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36831 results
obverse of 1/2 Baiocco - Gregory XVI (1831 - 1834) coin with KM# 1313 from Italian States. Inscription: GREGORIVS.XVI / PONT.MAX.A.IV / B
reverse of 1/2 Baiocco - Gregory XVI (1831 - 1834) coin with KM# 1313 from Italian States. Inscription: * // MEZZO // BAIOCCO // ROMANO // 1834
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1313
Denomination: 1/2 Baiocco
Year: 1831 - 1834
Weight: 6.0000
Diameter: 23.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
obverse of 1/2 Baiocco - Gregory XVI (1835 - 1845) coin with KM# 1319 from Italian States. Inscription: GREGORIVS · XVI PONT · MAX · A · XIV R.
reverse of 1/2 Baiocco - Gregory XVI (1835 - 1845) coin with KM# 1319 from Italian States. Inscription: MEZZO BAIOCCO 1838/7
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1319
Denomination: 1/2 Baiocco
Year: 1835 - 1845
Weight: 5.0800
Diameter: 23.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
obverse of 1/2 Baiocco - Pius IX (1847 - 1850) coin with KM# 1340 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS · IX PON MAX AN · IIII
reverse of 1/2 Baiocco - Pius IX (1847 - 1850) coin with KM# 1340 from Italian States. Inscription: MEZZO BAIOCCO 1849 R
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1340
Denomination: 1/2 Baiocco
Year: 1847 - 1850
Weight: 5.0000
Diameter: 24.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1/4 Öre - Christina I (1633 - 1636) coin with KM# 152 from Sweden. Inscription: C R S
reverse of 1/4 Öre - Christina I (1633 - 1636) coin with KM# 152 from Sweden. Inscription: 1634 1/4 ÖR
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 152
Denomination: 1/4 Öre
Year: 1633 - 1636
Weight: 10.6000
Diameter: 29.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Baiocco - Benedict XIV (1740 - 1743) coin with KM# 1154 from Italian States. Inscription: BENED.XIV P.MAX.A.II
reverse of 1 Baiocco - Benedict XIV (1740 - 1743) coin with KM# 1154 from Italian States. Inscription: VN BAIOCCO ROM 1742
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1154
Denomination: 1 Baiocco
Year: 1740 - 1743
Weight: 10.6000
Diameter: 33.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
obverse of 1 Baiocco - Pius VIII (1829) coin with KM# 1301 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS.VIII.PONT.MAX.ANNO.I. G. C: R
reverse of 1 Baiocco - Pius VIII (1829) coin with KM# 1301 from Italian States. Inscription: BAIOCCO ROMANO 1829
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1301
Denomination: 1 Baiocco
Year: 1829
Weight: 12.5000
Diameter: 32.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Baiocco - Gregory XVI (1835 - 1845) coin with KM# 1320 from Italian States. Inscription: GREGORIVS · XVI PONT · MAX · A · VII R.
reverse of 1 Baiocco - Gregory XVI (1835 - 1845) coin with KM# 1320 from Italian States. Inscription: BAIOCCO 1835
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1320
Denomination: 1 Baiocco
Year: 1835 - 1845
Weight: 10.1700
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.7300
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
obverse of 1 Baiocco - Pius IX (1846 - 1849) coin with KM# 1339 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS · IX · PON · MAX · ANNO · I ·
reverse of 1 Baiocco - Pius IX (1846 - 1849) coin with KM# 1339 from Italian States. Inscription: BAIOCCO 1848 R
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1339
Denomination: 1 Baiocco
Year: 1846 - 1849
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 30.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
obverse of 1 Baiocco - Pius IX (1850 - 1853) coin with KM# 1345 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS · IX · PONT · MAX · ANNO · V ·
reverse of 1 Baiocco - Pius IX (1850 - 1853) coin with KM# 1345 from Italian States. Inscription: 1 BAIOCCO 1850 R
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1345
Denomination: 1 Baiocco
Year: 1850 - 1853
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 1.1000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1 Öre - Fredrik I (1720 - 1749) coin with KM# 382 from Sweden.
reverse of 1 Öre - Fredrik I (1720 - 1749) coin with KM# 382 from Sweden.
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 382
Denomination: 1 Öre
Year: 1720 - 1749
Weight: 1.1900
Diameter: 17.6000
Thickness: 0.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.194)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Öre Silfwermynt - Fredrik I (1730 - 1750) coin with KM# 416 from Sweden. Inscription: FF
reverse of 1 Öre Silfwermynt - Fredrik I (1730 - 1750) coin with KM# 416 from Sweden. Inscription: 1.ÖR. S.M. 1736.
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 416
Denomination: 1 Öre Silfwermynt
Year: 1730 - 1750
Weight: 14.2000
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 2.3000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Öre Silfwermynt - Adolf Fredrik (1751 - 1768) coin with KM# 460 from Sweden. Inscription: AF
reverse of 1 Öre Silfwermynt - Adolf Fredrik (1751 - 1768) coin with KM# 460 from Sweden. Inscription: I · ÖR · S · M ·
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 460
Denomination: 1 Öre Silfwermynt
Year: 1751 - 1768
Weight: 14.2000
Diameter: 30.0000
Thickness: 2.4500
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Öre - Christina (1644 - 1653) coin with KM# 162 from Sweden. Inscription: CHRISTINA D:G:SVE: GO. WAN. REGINA. ET. PR: HAE
reverse of 1 Öre - Christina (1644 - 1653) coin with KM# 162 from Sweden. Inscription: MONETA NOVA CUPREA DALARENSIS MDCL
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 162
Denomination: 1 Öre
Year: 1644 - 1653
Weight: 51.5000
Diameter: 48.0000
Thickness: 3.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Öre - Carl XI (1665 - 1685) coin with KM# 250 from Sweden. Inscription: C XI
reverse of 1 Öre - Carl XI (1665 - 1685) coin with KM# 250 from Sweden. Inscription: 1668 I ÖR
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 250
Denomination: 1 Öre
Year: 1665 - 1685
Weight: 1.2300
Diameter: 18.0000
Thickness: 0.5800
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.313)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Öre Silfwermynt - Carl XI (1669 - 1673) coin with KM# 264 from Sweden.
reverse of 1 Öre Silfwermynt - Carl XI (1669 - 1673) coin with KM# 264 from Sweden.
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 264
Denomination: 1 Öre Silfwermynt
Year: 1669 - 1673
Weight: 49.4000
Diameter: 46.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
obverse of 2 Baiocchi - Pius VI (1785 - 1797) coin with KM# 1226.1 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS.SEXTUS PON.M.A.XVIII
reverse of 2 Baiocchi - Pius VI (1785 - 1797) coin with KM# 1226.1 from Italian States. Inscription: DVE BAIOCCHI ROMANI
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1226.1
Denomination: 2 Baiocchi
Year: 1785 - 1797
Weight: 20.0000
Diameter: 39.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Baiocchi - Pius IX (1850 - 1854) coin with KM# 1344 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS · IX · PON · MAX · ANN · IV ·
reverse of 2 Baiocchi - Pius IX (1850 - 1854) coin with KM# 1344 from Italian States. Inscription: 2 BAIOCCHI 1850 R
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1344
Denomination: 2 Baiocchi
Year: 1850 - 1854
Weight: 20.0000
Diameter: 35.0000
Thickness: 2.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 1 Ore - Christina I - Goteborg mint (1635 - 1636) coin with KM# 159 from Sweden. Inscription: MON.NOV.GOTHOBVRG
reverse of 1 Ore - Christina I - Goteborg mint (1635 - 1636) coin with KM# 159 from Sweden. Inscription: CHRIST.D.G.D.REC.SV. 16 36 1 OR
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 159
Denomination: 1 Ore
Year: 1635 - 1636
Weight: 1.2300
Diameter: 18.1200
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.375)
obverse of 2 Öre Silfwermynt - Adolf Frederick (1751 - 1768) coin with KM# 461 from Sweden. Inscription: A.F. S.G.
reverse of 2 Öre Silfwermynt - Adolf Frederick (1751 - 1768) coin with KM# 461 from Sweden. Inscription: 2.ÖR. S.M. 1766
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 461
Denomination: 2 Öre Silfwermynt
Year: 1751 - 1768
Weight: 28.3000
Diameter: 33.7000
Thickness: 3.9000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1/2 Grosso - Clement XIII (1760 - 1762) coin with KM# 995 from Italian States. Inscription: CLEM.XIII PONT.MA.III
reverse of 1/2 Grosso - Clement XIII (1760 - 1762) coin with KM# 995 from Italian States. Inscription: VAE.VOBIS DIVITIBVS 1760
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 995
Denomination: 1/2 Grosso
Year: 1760 - 1762
Weight: 0.6700
Diameter: 16.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)

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