

( 3 active )

14 results
obverse of 1 Polushka - Peter I (1718 - 1722) coin with KM# 152 from Russia.
reverse of 1 Polushka - Peter I (1718 - 1722) coin with KM# 152 from Russia. Inscription: ВРП ПОЛУ ШКА (Translation: All-Russia Sovereign (acronym) Polushka).
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 152
Denomination: 1 Polushka
Year: 1718 - 1722
Weight: 1.0200
Diameter: 14.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Denga - Ivan IV - Moscow (1535 - 1547) coin with KG# 21 from Russia.
reverse of 1 Denga - Ivan IV - Moscow (1535 - 1547) coin with KG# 21 from Russia. Inscription: КНSЬ ВЕЛIКI IВАН
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KG# 21
Denomination: 1 Denga
Year: 1535 - 1547
Weight: 0.3400
Diameter: 10.0000
Shape: Irregular
Composition: Silver (.960)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1 Kopek - Peter I (1704 - 1718) coin with KM# 118 from Russia. Inscription: ЦРЬ ПЕТРЪ АЛЕѮIЕВИЧЪ
reverse of 1 Kopek - Peter I (1704 - 1718) coin with KM# 118 from Russia. Inscription: КО ПЕИКА ВСЕѦ РОСIИ ПОВЕЛИТЕЛЬ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 118
Denomination: 1 Kopek
Year: 1704 - 1718
Weight: 8.1900
Diameter: 24.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 3 Kopecks - Peter I (1704) coin with KM# 119 from Russia.
reverse of 3 Kopecks - Peter I (1704) coin with KM# 119 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 119
Denomination: 3 Kopecks
Year: 1704
Weight: 0.8000
Diameter: 13.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.770)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 3 Kopecks - Peter I (1718) coin with KM# 154 from Russia.
reverse of 3 Kopecks - Peter I (1718) coin with KM# 154 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 154
Denomination: 3 Kopecks
Year: 1718
Weight: 1.7000
Diameter: 16.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.380)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 10 Kopeсks - Peter I (1704 - 1710) coin with KM# 120 from Russia.
reverse of 10 Kopeсks - Peter I (1704 - 1710) coin with KM# 120 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 120
Denomination: 10 Kopeсks
Year: 1704 - 1710
Weight: 2.8000
Diameter: 22.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.770)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Grivna - Peter I (1704 - 1709) coin with KM# 121 from Russia. Inscription: Ц · И · К · П · Я · В · Р · С
reverse of 1 Grivna - Peter I (1704 - 1709) coin with KM# 121 from Russia. Inscription: ГРИВНЯ Б К
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 121
Denomination: 1 Grivna
Year: 1704 - 1709
Weight: 2.8000
Diameter: 20.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.802)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Polupoltinnik - Peter I (1703 - 1705) coin with KM# 112 from Russia. Inscription: ЦРЬ ПЕТРЪ АЛЕѮIЕВИЧЪ ВСЕѦ РОСIИ ПОВЕЛIТЕЉ
reverse of 1 Polupoltinnik - Peter I (1703 - 1705) coin with KM# 112 from Russia. Inscription: ПОЛУПОЛЪТИННИКЪ ҂АѰД
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 112
Denomination: 1 Polupoltinnik
Year: 1703 - 1705
Weight: 7.0000
Diameter: 28.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.875)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Poltina - Peter I (1701 - 1705) coin with KM# 106 from Russia. Inscription: ЦРЬ ПЕТРЪ АЛЕѮIЕВИЧЪ ВСЕѦ РОСIИ ПОВЕЛIТЕЉ
reverse of 1 Poltina - Peter I (1701 - 1705) coin with KM# 106 from Russia. Inscription: МАНЕТА ДОБРАѦ ЦЕНА ПОЛТИНА ҂АѰД
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 106
Denomination: 1 Poltina
Year: 1701 - 1705
Weight: 14.0000
Diameter: 34.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.875)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Poltina - Peter I (1712) coin with KM# 137 from Russia.
reverse of 1 Poltina - Peter I (1712) coin with KM# 137 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 137
Denomination: 1 Poltina
Year: 1712
Weight: 14.2500
Diameter: 35.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.604)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Poltina - Peter I (1718 - 1722) coin with KM# 156 from Russia.
reverse of 1 Poltina - Peter I (1718 - 1722) coin with KM# 156 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 156
Denomination: 1 Poltina
Year: 1718 - 1722
Weight: 14.2200
Diameter: 33.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.729)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - Peter I (1707 - 1710) coin with KM# 130 from Russia. Inscription: ЦРЬ ПЕТРЪ · АЛЕѮIЕВИЧЪ · В:Р:П:
reverse of 1 Rouble - Peter I (1707 - 1710) coin with KM# 130 from Russia. Inscription: - МОСКОВСКИI - РУБЛЬ -
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 130
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1707 - 1710
Weight: 28.0000
Diameter: 42.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.875)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Rouble - Peter I (1718 - 1721) coin with KM# 157 from Russia. Inscription: ЦРЬ · ПЕТРЬ · АЛЕѮИЕВIЧЬ · ВСЕѦ · РОСИI · САМОДЕРЖЕЦЬ
reverse of 1 Rouble - Peter I (1718 - 1721) coin with KM# 157 from Russia. Inscription: МОНЕТА · НОВАѦ · ЦЕНА · РУБЛЬ · ҂А Ψ
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 157
Denomination: 1 Rouble
Year: 1718 - 1721
Weight: 28.4400
Diameter: 40.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.729)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Ducat / 2 Chervonets - Peter I - Trade Coinage (1714) coin with KM# 150 from Russia.
reverse of 2 Ducat / 2 Chervonets - Peter I - Trade Coinage (1714) coin with KM# 150 from Russia.
Country: Russia
Catalog Number: KM# 150
Denomination: 2 Ducat / 2 Chervonets
Year: 1714
Weight: 6.9400
Diameter: 27.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Gold (.986)
Medal orientation ↑↑

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