

( 2 active )

1116 results
obverse of 100 Roubles - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of A.S. Pushkin (1999) coin with Y# 694 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of A.S. Pushkin (1999) coin with Y# 694 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 694
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 1999
Weight: 17.4500
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - Russian Ballet: Raymonda (1999) coin with Y# 699 from Russia. Inscription: СТО РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ · Ag 900 · 1999г. · 1кг СПМД ·
reverse of 100 Roubles - Russian Ballet: Raymonda (1999) coin with Y# 699 from Russia. Inscription: РАЙМОНДА
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 699
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 1999
Weight: 1111.1200
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - Russian Ballet: Raymonda (1999) coin with Y# 700 from Russia. Inscription: СТО РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ · Au 999 · 1999г. · 15.55 СПМД
reverse of 100 Roubles - Russian Ballet: Raymonda (1999) coin with Y# 700 from Russia. Inscription: РАЙМОНДА
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 700
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 1999
Weight: 15.7200
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.999)
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - Russian Explorers of Central Asia: N.M. Przhevalsky (1999) coin with Y# 703 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - Russian Explorers of Central Asia: N.M. Przhevalsky (1999) coin with Y# 703 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 703
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 1999
Weight: 17.4500
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - Russia on the Threshold of Millenniums: The 300th Anniversary of the Department for Ore Mining Affairs (constituted by Peter the Great) (2000) coin with KM# 713 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - Russia on the Threshold of Millenniums: The 300th Anniversary of the Department for Ore Mining Affairs (constituted by Peter the Great) (2000) coin with KM# 713 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 713
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2000
Weight: 17.4500
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - Protect Our World: Snow Leopard (2000) coin with KM# 726 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - Protect Our World: Snow Leopard (2000) coin with KM# 726 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 726
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2000
Weight: 15.7200
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.999)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - The 55th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 (2000) coin with KM# 729 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - The 55th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 (2000) coin with KM# 729 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 729
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2000
Weight: 1111.1200
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - Barque
reverse of 100 Roubles - Barque
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 795
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2001
Weight: 1111.1200
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - The 40th Anniversary of the space flight of Yu.A. Gagarin (2001) coin with Y# 681 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - The 40th Anniversary of the space flight of Yu.A. Gagarin (2001) coin with Y# 681 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 681
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2001
Weight: 1111.1200
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Rubles - Geographical Series: The Development and Exploration of Siberia, the XVIth-XVIIth centuries (2001) coin with Y# 685 from Russia. Inscription: СТО РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ • Au 900 • 2001 г. • 15,55 ММД •
reverse of 100 Rubles - Geographical Series: The Development and Exploration of Siberia, the XVIth-XVIIth centuries (2001) coin with Y# 685 from Russia. Inscription: ОСВОЕНИЕ СИБИРИ XVI·XVII 1648 ЭКСПЕДИЦИЯ Ф. ПОПОВА (АЛЕКСЕЕВА) и С. ДEЖНЁВА
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 685
Denomination: 100 Rubles
Year: 2001
Weight: 17.4500
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - The 225th Anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater - Gold (2001) coin with Y# 688 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - The 225th Anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater - Gold (2001) coin with Y# 688 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 688
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2001
Weight: 15.7200
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.999)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - The 225th Anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater - Silver (2001) coin with Y# 689 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - The 225th Anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater - Silver (2001) coin with Y# 689 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 689
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2001
Weight: 1111.1200
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - Dionissy (2002) coin with Y# 783 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - Dionissy (2002) coin with Y# 783 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 783
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2002
Weight: 1111.1200
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - Football World's Cup 2002 (2002) coin with Y# 789 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - Football World's Cup 2002 (2002) coin with Y# 789 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 789
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2002
Weight: 1111.1200
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - 150th Anniversary of the New Hermitage (2002) coin with Y# 791 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - 150th Anniversary of the New Hermitage (2002) coin with Y# 791 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 791
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2002
Weight: 1111.1200
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Rubles - 150th Anniversary of the New Hermitage (2002) coin with Y# 792 from Russia. Inscription: СТО РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ • Au 900 • 2002 г. • 15,55 ММД •
reverse of 100 Rubles - 150th Anniversary of the New Hermitage (2002) coin with Y# 792 from Russia. Inscription: НОВЫЙ ЭРМИТАЖ 150
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 792
Denomination: 100 Rubles
Year: 2002
Weight: 17.4500
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Roubles - The 1st Kamchatka Expedition: The Hunter (2003) coin with Y# 875 from Russia.
reverse of 100 Roubles - The 1st Kamchatka Expedition: The Hunter (2003) coin with Y# 875 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 875
Denomination: 100 Roubles
Year: 2003
Weight: 17.4500
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Rubles - Historical Series: Theophanes the Greek (2004) coin with Y# 831 from Russia. Inscription: СТО РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 900 • 2004 г. • 1 КГ СПМД •
reverse of 100 Rubles - Historical Series: Theophanes the Greek (2004) coin with Y# 831 from Russia. Inscription: ФЕОФАН ГРЕК
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 831
Denomination: 100 Rubles
Year: 2004
Weight: 1111.1000
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Rubles - The 60th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (2005) coin with Y# 895 from Russia. Inscription: СТО РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2005 г. • 1 КГ ММД •
reverse of 100 Rubles - The 60th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (2005) coin with Y# 895 from Russia. Inscription: 1941 1945
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 895
Denomination: 100 Rubles
Year: 2005
Weight: 1083.7500
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 100 Rubles - Historical Series: The Millennium of Founding the City of Kazan (2005) coin with Y# 912 from Russia. Inscription: СТО РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ • Ag 925 • 2005 г. • 1 КГ СПМД •
reverse of 100 Rubles - Historical Series: The Millennium of Founding the City of Kazan (2005) coin with Y# 912 from Russia. Inscription: ВЕЛИКИЕ БОЛГАРЫ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 912
Denomination: 100 Rubles
Year: 2005
Weight: 1083.7500
Diameter: 100.0000
Thickness: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating

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