Soviet Union (USSR)


( 1 active )

136 results
obverse of 1 Rouble - Government Bank Issue (1991) coin with Y# 293 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ БАНК · СССР ·
reverse of 1 Rouble - Government Bank Issue (1991) coin with Y# 293 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1 РУБЛЬ 1991
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 293
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1991
Weight: 3.5500
Diameter: 21.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Roubles (1958) coin with Y# A134 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СОЮЗ СОВЕТСКИХ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСПУБЛИК
reverse of 2 Roubles (1958) coin with Y# A134 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ 1958
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# A134
Denomination: 2 Roubles
Year: 1958
Weight: 9.9000
Diameter: 29.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
Trial Strike
obverse of 3 Roubles - Anniversary of Revolution (1987) coin with Y# 207 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 3 РУБЛЯ 1987
reverse of 3 Roubles - Anniversary of Revolution (1987) coin with Y# 207 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СЕМЬДЕСЯТ ЛЕТ ВЕЛИКОЙ ОКТЯБРЬСКОЙ СОЦИАЛ
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 207
Denomination: 3 Roubles
Year: 1987
Weight: 14.4300
Diameter: 33.1000
Thickness: 2.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Roubles (1958) coin with Y# C134 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СОЮЗ СОВЕТСКИХ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСПУБЛИК
reverse of 5 Roubles (1958) coin with Y# C134 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1958
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# C134
Denomination: 5 Roubles
Year: 1958
Weight: 16.9000
Diameter: 34.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 5 Roubles - Leningrad - Peter the Great (1988) coin with Y# 217 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1988
reverse of 5 Roubles - Leningrad - Peter the Great (1988) coin with Y# 217 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ПАМЯТНИК ПЕТРУ ПЕРВОМУ 1782 ЛЕНИНГРАД
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 217
Denomination: 5 Roubles
Year: 1988
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Roubles - Millennium of Russia monument in Novgorod (1988) coin with Y# 218 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1988
reverse of 5 Roubles - Millennium of Russia monument in Novgorod (1988) coin with Y# 218 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ПАМЯТНИК «ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЕ РОССИИ» 1862 НОВГОРОД
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 218
Denomination: 5 Roubles
Year: 1988
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
СССР. 5. РУБЛЕЙ. 1988.
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 219
Denomination: 5 Rubles
Year: 1988
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
СССР. 5. РУБЛЕЙ. 1989.
РЕГИСТАН. XV∙XVII вв. самарканд.
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 229
Denomination: 5 Rubles
Year: 1989
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Roubles - St. Petersburg Palace (1990) coin with Y# 241 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1990
reverse of 5 Roubles - St. Petersburg Palace (1990) coin with Y# 241 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: БОЛЬШОЙ ДВОРЕЦ XVIII-XIX ВВ ПЕТРОДВОРЕЦ
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 241
Denomination: 5 Roubles
Year: 1990
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Rubles - Uspenski Cathedral (1990) coin with Y# 246 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1990
reverse of 5 Rubles - Uspenski Cathedral (1990) coin with Y# 246 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: УСПЕНСКИЙ СОБОР XV в. МОСКВА
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 246
Denomination: 5 Rubles
Year: 1990
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Rubles - Matenadarin Depository Erevan (1990) coin with Y# 259 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1990
reverse of 5 Rubles - Matenadarin Depository Erevan (1990) coin with Y# 259 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: МАТЕНАДАРАН ереван 1959
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 259
Denomination: 5 Rubles
Year: 1990
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Rubles - Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in Moscow (1991) coin with Y# 271 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1991
reverse of 5 Rubles - Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in Moscow (1991) coin with Y# 271 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: АРХАНГЕЛЬСКИЙ СОБОР 1508 МОСКВА
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 271
Denomination: 5 Rubles
Year: 1991
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Rubles - State Bank of the RSFSR (1991) coin with Y# 272 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1991
reverse of 5 Rubles - State Bank of the RSFSR (1991) coin with Y# 272 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: Государственный банкъ Москва XIX в.
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 272
Denomination: 5 Rubles
Year: 1991
Weight: 19.8000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Rubles - Red Book: Blakiston's Fish Owl (1991) coin with Y# 280 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ БАНК СССР 5 РУБЛЕЙ * 1991 *
reverse of 5 Rubles - Red Book: Blakiston's Fish Owl (1991) coin with Y# 280 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: КРАСНАЯ КНИГА СССР · РЫБНЫЙ ФИЛИН ·
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 280
Denomination: 5 Rubles
Year: 1991
Weight: 6.2500
Diameter: 25.0000
Thickness: 1.9500
Shape: Round
Composition: Bi-metallic Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Rubles - Red Book: Markhor (1991) coin with Y# 281 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ БАНК СССР 5 РУБЛЕЙ * 1991 *
reverse of 5 Rubles - Red Book: Markhor (1991) coin with Y# 281 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: КРАСНАЯ КНИГА СССР ВИНТОРОГИЙ КОЗЁЛ
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 281
Denomination: 5 Rubles
Year: 1991
Weight: 6.2500
Diameter: 25.0000
Thickness: 1.9500
Shape: Round
Composition: Bi-metallic Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 5 Roubles - Government Bank Issue (1991) coin with Y# 294 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ БАНК · СССР ·
reverse of 5 Roubles - Government Bank Issue (1991) coin with Y# 294 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1991
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 294
Denomination: 5 Roubles
Year: 1991
Weight: 5.2500
Diameter: 24.0000
Thickness: 1.6400
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper-Nickel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Chervonetz - Trade Coinage (1923 - 1982) coin with Y# 85 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН, СОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ ! Р.С.Ф.С.Р.
reverse of 1 Chervonetz - Trade Coinage (1923 - 1982) coin with Y# 85 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ОДИН ЧЕРВОНЕЦ
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 85
Denomination: 1 Chervonetz
Year: 1923 - 1982
Weight: 8.6000
Diameter: 22.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.900)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Roubles - Ballet (1990) coin with Y# 238 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 10 РУБЛЕЙ 1990 Pd 999 15,55
reverse of 10 Roubles - Ballet (1990) coin with Y# 238 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: РУССКИЙ БАЛЕТ
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 238
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 1990
Weight: 15.5500
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Palladium (.999)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 10 Roubles - Ballet (1991) coin with Y# 269 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 10 РУБЛЕЙ 1991 Pd 999 15,55
reverse of 10 Roubles - Ballet (1991) coin with Y# 269 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: РУССКИЙ БАЛЕТ
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 269
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 1991
Weight: 15.5500
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Palladium (.999)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
obverse of 10 Roubles - Bolshoi Ballet (1991) coin with Y# 285 from Soviet Union (USSR).
reverse of 10 Roubles - Bolshoi Ballet (1991) coin with Y# 285 from Soviet Union (USSR).
Country: Soviet Union (USSR)
Catalog Number: Y# 285
Denomination: 10 Roubles
Year: 1991
Weight: 2.6600
Diameter: 17.0000
Thickness: 1.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.585)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating

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