

( 1 active )

500 results
obverse of 4 Maravedis - Carlos III (1770 - 1788) coin with KM# 407 from Spain. Inscription: CAROLUS III. D.G.HISP.REX - 1784
reverse of 4 Maravedis - Carlos III (1770 - 1788) coin with KM# 407 from Spain.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 407
Denomination: 4 Maravedis
Year: 1770 - 1788
Weight: 5.4100
Diameter: 25.0000
Thickness: 1.2500
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 4 Maravedis - Isabel II (1837 - 1855) coin with KM# 530 from Spain. Inscription: ISABEL 2 POR LA G-DE DIOS Y LA CONST 4 M. -1846-
reverse of 4 Maravedis - Isabel II (1837 - 1855) coin with KM# 530 from Spain. Inscription: REYNA DE LAS ESPAÑAS
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 530
Denomination: 4 Maravedis
Year: 1837 - 1855
Weight: 4.5000
Diameter: 24.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 8 Maravedis - Fernando VII (1822 - 1823) coin with KM# 501 from Spain.
reverse of 8 Maravedis - Fernando VII (1822 - 1823) coin with KM# 501 from Spain.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 501
Denomination: 8 Maravedis
Year: 1822 - 1823
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 28.8000
Thickness: 2.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 8 Maravedis - Fernando VII (1811 - 1817) coin with KM# 461 from Spain. Inscription: FERDIN · VII · D · G · HISP · REX J 8 · 1812 ·
reverse of 8 Maravedis - Fernando VII (1811 - 1817) coin with KM# 461 from Spain.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 461
Denomination: 8 Maravedis
Year: 1811 - 1817
Weight: 8.8400
Diameter: 30.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 8 Maravedis - Fernando VII (1817 - 1821) coin with KM# 491 from Spain. Inscription: FERDIN.VII.D.G.HISP.REX J 8 · 1818 ·
reverse of 8 Maravedis - Fernando VII (1817 - 1821) coin with KM# 491 from Spain.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 491
Denomination: 8 Maravedis
Year: 1817 - 1821
Weight: 9.4000
Diameter: 31.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 6 Cuartos - Isabel II (1836 - 1848) coin with KM# 128 from Spain. Inscription: ISABEL 2ª REYNA CONST.DE LAS E. · 1837 ·
reverse of 6 Cuartos - Isabel II (1836 - 1848) coin with KM# 128 from Spain. Inscription: PRINCIP.DE CATALUÑA · 6. CUAR
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 128
Denomination: 6 Cuartos
Year: 1836 - 1848
Weight: 13.5000
Diameter: 33.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 8 Maravedis - Isabel II (1836 - 1858) coin with KM# 531 from Spain. Inscription: ISABEL 2ᴬ. POR LA G · DE DIOS Y LA CONST · 8 M. 1839.
reverse of 8 Maravedis - Isabel II (1836 - 1858) coin with KM# 531 from Spain. Inscription: REYNA DE LAS E S P A Ñ A S.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 531
Denomination: 8 Maravedis
Year: 1836 - 1858
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 28.0000
Thickness: 2.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1/2 Real - Felipe V (1725 - 1731) coin with KM# 333 from Spain. Inscription: PHILIPPUS.V.D.G
reverse of 1/2 Real - Felipe V (1725 - 1731) coin with KM# 333 from Spain. Inscription: HISPANIARUM.REX.1731
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 333
Denomination: 1/2 Real
Year: 1725 - 1731
Weight: 1.6900
Diameter: 10.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.903)
obverse of 1/2 Real - Felipe V (1730 - 1746) coin with KM# 350 from Spain. Inscription: +PHILIPPUS+V+D+G+ P J
reverse of 1/2 Real - Felipe V (1730 - 1746) coin with KM# 350 from Spain. Inscription: 1738+S+HISPANIARUM+REX+S+
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 350
Denomination: 1/2 Real
Year: 1730 - 1746
Weight: 1.6900
Diameter: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.833)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1/2 Real - Carlos IV (1789 - 1808) coin with KM# 438 from Spain.
reverse of 1/2 Real - Carlos IV (1789 - 1808) coin with KM# 438 from Spain.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 438
Denomination: 1/2 Real
Year: 1789 - 1808
Weight: 1.6900
Diameter: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.812)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1/2 Real - Fernando VII (1812 - 1814) coin with KM# 473 from Spain. Inscription: DEI GRATIA FERDIN. VII. 1814
reverse of 1/2 Real - Fernando VII (1812 - 1814) coin with KM# 473 from Spain. Inscription: HISPANIARIUM. REX. M G.J.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 473
Denomination: 1/2 Real
Year: 1812 - 1814
Weight: 1.6900
Diameter: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.812)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1/2 Real - Fernando VII (1814 - 1833) coin with KM# 482 from Spain. Inscription: DEI GRATIA FERDIN. VII. 1833
reverse of 1/2 Real - Fernando VII (1814 - 1833) coin with KM# 482 from Spain.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 482
Denomination: 1/2 Real
Year: 1814 - 1833
Weight: 1.6900
Diameter: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.812)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1/2 Maravedi - Fernando VII - Navarre (1831 - 1832) coin with KM# 135 from Spain.
reverse of 1/2 Maravedi - Fernando VII - Navarre (1831 - 1832) coin with KM# 135 from Spain. Inscription: F.III. D.G.N.R .1832.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 135
Denomination: 1/2 Maravedi
Year: 1831 - 1832
Weight: 1.0200
Shape: Square
Composition: Copper
obverse of 1 Real - Felipe V (1717 - 1745) coin with KM# 298 from Spain. Inscription: PHILIPPUS V D G R	I M	A
reverse of 1 Real - Felipe V (1717 - 1745) coin with KM# 298 from Spain. Inscription: 1726 HISPANIARUM REX
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 298
Denomination: 1 Real
Year: 1717 - 1745
Weight: 3.0500
Diameter: 20.1000
Thickness: 1.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Real - Felipe V (1717 - 1729) coin with KM# 299 from Spain. Inscription: PHILIPPUS · V · D · G · R 1
reverse of 1 Real - Felipe V (1717 - 1729) coin with KM# 299 from Spain. Inscription: HISPANIARUM · REX
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 299
Denomination: 1 Real
Year: 1717 - 1729
Weight: 3.3800
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Real - Felipe V (1729 - 1730) coin with KM# 339 from Spain.
reverse of 1 Real - Felipe V (1729 - 1730) coin with KM# 339 from Spain.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 339
Denomination: 1 Real
Year: 1729 - 1730
Weight: 3.3800
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Real - Felipe V (1731 - 1745) coin with KM# 354 from Spain. Inscription: *PHILIPPUS*V*D*G* R I * P S J
reverse of 1 Real - Felipe V (1731 - 1745) coin with KM# 354 from Spain. Inscription: *1738*HISPANIARUM*REX
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 354
Denomination: 1 Real
Year: 1731 - 1745
Weight: 3.3800
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1 Real - Carlos IV (1788 - 1808) coin with KM# 429 from Spain. Inscription: CAROLUS IIII · DEI · G · · 1796 ·
reverse of 1 Real - Carlos IV (1788 - 1808) coin with KM# 429 from Spain. Inscription: HISPANIARUM · REX · R 1 S CN
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 429
Denomination: 1 Real
Year: 1788 - 1808
Weight: 3.3800
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.812)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Real - Isabel II (1837 - 1852) coin with KM# 518 from Spain.
reverse of 1 Real - Isabel II (1837 - 1852) coin with KM# 518 from Spain.
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# 518
Denomination: 1 Real
Year: 1837 - 1852
Weight: 1.4900
Diameter: 15.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.812)
obverse of 2 Reales - Carlos III - Pretender Coinage (1707 - 1714) coin with KM# PT5 from Spain. Inscription: +CAROLVS+III+D+G+ R II
reverse of 2 Reales - Carlos III - Pretender Coinage (1707 - 1714) coin with KM# PT5 from Spain. Inscription: HISPANIARVM+REX+1708 · CARLOS · III ·
Country: Spain
Catalog Number: KM# PT5
Denomination: 2 Reales
Year: 1707 - 1714
Weight: 4.4200
Diameter: 26.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver
Coin orientation ↑↓

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