Vatican City


( 1 active )

290 results
obverse of 5 Lire - Sede Vacante - Sede Vacante (1939) coin with KM# 20 from Vatican City. Inscription: SEDE · VACANTE · MCMXXXIX OPVS IVSTITIA PAX
reverse of 5 Lire - Sede Vacante - Sede Vacante (1939) coin with KM# 20 from Vatican City. Inscription: INFVNDE	AMOREM	ORDIBVS STATO · DELLA · CITTA DEL · VATICANO L · 5
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 20
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1939
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Lire - Pius XII (1939 - 1941) coin with KM# 28 from Vatican City. Inscription: PIVS · XII · PONTIFEX · MAXIMUS · ANNO · II MISTRUZZI
reverse of 5 Lire - Pius XII (1939 - 1941) coin with KM# 28 from Vatican City. Inscription: STATO DELLA CITTA' DEL VATICANO L · 5 1940
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 28
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1939 - 1941
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Lire - Pius XII (1951 - 1958) coin with KM# 51 from Vatican City. Inscription: PIVS · XII P · M · AN · XIII GIAMPAOLI
reverse of 5 Lire - Pius XII (1951 - 1958) coin with KM# 51 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA DEL VATICANO 1951 L · 5 IVSTITIA
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 51
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1951 - 1958
Weight: 1.0000
Diameter: 20.0000
Thickness: 1.6000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1963 - 1965) coin with KM# 78 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS · VI · PONTIFEX · MAX · A · III
reverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1963 - 1965) coin with KM# 78 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L · 5 1965 IVSTITIA
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 78
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1963 - 1965
Weight: 1.0000
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1966) coin with KM# 86 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS VI P.M.ANNO IV
reverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1966) coin with KM# 86 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO 1966 L.5
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 86
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1966
Weight: 1.0000
Diameter: 20.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1969) coin with KM# 110 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS VI · P.M. ANNO VII MCMLXIX
reverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1969) coin with KM# 110 from Vatican City. Inscription: L.5 CITTA' DEL VATICANO
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 110
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1969
Weight: 1.0000
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1970 - 1977) coin with KM# 118 from Vatican City. Inscription: *PAVLVS*VI*P.M.*A.XII*MCMLXXII*
reverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1970 - 1977) coin with KM# 118 from Vatican City. Inscription: **CITTA*DEL*VATICANO* *L. 5*
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 118
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1970 - 1977
Weight: 1.0000
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 126
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1975
Weight: 1.0000
Diameter: 20.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1978) coin with KM# 133 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS VI P.M. · A. XVI · MCMLXXVIII
reverse of 5 Lire - Paul VI (1978) coin with KM# 133 from Vatican City. Inscription: L. 5 CITTA' DEL VATICANO
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 133
Denomination: 5 Lire
Year: 1978
Weight: 1.0000
Diameter: 20.2000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 349
Denomination: 5 Euro
Year: 2002
Weight: 18.0000
Diameter: 32.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 354
Denomination: 5 Euro
Year: 2003
Weight: 18.0000
Diameter: 32.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.925)
Medal orientation ↑↑
Non Circulating
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Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 8
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1929 - 1937
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 27.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Lire - Sede Vacante - Sede Vacante (1939) coin with KM# 21 from Vatican City. Inscription: SEDE · VACANTE · MCMXXXIX OPVS IVSTITIA PAX
reverse of 10 Lire - Sede Vacante - Sede Vacante (1939) coin with KM# 21 from Vatican City. Inscription: INFVNDE	AMOREM	ORDIBVS STATO · DELLA · CITTA DEL · VATICANO L · 10
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 21
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1939
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 27.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Lire - Pius XII (1951 - 1958) coin with KM# 52 from Vatican City. Inscription: PIVS · XII · P · M · AN · XIII GIAMPAOLI
reverse of 10 Lire - Pius XII (1951 - 1958) coin with KM# 52 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA DEL VATICANO 1952 L · 10 PRVDENTIA
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 52
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1951 - 1958
Weight: 1.6000
Diameter: 23.4000
Thickness: 1.8000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI (1963 - 1965) coin with KM# 79 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS · VI · PONT · MAX · A · III
reverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI (1963 - 1965) coin with KM# 79 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO 1965 L.10 PRVDENTIA
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 79
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1963 - 1965
Weight: 1.6000
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI (1969) coin with KM# 111 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS VI P.M. ANNO VII MCMLXIX
reverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI (1969) coin with KM# 111 from Vatican City. Inscription: L.10 CITTA' DEL VATICANO
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 111
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1969
Weight: 1.6000
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI (1970 - 1977) coin with KM# 119 from Vatican City. Inscription: * PAVLVS * VI * P.M. * A. X * MCMLXXII *
reverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI (1970 - 1977) coin with KM# 119 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA * DEL * VATICANO L.10
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 119
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1970 - 1977
Weight: 1.6000
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI - Holy Year: Resonciliation Between God and Man (1975) coin with KM# 127 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS VI P.M. AN.IVB. MCMLXXV
reverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI - Holy Year: Resonciliation Between God and Man (1975) coin with KM# 127 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L. 10
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 127
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1975
Weight: 1.6000
Diameter: 23.2000
Thickness: 1.5200
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI (1978) coin with KM# 134 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS VI P.M. · A.XVI · MCMLXXIII · MONDI-MONASSI INC
reverse of 10 Lire - Paul VI (1978) coin with KM# 134 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L.10 MONISS. INC. M.MORELLI
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 134
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1978
Weight: 1.6000
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 10 Lire - John Paul II (1979 - 1980) coin with KM# 143 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAVLVS II P.M.A.I · MCMLXXIX VEROI
reverse of 10 Lire - John Paul II (1979 - 1980) coin with KM# 143 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L. 10 TEMPERANTIA
Country: Vatican City
Catalog Number: KM# 143
Denomination: 10 Lire
Year: 1979 - 1980
Weight: 1.6000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 1.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Aluminum
Coin orientation ↑↓

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