Voluntary team members wanted

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Edited 10 years ago


I'm not have enough time on the net ut, if you need I will try to make my little contribution.

Hello, any help would be appreciated. You can edit catalog by adding coin, or editing information about existing ones.

Regards, Tomas

Edited 9 years ago

Hi eventually I can help adding new coins from Colombia, Canada and USa

Hello, it would be a big help! Just browse catalog before entering new coin, cause it can be already here.

Regards, Tomas

Dear all,

I am a coin and banknote collector from India.
Nice to meet you sir.
If you are interested in swapping your country coins and banknotes against Indian Republic coins and banknotes, please feel free to reach to me regarding the same at any point of time through any communication channel.


Mob: +91.7829275635,
Skype Id: sivamanohar.coins2012



COuld eventually assist with information on some of the coins and other numismatic items from:

Portugal & colonies

Turkey & Ottoman Empire

Indonesia & Australia

Other places on a basis of familiarity to the market: Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Argentine Bonos, Russia etc...

Hello, very good. It's necessary to complement coin catalog. If you could to add coins (with pictures) of mentioned countries to catalog it would be great help (to make it there is a button "Add coin" in menu). Also you can supply more information (or fix information) about existing coins.

Help would be very appreciated!

Regards, Tomas

I could add medals but first you have to decide whether you want to have medals on this site or not. When I mean medals, I mean art medals, those pieces signed by artists and minted generally in mints. These of course would need a space I suppose on their own, or a box to tick just like "tokens" to separate them from coins and tokens. Please let me know if you want such material on this site or not. 

Hey Tolga, very nice medal! Thanks for sharring.

Do you think coin system is good enough for medals? Or maybe separate catalog needed?

Regards, Tomas

Edited 9 years ago


I think a tick box just like the one for tokens would be sufficient for medals.

The reason I particularly mentioned medals is because of unfortunate events on another site where some referee decided to organize "tokens" section by deleting everything not token, especially medals. People have a tendency to catalogue every numismatic item they have in their collections and that is perfectly understandable. But when a site does not have a suitable area to do that, tokens section starts getting into it all items that are not regular coins and not regular tokens also!. It may be useful to be prepared for that while this site is young and openminded to accept all numismatic items:)

You have already foreseen the coming of tokens; I beleive a clear description of token (or understood as token on this site) should be posted somewhere before the catalogued numbers increase to unmanagable sizes. Art medals, medalets, military orders, special commemarative medal like coins are one group that should be kept together but separate from tokens. But there is also phantasy issues of phantasy countries and other odd pieces that fit no description. I guess one has to keep prepared for those too and decide what to do with them when they arrive.

For my part I can add to the site around 150 medals I have in my collection when you decide whether you want to have them.

Just a minor addition to the above message:

I went over all coins designated as "tokens" on this site. Surely the entries for Cook Islands there are regular coins with proper KM numbers, not tokens. The coins of "Spitzbergen" are good examples of what I meant above for Phantasy issues of Phantasy countries. It may be a good idea to create separate designations maybe for such items as these for unrecognized or unexisting countries.   

Hey, thanks for comments. As I see it now CoinsBook should have different catalogs:

  • Coins
  • Tokens
  • Medals
  • Banknotes
  • Stamps (maybe)

Regards, Tomas

Edited 9 years ago
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