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36831 results
obverse of 1 Mark - Karl IX (1607 - 1611) coin with KM# 28 from Sweden. Inscription: CAROLVS.IX.D:G.SVECOR.GOTHVAND. .REX
reverse of 1 Mark - Karl IX (1607 - 1611) coin with KM# 28 from Sweden. Inscription: .I. MARK . * . SVENSKA .
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 28
Denomination: 1 Mark
Year: 1607 - 1611
Weight: 4.9400
Diameter: 29.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.821)
obverse of 16 Öre Silvermynt - Gustav III (1773 - 1774) coin with KM# 513 from Sweden. Inscription: FADERNESLANDET · GIII
reverse of 16 Öre Silvermynt - Gustav III (1773 - 1774) coin with KM# 513 from Sweden. Inscription: 16 ÖRE SILF. MYNT 1773 A.L.
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 513
Denomination: 16 Öre Silvermynt
Year: 1773 - 1774
Weight: 6.1900
Diameter: 25.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.691)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Giulio - Pius VI (1777 - 1784) coin with KM# 1034 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS SEXTVS · PONT · M · A · III ·
reverse of 2 Giulio - Pius VI (1777 - 1784) coin with KM# 1034 from Italian States. Inscription: AVXILIVM DE SANCTO 1777
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1034
Denomination: 2 Giulio
Year: 1777 - 1784
Weight: 5.3800
Diameter: 26.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 20 Baiocchi - Gregory XVI (1834) coin with KM# 1317 from Italian States. Inscription: GREGORIVS.XVI.PON.MAX.A.IV *ROMA.1834*
reverse of 20 Baiocchi - Gregory XVI (1834) coin with KM# 1317 from Italian States. Inscription: BAI.20
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1317
Denomination: 20 Baiocchi
Year: 1834
Weight: 5.2900
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
obverse of 20 Baiocchi - Gregory XVI (1835 - 1840) coin with KM# 1322 from Italian States. Inscription: GREGOR.XVI PON.M.A.IX N.C.R.
reverse of 20 Baiocchi - Gregory XVI (1835 - 1840) coin with KM# 1322 from Italian States. Inscription: 20 BAIOCCHI 1839
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1322
Denomination: 20 Baiocchi
Year: 1835 - 1840
Weight: 5.3800
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
obverse of 20 Baiocchi - Pius IX (1848 - 1856) coin with KM# 1337 from Italian States.
reverse of 20 Baiocchi - Pius IX (1848 - 1856) coin with KM# 1337 from Italian States.
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1337
Denomination: 20 Baiocchi
Year: 1848 - 1856
Weight: 5.3700
Diameter: 23.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.900)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 20 Baiocchi - Pius IX (1858 - 1865) coin with KM# 1360 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS IX PONT. MAX.AN.XIX
reverse of 20 Baiocchi - Pius IX (1858 - 1865) coin with KM# 1360 from Italian States. Inscription: 20 BAIOCCHI 1865 R
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1360
Denomination: 20 Baiocchi
Year: 1858 - 1865
Weight: 5.7100
Diameter: 24.0000
Thickness: 1.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.800)
obverse of 20 Baiocchi - Pius IX (1865 - 1866) coin with KM# 1360a from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS IX PONT. / MAX.AN.XX
reverse of 20 Baiocchi - Pius IX (1865 - 1866) coin with KM# 1360a from Italian States. Inscription: 20 // Baiocchi // 1865
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1360a
Denomination: 20 Baiocchi
Year: 1865 - 1866
Weight: 5.7100
Diameter: 24.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.835)
Coin orientation ↑↓
obverse of 2 Mark - Carl XI (1664 - 1677) coin with KM# 242 from Sweden. Inscription: CAROLVS XI REX SVECIA
reverse of 2 Mark - Carl XI (1664 - 1677) coin with KM# 242 from Sweden. Inscription: 1671 2 M
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 242
Denomination: 2 Mark
Year: 1664 - 1677
Weight: 10.4000
Diameter: 30.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.694)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 2 Mark - Carl XI (1668 - 1674) coin with KM# 260 from Sweden.
reverse of 2 Mark - Carl XI (1668 - 1674) coin with KM# 260 from Sweden.
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 260
Denomination: 2 Mark
Year: 1668 - 1674
Weight: 10.4000
Diameter: 30.5900
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.694)
obverse of 2 Mark - Carl XI (1675 - 1697) coin with KM# 282 from Sweden.
reverse of 2 Mark - Carl XI (1675 - 1697) coin with KM# 282 from Sweden.
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 282
Denomination: 2 Mark
Year: 1675 - 1697
Weight: 10.4000
Diameter: 30.5900
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.694)
obverse of 25 Baiocchi - Pius VI (1795 - 1796) coin with KM# 1238 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS.SEX TUS.P.M.A IXX
reverse of 25 Baiocchi - Pius VI (1795 - 1796) coin with KM# 1238 from Italian States. Inscription: VENTICIN QVE BAIOCCHI 1795
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1238
Denomination: 25 Baiocchi
Year: 1795 - 1796
Weight: 7.0600
Diameter: 32.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
obverse of 1 Testone - Innocent XI (1684) coin with KM# 441 from Italian States.
reverse of 1 Testone - Innocent XI (1684) coin with KM# 441 from Italian States.
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 441
Denomination: 1 Testone
Year: 1684
Weight: 6.7100
Diameter: 30.5000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.916)
obverse of 1 Testone - Clement XII (1736) coin with KM# 875 from Italian States.
reverse of 1 Testone - Clement XII (1736) coin with KM# 875 from Italian States.
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 875
Denomination: 1 Testone
Year: 1736
Weight: 7.9500
Diameter: 31.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
obverse of 1 Testone / 30 Baiocchi - Clement XIII (1761 - 1767) coin with KM# 1001 from Italian States. Inscription: CLEMENS.XIII / PONT.M.A.IV
reverse of 1 Testone / 30 Baiocchi - Clement XIII (1761 - 1767) coin with KM# 1001 from Italian States. Inscription: S.PETRVUS / S.PAVLVS MDCCLXI-IV
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1001
Denomination: 1 Testone / 30 Baiocchi
Year: 1761 - 1767
Weight: 7.9300
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 30 Baiocchi - Sede Vacante (1830) coin with KM# 1101 from Italian States. Inscription: *SEDE VACAN TE MDCCCXXX N. ROMA C.
reverse of 30 Baiocchi - Sede Vacante (1830) coin with KM# 1101 from Italian States. Inscription: VENI LVMEN CORDIVM BAJ 30
Country: Italian States
Catalog Number: KM# 1101
Denomination: 30 Baiocchi
Year: 1830
Weight: 7.9300
Diameter: 26.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.917)
obverse of 2 Mark - Karl XI - Roman Number; Higher Bust (1664) coin with KM# 237a from Sweden. Inscription: CAROLUS. R SVECIÆ
reverse of 2 Mark - Karl XI - Roman Number; Higher Bust (1664) coin with KM# 237a from Sweden. Inscription: 16 64 .II. M: IK
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 237a
Denomination: 2 Mark
Year: 1664
Weight: 10.4000
Diameter: 30.7000
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.694)
obverse of 2 Mark - Karl XI - Arab Number; Smaller Bust (1664 - 1672) coin with KM# 242 from Sweden. Inscription: CAROLVS · XI · REX · SVECIÆ
reverse of 2 Mark - Karl XI - Arab Number; Smaller Bust (1664 - 1672) coin with KM# 242 from Sweden. Inscription: 16 67 2. M.
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 242
Denomination: 2 Mark
Year: 1664 - 1672
Weight: 10.4000
Diameter: 30.3400
Shape: Round
Composition: Silver (.694)
obverse of 1 Daler Silvermynt - Carl XII (1715) coin with KM# 352 from Sweden. Inscription: 1715
reverse of 1 Daler Silvermynt - Carl XII (1715) coin with KM# 352 from Sweden. Inscription: I. DALER S.M.
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 352
Denomination: 1 Daler Silvermynt
Year: 1715
Weight: 3.6000
Diameter: 23.0000
Thickness: 0.9000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑
obverse of 1 Daler Silvermynt - Carl XII - WETT OCH WAPEN (1717) coin with KM# 355 from Sweden. Inscription: WETT OCH WAPEN
reverse of 1 Daler Silvermynt - Carl XII - WETT OCH WAPEN (1717) coin with KM# 355 from Sweden. Inscription: 1 DALER S.M
Country: Sweden
Catalog Number: KM# 355
Denomination: 1 Daler Silvermynt
Year: 1717
Weight: 4.5000
Diameter: 24.0000
Thickness: 2.0000
Shape: Round
Composition: Copper
Medal orientation ↑↑

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