Vatican City


( 1 active )

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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 258
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 1994
Weight: 14.6000
Diameter: 31.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 268
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 1995
Weight: 14.6000
Diameter: 31.4000
Thickness: 2.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 278
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 1996
Weight: 14.6000
Diameter: 31.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Non Circulating
obverse of 1000 Lire - John Paul II (1997) coin with KM# 286 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAVLVS II P.M. AN. XIX MCMXCVII
reverse of 1000 Lire - John Paul II (1997) coin with KM# 286 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO R 1997 L. 1000
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 286
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 1997
Weight: 8.8500
Diameter: 26.9000
Thickness: 2.0500
Shape: Round
Composition: Bi-metallic Stainless Steel center in Aluminum-Bronze ring
Coin orientation ↑↓
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 287
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 1997
Weight: 14.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 299
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 1998
Weight: 8.8500
Diameter: 26.9000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bi-metallic Stainless Steel center in Aluminum-Bronze ring
Coin orientation ↑↓
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 300
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 1998
Weight: 14.0000
Diameter: 33.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 312
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 1999
Weight: 14.6000
Diameter: 31.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 330
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 2000
Weight: 14.6000
Diameter: 31.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
obverse of 1000 Lire - John Paul II (2001) coin with KM# 337 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAVLUS II P.M. * AN.XXIII-MMI *
reverse of 1000 Lire - John Paul II (2001) coin with KM# 337 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA DEL VATICANO * L.1000 *
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 337
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 2001
Weight: 8.8500
Diameter: 26.9000
Thickness: 2.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Bi-Metallic Copper-nickel center in Brass ring
Coin orientation ↑↓
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 338
Denomination: 1000 Lire
Year: 2001
Weight: 14.6000
Diameter: 31.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 313
Denomination: 2000 Lire
Year: 2000
Weight: 16.0000
Diameter: 31.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 353
Denomination: 2000 Lire
Year: 2000
Weight: 16.0000
Diameter: 31.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 339
Denomination: 2000 Lire
Year: 2001
Weight: 16.0000
Diameter: 31.4000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
Non Circulating
obverse of 1 Euro Cent - John Paul II (2002 - 2005) coin with KM# 341 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO 2002 GV · UPINC · R
reverse of 1 Euro Cent - John Paul II (2002 - 2005) coin with KM# 341 from Vatican City. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 341
Denomination: 1 Euro Cent
Year: 2002 - 2005
Weight: 2.3000
Diameter: 16.2500
Thickness: 1.6700
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Euro Cent - Sede Vacante (2005) coin with KM# 365 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO · SEDE · VACANTE · MMV · R D. LONGO M.A.C. INC. CARITAS ET VERITAS
reverse of 1 Euro Cent - Sede Vacante (2005) coin with KM# 365 from Vatican City. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 365
Denomination: 1 Euro Cent
Year: 2005
Weight: 2.3000
Diameter: 16.2500
Thickness: 1.6700
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Euro Cent - Benedict XVI (2006 - 2013) coin with KM# 375 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO · 2013 R D. L. LDS INC.
reverse of 1 Euro Cent - Benedict XVI (2006 - 2013) coin with KM# 375 from Vatican City. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 375
Denomination: 1 Euro Cent
Year: 2006 - 2013
Weight: 2.3000
Diameter: 16.2500
Thickness: 1.6700
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Euro Cent - Francis (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 455 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITA' DEL VATICANO R 2014 G.TITOTTO ELF INC.
reverse of 1 Euro Cent - Francis (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 455 from Vatican City. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 455
Denomination: 1 Euro Cent
Year: 2014 - 2015
Weight: 2.3000
Diameter: 16.2500
Thickness: 1.6700
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper plated steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Euro Cent - John Paul II (2002 - 2005) coin with KM# 342 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO 2004 GV · UPINC · R
reverse of 2 Euro Cent - John Paul II (2002 - 2005) coin with KM# 342 from Vatican City. Inscription: 2 EURO CENT LL
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 342
Denomination: 2 Euro Cent
Year: 2002 - 2005
Weight: 3.0600
Diameter: 18.7500
Thickness: 1.6700
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Euro Cent - Sede Vacante (2005) coin with KM# 366 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO · SEDE · VACANTE · MMV · R D. LONGO LDS INC. CARITAS ET VERITAS
reverse of 2 Euro Cent - Sede Vacante (2005) coin with KM# 366 from Vatican City. Inscription: 2 EURO CENT LL
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 366
Denomination: 2 Euro Cent
Year: 2005
Weight: 3.0600
Diameter: 18.7500
Thickness: 1.6700
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper plated Steel
Medal orientation ↑↑

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