New Ruble


( 3 active )

791 results
obverse of 10 Roubles - Vladikavkaz (2011) coin with Y# 1314 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ВЛАДИКАВКАЗ
reverse of 10 Roubles - Vladikavkaz (2011) coin with Y# 1314 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2011
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1314
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2011
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Malgobek (2011) coin with Y# 1318 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2011
reverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Malgobek (2011) coin with Y# 1318 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ МАЛГОБЕК
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1318
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2011
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Rzhev (2011) coin with Y# 1323 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ РЖЕВ
reverse of 10 Roubles - Rzhev (2011) coin with Y# 1323 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2011
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1323
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2011
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Yelnya (2011) coin with Y# 1467 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2011
reverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Yelnya (2011) coin with Y# 1467 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ЕЛЬНЯ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1467
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2011
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - 50 Years of the Man's First Space Flight (2011) coin with Y# 1468 from Russia. Inscription: 50 ЛЕТ ПЕРВОГО ПОЛЕТА ЧЕЛОВЕКА В КОСМОС
reverse of 10 Roubles - 50 Years of the Man's First Space Flight (2011) coin with Y# 1468 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2011
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1468
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2011
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Rubles - Ancient Towns of Russia: Belozersk (2012) coin with Y# 1380 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ СПМД 2012
reverse of 10 Rubles - Ancient Towns of Russia: Belozersk (2012) coin with Y# 1380 from Russia. Inscription: ДРЕВНИЕ ГОРОДА РОССИИ БЕЛОЗЕРСК
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1380
Denomination: 10 Rubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 8.4000
Diameter: 27.0000
Thickness: 2.1000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bi-metallic Copper-Nickel center in Brass ring
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Voronezh (2012) coin with Y# 1381 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ВОРОНЕЖ
reverse of 10 Roubles - Voronezh (2012) coin with Y# 1381 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1381
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Luga (2012) coin with Y# 1382 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ЛУГА
reverse of 10 Roubles - Luga (2012) coin with Y# 1382 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1382
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Polyarny (2012) coin with Y# 1383 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ПОЛЯРНЫЙ
reverse of 10 Roubles - Polyarny (2012) coin with Y# 1383 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1383
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Rostov-on-Don (2012) coin with Y# 1384 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ РОСТОВ-НА-ДОНУ
reverse of 10 Roubles - Rostov-on-Don (2012) coin with Y# 1384 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1384
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Tuapse (2012) coin with Y# 1385 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
reverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Tuapse (2012) coin with Y# 1385 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ТУАПСЕ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1385
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Velikiye Luki (2012) coin with Y# 1386 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ВЕЛИКИЕ ЛУКИ
reverse of 10 Roubles - Velikiye Luki (2012) coin with Y# 1386 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1386
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Veliky Novgorod (2012) coin with Y# 1387 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
reverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Veliky Novgorod (2012) coin with Y# 1387 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ВЕЛИКИЙ НОВГОРОД
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1387
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Dmitrov (2012) coin with Y# 1388 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
reverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Dmitrov (2012) coin with Y# 1388 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ДМИТРОВ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1388
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - 1150th Anniversary of Russian Statehood (2012) coin with Y# 1389 from Russia. Inscription: 1150-ЛЕТИЕ ЗАРОЖДЕНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОСТИ 862 2012
reverse of 10 Roubles - 1150th Anniversary of Russian Statehood (2012) coin with Y# 1389 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1389
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - 200th Anniversary of the Victory in Patriotic War of 1812 (2012) coin with Y# 1390 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
reverse of 10 Roubles - 200th Anniversary of the Victory in Patriotic War of 1812 (2012) coin with Y# 1390 from Russia. Inscription: ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ВОЙНА 1812 ГОДА
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1390
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2012
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - 20th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (2013) coin from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2013
reverse of 10 Roubles - 20th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (2013) coin from Russia. Inscription: 20-ЛЕТИЕ ПРИНЯТИЯ КОНСТИТУЦИИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ КОНСТИТУЦИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ
Country: Russia
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2013
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Bryansk (2013) coin from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2013
reverse of 10 Roubles - Cities of Military Glory: Bryansk (2013) coin from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ БРЯНСК
Country: Russia
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2013
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Logotype and Emblem of the Summer Universiade Kazan (2013) coin with Y# 1420 from Russia. Inscription: UNIVERSIADE KAZAN 2013 RUSSIA
reverse of 10 Roubles - Logotype and Emblem of the Summer Universiade Kazan (2013) coin with Y# 1420 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2013
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1420
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2013
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Talisman of the Summer Universiade Kazan (2013) coin with Y# 1421 from Russia. Inscription: UNIVERSIADE KAZAN 2013 RUSSIA
reverse of 10 Roubles - Talisman of the Summer Universiade Kazan (2013) coin with Y# 1421 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2013
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: Y# 1421
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 2013
Weight: 5.6300
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Brass plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑

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