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People's Democratic Republic
obverse of 20 Francs (1949 - 1956) coin with KM# 91 from Algeria. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE P.TURIN reverse of 20 Francs (1949 - 1956) coin with KM# 91 from Algeria. Inscription: 20 FRANCS 1949 ALGERIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 25,556,000 1 XF 4.8 USD
obverse of 1 Centime (1964) coin with KM# 94 from Algeria. Inscription: الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية reverse of 1 Centime (1964) coin with KM# 94 from Algeria. Inscription: 1964 ۱٣٨٣ ١ سنتيم واحد
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1383 (1964) 35,000,000 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 50 Centimes (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 102 from Algeria. reverse of 50 Centimes (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 102 from Algeria. Inscription: الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية 1971-1391 50 خمسون سنتيما
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1393 (1973) 10,000,000 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 2 Dinars (1992 - 2011) coin with KM# 130 from Algeria. Inscription: 1992 1413 reverse of 2 Dinars (1992 - 2011) coin with KM# 130 from Algeria. Inscription: بنك الجزائر 2 ديناران
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1424 (2004) 1 VG 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Dinars - 30th Anniversary of Revolution (1984) coin with KM# 114 from Algeria. Inscription: 1984 1954 reverse of 5 Dinars - 30th Anniversary of Revolution (1984) coin with KM# 114 from Algeria. Inscription: البنك المركزي الجزائرى 5 دنانير
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1984) 1 VF 2.5 USD
obverse of 5 Euro Cent - Joan Enric Vives i Sicília (2014) coin with KM# 522 from Andorra. Inscription: ANDORRA 2014 reverse of 5 Euro Cent - Joan Enric Vives i Sicília (2014) coin with KM# 522 from Andorra. Inscription: 5 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 860,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Pesos (1962 - 1968) coin with KM# 60 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA reverse of 10 Pesos (1962 - 1968) coin with KM# 60 from Argentina. Inscription: 10 PESOS 1963
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 57,401,000 1 VG 0.08 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - Victoria (2001) coin with KM# 556 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2001 IRB reverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - Victoria (2001) coin with KM# 556 from Australia. Inscription: Centenary of Federation 1901 2001 RDL MAK 20 cents
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 2,000,000 1 VF 1.48 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - Royal Visit (2000) coin with KM# 437 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2000 reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - Royal Visit (2000) coin with KM# 437 from Australia. Inscription: ROYAL VISIT 2000 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 5,000,000 1 XF 0.32 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 70th Anniversary of the Kokoda Trail - 4'th Portrait (2012) coin with KM# 1855 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2012 reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 70th Anniversary of the Kokoda Trail - 4'th Portrait (2012) coin with KM# 1855 from Australia. Inscription: 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE KOKODA CAMPAIGN FIFTY CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 UNC 3.85 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 50th Anniversary of the Australian Ballet - 4'th Portrait (2012) coin with KM# 1854 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2012 reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 50th Anniversary of the Australian Ballet - 4'th Portrait (2012) coin with KM# 1854 from Australia. Inscription: Fifty years of the Australian ballet 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 UNC 3.8 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Citizenship - 4'th Portrait (2009) coin with KM# 1087 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2009 IRB reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Citizenship - 4'th Portrait (2009) coin with KM# 1087 from Australia. Inscription: 60th ANNIVERSARY OF AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP S ONE DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 B 37,246 1 UNC 0.63 USD
obverse of 20 Heller - Karl I (1916 - 1918) coin with KM# 2826 from Austria. reverse of 20 Heller - Karl I (1916 - 1918) coin with KM# 2826 from Austria. Inscription: 20 1916
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1917 127,420,000 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 1 Groschen (1947) coin with KM# 2873 from Austria. Inscription: · REPUBLIK · ÖSTERREICH reverse of 1 Groschen (1947) coin with KM# 2873 from Austria. Inscription: GROSCHEN 1 1947
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 23,758,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 10 Euro - Carinthia (2012) coin with KM# 3208 from Austria. Inscription: KÄRNTEN KOROŠKA reverse of 10 Euro - Carinthia (2012) coin with KM# 3208 from Austria. Inscription: REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH FALKNEREI 10 EURO 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 130,000 1 UNC 15 USD
obverse of 10 Euro - Vorarlberg - Silver Issue (2013) coin with KM# 3224a from Austria. Inscription: REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH AUSTRIA BODENSEE-RADHAUBE 10 EURO 2013 reverse of 10 Euro - Vorarlberg - Silver Issue (2013) coin with KM# 3224a from Austria. Inscription: Vorarlberg s'Ländle
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 40,000 1 UNC 12.2 USD
obverse of 100 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (2002 - 2008) coin with KM# 26 from Bahrain. Inscription: مملكة البحرين 2002 1423 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN reverse of 100 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (2002 - 2008) coin with KM# 26 from Bahrain. Inscription: 100 فلس
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1427 (2006) 1 VF 0.45 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Zubr (2001) coin with KM# 47 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АД3IН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Zubr (2001) coin with KM# 47 from Belarus. Inscription: БЕЛАВЕЖСКАЯ ПУШЧА ЗУБР
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 5,000 1 UNC 36.8 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Beaver (2002) coin with KM# 44 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АД3IН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Beaver (2002) coin with KM# 44 from Belarus. Inscription: БЯРЭЗІНСКІ БІЯСФЕРНЫ ЗАПАВЕДНІК БАБЕР
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 5,000 1 UNC 25.25 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Mute Swan (2003) coin with KM# 54 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АД3IН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Mute Swan (2003) coin with KM# 54 from Belarus. Inscription: НАЦЫЯНАЛЬНЫ ПАРК
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 5,000 1 UNC 34.3 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Freestyle wrestling (2003) coin with KM# 61 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АД3IН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Freestyle wrestling (2003) coin with KM# 61 from Belarus. Inscription: ВОЛЬНАЯ БАРАЦЬБА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 5,000 1 UNC 10 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Prince Gleb of Minsk (2007) coin with KM# 301 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ 1 РУБЕЛЬ 2007 reverse of 1 Rouble - Prince Gleb of Minsk (2007) coin with KM# 301 from Belarus. Inscription: ГЛЕБ МЕНСКІ 1101 - 1119
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 5,000 1 UNC 24.5 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Arkadiy Kuleshov (2014) coin with KM# 473 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ 2014 1 РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Arkadiy Kuleshov (2014) coin with KM# 473 from Belarus. Inscription: 1914-1978 АРКАДЗЬ КУЛЯШОЎ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 4,000 1 UNC 11 USD
obverse of 1 Centime - Albert I - French text (1912 - 1914) coin with KM# 76 from Belgium. Inscription: ALBERT ROI DES BELGES 1914 reverse of 1 Centime - Albert I - French text (1912 - 1914) coin with KM# 76 from Belgium. Inscription: L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE CONSTITUTION BELGE 1831 * 1 CENTe. BRAEMT F.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1912 2,540,495 1 XF 2.35 USD
obverse of 5 Centimes - Leopold II - Dutch text; Large date (1904 - 1907) coin with KM# 55 from Belgium. Inscription: KONINKRIJK BELGIË ** 1906 reverse of 5 Centimes - Leopold II - Dutch text; Large date (1904 - 1907) coin with KM# 55 from Belgium. Inscription: 5 CEN A. MICHAUX
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1907 997,965 1 VF 2.95 USD
obverse of 10 Centimes - Leopold III - BELGIQUE-BELGIE (1941 - 1946) coin with KM# 125 from Belgium. Inscription: 1943 reverse of 10 Centimes - Leopold III - BELGIQUE-BELGIE (1941 - 1946) coin with KM# 125 from Belgium. Inscription: BELGIQUE - BELGIE 10c O. JESPERS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1942 17,000,000 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 50 Centimes - Baudouin I - Dutch text (1956 - 2001) coin with KM# 149 from Belgium. Inscription: RAU reverse of 50 Centimes - Baudouin I - Dutch text (1956 - 2001) coin with KM# 149 from Belgium. Inscription: BELGIE 19 50 99 CENTIMES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 7,000,000 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 50 Centimes - Baudouin I - French text; Smaller head (1955 - 2001) coin with KM# 148 from Belgium. Inscription: RAU reverse of 50 Centimes - Baudouin I - French text; Smaller head (1955 - 2001) coin with KM# 148 from Belgium. Inscription: BELGIQUE 1991 50 CENTIMES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 7,000,000 1 F 0.03 USD
obverse of 1 Franc - Baudouin I - French text (1989 - 1993) coin with KM# 170 from Belgium. Inscription: BAUDOUIN I reverse of 1 Franc - Baudouin I - French text (1989 - 1993) coin with KM# 170 from Belgium. Inscription: 1F 19 91 BELGIQUE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 200,060,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 5 Francs - Baudouin I - French text (1948 - 1981) coin with KM# 134 from Belgium. Inscription: * 1949 * RAU reverse of 5 Francs - Baudouin I - French text (1948 - 1981) coin with KM# 134 from Belgium. Inscription: 5 FR = BELGIQUE =
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1950 23,948,000 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 1 Euro Cent - Albert II - 2'nd Type; 1'st Portrait (2009 - 2013) coin with KM# 295 from Belgium. Inscription: A II 2012 BE reverse of 1 Euro Cent - Albert II - 2'nd Type; 1'st Portrait (2009 - 2013) coin with KM# 295 from Belgium. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 25,000 In sets only 1 VG 0.05 USD
British colony
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 4'th Portrait (1999 - 2008) coin with KM# 107 from Bermuda. Inscription: ELIZABETH II BERMUDA reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 4'th Portrait (1999 - 2008) coin with KM# 107 from Bermuda. Inscription: ONE CENT 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 3,200,000 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 50 Chhertum - Jigme Singye Wangchuck (1979) coin with KM# 48 from Bhutan. Inscription: ROYAL GOVERMENT OF BHUTAN : 1979 : reverse of 50 Chhertum - Jigme Singye Wangchuck (1979) coin with KM# 48 from Bhutan. Inscription: FIFTY CHHERTUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 1 F 0.7 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos (2010 - 2012) coin with KM# 214 from Bolivia. Inscription: ESTADO PLURINACIONAL DE BOLIVIA reverse of 10 Centavos (2010 - 2012) coin with KM# 214 from Bolivia. Inscription: LA UNION ES LA FUERZA 10 CENTAVOS 2010
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 F 0.01 USD
obverse of 5 Thebe - Reeded edge (1976 - 1989) coin with KM# 4 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 1976 reverse of 5 Thebe - Reeded edge (1976 - 1989) coin with KM# 4 from Botswana. Inscription: 5 THEBE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 2,000,000 1 VF 0.15 USD
obverse of 5 Thebe (1991 - 1996) coin with KM# 4a from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 1991 reverse of 5 Thebe (1991 - 1996) coin with KM# 4a from Botswana. Inscription: 5 THEBE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 5 Pula (2000 - 2007) coin with KM# 30 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 2000 reverse of 5 Pula (2000 - 2007) coin with KM# 30 from Botswana. Inscription: 5 PULA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 1 F 0.81 USD
Federative Republic
obverse of 100 Réis - Pedro II (1871 - 1885) coin with KM# 477 from Brazil. Inscription: IMPERIO DO BRAZIL 1872 reverse of 100 Réis - Pedro II (1871 - 1885) coin with KM# 477 from Brazil. Inscription: DECRETO N°1817 DE 3 DE SETEMBRO DE 1870 100 RÉIS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1872 100 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 1000 Réis - Tobias Barreto (1939) coin with KM# 550 from Brazil. Inscription: BRASIL 1.000 RÉIS 1939 reverse of 1000 Réis - Tobias Barreto (1939) coin with KM# 550 from Brazil. Inscription: TOBIAS BARRETO 1839 1939
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1939 9,586,000 1 VF 0.75 USD
obverse of 1 Cruzeiro (1957 - 1961) coin with KM# 570 from Brazil. Inscription: REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOD DO BRASIL reverse of 1 Cruzeiro (1957 - 1961) coin with KM# 570 from Brazil. Inscription: 1 CRUZEIRO 1959
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1961 22,181,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 1 Cruzeiro (1967 - 1970) coin with KM# 581 from Brazil. Inscription: * BRASIL * reverse of 1 Cruzeiro (1967 - 1970) coin with KM# 581 from Brazil. Inscription: 1 CRUZEIRO 1970
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 53,271,000 1 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Cruzado (1986 - 1988) coin with KM# 605 from Brazil. Inscription: REPUBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL 15 DE NOVEMBRO DE 1889 reverse of 1 Cruzado (1986 - 1988) coin with KM# 605 from Brazil. Inscription: BRASIL 1 CRUZADO 1987
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 321,216,000 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 1 Real - 40th Anniversary of Central Bank (2005) coin with KM# 668 from Brazil. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DO BRASIL BC 1965 40 ANOS 2005 reverse of 1 Real - 40th Anniversary of Central Bank (2005) coin with KM# 668 from Brazil. Inscription: 1 REAL 2005
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 40,000,000 1 VG 0.32 USD
British colony
British West Africa
obverse of 1 Penny - Edward VII (1907 - 1910) coin with KM# 2 from British West Africa. Inscription: EDWARD VII KING & EMPEROR ONE PENNY reverse of 1 Penny - Edward VII (1907 - 1910) coin with KM# 2 from British West Africa. Inscription: NIGERIA-BRITISH WEST AFRICA · 1910 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1907 863,000 1 VG 0.95 USD
People's Republic
obverse of 1 Lev - Summer Olympics (1988) coin with KM# 176 from Bulgaria. reverse of 1 Lev - Summer Olympics (1988) coin with KM# 176 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 1 ЛЕВ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 1 UNC 2.9 USD
obverse of 2 Leva - Dimitrov (1981) coin with KM# 123 from Bulgaria. reverse of 2 Leva - Dimitrov (1981) coin with KM# 123 from Bulgaria.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 1 UNC 3.85 USD
obverse of 5 Francs (1976 - 1980) coin with KM# 20 from Burundi. Inscription: IBANKI YA REPUBLIKA Y'UBURUNDI UBUMWE-IBIKORWA-AMAJAMBERE 1976 reverse of 5 Francs (1976 - 1980) coin with KM# 20 from Burundi. Inscription: BANQUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU BURUNDI 5 FRANCS AMAFRANGA BRB
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 2,000,000 1 F 0.13 USD
1980 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Achievement (2000) coin with KM# 381 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 25 CENTS reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Achievement (2000) coin with KM# 381 from Canada. Inscription: ACHIEVEMENT 2000 RÉALISATION DD CANADA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 35,312,750 1 F 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Remembrance Day (2004) coin with KM# 510 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA P reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Remembrance Day (2004) coin with KM# 510 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA 2004 25 Cents REMEMBER SOUVENIR CS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 P 28,500,000 1 G 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Alberta (2005) coin with KM# 530 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA P reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Alberta (2005) coin with KM# 530 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA 25 ALBERTA cents 1905-2005
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 P 20,640,000 1 XF 3.5 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Cross Country Skiing (2009) coin with KM# 840 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA · ELIZABETH II 2009 reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Cross Country Skiing (2009) coin with KM# 840 from Canada. Inscription: 25 cents VANCOUVER 2010
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 22,000,000 1 VG 0.17 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1990 - 1996) coin with KM# 185 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1990 - 1996) coin with KM# 185 from Canada. Inscription: 19 94 CANADA 50 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 987,000 1 F 0.34 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Lucky Loonie (2010) coin with KM# 883 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 2010 reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Lucky Loonie (2010) coin with KM# 883 from Canada. Inscription: C A N A D A vancouver 2010 D O L L A R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 10,000,000 1 G 0.69 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Royal Canadian Navy (2010) coin with KM# 1017 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Royal Canadian Navy (2010) coin with KM# 1017 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA DOLLAR NAVY 1910~2010 MARINE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 7,000,000 1 XF 2.5 USD
obverse of 2 Dollars - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1996 - 2003) coin with KM# 270 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 1996 reverse of 2 Dollars - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1996 - 2003) coin with KM# 270 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA 2 DOLLARS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 W 1 G 1.4 USD
obverse of 5 Escudos (1971 - 1972) coin with KM# 199 from Chile. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CHILE LAUTARO reverse of 5 Escudos (1971 - 1972) coin with KM# 199 from Chile. Inscription: 5 ESCUDOS 1972 So
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1972 So 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 100 Escudos (1974 - 1975) coin with KM# 202 from Chile. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CHILE So reverse of 100 Escudos (1974 - 1975) coin with KM# 202 from Chile. Inscription: Eº 100 1974
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 So 65,600,000 1 XF 0.35 USD
People's Republic
obverse of 20 Cash (1919) coin with Y# 400a from China. reverse of 20 Cash (1919) coin with Y# 400a from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1919) 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 1 Yuán - Máo and Generals (1984) coin with KM# 104 from China. Inscription: 1949 - 1984 reverse of 1 Yuán - Máo and Generals (1984) coin with KM# 104 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1984) 20,410,000 1 UNC 52.8 USD
obverse of 1 Yuan - Xīzàng Autonomous Region (1985) coin with KM# 110 from China. Inscription: 中国人民銀行 1985 reverse of 1 Yuan - Xīzàng Autonomous Region (1985) coin with KM# 110 from China. Inscription: 1元 西藏自治区成立20周年
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 2,612,000 1 UNC 39.6 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1952 - 1958) coin with KM# 275a from Colombia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA 1952 reverse of 1 Centavo (1952 - 1958) coin with KM# 275a from Colombia. Inscription: I CENTAVO B
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1954 B 5,080,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
Comoro Islands
obverse of 10 Francs (1992) coin with KM# 17 from Comoro Islands. reverse of 10 Francs (1992) coin with KM# 17 from Comoro Islands. Inscription: BANQUE CENTRALE DES COMORES 10 FRANCS 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 F 0.21 USD
obverse of 100 Francs - FAO (2013) coin with KM# 18a from Comoro Islands. Inscription: AUGMENTONS LA PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE reverse of 100 Francs - FAO (2013) coin with KM# 18a from Comoro Islands. Inscription: 100 FRANCS 2013 BANQUE CENTRALE DES COMORES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 F 0.21 USD
Costa Rica
obverse of 5 Céntimos - BC CR separated (1951) coin with KM# A184 from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1951 reverse of 5 Céntimos - BC CR separated (1951) coin with KM# A184 from Costa Rica. Inscription: AMERICA CENTRAL 5 CENTIMOS B.C. C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1951 3,000,000 1 F 0.35 USD
obverse of 5 Céntimos (1979) coin with KM# 184.3a from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA AMERICA CENTRAL REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1979 reverse of 5 Céntimos (1979) coin with KM# 184.3a from Costa Rica. Inscription: AMERICA CENTRAL 5 CENTIMOS B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 60,000,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 25 Céntimos - Smaller (1983 - 1989) coin with KM# 188.3 from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA AMERICA CENTRAL REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1989 reverse of 25 Céntimos - Smaller (1983 - 1989) coin with KM# 188.3 from Costa Rica. Inscription: AMERICA CENTRAL 25 CENTIMOS B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 60,000,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Céntimos (1982 - 1990) coin with KM# 209 from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA AMERICA CENTRAL REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1982 reverse of 50 Céntimos (1982 - 1990) coin with KM# 209 from Costa Rica. Inscription: AMERICA CENTRAL 50 CENTIMOS B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 24,000,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 10 Colones (1983 - 1992) coin with KM# 215 from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA AMERICA CENTRAL REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1985 reverse of 10 Colones (1983 - 1992) coin with KM# 215 from Costa Rica. Inscription: 10 COLONES B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 12,000,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 100 Colones (1997 - 1999) coin with KM# 230a from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA AMERICA CENTRAL REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1997 reverse of 100 Colones (1997 - 1999) coin with KM# 230a from Costa Rica. Inscription: 100 COLONES B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 30,000,000 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 2 Kune - Croatian text (1993 - 2015) coin with KM# 10 from Croatia. Inscription: T U NJ KK 1995. reverse of 2 Kune - Croatian text (1993 - 2015) coin with KM# 10 from Croatia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA 2 KUNE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 . 8,000,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 1 Centavo (1963 - 2014) coin with KM# 33 from Cuba. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CUBA · UN CENTAVO · reverse of 1 Centavo (1963 - 2014) coin with KM# 33 from Cuba. Inscription: PATRIA Y LIBERTAD I · 1970 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 50,000,000 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos - INTUR (1981) coin with KM# 414 from Cuba. Inscription: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TURISMO · 1981 · CUBA · reverse of 10 Centavos - INTUR (1981) coin with KM# 414 from Cuba. Inscription: INTUR DIEZ CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 1 XF 1.85 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos - INTUR (1989) coin with KM# 415.3 from Cuba. Inscription: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TURISMO · 1989 · CUBA · reverse of 10 Centavos - INTUR (1989) coin with KM# 415.3 from Cuba. Inscription: 10 INTUR DIEZ CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1 G 0.16 USD
obverse of 25 Centavos - INTUR (1988) coin with KM# 419 from Cuba. Inscription: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TURISMO .1988.CUBA. reverse of 25 Centavos - INTUR (1988) coin with KM# 419 from Cuba. Inscription: 25 VEINTICINCO CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 1 F 0.38 USD
obverse of 1 Cent (1983 - 2004) coin with KM# 53 from Cyprus. Inscription: CYPRUS · ΚΥΠΡΟΣ · KIBRIS · 1983 reverse of 1 Cent (1983 - 2004) coin with KM# 53 from Cyprus. Inscription: 1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 10,000,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 20 Euro Cent (2008 - 2016) coin with KM# 82 from Cyprus. Inscription: ΚΥΠΡΟΣ · 2008 · KIBRIS reverse of 20 Euro Cent (2008 - 2016) coin with KM# 82 from Cyprus. Inscription: 20 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 90,000 1 G 0.21 USD
Czech Republic
obverse of 20 Korun (1993 - 2017) coin with KM# 5 from Czech Republic. Inscription: ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA · 1999 · reverse of 20 Korun (1993 - 2017) coin with KM# 5 from Czech Republic. Inscription: 20 Kč SVATÝ VÁCLAVE NEDEJ ZAHYNOUT NÁM I BUDOUCÍM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 HM 55,001,000 1 XF 0.9 USD
obverse of 50 Haléřů (1947 - 1950) coin with KM# 21 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA 1947 reverse of 50 Haléřů (1947 - 1950) coin with KM# 21 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: 50 O-ŠPANIEL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1948 20,000,000 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 25 Øre - Frederik IX (1966 - 1972) coin with KM# 855 from Denmark. Inscription: FR IX 1967 C ♥ S reverse of 25 Øre - Frederik IX (1966 - 1972) coin with KM# 855 from Denmark. Inscription: DANMARK 25 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1969 C♥S 16,974,000 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 25 Øre - Margrethe II (1990 - 2008) coin with KM# 868 from Denmark. Inscription: 19 91 DANMARK reverse of 25 Øre - Margrethe II (1990 - 2008) coin with KM# 868 from Denmark. Inscription: ♥ 25 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 LG♥JP 109,084,000 1 XF 0.08 USD
obverse of 1 Krone - Margrethe II (1992 - 2014) coin with KM# 873 from Denmark. Inscription: 1992 reverse of 1 Krone - Margrethe II (1992 - 2014) coin with KM# 873 from Denmark. Inscription: 1 KRONE DANMARK
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 LG;JP;A 81,621,000 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - Marriage of Crownprince - 4'th Portrait (2004) coin with KM# 894 from Denmark. Inscription: MARGRETHE II DANMARKS DRONNING 2004 reverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - Marriage of Crownprince - 4'th Portrait (2004) coin with KM# 894 from Denmark. Inscription: KRONPRINS FREDERIK KRONPRINSSE MARY 14. MAJ 20 KRONER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1,200,000 1 VF 2.85 USD
obverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - Færobåd - 4'th Portrait (2009) coin with KM# 936 from Denmark. Inscription: MARGRETHE II ♥ DANMARKS DRONNING 2009 reverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - Færobåd - 4'th Portrait (2009) coin with KM# 936 from Denmark. Inscription: FÆRØBÅD 20 KRONER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 900,000 1 VF 2.85 USD
obverse of 2 1/2 Centavos (1917) coin with KM# 61 from Ecuador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR reverse of 2 1/2 Centavos (1917) coin with KM# 61 from Ecuador. Inscription: DOS Y MEDIO CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1917 1,600,000 1 VG 2.8 USD
obverse of 1 Sucre (1959) coin with KM# 78a from Ecuador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR 1959 reverse of 1 Sucre (1959) coin with KM# 78a from Ecuador. Inscription: UN SUCRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1959 8,400,000 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 2 Sucres (1973) coin with KM# 82 from Ecuador. reverse of 2 Sucres (1973) coin with KM# 82 from Ecuador.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 2,000,000 1 UNC 96 USD
obverse of 100 Sucres - 200th anniversary of Antonio José de Sucre (1995) coin with KM# 96 from Ecuador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR 1995 reverse of 100 Sucres - 200th anniversary of Antonio José de Sucre (1995) coin with KM# 96 from Ecuador. Inscription: BICENTENARIO NATALICIO 100 CIEN SUCRES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 1 G 0.05 USD
Arab Republic
obverse of 1 Piastre (1984) coin with KM# 553 from Egypt. reverse of 1 Piastre (1984) coin with KM# 553 from Egypt. Inscription: جمهورية مصر ١ قرش ١٩٨٤ ١٤٠٤
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1404 (1984) Gregorian date on left - KM# 553.1 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 20 Piastres (1980) coin with KM# 507 from Egypt. reverse of 20 Piastres (1980) coin with KM# 507 from Egypt. Inscription: ٢٠
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1400 (1980) 1 VF 0.7 USD
obverse of 25 Piastres (1993) coin with KM# 734 from Egypt. Inscription: ١٤١٣-١٩٩٣ reverse of 25 Piastres (1993) coin with KM# 734 from Egypt. Inscription: 25 Pt.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1413 (1993) 1 F 0.35 USD
El Salvador
obverse of 3 Centavos (1889 - 1913) coin with KM# 107 from El Salvador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL SALVADOR 1889 reverse of 3 Centavos (1889 - 1913) coin with KM# 107 from El Salvador. Inscription: 3 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1913 H 1 VG 0.48 USD
2'nd Republic
obverse of 5 Senti (1991 - 1995) coin with KM# 21 from Estonia. Inscription: 1992 reverse of 5 Senti (1991 - 1995) coin with KM# 21 from Estonia. Inscription: EESTI VABARIIK 5 SENTI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 38,790,000 1 F 0.07 USD
obverse of 10 Senti (1991 - 2008) coin with KM# 22 from Estonia. Inscription: 20 08 reverse of 10 Senti (1991 - 2008) coin with KM# 22 from Estonia. Inscription: · EESTI VABARIIK · 10 SENTI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 15,000,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Kroon - Independence (2008) coin with KM# 44 from Estonia. Inscription: 20 08 reverse of 1 Kroon - Independence (2008) coin with KM# 44 from Estonia. Inscription: EESTI VABARIIK 1 KROON
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 20,000,000 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 50 Euro Cent - 1'st Map (1999 - 2006) coin with KM# 103 from Finland. Inscription: 2000 M reverse of 50 Euro Cent - 1'st Map (1999 - 2006) coin with KM# 103 from Finland. Inscription: 50 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 M 89,500 In sets only 1 G 0.54 USD
obverse of 20 Centimes (1941 - 1944) coin with KM# 900 from France. Inscription: ETAT FRANCAIS reverse of 20 Centimes (1941 - 1944) coin with KM# 900 from France. Inscription: 20 CENTIMES - 1943 -
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1942 A 112,868,000 KM# 900.1 1 G | 1 VG 0.25 USD
obverse of 1 Franc - Heavier (1942 - 1943) coin with KM# 902 from France. Inscription: ETAT FRANÇAIS reverse of 1 Franc - Heavier (1942 - 1943) coin with KM# 902 from France. Inscription: TRAVAIL · FAMILLE · · PATRIE · 1 · FRANC · 1942
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1943 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 5 Francs - O. Roty (1970 - 2001) coin with KM# 926a.1 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE O. Roty reverse of 5 Francs - O. Roty (1970 - 2001) coin with KM# 926a.1 from France. Inscription: LIBERTE · EGALITE · FRATERNITE 5 FRANCS 1985
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 460,000 1 F 0.48 USD
obverse of 5 Francs - Voltaire (1994) coin with KM# 1063 from France. Inscription: · RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE · 1694 VOLTAIRE 1778 reverse of 5 Francs - Voltaire (1994) coin with KM# 1063 from France. Inscription: LIBERTÉ · ÉGALITÉ · FRATERNITÉ 1994 5F Voltaire
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 G 0.12 USD
obverse of 10 Francs (1974 - 1987) coin with KM# 940 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE RF MATHIEU 1987 reverse of 10 Francs (1974 - 1987) coin with KM# 940 from France. Inscription: 10 FRANCS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 40,001,847 1 G 0.1 USD
French colony
French West Africa
obverse of 5 Francs (1956) coin with KM# 5 from French West Africa. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE 1956 G.B.L. BAZOR reverse of 5 Francs (1956) coin with KM# 5 from French West Africa. Inscription: 5 F. AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANÇAISE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1956 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 100 Francs (1975 - 1985) coin with KM# 13 from Gabon. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE GABONAISE reverse of 100 Francs (1975 - 1985) coin with KM# 13 from Gabon. Inscription: BANQUE DES ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE CENTRALE 100 FRANCS 1977
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 1 XF 11.6 USD
obverse of 8 Shillings - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1970) coin with KM# 7 from Gambia. Inscription: THE GAMBIA 1970 reverse of 8 Shillings - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1970) coin with KM# 7 from Gambia. Inscription: 8 SHILLINGS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 25,000 1 G 0.25 USD
Federal Republic
obverse of 1 Kopeck - Wilhelm II (1916) coin with KM# 21 from Germany. Inscription: GEBIET DES OBERBEFEHLSHABERS OST reverse of 1 Kopeck - Wilhelm II (1916) coin with KM# 21 from Germany. Inscription: 1 КОПЂЙКА 1916
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1916 A 11,942,046 1 G 0.47 USD
obverse of 1 Reichspfennig (1936 - 1940) coin with KM# 89 from Germany. Inscription: Deutsches Reich 1938 reverse of 1 Reichspfennig (1936 - 1940) coin with KM# 89 from Germany. Inscription: Reichspfennig 1 A
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1939 J 8,368,000 1 G 0.12 USD
obverse of 2 Pfennig - Magnetic (1967 - 2001) coin with KM# 106a from Germany. Inscription: BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND 1996 reverse of 2 Pfennig - Magnetic (1967 - 2001) coin with KM# 106a from Germany. Inscription: 2 PFENNIG D
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 D 105,000,000 1 XF 0.08 USD
obverse of 5 Pfennig (1952 - 1953) coin with KM# 6 from Germany. Inscription: 1952 reverse of 5 Pfennig (1952 - 1953) coin with KM# 6 from Germany. Inscription: DEUTSCHLAND 5 PFENNIG E
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 E 113,397,000 1 VG 0.83 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 1'st Map (2002 - 2006) coin with KM# 214 from Germany. Inscription: 2003 F reverse of 2 Euro - 1'st Map (2002 - 2006) coin with KM# 214 from Germany. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 G 85,000 In sets only 1 XF 2.83 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Federal States: Bremen (2010) coin with KM# 285 from Germany. Inscription: D A BREMEN 20 10 reverse of 2 Euro - Federal States: Bremen (2010) coin with KM# 285 from Germany. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 A 98,800 In sets only 1 G 2.09 USD
British colony
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 UNC 6.35 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 UNC 6.35 USD
obverse of 1 Lepton - Ioannis Kapodistrias (1828 - 1830) coin with KM# 1 from Greece. Inscription: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ (Hellenic State) reverse of 1 Lepton - Ioannis Kapodistrias (1828 - 1830) coin with KM# 1 from Greece. Inscription: ΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΤΗΣ Ι.Α.ΚΑΠΟΔΙΣΤΡΙΑΣ - 1 ΛΕΠΤΟΝ (Governor I.A.Kapodistrias)
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1830 26,000 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 50 Lepta - Constantin II (1966 - 1970) coin with KM# 88 from Greece. Inscription: ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ · 1970 · reverse of 50 Lepta - Constantin II (1966 - 1970) coin with KM# 88 from Greece. Inscription: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ · 50 ΛΕΠΤΑ ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 10,160,000 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Drachmai (1973) coin with KM# 109 from Greece. Inscription: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ 1973 reverse of 5 Drachmai (1973) coin with KM# 109 from Greece. Inscription: 5 ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 13,931,000 KM# 109.1 (ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ) 1 VF 0.13 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos - Magnetic (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 276.6 from Guatemala. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA 2011 reverse of 5 Centavos - Magnetic (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 276.6 from Guatemala. Inscription: 5 CENTAVOS LIBRE CREZCA FECUNDO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 VF 0.01 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 10 New Pence - Elizabeth II (1968 - 1971) coin with KM# 24 from Guernsey. Inscription: S'BALLIVIE INSVLE DE GERNEREVE reverse of 10 New Pence - Elizabeth II (1968 - 1971) coin with KM# 24 from Guernsey. Inscription: 10 1968 NEW PENCE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 600,000 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 5 Centimes (1958 - 1970) coin with KM# 62 from Haiti. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI 1958 reverse of 5 Centimes (1958 - 1970) coin with KM# 62 from Haiti. Inscription: LIBERTE.EGALITE.FRATERNITE . 5 .
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 15,000,000 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 1 Gourde (1889) coin with KM# 51 from Haiti. Inscription: B.P.1G/GL.H reverse of 1 Gourde (1889) coin with KM# 51 from Haiti.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1889) 100,000 1 VG 0.01 USD
obverse of 2 Centavos (1974) coin with KM# 78a from Honduras. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS 1974 Repca de · honduras · libre · soberana · independiente. 15 septbre 1821 · reverse of 2 Centavos (1974) coin with KM# 78a from Honduras. Inscription: DOS 2 CENTAVOS DE LEMPIRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 1 F 0.05 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1932 1,000,000 1 XF 4 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1967) coin with KM# 80 from Honduras. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS 1967 reverse of 50 Centavos (1967) coin with KM# 80 from Honduras. Inscription: 50 CENTAVOS DE LEMPIRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 4,800,000 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 2 Forint (1950 - 1952) coin with KM# 548 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR · NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG 1950 reverse of 2 Forint (1950 - 1952) coin with KM# 548 from Hungary. Inscription: 2 FORINT BP.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1951 BP 4,000,000 1 XF 7.45 USD
obverse of 2 Forint (1992 - 2008) coin with KM# 693 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KÖZTÁRSASÁG 1994 reverse of 2 Forint (1992 - 2008) coin with KM# 693 from Hungary. Inscription: 2 FORINT BP.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 BP 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 5 Forint (2012 - 2017) coin with KM# 847 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYARORSZÁG 2013 reverse of 5 Forint (2012 - 2017) coin with KM# 847 from Hungary. Inscription: 5 FORINT BP.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 BP 25,000,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 2 Annas - George V (1918 - 1936) coin with KM# 516 from India. Inscription: GEORGE V KING EMPEROR 19 18 · INDIA · reverse of 2 Annas - George V (1918 - 1936) coin with KM# 516 from India. Inscription: दो आना দুই মানা 2 ANNAS రెండు అణాఒ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1927 • 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 50 Paise (1974 - 1983) coin with KM# 63 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA reverse of 50 Paise (1974 - 1983) coin with KM# 63 from India. Inscription: पैसे PAISE 50 1977
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 ♦ 1 G 0.24 USD
obverse of 5 Rupees - Death of Indira Gandi (1985) coin with KM# 150 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA सत्यमेव जयते रूपये 5 RUPEES reverse of 5 Rupees - Death of Indira Gandi (1985) coin with KM# 150 from India. Inscription: इंदिरा गांधी INDIRA GANDHI 1917 - 1984
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 B Proof 1 VF 14.1 USD
obverse of 50 Rupiah (1991 - 1998) coin with KM# 52 from Indonesia. Inscription: 1996 BANK INDONESIA reverse of 50 Rupiah (1991 - 1998) coin with KM# 52 from Indonesia. Inscription: Rp 50 Komodo
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 591,880,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 25 Dīnār - Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi - Mule (1950) coin with KM# 1141 from Iran. reverse of 25 Dīnār - Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi - Mule (1950) coin with KM# 1141 from Iran.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1329 (1950) 1 G 123.75 USD
obverse of 2 Pingin (1988 - 2000) coin with KM# 21a from Ireland. Inscription: éIRe 1995 reverse of 2 Pingin (1988 - 2000) coin with KM# 21a from Ireland. Inscription: 2P
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 66,960,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
United Kingdom
Isle of Man
obverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1980 - 1983) coin with KM# 60 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 1980 reverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1980 - 1983) coin with KM# 60 from Isle of Man. Inscription: 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 AB 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1978 - 1982) coin with KM# 44 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ELIZABETH THE SECOND PM · 1980 · reverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1978 - 1982) coin with KM# 44 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN · ONE POUND ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 AC 1 VF 1.26 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2004 - 2015) coin with KM# 1259 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 2009 reverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2004 - 2015) coin with KM# 1259 from Isle of Man. Inscription: TYNWALD HILL · ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL 1 · POUND · AA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 AC 1 VG 1.26 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 AA 1 G 2.54 USD
obverse of 10 Prutah (1949) coin with KM# 11 from Israel. Inscription: إسرائيل ישראל reverse of 10 Prutah (1949) coin with KM# 11 from Israel. Inscription: 10 פרוטה תשיע
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
5709 (1949) 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 New Sheqel - Hanukkah (1986 - 2009) coin with KM# 163 from Israel. reverse of 1 New Sheqel - Hanukkah (1986 - 2009) coin with KM# 163 from Israel.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
5764 (2004) * 3,000 1 VF 0.28 USD
Papal States
Italian States
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1859 13,700,000 1 F Unknown
obverse of 4 Soldi - Pius IX (1866 - 1869) coin with KM# 1374 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS · VII · PONT · MAX · ANN · XXI * 1867 * reverse of 4 Soldi - Pius IX (1866 - 1869) coin with KM# 1374 from Italian States. Inscription: STATO PONTIFICIO 4 SOLDI R 20 · CENTESIMI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1869 R 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 1 Centesimo - Umberto I (1895 - 1900) coin with KM# 29 from Italy. Inscription: UMBERTO I RE D'ITALIA S · reverse of 1 Centesimo - Umberto I (1895 - 1900) coin with KM# 29 from Italy. Inscription: 1 CENTESIMO 1895 R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1897 R 1,844,500 1 F 28.6 USD
obverse of 100 Lire - Centennial of Livorno Naval Academy (1981) coin with KM# 108 from Italy. Inscription: REPVBLICA ITALIANA M.VALLUCCI reverse of 100 Lire - Centennial of Livorno Naval Academy (1981) coin with KM# 108 from Italy. Inscription: CENTENARIO ACADEMIA NAVALE DI LIVORNO 1881 1981 L. 100 R MOPPI RI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1981) R 39,500,000 1 XF 0.35 USD
obverse of 200 Lire - FAO (1981) coin with KM# 109 from Italy. Inscription: REPUBBLICA · ITALIANA reverse of 200 Lire - FAO (1981) coin with KM# 109 from Italy. Inscription: L. 200 GIORNATA MONDIALE DELL' ALIMENTAZIONE 16 OTT. FAO 1981 R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 R 45,207,600 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 200 Lire - 80th Anniversary of Carabinieri (1994) coin with KM# 164 from Italy. Inscription: REPVBBLICA ITALIANA · M.VALLUCCI reverse of 200 Lire - 80th Anniversary of Carabinieri (1994) coin with KM# 164 from Italy. Inscription: ARMA DEI CARABINIERI R IR CLXXX NEI SECOLI FEDELE 1814*L.200*1994 Z AMERCI MOD. GROSSI INC.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1994) R 200,000,000 1 VG 0.12 USD
obverse of 200 Lire - Centennial to Italian Naval League (1997) coin with KM# 186 from Italy. Inscription: REPVBLICA ITALIANA M.VALLUCCI reverse of 200 Lire - Centennial to Italian Naval League (1997) coin with KM# 186 from Italy. Inscription: 1897 1997 R LEGA NATIONALE ITALIANA LNI 200 LIRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1997) R 40,000,000 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 500 Lire - 500th Anniversary to Publication of Mathematical Work by Luca Pacioli (1994) coin with KM# 167 from Italy. Inscription: REPUBLICA ITALIANA reverse of 500 Lire - 500th Anniversary to Publication of Mathematical Work by Luca Pacioli (1994) coin with KM# 167 from Italy. Inscription: LUCA PACIOLI 1494 1994 L.500
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1994) R 50,000,000 1 VG 0.18 USD
obverse of 50 Euro Cent - 1'st Map (2002 - 2007) coin with KM# 215 from Italy. Inscription: m RI R 2005 reverse of 50 Euro Cent - 1'st Map (2002 - 2007) coin with KM# 215 from Italy. Inscription: 50 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 R 49,500 In sets only 1 F 0.52 USD
obverse of 1 Euro - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 250 from Italy. Inscription: RI R 2011 LC reverse of 1 Euro - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 250 from Italy. Inscription: 1 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 R 87,954,500 1 F 1.08 USD
obverse of 1 Farthing - George V (1914 - 1934) coin with KM# 24 from Jamaica. Inscription: GEORGE V KING AND EMPEROR OF INDIA · 1916 · reverse of 1 Farthing - George V (1914 - 1934) coin with KM# 24 from Jamaica. Inscription: JAMAICA FARTHING
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1919 C 401,000 1 VG 0.35 USD
obverse of 1/2 Penny - Victoria (1869 - 1900) coin with KM# 16 from Jamaica. Inscription: VICTORIA QUEEN reverse of 1/2 Penny - Victoria (1869 - 1900) coin with KM# 16 from Jamaica. Inscription: * JAMAICA * HALF PENNY INDUS UTERQUE SERVIET UNI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1894 96,000 1 XF 25 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - Wide legend letters (1969 - 1990) coin with KM# 48 from Jamaica. Inscription: JAMAICA OUT OF MANY, ONE PEOPLE 1976 reverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - Wide legend letters (1969 - 1990) coin with KM# 48 from Jamaica. Inscription: TWENTY CENTS 20
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 2,000,000 1 F 0.07 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Magnetic (1993 - 1994) coin with KM# 145a from Jamaica. Inscription: JAMAICA ONE DOLLAR 1993 OUT OF MANY, ONE PEOPLE reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Magnetic (1993 - 1994) coin with KM# 145a from Jamaica. Inscription: SIR ALEXANDER BUSTAMANTE 1884-1977
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 VF 0.54 USD
obverse of 100 Mon - Ninkō (1835 - 1870) coin with C# 7 from Japan. Inscription: 天 保 通 寶 reverse of 100 Mon - Ninkō (1835 - 1870) coin with C# 7 from Japan. Inscription: 當 百
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1835 - 1870) 1 VF 14 USD
obverse of 1 Sen - Taishō (1913 - 1915) coin with Y# 35 from Japan. Inscription: 年 三 正 大 · 本 日 大 · · 1 SEN · reverse of 1 Sen - Taishō (1913 - 1915) coin with Y# 35 from Japan. Inscription: 一 錢
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2 (1913) 15,000,000 1 VG 0.68 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 1/4 Shilling - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1964) coin with KM# 25 from Jersey. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 1/4 Shilling - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1964) coin with KM# 25 from Jersey. Inscription: · BAILIWICK · OF · JERSEY · 19 64 ONE · FOURTH · OF · A · SHILLING
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1964 1,200,000 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Pence - Elizabeth II - Smaller; 2'nd Portrait (1990 - 1997) coin with KM# 56.2 from Jersey. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND 1991 reverse of 5 Pence - Elizabeth II - Smaller; 2'nd Portrait (1990 - 1997) coin with KM# 56.2 from Jersey. Inscription: BAILIWICK OF JERSEY FIVE PENCE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 2,000,000 1 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 10 Shillings (1994 - 1997) coin with KM# 27 from Kenya. Inscription: PRESIDENT DANIEL TOROITICH ARAP MOI reverse of 10 Shillings (1994 - 1997) coin with KM# 27 from Kenya. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF KENYA 10 TEN SHILLINGS 1997 HARAMBEE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 1 VG 0.28 USD
obverse of 5 Cents (1992) coin with KM# 3a from Kiribati. Inscription: KIRIBATI 1979 reverse of 5 Cents (1992) coin with KM# 3a from Kiribati. Inscription: CENTS 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 VG 0.1 USD
obverse of 20 Cents (1979) coin with KM# 5 from Kiribati. Inscription: KIRIBATI 1979 reverse of 20 Cents (1979) coin with KM# 5 from Kiribati. Inscription: 20 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 20,000 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar (1979) coin with KM# 7 from Kiribati. Inscription: KIRIBATI 1979 reverse of 1 Dollar (1979) coin with KM# 7 from Kiribati. Inscription: ONE DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 20,000 1 XF 1.25 USD
Democratic People's Republic
obverse of 1/2 Chon - FAO (2002) coin with KM# 192 from Korea. Inscription: 2002 reverse of 1/2 Chon - FAO (2002) coin with KM# 192 from Korea. Inscription: XXI CENTURY FAO FOOD SECURITY 1/2 전
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 1 VG 0.08 USD
obverse of 20 Fils - Abdullah Ibn Salim (1961) coin with KM# 5 from Kuwait. Inscription: ١٣٨٠ - ١٩٦١ reverse of 20 Fils - Abdullah Ibn Salim (1961) coin with KM# 5 from Kuwait. Inscription: ٢٠ KUWAIT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1380 (1961) 1 F 0.38 USD
2'nd Republic
obverse of 1 Lats - Horseshoe - Upwards (2010) coin with KM# 117 from Latvia. Inscription: LATVIJAS 20 10 REPUBLIKA reverse of 1 Lats - Horseshoe - Upwards (2010) coin with KM# 117 from Latvia. Inscription: 1 LATS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 500,000 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 1 Lats - Horseshoe - Downwards (2010) coin with KM# 118 from Latvia. Inscription: LATVIJAS 20 10 REPUBLIKA reverse of 1 Lats - Horseshoe - Downwards (2010) coin with KM# 118 from Latvia. Inscription: 1 LATS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 500,000 1 G 0.12 USD
obverse of 10 Piastres (1961) coin with KM# 24 from Lebanon. Inscription: ١٠ ١٦١ reverse of 10 Piastres (1961) coin with KM# 24 from Lebanon. Inscription: 10 PIASTRES 1961 REPUBLIQUE LIBANAISE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1961 7,000,000 1 XF 0.35 USD
obverse of 100 Livres (1995 - 2000) coin with KM# 38 from Lebanon. Inscription: مصرف لبنان ١٠٠ ليرة ١٩٩٦ reverse of 100 Livres (1995 - 2000) coin with KM# 38 from Lebanon. Inscription: 100 LIVRES 1996 BANQUE DU LIBAN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 1 G 0.05 USD
obverse of 2 Lisente - Moshoeshoe II (1979 - 1989) coin with KM# 17 from Lesotho. Inscription: KINGDOM OF LESOTHO H.M.MOSHOESHOE II 1979 reverse of 2 Lisente - Moshoeshoe II (1979 - 1989) coin with KM# 17 from Lesotho. Inscription: 2 LISENTE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1 F Unknown
obverse of 10 Lisente - Moshoeshoe II (1998 - 2010) coin with KM# 63 from Lesotho. Inscription: KINGDOM OF LESOTHO KHOTSO PULA NALA 1998 reverse of 10 Lisente - Moshoeshoe II (1998 - 2010) coin with KM# 63 from Lesotho. Inscription: 10 LISENTE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 VF 0.01 USD
2'nd republic
obverse of 50 Centų (1997 - 2014) coin with KM# 108 from Lithuania. Inscription: LIETUVA 1997 reverse of 50 Centų (1997 - 2014) coin with KM# 108 from Lithuania. Inscription: 50 CENTŲ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 4,000 In sets only 1 F 0.49 USD
Grand Duchy
obverse of 2 Euro - Henri I - National Anthem (2013) coin with KM# 125 from Luxembourg. Inscription: Ons Heemecht LËTZEBUERG 2013 reverse of 2 Euro - Henri I - National Anthem (2013) coin with KM# 125 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 722,000 1 VG 2.12 USD
obverse of 10 Francs - FAO (1996) coin with KM# 22 from Madagascar. Inscription: BANKY FOIBEN'I MADAGASIKARA .1996. reverse of 10 Francs - FAO (1996) coin with KM# 22 from Madagascar. Inscription: 10 FRANCS ARIARY ROA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 F 0.37 USD
obverse of 20 Francs - FAO (1970 - 1989) coin with KM# 12 from Madagascar. Inscription: FAMOAHAMBOLAN' NY REPOBLIKA MALAGASY 1989 reverse of 20 Francs - FAO (1970 - 1989) coin with KM# 12 from Madagascar. Inscription: 20 FRANCS ARIARY EFATRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 1 VF 0.4 USD
obverse of 2 Tambala (1984 - 1994) coin with KM# 8.2a from Malawi. Inscription: MALAWI reverse of 2 Tambala (1984 - 1994) coin with KM# 8.2a from Malawi. Inscription: 1987 2 TAMBALA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 VG 0.15 USD
obverse of 5 Laari - FAO (1984 - 1990) coin with KM# 69 from Maldives. Inscription: 1990 ١٤١١ reverse of 5 Laari - FAO (1984 - 1990) coin with KM# 69 from Maldives. Inscription: MALDIVES 5 LAARI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1411 (1990) 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 5 Laari (2012) coin with KM# 114 from Maldives. Inscription: 2012 ١٤٣٣ MMA reverse of 5 Laari (2012) coin with KM# 114 from Maldives. Inscription: MALDIVES 5 LAARI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1433 (2012) 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 10 Laari (2012) coin with KM# 75 from Maldives. Inscription: 2012 ١٤٣٣ MMA reverse of 10 Laari (2012) coin with KM# 75 from Maldives. Inscription: MALDIVES 10 LAARI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1433 (2012) 1 XF 0.01 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Declaration of the Republic (13 December 1974) (1975) coin with KM# 29 from Malta. Inscription: REPUBBLIKA TA' MALTA 1975 reverse of 25 Cents - Declaration of the Republic (13 December 1974) (1975) coin with KM# 29 from Malta. Inscription: 25 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 1 VF 7.75 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - First Electives (2011) coin with KM# 144 from Malta. Inscription: MALTA - First elected representatives 1849 2011 reverse of 2 Euro - First Electives (2011) coin with KM# 144 from Malta. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 50,000 In sets only 1 VG 2.12 USD
obverse of 5 Cents (1987 - 2012) coin with KM# 52 from Mauritius. Inscription: DR THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR SEEWOOSAGUR RAMGOOLAM KT reverse of 5 Cents (1987 - 2012) coin with KM# 52 from Mauritius. Inscription: MAURITIUS 5 FIVE-CENTS-1987
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 VG 0.02 USD
3'rd Federal Republic
obverse of 10 Centavos (1974 - 1980) coin with KM# 434 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 10 Centavos (1974 - 1980) coin with KM# 434 from Mexico. Inscription: 10 CS. 1979
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 Mo 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 20 Centavos - Type 2 National Arms (1955 - 1971) coin with KM# 440 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 20 Centavos - Type 2 National Arms (1955 - 1971) coin with KM# 440 from Mexico. Inscription: 20 TEOTIHUACAN CENTAVOS 1964
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 Mo 76,287,000 1 F 0.08 USD
obverse of 20 Centavos - Type 3 National Emblem (1971 - 1974) coin with KM# 441 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 20 Centavos - Type 3 National Emblem (1971 - 1974) coin with KM# 441 from Mexico. Inscription: 20 CENTAVOS 1974
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 34,200,000 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 10 Pesos (1974 - 1985) coin with KM# 477 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 10 Pesos (1974 - 1985) coin with KM# 477 from Mexico. Inscription: DIEZ PESOS 1981
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 Mo 55,200,000 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 1 Peso / 1/4 Onza - Señor de las limas (1996 - 1998) coin with KM# 593 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS 1/4 ONZA DE PLATA LEY 0.999 reverse of 1 Peso / 1/4 Onza - Señor de las limas (1996 - 1998) coin with KM# 593 from Mexico. Inscription: 1996 Mo SEÑOR DE LAS LIMAS $1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 Mo 6,400 1 UNC 5.93 USD
obverse of 5 Pesos - Aguila Real - Bullion (2000) coin with KM# 652 from Mexico. reverse of 5 Pesos - Aguila Real - Bullion (2000) coin with KM# 652 from Mexico.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 Mo 30,000 1 UNC 42.3 USD
obverse of 5 Euro Cent - Albert II - 2'nd Type (2006 - 2014) coin with KM# 190 from Monaco. Inscription: MONACO 2006 reverse of 5 Euro Cent - Albert II - 2'nd Type (2006 - 2014) coin with KM# 190 from Monaco. Inscription: 5 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 8,000 In sets only 1 VG 1.77 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Albert II - Royal Wedding (2011) coin with KM# 196 from Monaco. Inscription: MONACO 2011 reverse of 2 Euro - Albert II - Royal Wedding (2011) coin with KM# 196 from Monaco. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 66,820 In sets only 1 XF 2.09 USD
Portuguese colony
obverse of 2,50 Escudos (1952 - 1973) coin with KM# 78 from Mozambique. Inscription: MOÇAMBIQUE 2$50 reverse of 2,50 Escudos (1952 - 1973) coin with KM# 78 from Mozambique. Inscription: REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 1965
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 8,000,000 1 VG 0.07 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 1 Kyat - FAO (1975) coin with KM# 47 from Myanmar. reverse of 1 Kyat - FAO (1975) coin with KM# 47 from Myanmar.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 20,000,000 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 50 Luma (2004) coin with KM# 6 from Nagorno-Karabakh. Inscription: NAGORNO-KARABAKH REPUBLIC Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի Հանրապետություն reverse of 50 Luma (2004) coin with KM# 6 from Nagorno-Karabakh. Inscription: 50 LUMA 2004
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 VF 0.24 USD
obverse of 1 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh - विरेन्द्र in obverse (1971 - 1979) coin with KM# 799 from Nepal. Inscription: नेपाल २०२ε श्री ५ वीरेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहदेव reverse of 1 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh - विरेन्द्र in obverse (1971 - 1979) coin with KM# 799 from Nepal. Inscription: श्री भवानी १ एक पैसा
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2030 (1973) 1,279,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
2033 (1976) 217,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 2 1/2 Cents - Wilhelmina (1912 - 1941) coin with KM# 150 from Netherlands. Inscription: KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 1912 reverse of 2 1/2 Cents - Wilhelmina (1912 - 1941) coin with KM# 150 from Netherlands. Inscription: 2 1/2 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1929 8,000,000 1 VG 0.98 USD
obverse of 1 Gulden - Juliana (1967 - 1980) coin with KM# 184a from Netherlands. Inscription: JULIANA KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN reverse of 1 Gulden - Juliana (1967 - 1980) coin with KM# 184a from Netherlands. Inscription: 1980 1G NEDERLAND
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 61,000,000 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 20 Euro Cent - Beatrix - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2013) coin with KM# 269 from Netherlands. Inscription: BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 2007 reverse of 20 Euro Cent - Beatrix - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2013) coin with KM# 269 from Netherlands. Inscription: 20 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 200,000 1 G 0.22 USD
obverse of 50 Euro Cent - Beatrix - 1'st Map (1999 - 2006) coin with KM# 239 from Netherlands. Inscription: BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 2006 reverse of 50 Euro Cent - Beatrix - 1'st Map (1999 - 2006) coin with KM# 239 from Netherlands. Inscription: 50 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 300,000 1 XF 1.15 USD
obverse of 1 Euro - Beatrix - 1'st Map (1999 - 2006) coin with KM# 240 from Netherlands. Inscription: BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 2001 reverse of 1 Euro - Beatrix - 1'st Map (1999 - 2006) coin with KM# 240 from Netherlands. Inscription: 1 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 200,000 1 VG 1.05 USD
obverse of 1 Euro - Beatrix - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2013) coin with KM# 271 from Netherlands. Inscription: BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 2007 reverse of 1 Euro - Beatrix - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2013) coin with KM# 271 from Netherlands. Inscription: 1 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 100,000 1 VG 1.08 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Beatrix - 10 Years of Euro Cash (2012) coin with KM# 308 from Netherlands. Inscription: NEDERLAND A.H. € 2002 2012 reverse of 2 Euro - Beatrix - 10 Years of Euro Cash (2012) coin with KM# 308 from Netherlands. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 3,472,500 1 G 2.17 USD
Netherlands East Indies
obverse of 4 Kepings (1805) coin with KM# 266 from Netherlands East Indies. Inscription: EAST INDIA COMPANY AUSPICIO REGIS & SENATUS ANGLIÆ 1804 reverse of 4 Kepings (1805) coin with KM# 266 from Netherlands East Indies. Inscription: ۴ امڤت کڤڠ ۱۲۱۹
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1219 (1805) 1 F Unknown
obverse of 10 Centavos (2002) coin with KM# 98 from Nicaragua. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA AMERICA CENTRAL reverse of 10 Centavos (2002) coin with KM# 98 from Nicaragua. Inscription: EN DIOS CONFIAMOS 10 CENTAVOS * * 2002 * *
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 1 VG 0.03 USD
North Macedonia
obverse of 50 Denari (2008) coin with KM# 32 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИА МАКЕДОНИЈА 2008 reverse of 50 Denari (2008) coin with KM# 32 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 50 ДЕНАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 F 0.88 USD
obverse of 2 Øre - Olav V - Small letters (1958) coin with KM# 404 from Norway. Inscription: O V reverse of 2 Øre - Olav V - Small letters (1958) coin with KM# 404 from Norway. Inscription: 2 ØRE NORGE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 2,700,000 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 10 Kroner - Harald V - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Ole Bull (2010) coin with KM# 483 from Norway. Inscription: HARALD V NORGES KONGE 2010 reverse of 10 Kroner - Harald V - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Ole Bull (2010) coin with KM# 483 from Norway. Inscription: OLE BULL 200 AR 10 kr
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 979,000 1 XF 1.38 USD
obverse of 50 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said (1975 - 1998) coin with KM# 46a from Oman. Inscription: قابوس بن سعيد سلطان عمان reverse of 50 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said (1975 - 1998) coin with KM# 46a from Oman. Inscription: بيسة ۵۰ ١٤١٠
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1395 (1975) 2,500,000 1 XF 0.7 USD
Ottoman Empire
obverse of 5 Para - Abdülaziz I (1864) coin with KM# 699 from Ottoman Empire. reverse of 5 Para - Abdülaziz I (1864) coin with KM# 699 from Ottoman Empire.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1277 (1864) ٤ 16,000,000 1 VG Unknown
Islamic Republic
obverse of 10 Rupees - Fatima Jinnah (2003) coin with KM# 66 from Pakistan. Inscription: 10 2003 reverse of 10 Rupees - Fatima Jinnah (2003) coin with KM# 66 from Pakistan.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 200,000 1 XF 3.95 USD
Papua New Guinea
obverse of 1 Toea - Elizabeth II (1975 - 2004) coin with KM# 1 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1976 reverse of 1 Toea - Elizabeth II (1975 - 2004) coin with KM# 1 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: 1 t
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 2 Centavos - South Peru (1863 - 1895) coin with KM# 188 from Peru. Inscription: 1864 REPUBLICA PERUANA reverse of 2 Centavos - South Peru (1863 - 1895) coin with KM# 188 from Peru. Inscription: DOS CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1895 1 XF 3.75 USD
obverse of 2 Centavos (1918 - 1949) coin with KM# 212 from Peru. Inscription: REPUBLICA PERUANA 1944 reverse of 2 Centavos (1918 - 1949) coin with KM# 212 from Peru. Inscription: DOS CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1948 1,518,000 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos (1966 - 1975) coin with KM# 244 from Peru. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA DEL PERU 1969 reverse of 5 Centavos (1966 - 1975) coin with KM# 244 from Peru. Inscription: 5 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 1 F 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Nuevo Sol - Natural resources of Peru: Anchovy (2013) coin with KM# 374 from Peru. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA DEL PERU 2013 reverse of 1 Nuevo Sol - Natural resources of Peru: Anchovy (2013) coin with KM# 374 from Peru. Inscription: LA ANCHOVETA ENGRAULIS RINGENS 1 NUEVO SOL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 10,000,000 1 F 0.27 USD
obverse of 25 Sentimo - Larger (1983 - 1990) coin with KM# 241.1 from Philippines. Inscription: REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS JUAN LUNA 1990 reverse of 25 Sentimo - Larger (1983 - 1990) coin with KM# 241.1 from Philippines. Inscription: 25 SENTIMO GRAPHIUM IDAEOIDES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 254,324,000 1 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 1 Złoty (1949) coin with Y# 45a from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA · 1949 · reverse of 1 Złoty (1949) coin with Y# 45a from Poland. Inscription: 1 ZŁ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 43,000,000 1 XF 2.3 USD
obverse of 20 Złotych - 1980 Olympics (1980) coin with Y# 108 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 1980 ZŁ 20 ZŁ reverse of 20 Złotych - 1980 Olympics (1980) coin with Y# 108 from Poland. Inscription: IGRZYSKA XXII OLIMPIADY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 MW 2,012,000 1 XF 1.6 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 MW 287,300 1 VF 0.89 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Wladyslaw IV Waza (1999) coin with Y# 368 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 1999 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Wladyslaw IV Waza (1999) coin with Y# 368 from Poland. Inscription: WŁADYSŁAW IV WAZA 1632-1648
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 MW 500,000 1 G 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Zachodniopomorskie (2005) coin with Y# 563 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2005 zł 2 zł reverse of 2 Złote - Zachodniopomorskie (2005) coin with Y# 563 from Poland. Inscription: WOJEWÓDZTWO ZACHODNIOPOMORSKIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 MW 900,000 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Brzeg (2007) coin with Y# 615 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2007 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Brzeg (2007) coin with Y# 615 from Poland. Inscription: BRZEG
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 MW 1,000,000 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - 90th Anniversary of Regaining Independence by Poland (2008) coin with Y# 650 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2008 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - 90th Anniversary of Regaining Independence by Poland (2008) coin with Y# 650 from Poland. Inscription: ODZYSKANIA NIEPODLEGŁOSCI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1,200,000 1 VF 0.73 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Warsaw - Old City (2010) coin with Y# 751 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2010 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Warsaw - Old City (2010) coin with Y# 751 from Poland. Inscription: WARSZAWA 30 LAT NA LISCIE UNESCO STARE MIASTO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 MW 1,000,000 1 XF 1.48 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Polish Olympic Team Vancouver 2010 (2010) coin with Y# 715 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 20 10 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Polish Olympic Team Vancouver 2010 (2010) coin with Y# 715 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA REPREZENTACJA OLIMPIJSKA VANCOUVER 2010
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 MW 1,400,000 1 XF 1.4 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Beatification of Pope John Paul II (2011) coin with Y# 772 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2011 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Beatification of Pope John Paul II (2011) coin with Y# 772 from Poland. Inscription: BEATYFIKACJA JANA PAWŁA II 1 V 2011
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 MW 1,000,000 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Krzemionki Opatowskie (2012) coin with Y# 835 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2012 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Krzemionki Opatowskie (2012) coin with Y# 835 from Poland. Inscription: KRZEMIONKI OPATOWSKIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 MW 800,000 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Stefan Banach (2012) coin with Y# 817 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2012 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Stefan Banach (2012) coin with Y# 817 from Poland. Inscription: STEFAN BANACH 1892-1945
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 MW 800,000 1 XF 1.4 USD
obverse of 5 Złotych (1994 - 2015) coin with Y# 284 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA · 1996 · reverse of 5 Złotych (1994 - 2015) coin with Y# 284 from Poland. Inscription: 5 ZŁOTYCH
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 MW 30,000,000 1 F 1.3 USD
obverse of 40 Réis - João VI (1820 - 1825) coin with KM# 370 from Portugal. Inscription: JOANNES · VI · D · G · PORT · BR · ET · ALG · R reverse of 40 Réis - João VI (1820 - 1825) coin with KM# 370 from Portugal. Inscription: PUBLICAÆ UTILITATI 40
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1820 1,579,000 1 G 3.23 USD
obverse of 25 Escudos - Alexandre Herculano (1977) coin with KM# 608 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA · PORTUGUESA * 25$00 * reverse of 25 Escudos - Alexandre Herculano (1977) coin with KM# 608 from Portugal. Inscription: CENTEN · RIO · DA · MORTE · DE · ALEXANDRE · HERCULANO * 1877 1977
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1977) 5,990,000 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 25 Escudos (1980 - 1986) coin with KM# 607a from Portugal. Inscription: LIBERDADE DEMOCRACIA 1980 NORTE D'ALMEIDA reverse of 25 Escudos (1980 - 1986) coin with KM# 607a from Portugal. Inscription: REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 25 ESCUDOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 25,027,000 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 20 Euro Cent - 1'st Map (2002 - 2007) coin with KM# 744 from Portugal. Inscription: PORTUGAL PO RT VG AL VS INCM 2002 reverse of 20 Euro Cent - 1'st Map (2002 - 2007) coin with KM# 744 from Portugal. Inscription: 20 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 INCM 9,493,600 1 VG 0.21 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Guimarães (2012) coin with KM# 813 from Portugal. Inscription: PORTUGAL GUIMARÃES 2012 INCM JOSÉ DE GUIMARÃES reverse of 2 Euro - Guimarães (2012) coin with KM# 813 from Portugal. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 INCM 1 XF 2.98 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2014) coin with KM# 767 from Portugal. Inscription: P O R T U G A L PO RT VG AL VS INCM 2 0 1 2 reverse of 2 Euro - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2014) coin with KM# 767 from Portugal. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 INCM 39,500 In sets only 1 F 2.09 USD
obverse of 1 Dirham - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (2008 - 2012) coin with KM# 69 from Qatar. Inscription: ١٤٢٩ - ٢٠٠٨ دولة قطر reverse of 1 Dirham - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (2008 - 2012) coin with KM# 69 from Qatar. Inscription: 1 DIRHAM ١ درهم STATE OF QATAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1433 (2012) 1 F Unknown
French colony
obverse of 100 Francs (1964 - 1973) coin with KM# 13 from Réunion. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE L.BAZOR 1964 reverse of 100 Francs (1964 - 1973) coin with KM# 13 from Réunion. Inscription: REUNION 100 Frs PRAETER OMNES ANGULUS RIDET
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1971 200,000 1 VF 2.75 USD
obverse of 10 Lei - Carol II (1930) coin with KM# 49 from Romania. Inscription: CAROL II REGELE ROMANILOR A. LAVRILLER reverse of 10 Lei - Carol II (1930) coin with KM# 49 from Romania. Inscription: 10 LEI 1930
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1930 30,000,000 Paris mint, medal orientation. 1 F 1.9 USD
obverse of 10000 Lei - Mihai I (1947) coin with KM# 76 from Romania. Inscription: MIHAI I REGELE ROMANILOR H. IONESCU 1947 reverse of 10000 Lei - Mihai I (1947) coin with KM# 76 from Romania. Inscription: ROMANIA 10.000 LEI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 11,850,000 1 VG 0.75 USD
obverse of 1/2 Kopek - Nicholas II (1894 - 1916) coin with Y# 48 from Russia. Inscription: Н II reverse of 1/2 Kopek - Nicholas II (1894 - 1916) coin with Y# 48 from Russia. Inscription: 1 - 2 КОПѢЙКИ 1896
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1916 9,400,000 1 VF 7.9 USD
obverse of 5 Kopeks - Nicholas I / Alexander II (1850 - 1859) coin with C# 152 from Russia. reverse of 5 Kopeks - Nicholas I / Alexander II (1850 - 1859) coin with C# 152 from Russia. Inscription: 5 КОПЪЕКЪ 1857
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1851 BM 24,000 1 F Unknown
obverse of 1 Rouble (1992 - 1993) coin with Y# 311 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ reverse of 1 Rouble (1992 - 1993) coin with Y# 311 from Russia. Inscription: 1 РУБЛЬ Л 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 Л 1 F Unknown
obverse of 2 Roubles - Pyotr Bagration (2012) coin with Y# 1394 from Russia. Inscription: П.И.БАГРАТИОН reverse of 2 Roubles - Pyotr Bagration (2012) coin with Y# 1394 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 ММД 5,000,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 3 Roubles - Sberbank, 170th Anniversary (2011) coin from Russia. Inscription: ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ Ag 925 2011 г. 31,1 reverse of 3 Roubles - Sberbank, 170th Anniversary (2011) coin from Russia. Inscription: СБЕРБАНК 170 ЛЕТ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 СПМД 22,000 1 UNC 23.94 USD
obverse of 5 Roubles - 70th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War: Battle of Kursk (2014) coin with Y# 1557 from Russia. Inscription: КУРСКАЯ БИТВА ВЕЛИКАЯ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ВОЙНА 1941-1945 гг. reverse of 5 Roubles - 70th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War: Battle of Kursk (2014) coin with Y# 1557 from Russia. Inscription: 5 РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ 2014
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 MMD 2,000,000 1 XF 2.18 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - Orel (2011) coin with Y# 1309 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ ОРЁЛ reverse of 10 Roubles - Orel (2011) coin with Y# 1309 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2011
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 СПМД 10,000,000 1 VF 0.73 USD
Most Serene Republic
San Marino
obverse of 50 Lire (1972) coin with KM# 19 from San Marino. Inscription: REPUBLICA DI SAN MARINO 1972 reverse of 50 Lire (1972) coin with KM# 19 from San Marino. Inscription: LIRE 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1972 291,000 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 50 Lire (1981) coin with KM# 121 from San Marino. Inscription: REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO LIBERTAS reverse of 50 Lire (1981) coin with KM# 121 from San Marino. Inscription: L.50 1981
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 100,000 1 XF 0.45 USD
obverse of 500 Lire (1988) coin with KM# 226 from San Marino. Inscription: REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO LIBERTAS reverse of 500 Lire (1988) coin with KM# 226 from San Marino. Inscription: L. 500 1988
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 R 3,526,000 1 G 0.12 USD
Democratic Republic
São Tomé and Príncipe
obverse of 10 Centavos (1929) coin with KM# 2 from São Tomé and Príncipe. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 1929 reverse of 10 Centavos (1929) coin with KM# 2 from São Tomé and Príncipe. Inscription: S. TOMÉ E PRINCIPE 10 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1929 500,000 1 G 0.23 USD
obverse of 50 Dobras - FAO (1990) coin with KM# 52 from São Tomé and Príncipe. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEMOCRATICA DE S. TOME E PRINCIPE 1990 reverse of 50 Dobras - FAO (1990) coin with KM# 52 from São Tomé and Príncipe. Inscription: AUMENTEMOS A PRODUCAO 50 DOBRAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 VG Unknown
Saudi Arabia
obverse of 10 Halala - Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1972) coin with KM# 46 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: فيصل بن عبد العزيز السعود ملك المملكة العربية السعودية reverse of 10 Halala - Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1972) coin with KM# 46 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: عشر هللات 10 ١٠ قرشات ١٣٩٢
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1392 (1972) 55,000,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 50 Halala - Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1976 - 1979) coin with KM# 56 from Saudi Arabia. reverse of 50 Halala - Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1976 - 1979) coin with KM# 56 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: 50 ٥٠ ١٤٠٠
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1400 (1979) 21,600,000 1 VF 0.95 USD
obverse of 50 Halala - Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1987 - 2002) coin with KM# 64 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: الملك فهد بن عبد العزيز السعود خادم الحرمين الشريفين reverse of 50 Halala - Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1987 - 2002) coin with KM# 64 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: خمسون هللة نصف ريال ٥٠ 50 ١٤٠٨
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1423 (2002) 1 XF 0.7 USD
obverse of 5 Cents (1982 - 2003) coin with KM# 47 from Seychelles. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES · 1982 · reverse of 5 Cents (1982 - 2003) coin with KM# 47 from Seychelles. Inscription: 5 FIVE CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 PM 1 F 0.03 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 1 XF 0.35 USD
obverse of 50 Halierov (1943 - 1944) coin with KM# 5a from Slovakia. Inscription: SLOVENSKA' REPUBLIKA 1943 reverse of 50 Halierov (1943 - 1944) coin with KM# 5a from Slovakia. Inscription: 50 HALIEROV
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1943 4,400,000 1 VF 1.4 USD
obverse of 20 Euro Cent (2009 - 2015) coin with KM# 99 from Slovakia. Inscription: 2009 SLOVENSKO reverse of 20 Euro Cent (2009 - 2015) coin with KM# 99 from Slovakia. Inscription: 20 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 23,000 In sets only 1 VF 0.21 USD
Solomon Islands
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2012) coin with KM# 237 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II SOLOMON ISLANDS 2012 reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2012) coin with KM# 237 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: 50 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 VF 0.06 USD
South Africa
obverse of 5 Shillings - George VI - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA (1948 - 1950) coin with KM# 40.1 from South Africa. Inscription: GEORGIVS SEXTVS REX reverse of 5 Shillings - George VI - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA (1948 - 1950) coin with KM# 40.1 from South Africa. Inscription: SOUTH AFRICA · 1950 · SUID-AFRIKA CLS 5 SHILLINGS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 1 VF 17.25 USD
obverse of 2 Cents - SUID-AFRIKA (1965 - 1969) coin with KM# 66.2 from South Africa. Inscription: SUID-AFRIKA 1967 T.S. reverse of 2 Cents - SUID-AFRIKA (1965 - 1969) coin with KM# 66.2 from South Africa. Inscription: 2c JVZ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 9,267,000 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 5 Cents - Charles Robberts Swart - SUID-AFRIKA (1968) coin with KM# 76.2 from South Africa. Inscription: SUID-AFRIKA reverse of 5 Cents - Charles Robberts Swart - SUID-AFRIKA (1968) coin with KM# 76.2 from South Africa. Inscription: 5C
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 6,000,000 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (1965 - 1969) coin with KM# 68.1 from South Africa. Inscription: SOUTH AFRICA 1965 reverse of 10 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (1965 - 1969) coin with KM# 68.1 from South Africa. Inscription: 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 29,210,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Jacobus J. Fouché (1976) coin with KM# 95 from South Africa. Inscription: SUID-AFRIKA SOUTH AFRICA 1976 J.B. reverse of 20 Cents - Jacobus J. Fouché (1976) coin with KM# 95 from South Africa. Inscription: 20 T.S.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 18,826,000 1 VF 0.33 USD
obverse of 1 Rand - NINGIZIMU AFRIKA - AFURIKA TSHIPEMBE (2007) coin with KM# 344 from South Africa. Inscription: Ningizimu Afrika 2007 Afurika Tshipembe ALS reverse of 1 Rand - NINGIZIMU AFRIKA - AFURIKA TSHIPEMBE (2007) coin with KM# 344 from South Africa. Inscription: 1 RAND SOLI DEO GLORIA LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 61,300,000 1 XF 0.55 USD
obverse of 1 Rand - AFRIKA BORWA - AFORIKA BORWA (2011 - 2013) coin with KM# 504 from South Africa. Inscription: 2011 Afrika Borwa - Aforika Borwa ALS reverse of 1 Rand - AFRIKA BORWA - AFORIKA BORWA (2011 - 2013) coin with KM# 504 from South Africa. Inscription: 1 RAND SOLI DEO GLORIA LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 G 0.06 USD
obverse of 2 Rand - AFURIKA TSHIPEMBE - ISEWULA AFRIKA (2004) coin with KM# 336 from South Africa. Inscription: 2004 Afurika Tshipembe iSewula Afrika ALS reverse of 2 Rand - AFURIKA TSHIPEMBE - ISEWULA AFRIKA (2004) coin with KM# 336 from South Africa. Inscription: 2 RAND ALS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 XF 0.8 USD
Soviet Union (USSR)
obverse of 2 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1957) coin with Y# 120 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР reverse of 2 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1957) coin with Y# 120 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 2 КОПЕЙКИ 1957
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 1 XF 7.85 USD
obverse of 3 Kopeks - 7 ribbons (1924) coin with Y# 78 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН,СОЕДИНЯИТЕСЬ! С.С.С.Р. reverse of 3 Kopeks - 7 ribbons (1924) coin with Y# 78 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 3 КОПЕЙКИ 1924
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1924 Plain edge 1 XF 40 USD
obverse of 5 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 129a from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР reverse of 5 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 129a from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 5 КОПЕЕК 1984
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1961 1 VF 0.9 USD
obverse of 20 Kopeks - 7 ribbons (1931 - 1934) coin with Y# 97 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН, СОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ! reverse of 20 Kopeks - 7 ribbons (1931 - 1934) coin with Y# 97 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СОЮЗ СОВЕТСКИХ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСПУБЛ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1933 143,927,000 1 VG 1 USD
obverse of 50 Kopeks - 50th Anniversary of Revolution (1967) coin with Y# 139 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ПЯТЬДЕСЯТ ЛЕТ СОВЕТСКОЙ ВЛАСТИ ПЯТЬДЕСЯ& reverse of 50 Kopeks - 50th Anniversary of Revolution (1967) coin with Y# 139 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1967) 49,789,000 1 F 1.38 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Victory over Nazi Germany (1965) coin with Y# 135 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СС СР ОДИН РУБЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Victory over Nazi Germany (1965) coin with Y# 135 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ПОБЕДА НАД ФАШИСТСКОЙ ГЕРМАНИЕЙ XX ЛЕТ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 1 VF 1.9 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Battle of Borodino (1987) coin with Y# 203 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1987 reverse of 1 Rouble - Battle of Borodino (1987) coin with Y# 203 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 175 ЛЕТ СО ДНЯ БОРОДИНСКОГО СРАЖЕНИЯ 1812
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 3,780,000 1 XF 2 USD
obverse of 1 Peseta (1944) coin with KM# 767 from Spain. Inscription: 1 PESETA reverse of 1 Peseta (1944) coin with KM# 767 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA 1944
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1944 150,000,000 1 F 0.23 USD
obverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - With mintmark (1982 - 1984) coin with KM# 824 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1983 reverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - With mintmark (1982 - 1984) coin with KM# 824 from Spain. Inscription: 25 PTAS M
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 146,000,000 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 100 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Peseta (2001) coin with KM# 1016 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA · 2001 · reverse of 100 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Peseta (2001) coin with KM# 1016 from Spain. Inscription: 100 PESETAS M 1869-2001
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 M 140,000,000 1 XF 1.08 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Juan Carlos I - Alhambra (2011) coin with KM# 1184 from Spain. Inscription: M ESPAÑA 2011 reverse of 2 Euro - Juan Carlos I - Alhambra (2011) coin with KM# 1184 from Spain. Inscription: 2 EURO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 M 4,000,000 1 G 2.09 USD
obverse of 2 Öre - Gustaf V (1917 - 1920) coin with KM# 790 from Sweden. Inscription: MED FOLKET FOR FOSTERLANDET 19 17 reverse of 2 Öre - Gustaf V (1917 - 1920) coin with KM# 790 from Sweden. Inscription: 2 TVA ORE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1919 2,923,100 1 F 4 USD
obverse of 10 Öre - Carl XVI Gustaf (1976 - 1991) coin with KM# 850 from Sweden. Inscription: CG XVI 1978 reverse of 10 Öre - Carl XVI Gustaf (1976 - 1991) coin with KM# 850 from Sweden. Inscription: 10 ØRE U
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 U 102,453,931 1 F 0.02 USD
obverse of 25 Öre - Carl XVI Gustaf (1976 - 1984) coin with KM# 851 from Sweden. Inscription: CG XVI 1981 reverse of 25 Öre - Carl XVI Gustaf (1976 - 1984) coin with KM# 851 from Sweden. Inscription: SVERIGE 25 ØRE U
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 U 5,509,491 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Rappen (1942 - 1946) coin with KM# 3a from Switzerland. Inscription: HELVETIA 1944 reverse of 1 Rappen (1942 - 1946) coin with KM# 3a from Switzerland. Inscription: 1 B
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1943 B 8,647,000 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 1 Rappen (1948 - 2006) coin with KM# 46 from Switzerland. Inscription: HELVETIA · 2005 · reverse of 1 Rappen (1948 - 2006) coin with KM# 46 from Switzerland. Inscription: 1 B
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 6,665,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 20 Rappen (1939 - 2015) coin with KM# 29a from Switzerland. Inscription: CONFŒDERATIO HELVETICA LIBERTAS 1939 reverse of 20 Rappen (1939 - 2015) coin with KM# 29a from Switzerland. Inscription: 20 B
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1961 B 8,234,000 1 VG 0.23 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 B 96,000 1 UNC | 1 UNC 16.4 USD
obverse of 1 Piastre - WW2 Emergency Coinage (1941) coin with KM# 77 from Syria. Inscription: SYRIE 1 PIASTRE reverse of 1 Piastre - WW2 Emergency Coinage (1941) coin with KM# 77 from Syria.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1941) 1 F 3.7 USD
obverse of 1/2 Yuan (1981 - 2004) coin with Y# 550 from Taiwan. Inscription: 年十七國民華中 reverse of 1/2 Yuan (1981 - 2004) coin with Y# 550 from Taiwan. Inscription: 角伍 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
91 (2002) 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Yuan - FAO (1969) coin with Y# 547 from Taiwan. reverse of 1 Yuan - FAO (1969) coin with Y# 547 from Taiwan.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
58 (1969) 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 5 Yuan (1981 - 2016) coin with Y# 552 from Taiwan. reverse of 5 Yuan (1981 - 2016) coin with Y# 552 from Taiwan. Inscription: 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
75 (1986) 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 10 Yuan - 50th Anniversary - Taiwan's Liberaration from Japan (1995) coin with Y# 555 from Taiwan. Inscription: 1945 1995 reverse of 10 Yuan - 50th Anniversary - Taiwan's Liberaration from Japan (1995) coin with Y# 555 from Taiwan. Inscription: 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
84 (1995) 30,000,000 1 XF 1.25 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 F 1.52 USD
obverse of 2 Diram (2011) coin with KM# 36 from Tajikistan. Inscription: ҶУМҲУРИИ ТОҶИКИСТОН 2011 reverse of 2 Diram (2011) coin with KM# 36 from Tajikistan. Inscription: 2 ДИРАМ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 F 0.25 USD
United Republic
obverse of 10 Shilingi (1990 - 1993) coin with KM# 20a from Tanzania. Inscription: MWALIMU JULIUS K. NYERERE RAIS WA KWANZA WA TANZANIA reverse of 10 Shilingi (1990 - 1993) coin with KM# 20a from Tanzania. Inscription: SHILINGI KUMI 1993 UHURU NA UMOJA 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 VG 0.15 USD
obverse of 20 Shilingi (1990 - 1992) coin with KM# 27 from Tanzania. Inscription: TANZANIA 1990 reverse of 20 Shilingi (1990 - 1992) coin with KM# 27 from Tanzania. Inscription: 20 SHILINGI ISHIRINI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 1 VF 1.5 USD
obverse of 5 Satang - Rama IX (1957) coin with Y# 78 from Thailand. reverse of 5 Satang - Rama IX (1957) coin with Y# 78 from Thailand. Inscription: พ.ศ.๒๕๐๐
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2500 (1957) 46,440,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Satang - Rama IX (1987 - 2008) coin with Y# 203 from Thailand. Inscription: รัชกาลที่๙ ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช reverse of 50 Satang - Rama IX (1987 - 2008) coin with Y# 203 from Thailand. Inscription: ประเทศไทย พ.ศ.๒๕๓๘ ๕๐ สตางค์ 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2539 (1996) 30,840,000 1 XF 0.05 USD
obverse of 1 Baht - Rama IX (1977) coin with Y# 110 from Thailand. Inscription: ประเทศไทย รัชกาลที่๙ reverse of 1 Baht - Rama IX (1977) coin with Y# 110 from Thailand. Inscription: พ.ศ.๒๕๒๐ ๑ บาท
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2520 (1977) 506,460,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 1 Baht - Rama IX - 8th Asian Games (1978) coin with Y# 130 from Thailand. reverse of 1 Baht - Rama IX - 8th Asian Games (1978) coin with Y# 130 from Thailand. Inscription: 8th ASIAN GAMES BANGKOK 1978
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2521 (1978) 5,000,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2550 (2007) 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 20 Baht - Rama IX - Queen Sirikit (2012) coin with Y# 512 from Thailand. reverse of 20 Baht - Rama IX - Queen Sirikit (2012) coin with Y# 512 from Thailand.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2555 (2012) 1,500,000 1 UNC 0.58 USD
obverse of 100 Francs - Muhammad VIII al-Amin (1950 - 1957) coin with KM# 276 from Tunisia. reverse of 100 Francs - Muhammad VIII al-Amin (1950 - 1957) coin with KM# 276 from Tunisia.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 1,000,000 1 XF 2.95 USD
obverse of 5 Millimes (1960 - 1996) coin with KM# 282 from Tunisia. Inscription: البنك المركزي التونسي 1960 reverse of 5 Millimes (1960 - 1996) coin with KM# 282 from Tunisia. Inscription: 5 خمسـة مليمات
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 10 Kuruş (1949 - 1956) coin with KM# 888 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ 1949 reverse of 10 Kuruş (1949 - 1956) coin with KM# 888 from Turkey. Inscription: 10 KURUŞ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 27,000,000 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 25 Kuruş (1948 - 1956) coin with KM# 886 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ 1956 reverse of 25 Kuruş (1948 - 1956) coin with KM# 886 from Turkey. Inscription: 25 KURUS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1948 18,000,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 5 Lira - Smaller; Crescent to left (1981) coin with KM# 944 from Turkey. Inscription: ETOILE A GAUCHE & CROISSANT A DROITE reverse of 5 Lira - Smaller; Crescent to left (1981) coin with KM# 944 from Turkey.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 61,605,000 1 VF 0.13 USD
obverse of 100 Lira (1984 - 1988) coin with KM# 967 from Turkey. Inscription: TURKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 100 Lira (1984 - 1988) coin with KM# 967 from Turkey. Inscription: 100 LİRA 1987
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 12,064,000 1 XF 0.4 USD
obverse of 20 Lira - Winter Universiade Skiing (2011) coin with KM# 1269 from Turkey. Inscription: 25. Dünya Üniversiteler Kış Oyunları Erzurum 2011 reverse of 20 Lira - Winter Universiade Skiing (2011) coin with KM# 1269 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ FISU ERZURUM 2011 20 TL 2011
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 3,000 1 UNC 18.6 USD
obverse of 2 Shillings (1987) coin with KM# 28 from Uganda. Inscription: · BANK OF UGANDA · FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY TWO SHILLINGS reverse of 2 Shillings (1987) coin with KM# 28 from Uganda. Inscription: BANK OF UGANDA 2 1987
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 1 VF 0.24 USD
obverse of 2 Hryvni - Yevhen Petrushevych (2008) coin with KM# 479 from Ukraine. reverse of 2 Hryvni - Yevhen Petrushevych (2008) coin with KM# 479 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 35,000 1 UNC 11.05 USD
obverse of 2 Hryvni - Igor Sikorsky (2009) coin with KM# 538 from Ukraine. reverse of 2 Hryvni - Igor Sikorsky (2009) coin with KM# 538 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 35,000 1 UNC 14.85 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - Romen (2002) coin with KM# 157 from Ukraine. Inscription: УКРАÏНА 2002 5 ГРИВЕНЬ reverse of 5 Hryven - Romen (2002) coin with KM# 157 from Ukraine. Inscription: РОМЕН 1100 РОКIВ РОМНИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 30,000 1 UNC 38 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian reverse of 5 Hryven - Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 45,000 1 UNC 14.15 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 45,000 1 UNC 16.15 USD
United Emirates
United Arab Emirates
obverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (2000) coin with KM# 41 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: ١٤٢٠ reverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (2000) coin with KM# 41 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: الإمارات العربية المتحدة ١ درهم UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 500,000 1 XF 0.27 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 1 Farthing - Elizabeth II - Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1956) coin with KM# 895 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · DEI · GRATIA · REGINA · F · D:+ reverse of 1 Farthing - Elizabeth II - Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1956) coin with KM# 895 from United Kingdom. Inscription: 1954 FARTHING
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1954 6,566,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 1 Penny - George V - Smaller portrait (1928 - 1936) coin with KM# 838 from United Kingdom. Inscription: GEORGIUS V DEI GRA:BRITT:OMN:REX FID:DEF:IND:IMP: reverse of 1 Penny - George V - Smaller portrait (1928 - 1936) coin with KM# 838 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ONE PENNY 1936
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1935 56,070,000 1 XF 9.9 USD
obverse of 1 Penny - George VI - Without IND:IMP (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 869 from United Kingdom. Inscription: GEORGIUS VI D:G:BR:OMN:REX FIDEI DEF. reverse of 1 Penny - George VI - Without IND:IMP (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 869 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ONE PENNY 1950
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1951 1 F 14.1 USD
obverse of 1 Shilling - Elizabeth II - English crest; Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1970) coin with KM# 904 from United Kingdom. Inscription: + ELIZABETH · II · DEI · GRATIA · REGINA reverse of 1 Shilling - Elizabeth II - English crest; Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1970) coin with KM# 904 from United Kingdom. Inscription: FID DEF 19 57 W G ONE SHILLING
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 14,392,000 1 G 0.48 USD
obverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 3'rd Portrait (1985 - 1992) coin with KM# 936 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REG · F · D · 1990 RDM reverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 3'rd Portrait (1985 - 1992) coin with KM# 936 from United Kingdom. Inscription: TWO PENCE ICH DIEN 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 204,499,700 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - Larger; 3'rd Portrait (1985 - 1997) coin with KM# 940.1 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REG · F · D · 1997 RDM reverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - Larger; 3'rd Portrait (1985 - 1997) coin with KM# 940.1 from United Kingdom. Inscription: FIFTY PENCE 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 682,103 1 VF 0.73 USD
obverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - Smaller; 3'rd Portrait (1997) coin with KM# 940.2 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REG · F · D · 1997 RDM reverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - Smaller; 3'rd Portrait (1997) coin with KM# 940.2 from United Kingdom. Inscription: FIFTY PENCE 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 456,364,100 1 VF 0.85 USD
obverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - European Union - 4'th Portrait (1998) coin with KM# 992 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · D · G REG · F · D · 1998 IRB reverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - European Union - 4'th Portrait (1998) coin with KM# 992 from United Kingdom. Inscription: 1973 EU 1998 50 PENCE JM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 5,043,000 1 VG 0.64 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 1113 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · D · G REG · F · D · 2010 IRB reverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 1113 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ONE POUND
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 G 1.29 USD
Federal republic
United States
obverse of 1 Dime - Roosevelt Dime (1965 - 2015) coin with KM# 195a from United States. Inscription: LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST 2005 P JS reverse of 1 Dime - Roosevelt Dime (1965 - 2015) coin with KM# 195a from United States. Inscription: E · PLU RIB US · U NUM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA · ONE DIME ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 P 1,842,500,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Virginia - Washington Quarter (2000) coin with KM# 309 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Virginia - Washington Quarter (2000) coin with KM# 309 from United States. Inscription: VIRGINIA 1788 JAMESTOWN 1607-2007 QUADRICENTENNIAL 2000 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 D 651,616,000 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - West Virginia - Washington Quarter (2005) coin with KM# 374 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST P QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - West Virginia - Washington Quarter (2005) coin with KM# 374 from United States. Inscription: WEST VIRGINIA 1863 NEW RIVER GORGE JM 2005 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 P 1 VF 1.07 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Colorado - Washington Quarter (2006) coin with KM# 384 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Colorado - Washington Quarter (2006) coin with KM# 384 from United States. Inscription: COLORADO 1876 COLORFUL COLORADO 2006 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 D 1 VG 0.27 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - South Dakota - Washington Quarter (2006) coin with KM# 386 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - South Dakota - Washington Quarter (2006) coin with KM# 386 from United States. Inscription: SOUTH DAKOTA 1889 2006 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 P 1 XF 2.25 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico - Washington Quarter (2012) coin with KM# 520 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico - Washington Quarter (2012) coin with KM# 520 from United States. Inscription: CHACO CULTURE NEW MEXICO 2012 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 D 22,000,000 1 F 0.95 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico - Washington Quarter (2012) coin with KM# 519 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico - Washington Quarter (2012) coin with KM# 519 from United States. Inscription: EL YUNQUE PUERTO RICO 2012 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 D 25,800,000 1 VG 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Martin Van Buren (2008) coin with KM# 429 from United States. Inscription: MARTIN VAN BUREN 8th PRESIDENT 1837-1841 JI PH reverse of 1 Dollar - Martin Van Buren (2008) coin with KM# 429 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 P 1 XF 1.4 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Woodrow Wilson (2013) coin with KM# 550 from United States. reverse of 1 Dollar - Woodrow Wilson (2013) coin with KM# 550 from United States.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 S 1 G 1 USD
Oriental Republic
obverse of 1 Peso (1960) coin with KM# 42 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY ARTIGAS 1960 reverse of 1 Peso (1960) coin with KM# 42 from Uruguay. Inscription: 1 PESO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1960 8,000,000 1 XF 0.7 USD
obverse of 10 Nuevos Pesos (1981) coin with KM# 79 from Uruguay. Inscription: URUGUAY ARTIGAS So 1981 reverse of 10 Nuevos Pesos (1981) coin with KM# 79 from Uruguay. Inscription: N$ 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 So 3,000,000 1 VF 0.2 USD
City State
Vatican City
obverse of 2 Lire - Paul VI - Agneau (1970 - 1977) coin with KM# 117 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS VI * P.M.* A.XV * MCMLXXVII* reverse of 2 Lire - Paul VI - Agneau (1970 - 1977) coin with KM# 117 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1971 110,000 1 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 100 Lire - Ioannes XXIII - Second Vatican Council (1962) coin with KM# 73 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES · XXIII · PONT · MAX · ANNO · IV reverse of 100 Lire - Ioannes XXIII - Second Vatican Council (1962) coin with KM# 73 from Vatican City. Inscription: CONCILIVM · · C · VAT · II · A · MCMLXII · INITVM CITTA'DEL · VATICANO L · 100
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 1,566,000 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 1 Euro Cent - John Paul II (2002 - 2005) coin with KM# 341 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO 2002 GV · UPINC · R reverse of 1 Euro Cent - John Paul II (2002 - 2005) coin with KM# 341 from Vatican City. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 R 85,000 In sets only 1 VF 5.62 USD
obverse of 1 Euro Cent - Francis (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 455 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITA' DEL VATICANO R 2014 G.TITOTTO ELF INC. reverse of 1 Euro Cent - Francis (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 455 from Vatican City. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 R 88,000 In sets only 1 F 0.01 USD
obverse of 1 Euro - Benedict XVI - 1'st Map (2006 - 2007) coin with KM# 381 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO D.L. R 2007 ELF INC. reverse of 1 Euro - Benedict XVI - 1'st Map (2006 - 2007) coin with KM# 381 from Vatican City. Inscription: 1 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 R 85,000 In sets only 1 VG 1.56 USD
South Vietnam
obverse of 10 Đồng - FAO (1974) coin with KM# 13 from Vietnam. Inscription: TĂNG-GIA SẢN-XUẤT NÔNG-PHẨM 1974 reverse of 10 Đồng - FAO (1974) coin with KM# 13 from Vietnam. Inscription: VIỆT-NAM CỘNG-HÒA 10 ĐỒNG NGÂN-HÀNG QUỐC-GIA VIỆT-NAM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 30,000,000 1 F 0.25 USD
State Union of Serbia and Montenegro
obverse of 10 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 44 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА 29 · XI · 1943 SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 10 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 44 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПАРА · PARA 19 10 65 PAR · ПАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 36,111,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 20 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 45 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА 29 · XI · 1943 SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 20 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 45 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПАРА · PARA 19 20 77 PAR · ПАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 30,448,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (2000 - 2002) coin with KM# 180 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА SR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 1 Dinar (2000 - 2002) coin with KM# 180 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАР - DINAR 1 2002
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 20,076,000 1 XF 0.13 USD

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