubles
Year: 2011
Weight: 17.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Rubles - The Centennial Anniversary of the Birthday of the Actor A.I. Raykin (2011) coin with Y# 1320 from Russia. Inscription: ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2011 г. • 15,55 СПМД
reverse of 2 Rubles - The Centennial Anniversary of the Birthday of the Actor A.I. Raykin (2011) coin with Y# 1320 from Russia. Inscription: А.И. Райкин 1917 1987
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1320
Denomination: 2 Rubles
Year: 2011
Weight: 17.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Rubles - Bicentenary of the Birthday of the Writer I.A. Goncharov (2012) coin with Y# 1325 from Russia. Inscription: ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2012 г. • 15,55 СПМД
reverse of 2 Rubles - Bicentenary of the Birthday of the Writer I.A. Goncharov (2012) coin with Y# 1325 from Russia. Inscription: И А Гончаров 1812 1891
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1325
Denomination: 2 Rubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 17.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Rubles - The 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Statesman P.A. Stolypin (2012) coin with Y# 1326 from Russia. Inscription: ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2012 г. • 15,55 ММД
reverse of 2 Rubles - The 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Statesman P.A. Stolypin (2012) coin with Y# 1326 from Russia. Inscription: П.А. СТОЛЫПИН 1862-1911
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1326
Denomination: 2 Rubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 17.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Rubles - The 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Painter M.V. Nesterov (2012) coin with Y# 1327 from Russia. Inscription: ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2012 г. • 15,55 СПМД
reverse of 2 Rubles - The 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Painter M.V. Nesterov (2012) coin with Y# 1327 from Russia. Inscription: М. Нестеров 1862-1942
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1327
Denomination: 2 Rubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 17.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Rubles - The 175th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Painter I.N. Kramskoy (2012) coin with Y# 1328 from Russia. Inscription: ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2012 г. • 15,55 СПМД
reverse of 2 Rubles - The 175th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Painter I.N. Kramskoy (2012) coin with Y# 1328 from Russia. Inscription: И.Н. КРАМСКОЙ 1837 1887
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1328
Denomination: 2 Rubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 17.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Rubles - The 270th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Statesman A.I. Vasilyev (2012) coin with Y# 1329 from Russia. Inscription: ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2012 г. • 15,55 СПМД
reverse of 2 Rubles - The 270th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Statesman A.I. Vasilyev (2012) coin with Y# 1329 from Russia. Inscription: А.И. ВАСИЛЬЕВ 1742-1807
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1329
Denomination: 2 Rubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 17.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Thickness: 2.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 2 Roubles - Patriotic War of 1812 (2012) coin with Y# 1391 from Russia. Inscription: 200-ЛЕТИЕ ПОБЕДЫ В ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ ВОЙНЕ 1812 ГОДА
reverse of 2 Roubles - Patriotic War of 1812 (2012) coin with Y# 1391 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1391
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Mikhail Kutuzov (2012) coin with Y# 1392 from Russia. Inscription: М.И.КУТУЗОВ
reverse of 2 Roubles - Mikhail Kutuzov (2012) coin with Y# 1392 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1392
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Barclay de Tolly (2012) coin with Y# 1393 from Russia. Inscription: М.Б.БАРКЛАЙ ДЕ ТОЛЛИ
reverse of 2 Roubles - Barclay de Tolly (2012) coin with Y# 1393 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1393
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Pyotr Bagration (2012) coin with Y# 1394 from Russia. Inscription: П.И.БАГРАТИОН
reverse of 2 Roubles - Pyotr Bagration (2012) coin with Y# 1394 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1394
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Leonty Bennigsen (2012) coin with Y# 1395 from Russia. Inscription: Л.Л.БЕННИГСЕН
reverse of 2 Roubles - Leonty Bennigsen (2012) coin with Y# 1395 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1395
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Pyotr Wittgenstein (2012) coin with Y# 1396 from Russia. Inscription: П.Х.ВИТГЕНШТЕЙН
reverse of 2 Roubles - Pyotr Wittgenstein (2012) coin with Y# 1396 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1396
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Denis Davydov (2012) coin with Y# 1397 from Russia. Inscription: Д.В.ДАВЫДОВ
reverse of 2 Roubles - Denis Davydov (2012) coin with Y# 1397 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1397
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Dmitry Dokhturov (2012) coin with Y# 1398 from Russia. Inscription: Д.С.ДОХТУРОВ
reverse of 2 Roubles - Dmitry Dokhturov (2012) coin with Y# 1398 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1398
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Nadezhda Durova (2012) coin with Y# 1399 from Russia. Inscription: Н.А.ДУРОВА
reverse of 2 Roubles - Nadezhda Durova (2012) coin with Y# 1399 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1399
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Aleksey Yermolov (2012) coin with Y# 1400 from Russia. Inscription: А.П.ЕРМОЛОВ
reverse of 2 Roubles - Aleksey Yermolov (2012) coin with Y# 1400 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1400
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Vasilisa Kozhina (2012) coin with Y# 1401 from Russia. Inscription: ВАСИЛИСА КОЖИНА
reverse of 2 Roubles - Vasilisa Kozhina (2012) coin with Y# 1401 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1401
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles - Alexander Kutaysov (2012) coin with Y# 1402 from Russia. Inscription: А.И.КУТАЙСОВ
reverse of 2 Roubles - Alexander Kutaysov (2012) coin with Y# 1402 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1402
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Nickel plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑

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