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People's Democratic Republic
obverse of 100 Francs (1950 - 1952) coin with KM# 93 from Algeria. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE P.TURIN reverse of 100 Francs (1950 - 1952) coin with KM# 93 from Algeria. Inscription: 100 FRANCS 1950 ALGERIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 12,000,000 1 F 1.9 USD
obverse of 50 Centimes (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 102 from Algeria. reverse of 50 Centimes (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 102 from Algeria. Inscription: الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية 1971-1391 50 خمسون سنتيما
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1393 (1973) 10,000,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 5 Dinars - 20th Anniversary of Revolution (1974) coin with KM# 108 from Algeria. Inscription: أول نوفمبر 1954-1974 reverse of 5 Dinars - 20th Anniversary of Revolution (1974) coin with KM# 108 from Algeria. Inscription: الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشّعبية 5 خمسة دنانير
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1974) 1 VF 3.5 USD
obverse of 10 Euro Cent - Joan Enric Vives i Sicília (2014) coin with KM# 523 from Andorra. Inscription: ANDORRA 2014 reverse of 10 Euro Cent - Joan Enric Vives i Sicília (2014) coin with KM# 523 from Andorra. Inscription: 10 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 860,000 1 VF 0.14 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Joan Enric Vives i Sicília (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 527 from Andorra. Inscription: ANDORRA 2015 VIRTUS UNITA FORTIOR reverse of 2 Euro - Joan Enric Vives i Sicília (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 527 from Andorra. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 360,000 1 G 2.16 USD
Portuguese colony
obverse of 2,50 Escudos (1953 - 1974) coin with KM# 77 from Angola. Inscription: ANGOLA 2$50 reverse of 2,50 Escudos (1953 - 1974) coin with KM# 77 from Angola. Inscription: REPÚBLICA · PORTUGUESA 1969
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 6,000,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 97 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA reverse of 5 Centavos (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 97 from Argentina. Inscription: ₳ 5 CENTAVOS 1986
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 23,895,000 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 25 Centavos (1992 - 2010) coin with KM# 110 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA · EN UNION Y LIBERTAD · reverse of 25 Centavos (1992 - 2010) coin with KM# 110 from Argentina. Inscription: 25 centavos 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 150,000,000 1 XF 0.63 USD
obverse of 1 Peso - Women's Vote (1997) coin with KM# 122 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA MARIA EVA DUARTE de PERON reverse of 1 Peso - Women's Vote (1997) coin with KM# 122 from Argentina. Inscription: CINCUENTENARIO LEY No13.010 VOTO FEMENINO OBLIGATORIO 1947 1997 1 PESO 1997
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1,000,000 1 VG 0.3 USD
obverse of 5 Pesos - National Constitution Convention (1994) coin with KM# 115 from Argentina. Inscription: .REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. PARANA SANTA FE CONSTITUCION NACIONAL reverse of 5 Pesos - National Constitution Convention (1994) coin with KM# 115 from Argentina. Inscription: .CONVENCION NACIONAL CONSTITUYENTE. $5 25.V.1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1994) 1,000,000 1 VF 3.68 USD
Araucania and Patagonia
Argentine provinces
obverse of 100 Pesos - Felipe (1988) coin with X# 22 from Argentine provinces. Inscription: ARAUCANIA - PATAGONIA FELIPE R. reverse of 100 Pesos - Felipe (1988) coin with X# 22 from Argentine provinces. Inscription: REINO DEL MAPU 100 PESOS 1988 8
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 1 UNC Unknown
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Banjo Paterson - 3'rd Portrait (1995) coin with KM# 269 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1995 RDM reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Banjo Paterson - 3'rd Portrait (1995) coin with KM# 269 from Australia. Inscription: 1 DOLLAR Waltzing Matilda 1895 1995 A.B.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 B 74,353 1 UNC 42.95 USD
obverse of 2 Heller - Karl I (1916 - 1918) coin with KM# 2824 from Austria. reverse of 2 Heller - Karl I (1916 - 1918) coin with KM# 2824 from Austria. Inscription: 2 1917
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1918 66,352,999 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 1 Schilling (1946 - 1957) coin with KM# 2871 from Austria. Inscription: 19 46 reverse of 1 Schilling (1946 - 1957) coin with KM# 2871 from Austria. Inscription: · REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH · 1 S
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1946 27,336,000 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 3 Qəpik (2006 - 2011) coin with KM# 40 from Azerbaijan. Inscription: AZƏRBAYCAN RESPUBLİKASI 3 QƏPİK reverse of 3 Qəpik (2006 - 2011) coin with KM# 40 from Azerbaijan. Inscription: 3 QƏPİK
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (2011) 500 In sets only 1 XF 0.02 USD
British colony
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 16 from Bahamas. Inscription: COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS · ELIZABETH II · reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 16 from Bahamas. Inscription: ONE CENT · 1972 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 7,000,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1966 - 1970) coin with KM# 4 from Bahamas. Inscription: ELIZABETH II BAHAMA ISLANDS reverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1966 - 1970) coin with KM# 4 from Bahamas. Inscription: 1969 TEN CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 27,000 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 5 Fils - Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa (1965) coin with KM# 2 from Bahrain. Inscription: حكومة البحرين ١٣٨٥-١٩٦٥ reverse of 5 Fils - Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa (1965) coin with KM# 2 from Bahrain. Inscription: ٥ فلوس BAHRAIN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1385 (1965) 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 5 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa - Magnetic (2010 - 2011) coin with KM# 30 from Bahrain. Inscription: مملكة البحرين 1431 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN 2010 reverse of 5 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa - Magnetic (2010 - 2011) coin with KM# 30 from Bahrain. Inscription: 5 فلوس
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1431 (2010) 1 VG 0.01 USD
obverse of 10 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa - Non magnetic (2002 - 2011) coin with KM# 28 from Bahrain. Inscription: مملكة البحرين 1426 2005 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN reverse of 10 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa - Non magnetic (2002 - 2011) coin with KM# 28 from Bahrain. Inscription: 10 فلس
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1428 (2007) 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 25 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (2009 - 2014) coin with KM# 24 from Bahrain. Inscription: مملكة البحرين 1431 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN 2010 reverse of 25 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (2009 - 2014) coin with KM# 24 from Bahrain. Inscription: 25 فلسا
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1430 (2009) 1 XF 0.07 USD
obverse of 50 Fils - Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa (1965) coin with KM# 5 from Bahrain. Inscription: حكومة البحرين ١٣٨٥-١٩٦٥ reverse of 50 Fils - Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa (1965) coin with KM# 5 from Bahrain. Inscription: ٥٠ فلساً BAHRAIN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1385 (1965) 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Partisans (2004) coin with KM# 85 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АДЗІН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Partisans (2004) coin with KM# 85 from Belarus. Inscription: 60 ГОД ВЫЗВАЛЕННЕ БЕЛАРУСІ АД НЯМЕЦКА-ФАШЫ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 3,000 1 UNC 24.25 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Kalyady (2004) coin with KM# 76 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АДЗIН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Kalyady (2004) coin with KM# 76 from Belarus. Inscription: КАЛЯДЫ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 5,000 1 UNC 33.95 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Chyrvony Bor (2006) coin with KM# 146 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ ШПАЖНІК ЧАРАПІЦАВЫ<b reverse of 1 Rouble - Chyrvony Bor (2006) coin with KM# 146 from Belarus. Inscription: ЕЎРАПЕЙСКАЯ НОРКА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 5,000 1 UNC 17.5 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - BPS-Sberbank (2013) coin with KM# 436 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ 1 РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - BPS-Sberbank (2013) coin with KM# 436 from Belarus. Inscription: БПС-СБЕРБАНК. 90 ГАДОЎ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 5,000 1 UNC Unknown
Belgian colony
Belgian Congo
obverse of 50 Centimes - Albert I - Dutch text (1921 - 1929) coin with KM# 23 from Belgian Congo. Inscription: ALBERT KONING DER BELGEN Jul. Lagae reverse of 50 Centimes - Albert I - Dutch text (1921 - 1929) coin with KM# 23 from Belgian Congo. Inscription: 50 CEN 1926 BELGISCH CONGO **
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1923 7,208,000 1 VF 2 USD
obverse of 1 Franc - Baudouin I - French text (1950 - 1988) coin with KM# 142 from Belgium. Inscription: * 1980 * RAU reverse of 1 Franc - Baudouin I - French text (1950 - 1988) coin with KM# 142 from Belgium. Inscription: 1 FR = BELGIQUE =
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 12,250,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 50 Francs - Baudouin I - Dutch text (1987 - 1993) coin with KM# 169 from Belgium. Inscription: JPL reverse of 50 Francs - Baudouin I - Dutch text (1987 - 1993) coin with KM# 169 from Belgium. Inscription: 50F BELGIË 1991
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 15,000,000 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Albert II - Treaty of Rome (2007) coin with KM# 247 from Belgium. Inscription: PACTVM ROMANVM QVINQVAGENARIVM EUROPAE 2007 BELGIQUE-BELGIE-BELGIEN reverse of 2 Euro - Albert II - Treaty of Rome (2007) coin with KM# 247 from Belgium. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 35,000 In sets only 1 VF 2.09 USD
British colony
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1988 - 1997) coin with KM# 56 from Bermuda. Inscription: BERMUDA ELIZABETH II reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1988 - 1997) coin with KM# 56 from Bermuda. Inscription: ONE DOLLAR 1988
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 15,000 In sets only 1 G 1 USD
obverse of 2 Bolivianos - Larger (1995 - 2008) coin with KM# 206.2 from Bolivia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA - * - reverse of 2 Bolivianos - Larger (1995 - 2008) coin with KM# 206.2 from Bolivia. Inscription: LA UNION ES LA FUERZA 2 BOLIVIANOS · 2008 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 5 Thebe - Reeded edge (1976 - 1989) coin with KM# 4 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 1976 reverse of 5 Thebe - Reeded edge (1976 - 1989) coin with KM# 4 from Botswana. Inscription: 5 THEBE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1,000,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 10 Thebe (1998 - 2008) coin with KM# 27 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 1998 reverse of 10 Thebe (1998 - 2008) coin with KM# 27 from Botswana. Inscription: 10 THEBE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 XF 0.3 USD
obverse of 50 Thebe (1976 - 1985) coin with KM# 7 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 1976 reverse of 50 Thebe (1976 - 1985) coin with KM# 7 from Botswana. Inscription: 50 THEBE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 1 VG 0.15 USD
obverse of 50 Thebe (2013) coin with KM# 34 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA PULA 2013 IPELEGENG reverse of 50 Thebe (2013) coin with KM# 34 from Botswana. Inscription: 50 THEBE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 F 0.09 USD
Federative Republic
obverse of 1000 Réis - Independence Centennial (1922) coin with KM# 522 from Brazil. Inscription: ACCLAM. DA INDEPENDENCIA X. PRESID. DA REPUBLICA D.PEDRO I. EPITACIO PESSOA BRASIL reverse of 1000 Réis - Independence Centennial (1922) coin with KM# 522 from Brazil. Inscription: 7 DE SETEMBRO 1000 RÉIS 1822 1922 1° CENTENARIO DA INDEPENDENCIA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1922) 16,698,000 KM# 522.1 1 XF 1.85 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1948 - 1956) coin with KM# 563 from Brazil. Inscription: PRESIDENTE DUTRA*BRASIL reverse of 50 Centavos (1948 - 1956) coin with KM# 563 from Brazil. Inscription: 50 CENTAVOS 1956
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1948 32,023,000 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 2 Cruzeiros (1956) coin with KM# 568 from Brazil. Inscription: REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL. reverse of 2 Cruzeiros (1956) coin with KM# 568 from Brazil. Inscription: 2 CRUZEIROS 1956
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1956 1 G 0.06 USD
obverse of 2 Centavos - FAO (1975 - 1978) coin with KM# 586 from Brazil. Inscription: * BRASIL * reverse of 2 Centavos - FAO (1975 - 1978) coin with KM# 586 from Brazil. Inscription: ALIMENTOS PARA O MUNDO 2 centavos soja 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 31,400,000 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos - FAO (1975 - 1978) coin with KM# 587 from Brazil. Inscription: * BRASIL * reverse of 5 Centavos - FAO (1975 - 1978) coin with KM# 587 from Brazil. Inscription: ALIMENTOS PARA O MUNDO 5 centavos carne 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1978 34,090,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 100 Cruzeiros (1985 - 1986) coin with KM# 595 from Brazil. reverse of 100 Cruzeiros (1985 - 1986) coin with KM# 595 from Brazil. Inscription: BRASIL 100 CRUZEIROS 1985
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 162,000,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 25 Centavos (1994 - 1995) coin with KM# 634 from Brazil. Inscription: BRASIL 1995 reverse of 25 Centavos (1994 - 1995) coin with KM# 634 from Brazil. Inscription: 25 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 285,000,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1994 - 1995) coin with KM# 635 from Brazil. Inscription: BRASIL reverse of 50 Centavos (1994 - 1995) coin with KM# 635 from Brazil. Inscription: 50 CENTAVOS 1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 60,000,000 1 VG 0.09 USD
obverse of 1 Real - 40th Anniversary of Central Bank (2005) coin with KM# 668 from Brazil. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DO BRASIL BC 1965 40 ANOS 2005 reverse of 1 Real - 40th Anniversary of Central Bank (2005) coin with KM# 668 from Brazil. Inscription: 1 REAL 2005
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 40,000,000 1 VF 1.25 USD
British colony
British East Africa
obverse of 5 Cents - George VI (1937 - 1943) coin with KM# 25 from British East Africa. Inscription: GEORGIUS VI REX ET IND:IMP: FIVE CENTS reverse of 5 Cents - George VI (1937 - 1943) coin with KM# 25 from British East Africa. Inscription: EAST AFRICA 5 1942
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1937 H 3,000,000 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 20 Sen - Hassanal Bolkiah - Without 'I' in title; 1'st Portrait (1977 - 1993) coin with KM# 18 from Brunei. Inscription: SULTAN HASSANAL BOLKIAH reverse of 20 Sen - Hassanal Bolkiah - Without 'I' in title; 1'st Portrait (1977 - 1993) coin with KM# 18 from Brunei. Inscription: KERAJAAN BRUNEI 1983 · 20 SEN ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 2,140,000 1 VF 0.15 USD
People's Republic
obverse of 5 Sen (1979) coin with KM# 69 from Cambodia. reverse of 5 Sen (1979) coin with KM# 69 from Cambodia. Inscription: 5 1979
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 1 XF 1.25 USD
obverse of 100 Francs (1975 - 1986) coin with KM# 17 from Cameroon. Inscription: CAMEROUN - CAMEROON reverse of 100 Francs (1975 - 1986) coin with KM# 17 from Cameroon. Inscription: BANQUE DES ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE CENTRALE 100 FRANCS 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1 XF 2.8 USD
obverse of 1 Cent - Victoria (1858 - 1859) coin with KM# 1 from Canada. Inscription: VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA. CANADA reverse of 1 Cent - Victoria (1858 - 1859) coin with KM# 1 from Canada. Inscription: ONE CENT 1858
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1858 421,000 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - Confederation - 2'nd Portrait (1967) coin with KM# 65 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - Confederation - 2'nd Portrait (1967) coin with KM# 65 from Canada. Inscription: 1 CENT CANADA 1867-1967
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1967) 345,140,645 1 F 0.03 USD
obverse of 5 Cents - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1963 - 1964) coin with KM# 57 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA reverse of 5 Cents - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1963 - 1964) coin with KM# 57 from Canada. Inscription: 5 CENTS CANADA 1963
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1964 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1989) coin with KM# 77 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1989) coin with KM# 77 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA 1988 10 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 147,309,000 1 F 0.07 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1979 - 1989) coin with KM# 74 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1979 - 1989) coin with KM# 74 from Canada. Inscription: · C A N A D A · · 1979 25 cents
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 121,668,000 1 G 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Quebec (1992) coin with KM# 234 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II CANADA D · G · REGINA 1867-1992 reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Quebec (1992) coin with KM# 234 from Canada. Inscription: QUEBEC · QUÉBEC 25 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 13,607,000 1 F 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - September (1999) coin with KM# 350 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 25 CENTS reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - September (1999) coin with KM# 350 from Canada. Inscription: SEPTEMBER 1999 SEPTEMBRE CANADA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 31,539,350 1 VF 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - August (1999) coin with KM# 349 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 25 CENTS reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - August (1999) coin with KM# 349 from Canada. Inscription: AUGUST 1999 AOÛT AB CANADA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 18,153,700 1 G 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Freedom (2000) coin with KM# 374 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 25 CENTS reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Freedom (2000) coin with KM# 374 from Canada. Inscription: FREEDOM 2000 LIBERTÉ KV CANADA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 35,188,900 1 VG 0.17 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - British Columbia (1958) coin with KM# 55 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - British Columbia (1958) coin with KM# 55 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA 1858 1958 DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 3,039,630 1 VF 15.7 USD
British colony
Cayman Islands
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 1990) coin with KM# 87 from Cayman Islands. Inscription: CAYMAN ISLANDS ELIZABETH II 1987 reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 1990) coin with KM# 87 from Cayman Islands. Inscription: 1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait; Magnetic (1992 - 1996) coin with KM# 87a from Cayman Islands. Inscription: CAYMAN ISLANDS ELIZABETH II 1992 reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait; Magnetic (1992 - 1996) coin with KM# 87a from Cayman Islands. Inscription: 1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 VG 0.03 USD
Central Africa (BEAC)
obverse of 1 Franc (1974 - 2003) coin with KM# 8 from Central Africa (BEAC). Inscription: BANQUE DES ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE CENTRALE 2003 reverse of 1 Franc (1974 - 2003) coin with KM# 8 from Central Africa (BEAC). Inscription: 1 FRANC
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 100,000 1 VF 0.4 USD
obverse of 10 Francs (1974 - 2003) coin with KM# 9 from Central Africa (BEAC). Inscription: BANQUE DES ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE CENTRALE 1983 reverse of 10 Francs (1974 - 2003) coin with KM# 9 from Central Africa (BEAC). Inscription: 10 FRANCS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 18,500,000 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 500 Francs (1998) coin with KM# 14 from Central Africa (BEAC). Inscription: BANQUE DES ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE CENTRALE reverse of 500 Francs (1998) coin with KM# 14 from Central Africa (BEAC). Inscription: BANQUE DES ETATS D'AFRIQUE CENTRALE 500 FRANCS 1998
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 4,500,000 1 F 2.85 USD
obverse of 2 Cents - Elizabeth II (1963 - 1971) coin with KM# 128 from Ceylon. Inscription: CEYLON reverse of 2 Cents - Elizabeth II (1963 - 1971) coin with KM# 128 from Ceylon. Inscription: 2 TWO CENTS 1967
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 7,000,000 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Escudo (1971 - 1972) coin with KM# 197 from Chile. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CHILE J.M.CARRERA reverse of 1 Escudo (1971 - 1972) coin with KM# 197 from Chile. Inscription: POR LA RAZON O LA FUERZA 1972 1 So ESCUDO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1972 So 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu (1900 - 1906) coin with Y# 193 from China. reverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu (1900 - 1906) coin with Y# 193 from China. Inscription: KWANG-TUNG TEN CASH
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1900 - 1906) 1 F 2.25 USD
obverse of 100 Cash - Xianfeng (1854 - 1855) coin with FD# 2493 from China. Inscription: 咸 寶 通  豐 reverse of 100 Cash - Xianfeng (1854 - 1855) coin with FD# 2493 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1854 - 1855) 1 G Unknown
obverse of 10 Cash (1912 - 1913) coin with Y# 447 from China. reverse of 10 Cash (1912 - 1913) coin with Y# 447 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2 (1913) 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 1 Fen (1916) coin with Y# 324 from China. reverse of 1 Fen (1916) coin with Y# 324 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
5 (1916) 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 10 Cash (1920) coin with Y# 305 from China. reverse of 10 Cash (1920) coin with Y# 305 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1920) 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 10 Cash (1928 - 1929) coin with Y# B38 from China. reverse of 10 Cash (1928 - 1929) coin with Y# B38 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1929 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 50 Cash (1926) coin with Y# 462 from China. reverse of 50 Cash (1926) coin with Y# 462 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
15 (1926) 90,000 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Jiao - Puyi (1933 - 1934) coin with Y# 4 from China. Inscription: 國洲滿大 年三同大 reverse of 1 Jiao - Puyi (1933 - 1934) coin with Y# 4 from China. Inscription: 壹 角
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
3 (1934) 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 5 Fen - Provisional Government (1941 - 1943) coin with Y# 524 from China. reverse of 5 Fen - Provisional Government (1941 - 1943) coin with Y# 524 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
30 (1941) 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 1 Jiao - Provisional Government (1941 - 1943) coin with Y# 525 from China. reverse of 1 Jiao - Provisional Government (1941 - 1943) coin with Y# 525 from China. Inscription: 角 壹
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
31 (1942) 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 2 Centavos (1948 - 1950) coin with KM# 210 from Colombia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA 1949 reverse of 2 Centavos (1948 - 1950) coin with KM# 210 from Colombia. Inscription: II CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 B 1,278,000 1 VF 1.85 USD
obverse of 5 Pesos (1980 - 1989) coin with KM# 268 from Colombia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA * POLICARPA * 1.981 reverse of 5 Pesos (1980 - 1989) coin with KM# 268 from Colombia. Inscription: 5 PESOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 1 XF 0.7 USD
Comoro Islands
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 1 XF 0.8 USD
Cook Islands
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - Monkey - 4'th Portrait (2003) coin with KM# 423 from Cook Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 2003 reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - Monkey - 4'th Portrait (2003) coin with KM# 423 from Cook Islands. Inscription: ONE CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 VF 0.19 USD
Costa Rica
obverse of 25 Céntimos (1982) coin with KM# 188.1b from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA AMERICA CENTRAL REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1982 reverse of 25 Céntimos (1982) coin with KM# 188.1b from Costa Rica. Inscription: AMERICA CENTRAL 25 CENTIMOS B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 30,000,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 500 Colones - Thick numerals; Non magnetic (2003 - 2005) coin with KM# 239 from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA . 2003 . reverse of 500 Colones - Thick numerals; Non magnetic (2003 - 2005) coin with KM# 239 from Costa Rica. Inscription: 500 COLONES B.C.C.R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 VG 0.99 USD
obverse of 50 Lipa - Croatian text (1993 - 2015) coin with KM# 8 from Croatia. Inscription: VELEBITSKA DEGENIJA KK 2003. reverse of 50 Lipa - Croatian text (1993 - 2015) coin with KM# 8 from Croatia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA 50 LIPA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 . 1,473,000 1 VG 0.07 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 1 Centavo (1958) coin with KM# 30 from Cuba. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CUBA 2.5 G. 250M 1 C PATRIA Y LIBERTAD reverse of 1 Centavo (1958) coin with KM# 30 from Cuba. Inscription: 1958
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 50,000,000 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 2 Centavos (1983 - 2010) coin with KM# 104 from Cuba. Inscription: REPUBLIA DE CUBA · DOS CENTAVOS · reverse of 2 Centavos (1983 - 2010) coin with KM# 104 from Cuba. Inscription: PATRIA O MUERTE · 1985 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos (1963 - 2014) coin with KM# 34 from Cuba. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CUBA · CINCO CENTAVOS · reverse of 5 Centavos (1963 - 2014) coin with KM# 34 from Cuba. Inscription: PATRIA Y LIBERTAD · 1971 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1972 100,000,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos - INTUR (1981 - 1989) coin with KM# 412 from Cuba. Inscription: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TURISMO · 1981 · CUBA · reverse of 5 Centavos - INTUR (1981 - 1989) coin with KM# 412 from Cuba. Inscription: 5 INTUR CINCO CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 1 G 0.1 USD
obverse of 1/2 Piastre - George VI (1949) coin with KM# 29 from Cyprus. Inscription: : GEORGIVS SEXTVS DEI GRATIA REX reverse of 1/2 Piastre - George VI (1949) coin with KM# 29 from Cyprus. Inscription: · CYPRVS · 1 - 2 HALF PIASTRE · 1949
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 1,080,000 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 2 Shillings - George VI (1947) coin with KM# 28 from Cyprus. Inscription: GEORGIVS VI DEI GRA. REX. ET IND. IMP. reverse of 2 Shillings - George VI (1947) coin with KM# 28 from Cyprus. Inscription: TWO CYPRUS SHILLINGS * 1947 *
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 720,000 1 G 0.6 USD
obverse of 20 Cents (1983 - 1988) coin with KM# 57 from Cyprus. Inscription: CYPRUS · ΚΥΠPΟΣ · KIBRIS · 1983 1960 reverse of 20 Cents (1983 - 1988) coin with KM# 57 from Cyprus. Inscription: 20
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 10,000,000 1 F 0.12 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 10 Years of Euro Cash (2012) coin with KM# 97 from Cyprus. Inscription: ΚΥΠΡΟΣ KIBRIS A.H. € 2002 2012 reverse of 2 Euro - 10 Years of Euro Cash (2012) coin with KM# 97 from Cyprus. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 987,000 1 G 2.12 USD
Federative Republic
obverse of 10 Haléřů (1922 - 1938) coin with KM# 3 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1927 reverse of 10 Haléřů (1922 - 1938) coin with KM# 3 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1934 13,200,000 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 50 Haléřů (1991 - 1992) coin with KM# 144 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: ČSFR 1991 reverse of 50 Haléřů (1991 - 1992) coin with KM# 144 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: 50 h Ð
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 15,062,000 1 F 0.09 USD
obverse of 25 Øre - Frederik IX (1966 - 1972) coin with KM# 855 from Denmark. Inscription: FR IX 1967 C ♥ S reverse of 25 Øre - Frederik IX (1966 - 1972) coin with KM# 855 from Denmark. Inscription: DANMARK 25 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 C♥S 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - 1'st Coat of Arms; 2'nd Portrait (1990 - 1993) coin with KM# 871 from Denmark. Inscription: MARGRETHE II ♥ DANMARKS DRONNING LG JP 1990 reverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - 1'st Coat of Arms; 2'nd Portrait (1990 - 1993) coin with KM# 871 from Denmark. Inscription: 20 KRONER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 LG;JP;A 34,368,000 1 XF 2.9 USD
obverse of 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II - Israel and Egypt Peace Treaty (1979) coin with KM# 17 from Dominica. Inscription: COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA NOV.3 1978 INDEPENDENCE reverse of 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II - Israel and Egypt Peace Treaty (1979) coin with KM# 17 from Dominica. Inscription: PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST - 26 MARCH 1979 20 DOLLARS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1979) CHI 200 1 UNC 28.85 USD
Dominican Republic
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1,115 1 UNC 1.2 USD
Eastern Caribbean States
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1981 - 2001) coin with KM# 10 from Eastern Caribbean States. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1981 - 2001) coin with KM# 10 from Eastern Caribbean States. Inscription: EAST CARIBBEAN STATES 1989 1 ONE CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 4'th Portrait (2002 - 2007) coin with KM# 39 from Eastern Caribbean States. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 4'th Portrait (2002 - 2007) coin with KM# 39 from Eastern Caribbean States. Inscription: EAST CARIBBEAN STATES 2004 1 1 ONE DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 XF 1 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1928) coin with KM# 67 from Ecuador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR 1928 reverse of 1 Centavo (1928) coin with KM# 67 from Ecuador. Inscription: 1 CENTAVO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1928 2,016,000 1 VF 0.7 USD
obverse of 1/2 Decimo (1884 - 1886) coin with KM# 49 from Ecuador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR reverse of 1/2 Decimo (1884 - 1886) coin with KM# 49 from Ecuador. Inscription: MEDIO DECIMO HEATON. BIRMINGHAM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1886 HEATON 600,000 1 F Unknown
obverse of 10 Centavos (1919) coin with KM# 64 from Ecuador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR 1919 reverse of 10 Centavos (1919) coin with KM# 64 from Ecuador. Inscription: 10 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1919 2,000,000 1 VF 1.85 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1963 - 1982) coin with KM# 81 from Ecuador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR 1982 reverse of 50 Centavos (1963 - 1982) coin with KM# 81 from Ecuador. Inscription: 50 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 1 XF 0.25 USD
Arab Republic
obverse of 2 1/2 Millièmes - Fuad I (1933) coin with KM# 356 from Egypt. Inscription: فواد الأول ملك مصر reverse of 2 1/2 Millièmes - Fuad I (1933) coin with KM# 356 from Egypt. Inscription: المملكة المصرية ١٩٣٣ ١/٢ ٢ مليمات ١٣٥٢
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1352 (1933) 4,000,000 1 VG 0.63 USD
obverse of 10 Millièmes - FAO (1978) coin with KM# 476 from Egypt. Inscription: FAO reverse of 10 Millièmes - FAO (1978) coin with KM# 476 from Egypt. Inscription: جمهورية مصر العربية ١٣٩٧ ١٩٧٨ ١٠ مليمات
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1398 (1978) 2,000,000 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 10 Piastres - FAO (1977) coin with KM# 469 from Egypt. Inscription: ١٠ ٠٩٧٧ ١٣٩٧ reverse of 10 Piastres - FAO (1977) coin with KM# 469 from Egypt.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1397 (1977) 1,000,000 1 VF 0.55 USD
obverse of 10 Piastres (2008) coin with KM# 990 from Egypt. reverse of 10 Piastres (2008) coin with KM# 990 from Egypt.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1429 (2008) 1 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 10 Cents (1997) coin with KM# 45 from Eritrea. Inscription: LIBERTY · EQUALITY · JUSTICE 1991 reverse of 10 Cents (1997) coin with KM# 45 from Eritrea. Inscription: STATE OF ERITREA 1997 10 TEN CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 VF 0.24 USD
obverse of 25 Matonas - Haile Selassie I (1931) coin with KM# 30 from Ethiopia. reverse of 25 Matonas - Haile Selassie I (1931) coin with KM# 30 from Ethiopia. Inscription: 25
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1923 (1931) 2,742,000 1 VG 0.6 USD
obverse of 5 Santeem (1977 - 2012) coin with KM# 44 from Ethiopia. Inscription: ኢትዮጵያ ፲፱፻፷፱ reverse of 5 Santeem (1977 - 2012) coin with KM# 44 from Ethiopia. Inscription: 5 አምስት:ሳንቲም
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1969 (1977) FM 12,000 1 VG Unknown
Danish colony
Faroe Islands
obverse of 25 Øre - Christian X (1941) coin with KM# 5 from Faroe Islands. Inscription: CX R 1941 DANMARK reverse of 25 Øre - Christian X (1941) coin with KM# 5 from Faroe Islands. Inscription: 25 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1941 250,000 1 XF 30.55 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1986 - 1987) coin with KM# 52 from Fiji. Inscription: ELIZABETH II FIJI 1987 reverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1986 - 1987) coin with KM# 52 from Fiji. Inscription: 10 cents
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 740,000 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1985) coin with KM# 31 from Fiji. Inscription: ELIZABETH II FIJI 1978 reverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1985) coin with KM# 31 from Fiji. Inscription: 20 cents
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1,014,000 1 G 0.09 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 1 F 0.44 USD
obverse of 10 Centimes (1897 - 1921) coin with KM# 843 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE reverse of 10 Centimes (1897 - 1921) coin with KM# 843 from France. Inscription: LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE 10c 1900
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1910 3,567,000 1 F 0.75 USD
obverse of 2 Francs (1944) coin with KM# 905 from France. Inscription: FRANCE reverse of 2 Francs (1944) coin with KM# 905 from France. Inscription: LIBERTE-EGALITE-FRATERNITE 2FR · 1944 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1944 50,000,000 1 XF 5.75 USD
obverse of 1 Franc (1959 - 2001) coin with KM# 925.1 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE O. Roty reverse of 1 Franc (1959 - 2001) coin with KM# 925.1 from France. Inscription: LIBERTE · EGALITE · FRATERNITE 1 FRANC 1977
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 2 Francs - Declaration of Human Rights (1998) coin with KM# 1213 from France. Inscription: René Cassin RF Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme 1948 1998 reverse of 2 Francs - Declaration of Human Rights (1998) coin with KM# 1213 from France. Inscription: LIBERTÉ EGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ 2 F 1998
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 VF 0.55 USD
French colony
French Polynesia
obverse of 2 Francs - Without IEOM (1965) coin with KM# 3 from French Polynesia. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE 1965 G.B.BAZOR reverse of 2 Francs - Without IEOM (1965) coin with KM# 3 from French Polynesia. Inscription: POLYNESIE FRANCAISE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 1,750,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 1 Tetri (1993) coin with KM# 76 from Georgia. Inscription: საქართველოს რესპუბლიკა REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA 19 93 reverse of 1 Tetri (1993) coin with KM# 76 from Georgia. Inscription: 1 თეთრი
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 1 XF 0.13 USD
German States
obverse of 2 Pfennige - Friedrich Franz II (1872) coin with KM# 316 from German States. reverse of 2 Pfennige - Friedrich Franz II (1872) coin with KM# 316 from German States. Inscription: monogram Franz II
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1872 B 1,155,100 1 F Unknown
Federal Republic
obverse of 5 Deutsche Mark (1975 - 2001) coin with KM# 140.1 from Germany. Inscription: 1987 J reverse of 5 Deutsche Mark (1975 - 2001) coin with KM# 140.1 from Germany. Inscription: 5 DEUTSCHE MARK BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 G 1 XF 3.45 USD
obverse of 1 Euro - 1'st Map (2002 - 2006) coin with KM# 213 from Germany. Inscription: 2003 A reverse of 1 Euro - 1'st Map (2002 - 2006) coin with KM# 213 from Germany. Inscription: 1 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 F 180,000 In sets only 1 F 1.08 USD
British colony
obverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1988 - 1995) coin with KM# 20 from Gibraltar. Inscription: ELIZABETH II GIBRALTAR · 1988 reverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1988 - 1995) coin with KM# 20 from Gibraltar. Inscription: 1 · ONE PENNY ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 AA 1 VF 0.09 USD
obverse of 20 Pence - Elizabeth II - Our Lady of Europa - 4'th Portrait (1998 - 2003) coin with KM# 777 from Gibraltar. Inscription: GIBRALTAR ELIZABETH II 2000 reverse of 20 Pence - Elizabeth II - Our Lady of Europa - 4'th Portrait (1998 - 2003) coin with KM# 777 from Gibraltar. Inscription: TWENTY PENCE OUR LADY OF EUROPA 20 AA PM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 AB 1 XF 0.25 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 30,000 1 F 0.64 USD
obverse of 5 Lepta - George I (1869 - 1870) coin with KM# 42 from Greece. Inscription: ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΑΙ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΒΑΡΡΕ 1869 reverse of 5 Lepta - George I (1869 - 1870) coin with KM# 42 from Greece. Inscription: ΟΒΟΛΟΣ 5 ΛΕΡΤΑ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1869 BB 23,945,000 1 F 4.65 USD
obverse of 20 Drachmes (1990 - 2000) coin with KM# 154 from Greece. Inscription: Δ. ΣΟΛΩΜΟΣ reverse of 20 Drachmes (1990 - 2000) coin with KM# 154 from Greece. Inscription: 20 ΔΡΧ. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 In sets only 1 VG 0.45 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Marathon (2010) coin with KM# 236 from Greece. Inscription: ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝΑΣ 2500 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ 490 Π.Χ. 2010 Μ.Χ. reverse of 2 Euro - Marathon (2010) coin with KM# 236 from Greece. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 2,492,500 1 XF 2.16 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1974 - 1995) coin with KM# 275 from Guatemala. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA 1988 reverse of 1 Centavo (1974 - 1995) coin with KM# 275 from Guatemala. Inscription: · UN CENTAVO · FRAY BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 30,000,000 1 G 0.01 USD
Co-operative Republic
obverse of 25 Cents (1967 - 1992) coin with KM# 34 from Guyana. Inscription: ONE PEOPLE ONE NATION ONE DESTINY reverse of 25 Cents (1967 - 1992) coin with KM# 34 from Guyana. Inscription: BANK OF GUYANA TWENTYFIVE 25 CENTS 1989
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 1,000,000 1 G 0.02 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 1 VF 0.07 USD
obverse of 50 Centimes (1907 - 1908) coin with KM# 56 from Haiti. Inscription: RÉPUBLIQUE D'HAITI 1908 reverse of 50 Centimes (1907 - 1908) coin with KM# 56 from Haiti. Inscription: LIBERTÉ EGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1907 2,000,000 1 VF 5.55 USD
obverse of 20 Centavos (1973) coin with KM# 81 from Honduras. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS 1973 reverse of 20 Centavos (1973) coin with KM# 81 from Honduras. Inscription: 20 CENTAVOS DE LEMPIRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 15,000,000 1 XF 0.2 USD
British colony
Hong Kong
obverse of 5 Cents - George VI (1949 - 1950) coin with KM# 26 from Hong Kong. Inscription: KING GEORGE THE SIXTH reverse of 5 Cents - George VI (1949 - 1950) coin with KM# 26 from Hong Kong. Inscription: * HONG-KONG * FIVE CENTS 1949
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1950 20,400,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1975 - 1983) coin with KM# 36 from Hong Kong. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1975 - 1983) coin with KM# 36 from Hong Kong. Inscription: *HONG-KONG* 香 毫 · 貳 港 TWENTY CENTS 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 20 Fillér (1990 - 1996) coin with KM# 676 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KÖZTÁRSASÁG · 19 91 reverse of 20 Fillér (1990 - 1996) coin with KM# 676 from Hungary. Inscription: 20 FILLÉR BP.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 BP 30,000 1 G 0.04 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 BP. 1 VG | 1 XF 0.26 USD
obverse of 200 Forint (2012 - 2017) coin with KM# 852 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYARORSZÁG 2012 reverse of 200 Forint (2012 - 2017) coin with KM# 852 from Hungary. Inscription: 200 FORINT BP.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 BP. 1 XF 1.5 USD
obverse of 1 Króna (1976 - 1980) coin with KM# 23 from Iceland. Inscription: 1978 reverse of 1 Króna (1976 - 1980) coin with KM# 23 from Iceland. Inscription: ÍSLAND 1 KRÓNA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 10,000,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 5 Krónur (1969 - 1980) coin with KM# 18 from Iceland. Inscription: 1980 reverse of 5 Krónur (1969 - 1980) coin with KM# 18 from Iceland. Inscription: ÍSLAND 5 KRÓNUR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1971 500,000 1 XF 0.55 USD
obverse of 5 Aurar (1981) coin with KM# 24 from Iceland. Inscription: FIMM AURAR ÍSLAND 1981 reverse of 5 Aurar (1981) coin with KM# 24 from Iceland. Inscription: 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 15,000,000 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 5 Paisa - FAO (1978) coin with KM# 21 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA पैसे 5 PAISE reverse of 5 Paisa - FAO (1978) coin with KM# 21 from India. Inscription: सबके लिए अनाज और मकान 1978 FOOD & SHELTER FOR ALL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1978 B 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 50 Paise (1972 - 1973) coin with KM# 61 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA reverse of 50 Paise (1972 - 1973) coin with KM# 61 from India. Inscription: पैसे PAISE 50 1973
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 1 F 1 USD
obverse of 2 Rupees - National Integration - Hendecagonal (1992 - 2004) coin with KM# 121 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA रूपये RUPEES सत्यमेव जयते 2 reverse of 2 Rupees - National Integration - Hendecagonal (1992 - 2004) coin with KM# 121 from India. Inscription: राष्ट्रीय एकता NATIONAL INTEGRATION 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 ♦ 1 XF 0.75 USD
obverse of 2 Rupees - Unity in Diversity (2005 - 2007) coin with KM# 326 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA सत्यमेव जयते 2 2006 reverse of 2 Rupees - Unity in Diversity (2005 - 2007) coin with KM# 326 from India. Inscription: दो रुपये TWO RUPEES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 5 Rupees (2007 - 2008) coin with KM# 330 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA सत्यमेव जयते 2008 reverse of 5 Rupees (2007 - 2008) coin with KM# 330 from India. Inscription: रूपये RUPEES 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 ♦ 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Rupees - Rabindranath Tagore (2011) coin with KM# 393 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA सत्यमेव जयते रूपये 5 RUPEES reverse of 5 Rupees - Rabindranath Tagore (2011) coin with KM# 393 from India. Inscription: रबीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर RABINDRANATH TAGORE 1861 - 2011 150 वीं जयंती 150 BIRTH ANNIVERSARY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 * 1 VG 0.13 USD
Indian States
obverse of 1/4 Anna - Victoria / Narayan Rao (1888) coin with KM# 3 from Indian States. reverse of 1/4 Anna - Victoria / Narayan Rao (1888) coin with KM# 3 from Indian States.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1888 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 100 Dīnār - Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar (1900 - 1918) coin with KM# 962 from Iran. Inscription: رايج مملكت ايران ١٠٠ دينار reverse of 100 Dīnār - Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar (1900 - 1918) coin with KM# 962 from Iran. Inscription: ١٢١٨
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1318 (1900) 10,000,000 1 G 0.62 USD
obverse of 10 Dīnār - Reza Shah Pahlavi (1936 - 1942) coin with KM# 1139 from Iran. reverse of 10 Dīnār - Reza Shah Pahlavi (1936 - 1942) coin with KM# 1139 from Iran. Inscription: ١٠ ١٣١٧
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1321 (1942) 1 G 0.12 USD
obverse of 10 Fils - Ishtar Gate (1982) coin with KM# 160 from Iraq. reverse of 10 Fils - Ishtar Gate (1982) coin with KM# 160 from Iraq.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 1 VG | 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 1 Shilling (1951 - 1968) coin with KM# 14a from Ireland. Inscription: éIRe 1968 reverse of 1 Shilling (1951 - 1968) coin with KM# 14a from Ireland. Inscription: 1s scilling
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1959 2,000,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Pingin (1988 - 2000) coin with KM# 21a from Ireland. Inscription: éIRe 1995 reverse of 2 Pingin (1988 - 2000) coin with KM# 21a from Ireland. Inscription: 2P
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 69,342,000 1 F 0.03 USD
United Kingdom
Isle of Man
obverse of 20 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2000 - 2003) coin with KM# 1040 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 2002 reverse of 20 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2000 - 2003) coin with KM# 1040 from Isle of Man. Inscription: Rushen ABBEY 20
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 AB 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 1 Lira - Vittorio Emanuele III - Magnetic (1939 - 1943) coin with KM# 77b from Italy. Inscription: VITTORIO.EMANUELE.III.RE.E.IMP. G.ROMAGNOLI reverse of 1 Lira - Vittorio Emanuele III - Magnetic (1939 - 1943) coin with KM# 77b from Italy. Inscription: ITALIA 1943 XXI R L. 1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1942 R 5,700,000 1 XF 1.9 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Giuseppe Verdi (2013) coin with KM# 357 from Italy. Inscription: RI R 1813 2013 MCC G. VERDI reverse of 2 Euro - Giuseppe Verdi (2013) coin with KM# 357 from Italy. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 R 10,000,000 1 VG 2.09 USD
British colony
obverse of 1/2 Penny - Edward VII (1902 - 1903) coin with KM# 19 from Jamaica. Inscription: EDWARD VII KING AND EMPEROR · 1902 · reverse of 1/2 Penny - Edward VII (1902 - 1903) coin with KM# 19 from Jamaica. Inscription: JAMAICA INDUS UTERQUE SERVIET UNI · HALF PENNY ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1903 48,000 1 XF 19.6 USD
obverse of 5 Sen - Shōwa (1940 - 1943) coin with Y# 60 from Japan. Inscription: 本 日 大 年 七 十 和 昭 reverse of 5 Sen - Shōwa (1940 - 1943) coin with Y# 60 from Japan. Inscription: 五 錢
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
15 (1940) 410,020,460 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 5 Sen - Meiji (1889 - 1897) coin with Y# 19 from Japan. Inscription: 年 五 十 二 治 明 五 · 本 日 大 · reverse of 5 Sen - Meiji (1889 - 1897) coin with Y# 19 from Japan. Inscription: · 銭 五 · 5 SEN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
24 (1891) 15,924,782 1 VG 1.5 USD
obverse of 100 Yen - Shōwa (1967 - 1988) coin with Y# 82 from Japan. Inscription: 日 本 国 百 円 reverse of 100 Yen - Shōwa (1967 - 1988) coin with Y# 82 from Japan. Inscription: 100 昭和47年
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
53 (1978) 292,000,000 1 VF 0.83 USD
obverse of 500 Yen - Heisei - Okinawa (2012) coin with Y# 183 from Japan. Inscription: 日 本 国 OKINAWA 五 百 円 reverse of 500 Yen - Heisei - Okinawa (2012) coin with Y# 183 from Japan. Inscription: JAPAN 47 PREFECTURES COIN PROGRAM 500 YEN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
24 (2012) 1,760,000 1 F 3.35 USD
obverse of 500 Yen - Heisei - Miyazaki (2012) coin with Y# 187 from Japan. reverse of 500 Yen - Heisei - Miyazaki (2012) coin with Y# 187 from Japan.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
24 (2012) 1,740,000 1 G 3.35 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 1/2 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1981) coin with KM# 45 from Jersey. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 1/2 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1981) coin with KM# 45 from Jersey. Inscription: BAILIWICK OF JERSEY 19 81 HALF PENNY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 50,000 1 VG 0.01 USD
obverse of 5 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (1998 - 2008) coin with KM# 105 from Jersey. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND 2002 IRB reverse of 5 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (1998 - 2008) coin with KM# 105 from Jersey. Inscription: BAILIWICK OF JERSEY FIVE PENCE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 3,200,000 1 F 0.06 USD
Hashemite Kingdom
obverse of 1/2 Qirsh - Hussein (1996) coin with KM# 60 from Jordan. reverse of 1/2 Qirsh - Hussein (1996) coin with KM# 60 from Jordan.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1416 (1996) 1 VF 0.18 USD
obverse of 5 Cents - Without legend (1966 - 1968) coin with KM# 1 from Kenya. reverse of 5 Cents - Without legend (1966 - 1968) coin with KM# 1 from Kenya. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF KENYA 19 67 HARAMBEE 5 FIVE CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 28,000,000 1 VG 0.07 USD
German colony
Kiautschou Bay concession
obverse of 10 Cents - Wilhelm II (1909) coin with KM# 2 from Kiautschou Bay concession. reverse of 10 Cents - Wilhelm II (1909) coin with KM# 2 from Kiautschou Bay concession. Inscription: DEUTSCH · KIAUTSCHOU GEBIET 10 CENT 1909
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1909 670,000 1 F Unknown
Democratic People's Republic
obverse of 1 Chon (2008) coin with KM# 1170 from Korea. reverse of 1 Chon (2008) coin with KM# 1170 from Korea.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 XF 1.5 USD
obverse of 50 Chon (2002) coin with KM# 1173 from Korea. reverse of 50 Chon (2002) coin with KM# 1173 from Korea.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Won (2005) coin with KM# 1015 from Korea. reverse of 5 Won (2005) coin with KM# 1015 from Korea.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 1 VG 0.18 USD
obverse of 100 Won (2005) coin with KM# 427 from Korea. Inscription: 94 2005 reverse of 100 Won (2005) coin with KM# 427 from Korea. Inscription: 100
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 1 XF 0.65 USD
obverse of 100 Fils - Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah (1962 - 2014) coin with KM# 14 from Kuwait. Inscription: ١٤١٨- ١٩٨٨ reverse of 100 Fils - Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah (1962 - 2014) coin with KM# 14 from Kuwait. Inscription: الكويت ١٠٠ فلس KUWAIT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1434 (2012) 1 XF 0.7 USD
2'nd Republic
obverse of 1 Euro Cent (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 150 from Latvia. Inscription: 2014 LATVIJA reverse of 1 Euro Cent (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 150 from Latvia. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 120,000,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Cents (1966 - 1987) coin with KM# 15a from Liberia. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA reverse of 10 Cents (1966 - 1987) coin with KM# 15a from Liberia. Inscription: 10 CENTS 1977
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 2,500,000 1 XF Unknown
Great Socialist People's Arab Jamahiriya
١٣٩٩ ١٩٧٩. الجماهيرية العربية الليبية الشعبية الاشتراكية. reverse of 1 Dirham (1979) coin with KM# 18 from Libya. Inscription: ١ درهم
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1399 (1979) 1,000,000 1 G 0.06 USD
obverse of 10 Dirham (1979) coin with KM# 20 from Libya. Inscription: ١٣٩٩ ١٩٧٩ الجمهورية العربية الليبية الشعبية الاشتراكية reverse of 10 Dirham (1979) coin with KM# 20 from Libya. Inscription: ١٠ درهم
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1399 (1979) 4,000,000 Royal Mint 1 F 0.35 USD
Grand Duchy
obverse of 5 Centimes - Wilhelm IV (1908) coin with KM# 26 from Luxembourg. Inscription: GUILLAUME GRAND DUC DE LUXEMBOURG A.M. 1908 reverse of 5 Centimes - Wilhelm IV (1908) coin with KM# 26 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 5 CENTIMES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1908 1,500,000 1 VG 0.18 USD
obverse of 5 Centimes - Charlotte (1930) coin with KM# 40 from Luxembourg. Inscription: CHARLOTTE GRAND-DUCHESSE DE LUXEMBOURG *1930* reverse of 5 Centimes - Charlotte (1930) coin with KM# 40 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 5 CENTIMES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1930 5,000,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Centimes - Adolphe (1901) coin with KM# 25 from Luxembourg. Inscription: ADOLPHE GRAND-DUC DE LUXEMBOURG · 1901 · A. MICHAUX reverse of 10 Centimes - Adolphe (1901) coin with KM# 25 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 10 CENTIMES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1901 4,000,000 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 50 Francs - Jean I (1987 - 1989) coin with KM# 62 from Luxembourg. Inscription: JEAN GRAND-DUC DE LUXEMBOURG J.N.L. reverse of 50 Francs - Jean I (1987 - 1989) coin with KM# 62 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 19 87 50F IML
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1,200,000 1 VG 0.19 USD
obverse of 1 Tambala (1995) coin with KM# 24 from Malawi. Inscription: MALAWI reverse of 1 Tambala (1995) coin with KM# 24 from Malawi. Inscription: 1 1995 TAMBALA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 10 Tambala (1995 - 2003) coin with KM# 27 from Malawi. Inscription: MALAŴI reverse of 10 Tambala (1995 - 2003) coin with KM# 27 from Malawi. Inscription: 10 1995 TAMBALA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 1 F | 1 F 0.28 USD
obverse of 50 Tambala (1986 - 1994) coin with KM# 19 from Malawi. Inscription: MALAWI reverse of 50 Tambala (1986 - 1994) coin with KM# 19 from Malawi. Inscription: 1994 50 TAMBALA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Kwacha (1996 - 2003) coin with KM# 28 from Malawi. Inscription: MALAŴI reverse of 1 Kwacha (1996 - 2003) coin with KM# 28 from Malawi. Inscription: 2003 ONE KWACHA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 F 0.81 USD
obverse of 5 Kwacha (2012) coin with KM# 213 from Malawi. Inscription: MALAWI reverse of 5 Kwacha (2012) coin with KM# 213 from Malawi. Inscription: 2012 5 KWACHA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 25 Laari - Magnetic (2008) coin with KM# 71a from Maldives. Inscription: 2008 ١٤٢٩ MMA reverse of 25 Laari - Magnetic (2008) coin with KM# 71a from Maldives. Inscription: MALDIVES 25 LAARI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1429 (2008) 1 G | 1 XF 0.02 USD
Islamic Republic
obverse of 1 Ouguiya - Magnetic (2009) coin with KM# 10 from Mauritania. Inscription: 20 09 1 OUGUIYA BANQUE CENTRALE DE MAURITANIE reverse of 1 Ouguiya - Magnetic (2009) coin with KM# 10 from Mauritania. Inscription: ١ ١٤٣٠
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 1 F Unknown
obverse of 5 Rupees (1987 - 2012) coin with KM# 56 from Mauritius. Inscription: DR THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SEEWOOSAGUR RAMGOOLAM KT reverse of 5 Rupees (1987 - 2012) coin with KM# 56 from Mauritius. Inscription: MAURITIUS 1991 5 RUPEES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 1 XF 0.9 USD
obverse of 20 Rupees - Bank of Mauritius (2007) coin with KM# 66 from Mauritius. Inscription: DR THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR SEEWOOSAGUR RAMGOOLAM KT reverse of 20 Rupees - Bank of Mauritius (2007) coin with KM# 66 from Mauritius. Inscription: MAURITIUS 2007 20 RUPEES TWENTY RUPEES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 VG 0.43 USD
3'rd Federal Republic
obverse of 1 Real - Puebla Insurgent Coinage (1813) coin with KM# 251 from Mexico. reverse of 1 Real - Puebla Insurgent Coinage (1813) coin with KM# 251 from Mexico.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1813 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 10 Centavos - Smaller (2009 - 2015) coin with KM# 934 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 10 Centavos - Smaller (2009 - 2015) coin with KM# 934 from Mexico. Inscription: 2009 10c Mo
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 Mo 399,143,000 1 XF 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Pesos - New millennium (2000 - 2001) coin with KM# 636 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 10 Pesos - New millennium (2000 - 2001) coin with KM# 636 from Mexico. Inscription: $10 AÑO 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 Mo 24,839,000 1 XF 3.3 USD
obverse of 10 Francs - Rainier III (1950 - 1951) coin with KM# 130 from Monaco. Inscription: RAINIER III PRINCE DE MONACO 1951 P. TURIN reverse of 10 Francs - Rainier III (1950 - 1951) coin with KM# 130 from Monaco. Inscription: 10 FRS DEO JUVANTE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1950 1 VG 0.25 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 120,000 1 VG 0.92 USD
obverse of 1 Dirham - Mohammed VI - National Sovereignty (2011 - 2014) coin with Y# 139 from Morocco. Inscription: المملكة المغربية محمد السادس reverse of 1 Dirham - Mohammed VI - National Sovereignty (2011 - 2014) coin with Y# 139 from Morocco. Inscription: 2011 1432 درهم 1 واحد
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1432 (2011) 1 XF 1.63 USD
obverse of 50 Luma (2004) coin with KM# 7 from Nagorno-Karabakh. Inscription: NAGORNO-KARABAKH REPUBLIC Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի Հանրապետություն reverse of 50 Luma (2004) coin with KM# 7 from Nagorno-Karabakh. Inscription: 50 LUMA 2004
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh - विरेन्द्र in obverse (1971 - 1979) coin with KM# 799 from Nepal. Inscription: नेपाल २०२ε श्री ५ वीरेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहदेव reverse of 1 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh - विरेन्द्र in obverse (1971 - 1979) coin with KM# 799 from Nepal. Inscription: श्री भवानी १ एक पैसा
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2032 (1975) 324,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 2 Rupees - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev - Magnetic (2003) coin with KM# 1151.1 from Nepal. reverse of 2 Rupees - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev - Magnetic (2003) coin with KM# 1151.1 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2060 (2003) 1 F 0.18 USD
Dutch colony
Netherlands Antilles
obverse of 1 Cent - Juliana (1952 - 1970) coin with KM# 1 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN 1967 reverse of 1 Cent - Juliana (1952 - 1970) coin with KM# 1 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: 1 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 5 Cents - Beatrix (1989 - 2014) coin with KM# 33 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN reverse of 5 Cents - Beatrix (1989 - 2014) coin with KM# 33 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: 5c 1998
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 2,006,500 1 VG 0.03 USD
French colony
New Caledonia
obverse of 100 Francs (1976 - 2005) coin with KM# 15 from New Caledonia. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE R. JOLY I · E · O · M 2002 reverse of 100 Francs (1976 - 2005) coin with KM# 15 from New Caledonia. Inscription: NOUVELLE CALEDONIE 100 f
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 300,000 1 XF 1.9 USD
obverse of 500 Córdobas (1987) coin with KM# 63 from Nicaragua. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA reverse of 500 Córdobas (1987) coin with KM# 63 from Nicaragua. Inscription: EN DIOS CONFIAMOS 500 CORDOBAS PATRIA LIBRE O MORIR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 1 XF 1.4 USD
obverse of 2 Øre - Oscar II (1876 - 1902) coin with KM# 353 from Norway. Inscription: Ocr II reverse of 2 Øre - Oscar II (1876 - 1902) coin with KM# 353 from Norway. Inscription: ØRE 2 1877
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1893 1,000,000 1 G 0.5 USD
obverse of 10 Øre - Haakon VII (1924 - 1951) coin with KM# 383 from Norway. Inscription: .ALT.FOR.NORGE. 1947 reverse of 10 Øre - Haakon VII (1924 - 1951) coin with KM# 383 from Norway. Inscription: 10 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 11,545,500 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 25 Øre - Olav V (1958 - 1973) coin with KM# 407 from Norway. reverse of 25 Øre - Olav V (1958 - 1973) coin with KM# 407 from Norway. Inscription: 25 · ØRE NORGE 1973
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 8,516,175 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 1 Krone - Olav V (1958 - 1973) coin with KM# 409 from Norway. Inscription: OLAV.V.R reverse of 1 Krone - Olav V (1958 - 1973) coin with KM# 409 from Norway. Inscription: 1966 1 KRONE NORGE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1959 4,450,000 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 10 Kroner - Harald V - 100th anniversary of universal suffrage (2013) coin with KM# 488 from Norway. Inscription: HARALD V . NORGES KONGE 2013 reverse of 10 Kroner - Harald V - 100th anniversary of universal suffrage (2013) coin with KM# 488 from Norway. Inscription: STEMMERETTSJUBILEET KR 10 1913-2013
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 XF 0.89 USD
Islamic Republic
obverse of 5 Paisa (1981 - 1996) coin with KM# 52 from Pakistan. Inscription: جمہوریت پاکستان 1983 reverse of 5 Paisa (1981 - 1996) coin with KM# 52 from Pakistan. Inscription: 5 پیسے
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Rupee (1998 - 2006) coin with KM# 62 from Pakistan. Inscription: قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاکِستان 1998 reverse of 1 Rupee (1998 - 2006) coin with KM# 62 from Pakistan. Inscription: 1 روپیہ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 1 XF 0.35 USD
British colony
obverse of 20 Mils (1942 - 1944) coin with KM# 5a from Palestine. Inscription: (פלשתינה(אי · PALESTINE · فلسطين 1942 ١٩٣٢ reverse of 20 Mils (1942 - 1944) coin with KM# 5a from Palestine. Inscription: 20 MILS ٢٠ مِل‎ מִיל
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1944 1,000,000 1 G 26.98 USD
obverse of 1/8 Peso - Provisional Coinage (1823) coin with KM# 137 from Peru. reverse of 1/8 Peso - Provisional Coinage (1823) coin with KM# 137 from Peru. Inscription: REPUBLICA PERUANA . M . 1823 .
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1823 LIMA 1 G 1.95 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1901 - 1941) coin with KM# 208 from Peru. Inscription: REPUBLICA PERUANA 1941 reverse of 1 Centavo (1901 - 1941) coin with KM# 208 from Peru. Inscription: UN CENTAVO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1936 565,000 1 VG 0.7 USD
obverse of 1 Sol de Oro - 400th anniversary of the Mint of Lima (1965) coin with KM# 240 from Peru. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA DEL PERV UN SOL DE ORO reverse of 1 Sol de Oro - 400th anniversary of the Mint of Lima (1965) coin with KM# 240 from Peru. Inscription: CVADRICENTENARIO.DLAFVNDACION.DLACASADMONEDA LIMA P PL VSVL TRA 1565-1965
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 3,103,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 1 Nuevo Sol - Wealth and pride of Peru: Sacred City of Caral (2014) coin with KM# 379 from Peru. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA DEL PERÚ 2014 reverse of 1 Nuevo Sol - Wealth and pride of Peru: Sacred City of Caral (2014) coin with KM# 379 from Peru. Inscription: CIUDAD SAGRADA DE CARAL S. XXX - XIX a.C. 1 NUEVO SOL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 LM 10,000,000 1 G 0.27 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1958 - 1963) coin with KM# 186 from Philippines. Inscription: CENTRAL BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES reverse of 1 Centavo (1958 - 1963) coin with KM# 186 from Philippines. Inscription: ONE CENTAVO 1960
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 30,000,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos (1958 - 1966) coin with KM# 187 from Philippines. Inscription: CENTRAL BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES reverse of 5 Centavos (1958 - 1966) coin with KM# 187 from Philippines. Inscription: FIVE CENTAVOS 1966
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1963 50,000,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 1 Fenig (1918) coin with Y# 4 from Poland. reverse of 1 Fenig (1918) coin with Y# 4 from Poland.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1918 FF 51,484,000 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Grosz (1923 - 1939) coin with Y# 8a from Poland. Inscription: .1925. RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA reverse of 1 Grosz (1923 - 1939) coin with Y# 8a from Poland. Inscription: 1 GROSZ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1932 W 12,000,000 1 G Unknown
obverse of 1 Złoty - Larger (1957 - 1988) coin with Y# 49 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA · 1986 · reverse of 1 Złoty - Larger (1957 - 1988) coin with Y# 49 from Poland. Inscription: 1 ZŁ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 58,631,470 1 G 0.24 USD
obverse of 2 Złote (1975 - 1988) coin with Y# 80 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA · 1975 · reverse of 2 Złote (1975 - 1988) coin with Y# 80 from Poland. Inscription: 2 ZŁ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 MW 35,244,000 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 20 Złotych - Dar Pomorza (1980) coin with Y# 112 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 20 ZŁ reverse of 20 Złotych - Dar Pomorza (1980) coin with Y# 112 from Poland. Inscription: 50 LAT DARU POMORZA 1930-1980
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 MW 2,007,000 1 VG 0.25 USD
obverse of 50 Złotych - FAO - World Food Day (1981) coin with Y# 127 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 81 ZŁ 50 ZŁ reverse of 50 Złotych - FAO - World Food Day (1981) coin with Y# 127 from Poland. Inscription: ŚWIATOWY DZIEŃ ŻYWNOŚCI FAO 16 OCT WORLD FOOD DAY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 MW 2,524,000 1 XF 2 USD
obverse of 10 Groszy (1990 - 2015) coin with Y# 279 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA · 2004 · reverse of 10 Groszy (1990 - 2015) coin with Y# 279 from Poland. Inscription: 10 GROSZY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 MW 104,060,000 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Polish Kings and Princes: Jan III Sobieski (1674-1696) (2001) coin with Y# 423 from Poland. Inscription: RZECPOSPOLITA POLSKA 20 01 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Polish Kings and Princes: Jan III Sobieski (1674-1696) (2001) coin with Y# 423 from Poland. Inscription: JAN III SOBIESKI 1674 1696
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 MW 500,000 1 VG 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - August II the Strong (2002) coin with Y# 439 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2002 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - August II the Strong (2002) coin with Y# 439 from Poland. Inscription: AUGUST II MOCNY 1697-1706 1709-1733
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 MW 620,000 1 XF 2.03 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Sandomierz (2006) coin with Y# 550 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2006 2 zł reverse of 2 Złote - Sandomierz (2006) coin with Y# 550 from Poland. Inscription: SANDORMIERZ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 MW 1,100,000 1 G 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Konin (2008) coin with Y# 631 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2008 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Konin (2008) coin with Y# 631 from Poland. Inscription: KONIN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1,100,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - History of the Polish Cavalry: Winged cavalryman - 17th Century (2009) coin with Y# 670 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2009 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - History of the Polish Cavalry: Winged cavalryman - 17th Century (2009) coin with Y# 670 from Poland. Inscription: HUSARZ - XVII w.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 MW 1,400,000 1 G 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Massacre of Katyn (2010) coin with Y# 721 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2010 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Massacre of Katyn (2010) coin with Y# 721 from Poland. Inscription: 70. ROCZNICA ZBRODNI KATYNSKIEJ KATYN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 MW 1,000,000 1 G 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Poles rescuing the Jews – the Ulma, Kowalski and Baranek Families (2012) coin with Y# 813 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2012 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Poles rescuing the Jews – the Ulma, Kowalski and Baranek Families (2012) coin with Y# 813 from Poland. Inscription: ROGZINY ULMOW; KOWASLSKICH; BARANKOW POLACY ratujacy ZYDOW
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 MW 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 10 Złotych - Chevau-Légers of the Imperial Guard of Napoleon I (2010) coin with Y# 719 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 10ZŁ 2010 reverse of 10 Złotych - Chevau-Légers of the Imperial Guard of Napoleon I (2010) coin with Y# 719 from Poland. Inscription: SZWOLEŻER GWARDII CESARZA NAPOLEONA I
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 MW 100,000 1 UNC 42.3 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 MW 15,000 1 UNC 37.6 USD
obverse of 2 Centavos (1918 - 1921) coin with KM# 568 from Portugal. reverse of 2 Centavos (1918 - 1921) coin with KM# 568 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 2 CENTAVOS · 1921 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1920 10,109,000 1 VF 1.45 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos (1920 - 1921) coin with KM# 570 from Portugal. reverse of 10 Centavos (1920 - 1921) coin with KM# 570 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 10 CENTAVOS 1920
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1921 1,285,000 1 VG 1.78 USD
obverse of 5 Escudos (1932 - 1951) coin with KM# 581 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 1948 J. DA SILVA reverse of 5 Escudos (1932 - 1951) coin with KM# 581 from Portugal. Inscription: 5$00
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1940 1,500,000 1 G 3.47 USD
obverse of 100 Escudos - Independence (1990) coin with KM# 651 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 100$00 reverse of 100 Escudos - Independence (1990) coin with KM# 651 from Portugal. Inscription: RESTAURACÃO DA INDEPENDÊNCIA 1640 . 1990
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1990) 1,000,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
Rhodesia and Nyasaland
obverse of 3 Pence - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1955 - 1964) coin with KM# 3 from Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Inscription: + QUEEN · ELIZABETH · THE · SECOND reverse of 3 Pence - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1955 - 1964) coin with KM# 3 from Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Inscription: RHODESIA AND NYASALAND 19 57 · THREE PENCE ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 6,000,000 1 VG 0.1 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 5 Bani - Carol I (1867) coin with KM# 3 from Romania. Inscription: ROMANIA NIHIL SINE DEO reverse of 5 Bani - Carol I (1867) coin with KM# 3 from Romania. Inscription: 5 BANI 1867
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1867 HEATON 12,500,000 1 G 1 USD
obverse of 5 Bani (1975) coin with KM# 92a from Romania. Inscription: REPUBLICA SOCIALISTA ROMANIA reverse of 5 Bani (1975) coin with KM# 92a from Romania. Inscription: 5 BANI 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 1 VF 1.9 USD
obverse of 25 Bani (1966) coin with KM# 94 from Romania. Inscription: REPUBLICA SOCIALISTA ROMANIA REPUBLICA SOCIALISTA ROMANIA · 1966 · reverse of 25 Bani (1966) coin with KM# 94 from Romania. Inscription: 25 BANI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 1 G 0.25 USD
Belgian colony
obverse of 1 Franc (1957 - 1960) coin with KM# 4 from Ruanda-Urundi. Inscription: BELGISCH CONGO BELGE 19 57 RUANDA-URUNDI reverse of 1 Franc (1957 - 1960) coin with KM# 4 from Ruanda-Urundi. Inscription: BANQUE CENTRALE * 1 F * CENTRALE BANK
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 20,000,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Sovereignity and Democracy (1992) coin with Y# 303 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 1 РУБЛЬ 1992 reverse of 1 Rouble - Sovereignity and Democracy (1992) coin with Y# 303 from Russia. Inscription: СУВЕРЕНИТЕТ ДЕМОКРАТИЯ ВОЗРОЖДЕНИЕ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 ЛМД 1 UNC 2.5 USD
obverse of 5 Roubles (1992) coin with Y# 312 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ reverse of 5 Roubles (1992) coin with Y# 312 from Russia. Inscription: 5 РУБЛЕЙ 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 Л 1 XF 0.98 USD
obverse of 2 Roubles - 55th Anniversary of the Victory: Murmansk (2000) coin with Y# 666 from Russia. Inscription: МУРМАНСК reverse of 2 Roubles - 55th Anniversary of the Victory: Murmansk (2000) coin with Y# 666 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 MMD 10,000,000 1 F 0.24 USD
obverse of 2 Roubles - 55th Anniversary of the Victory: Novorossiysk (2000) coin with Y# 668 from Russia. Inscription: НОВОРОССИЙСК reverse of 2 Roubles - 55th Anniversary of the Victory: Novorossiysk (2000) coin with Y# 668 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 SPMD 10,000,000 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - Penza Oblast (2014) coin with Y# 1566 from Russia. Inscription: РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ПЕНЗЕНСКАЯ ОБЛАС reverse of 10 Roubles - Penza Oblast (2014) coin with Y# 1566 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2014
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 СПМД 10,000,000 1 F 0.32 USD
obverse of 10 Francs - Type 1 legend (2003) coin with KM# 24 from Rwanda. Inscription: BANKI NASIYONALI Y'U RWANDA reverse of 10 Francs - Type 1 legend (2003) coin with KM# 24 from Rwanda. Inscription: REPUBLIKA Y'U RWANDA UBUMWI UMURIMO GUKUNDA IGIHUGU AMAFARANGA ICUMI 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 VG 0.06 USD
British colony
Saint Helena and Ascension
obverse of 20 Pence - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1998 - 2003) coin with KM# 21 from Saint Helena and Ascension. Inscription: · ELIZABETH II · RDM ST · HELENA · 1998 · ASCENSION reverse of 20 Pence - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1998 - 2003) coin with KM# 21 from Saint Helena and Ascension. Inscription: TWENTY PENCE 20
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 VF 0.38 USD
obverse of 2 Sene - Malietoa Tanumafili II (1967) coin with KM# 2 from Samoa. Inscription: MALIETOA TANUMAFILI II SAMOA I SISIFO reverse of 2 Sene - Malietoa Tanumafili II (1967) coin with KM# 2 from Samoa. Inscription: 1967 SE 2 NE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 465,000 1 F 0.01 USD
obverse of 2 Sene - Malietoa Tanumafili II - FAO (1999 - 2000) coin with KM# 122 from Samoa. Inscription: MALIETOA TANUMAFILI II SAMOA I SISIFO 2000 reverse of 2 Sene - Malietoa Tanumafili II - FAO (1999 - 2000) coin with KM# 122 from Samoa. Inscription: SE 2 NE XXI CENTURY . FAO . FOOD SECURITY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 1 F 0.01 USD
Most Serene Republic
San Marino
obverse of 5 Lire (1972) coin with KM# 16 from San Marino. Inscription: REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO 1972 reverse of 5 Lire (1972) coin with KM# 16 from San Marino. Inscription: 5 LIRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1972 291,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 200 Lire - Discovery of America (1992) coin with KM# 285 from San Marino. Inscription: REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO LIBERTAS PERPETUA L.CRETARA reverse of 200 Lire - Discovery of America (1992) coin with KM# 285 from San Marino. Inscription: 1492-1992 200 R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1992) R 1 VF 0.2 USD
Saudi Arabia
obverse of 25 Halala - Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1987 - 2002) coin with KM# 63 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: الملك فهد بن عبد العزيز السعود خادم الحرمين الشريفين reverse of 25 Halala - Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1987 - 2002) coin with KM# 63 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: خمس و عشرون هلالة ربع ريال 25 ٢٥ ١٤٠٨
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1423 (2002) 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 5 Para - Milan I / Alexander I / Peter I (1883 - 1917) coin with KM# 18 from Serbia. reverse of 5 Para - Milan I / Alexander I / Peter I (1883 - 1917) coin with KM# 18 from Serbia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА СРБИЈА 1883 5 ПАРА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1912 10,500,032 1 G 0.24 USD
1917 G 5,000,000 1 VF 2.85 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - 2'nd Coat of Arms; Magnetic (2011 - 2014) coin with KM# 54 from Serbia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА СРБИJА-REPUBLIKA SRBIJA · НБС-NBS · reverse of 1 Dinar - 2'nd Coat of Arms; Magnetic (2011 - 2014) coin with KM# 54 from Serbia. Inscription: ДИНАР-DINAR 1 2013
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 XF 0.48 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara - 1'st Coat of Arms (2005 - 2011) coin with KM# 41 from Serbia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА СРБИЈА-REPUBLIKA SRBIJA · НБС-NBS · reverse of 10 Dinara - 1'st Coat of Arms (2005 - 2011) coin with KM# 41 from Serbia. Inscription: ДИНАРА-DINARA 10 СТУДЕНИЦА 2005
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 In sets only 1 XF 0.09 USD
Sierra Leone
obverse of 20 Cents (1978 - 1984) coin with KM# 30 from Sierra Leone. reverse of 20 Cents (1978 - 1984) coin with KM# 30 from Sierra Leone. Inscription: TWENTY CENTS 1984
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 1 Cent (1967 - 1984) coin with KM# 1 from Singapore. reverse of 1 Cent (1967 - 1984) coin with KM# 1 from Singapore. Inscription: 1975 SINGAPORE 1 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 sm 15,000 Proof 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 20 Halierov (1940 - 1942) coin with KM# 4 from Slovakia. Inscription: SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA 1940 reverse of 20 Halierov (1940 - 1942) coin with KM# 4 from Slovakia. Inscription: 20 HALIEROV
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1941 4,028,000 1 F 2.4 USD
obverse of 50 Euro Cent (2009 - 2015) coin with KM# 100 from Slovakia. Inscription: SLOVENSKO JC PK 2009 reverse of 50 Euro Cent (2009 - 2015) coin with KM# 100 from Slovakia. Inscription: 50 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 21,500 In sets only 1 XF 0.54 USD
obverse of 10 Stotinov (1992 - 2006) coin with KM# 7 from Slovenia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA DESET STOTINOV 10 1992 reverse of 10 Stotinov (1992 - 2006) coin with KM# 7 from Slovenia. Inscription: 10 PROTEUS ANGUINUS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 4,000 In sets only 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 2 Euro Cent (2007 - 2014) coin with KM# 69 from Slovenia. Inscription: S L O V E N I J A 2007 reverse of 2 Euro Cent (2007 - 2014) coin with KM# 69 from Slovenia. Inscription: 2 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 Fi 82,000 In sets only 1 VG 0.05 USD
Solomon Islands
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 2010) coin with KM# 24 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II SOLOMON ISLANDS 1996 reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 2010) coin with KM# 24 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: 1 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 1 VF 0.09 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2012) coin with KM# 235 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II SOLOMON ISLANDS 2012 reverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2012) coin with KM# 235 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: 10 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 XF 0.01 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 2008) coin with KM# 28 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II SOLOMON ISLANDS 2005 reverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 2008) coin with KM# 28 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: 20 CENTS 20 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 G 0.02 USD
South Africa
obverse of 1/2 Cent - Nicolaas Johannes Diederichs (1979) coin with KM# 97 from South Africa. Inscription: SOUTH AFRICA · SUID-AFRIKA L.D.L. 1979 reverse of 1/2 Cent - Nicolaas Johannes Diederichs (1979) coin with KM# 97 from South Africa. Inscription: 1/2 T.S.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 20,000 In sets only 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 1 Cent - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA (1970 - 1989) coin with KM# 82 from South Africa. Inscription: SUID-AFRIKA · SOUTH AFRICA EX UNITATE VIRES 1981 T.S. reverse of 1 Cent - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA (1970 - 1989) coin with KM# 82 from South Africa. Inscription: 1c T.S.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Cent - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA (1990 - 1995) coin with KM# 132 from South Africa. Inscription: SOUTH AFRICA SUID-AFRIKA 1999 EX UNITATE VIRES reverse of 1 Cent - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA (1990 - 1995) coin with KM# 132 from South Africa. Inscription: 1c WL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 2 Cents - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA (1990 - 1995) coin with KM# 133 from South Africa. Inscription: SUID-AFRIKA · SOUTH AFRICA EX UNITATE VIRES 1993 ALS reverse of 2 Cents - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA (1990 - 1995) coin with KM# 133 from South Africa. Inscription: 2c ALS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 108,000,000 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (2000 - 2001) coin with KM# 224 from South Africa. Inscription: SOUTH AFRICA 2001 ALS reverse of 10 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (2000 - 2001) coin with KM# 224 from South Africa. Inscription: 10c RCM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 101,000,000 1 VF 0.15 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Afrika Borwa (2005) coin with KM# 292 from South Africa. Inscription: Afrika Borwa 2005 ALS reverse of 10 Cents - Afrika Borwa (2005) coin with KM# 292 from South Africa. Inscription: 10c RCM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 90,720,000 1 G | 1 XF 0.02 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (1965 - 1969) coin with KM# 69.1 from South Africa. Inscription: SOUTH AFRICA 1965 T.S. reverse of 20 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (1965 - 1969) coin with KM# 69.1 from South Africa. Inscription: 20 T.S.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 58,000 1 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA (1970 - 1990) coin with KM# 86 from South Africa. Inscription: SUID-AFRIKA · SOUTH AFRICA EX UNITATE VIRES 1980 T.S. reverse of 20 Cents - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA (1970 - 1990) coin with KM# 86 from South Africa. Inscription: 20 T.S.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 98,512,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - UMZANTSI AFRIKA (2006) coin with KM# 488 from South Africa. Inscription: uMzantsi Afrika 2006 ALS reverse of 20 Cents - UMZANTSI AFRIKA (2006) coin with KM# 488 from South Africa. Inscription: 20c SE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 38,080,000 1 VG 0.06 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - SUID AFRICA (2004) coin with KM# 331 from South Africa. Inscription: Suid-Afrika 2004 ALS reverse of 50 Cents - SUID AFRICA (2004) coin with KM# 331 from South Africa. Inscription: 50c LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 43,924,000 1 F 0.12 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 G 0.03 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 5,040,000 1 VF 0.48 USD
British colony
Southern Rhodesia
obverse of 2 Shillings - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1954) coin with KM# 30 from Southern Rhodesia. Inscription: + QUEEN · ELIZABETH · THE · SECOND reverse of 2 Shillings - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1954) coin with KM# 30 from Southern Rhodesia. Inscription: SOUTHERN RHODESIA 1954 · TWO SHILLINGS ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1954 300,000 1 VG 12 USD
Soviet Union (USSR)
obverse of 1 Kopek - 15 ribbons (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 126a from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР reverse of 1 Kopek - 15 ribbons (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 126a from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1 КОПЕЙКА 1970
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 1 G 0.05 USD
obverse of 3 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1957) coin with Y# 121 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: С С С Р reverse of 3 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1957) coin with Y# 121 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 3 КОПЕЙКИ 1957
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 1 XF 5.5 USD
obverse of 5 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 129a from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР reverse of 5 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 129a from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 5 КОПЕЕК 1984
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 M 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 10 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1948 - 1956) coin with Y# 116 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР reverse of 10 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1948 - 1956) coin with Y# 116 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 10 КОП 1955
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1956 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - 1982 FIFA World Cup (1980) coin with KM# 817 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1980 reverse of 5 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - 1982 FIFA World Cup (1980) coin with KM# 817 from Spain. Inscription: 5 PTAS ESPAÑA 82 82
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 80 75,000,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 10 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I (1992) coin with KM# 903 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1992 reverse of 10 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I (1992) coin with KM# 903 from Spain. Inscription: 10 M PLUS ULTRA PESETAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 51,820,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - With mintmark (1982 - 1984) coin with KM# 824 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1983 reverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - With mintmark (1982 - 1984) coin with KM# 824 from Spain. Inscription: 25 PTAS M
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 248,000,000 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 200 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Madrid European Capital of Culture (1992) coin with KM# 909 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1992 reverse of 200 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Madrid European Capital of Culture (1992) coin with KM# 909 from Spain. Inscription: MADRID 1992 CAPITAL EUROPEA DE LA CULTURA ESPAÑA M PORTADORES DE LA ANTORCHA 200 PTAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 XF 2.48 USD
obverse of 5 Euro Cent - Juan Carlos I - 1'st Type (1999 - 2009) coin with KM# 1042 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA 2001 M reverse of 5 Euro Cent - Juan Carlos I - 1'st Type (1999 - 2009) coin with KM# 1042 from Spain. Inscription: 5 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 M 1 VF 0.15 USD
2000 M 1 VF 0.15 USD
Democratic Socialist Republic
Sri Lanka
obverse of 5 Rupees - Upasampada (2003) coin with KM# 169 from Sri Lanka. Inscription: SYAMOPASAMPADA ANNIVERSARY 250 1753 2003 reverse of 5 Rupees - Upasampada (2003) coin with KM# 169 from Sri Lanka. Inscription: FIVE RUPEES SRI LANKA 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 F 0.35 USD
British colony
Straits Settlements
obverse of 1/4 Cent - Victoria (1889 - 1901) coin with KM# 14 from Straits Settlements. Inscription: VICTORIA QUEEN reverse of 1/4 Cent - Victoria (1889 - 1901) coin with KM# 14 from Straits Settlements. Inscription: STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1/4 · QUARTER CENT 1901 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1889 2,000,000 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 5 Cents - Mswati III (1995 - 2010) coin with KM# 48 from Swaziland. Inscription: SWAZILAND reverse of 5 Cents - Mswati III (1995 - 2010) coin with KM# 48 from Swaziland. Inscription: 5 CENTS 1999
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Mswati III (1995 - 2009) coin with KM# 49 from Swaziland. Inscription: SWAZILAND reverse of 10 Cents - Mswati III (1995 - 2009) coin with KM# 49 from Swaziland. Inscription: 10 CENTS 2002
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 1 XF 0.3 USD
obverse of 10 Öre - Gustaf V (1942 - 1950) coin with KM# 813 from Sweden. Inscription: SVERIGE reverse of 10 Öre - Gustaf V (1942 - 1950) coin with KM# 813 from Sweden. Inscription: 10 ÖRE 1950
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1946 TS 1 G 0.44 USD
obverse of 50 Öre - Gustaf VI Adolf (1962 - 1973) coin with KM# 837 from Sweden. Inscription: 19 73 reverse of 50 Öre - Gustaf VI Adolf (1962 - 1973) coin with KM# 837 from Sweden. Inscription: 50 ØRE SVERIGE U
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 u 1,400,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Krona - Carl XVI Gustaf (1982 - 2000) coin with KM# 852a from Sweden. Inscription: CARL XVI GUSTAF · SVERIGE 20 00 reverse of 1 Krona - Carl XVI Gustaf (1982 - 2000) coin with KM# 852a from Sweden. Inscription: FÖR SVERIGE I TIDEN 1 KR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 D 55,963,148 1 XF 0.13 USD
obverse of 5 Kronor - Gustaf VI Adolf - 80th Birthday (1962) coin with KM# 838 from Sweden. Inscription: GUSTAF VI ADOLF SVERIGES KONUNG 1882.11.XI.1962 reverse of 5 Kronor - Gustaf VI Adolf - 80th Birthday (1962) coin with KM# 838 from Sweden. Inscription: LITTERÄTUR.VETENSKAP.KONST 5 KR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 U 159,575 1 UNC 5.49 USD
Arab Republic
obverse of 10 Piastres (1979) coin with KM# 117 from Syria. Inscription: الجمهورية العربية السورية ١٣٩٩ - ١٩٧٩ reverse of 10 Piastres (1979) coin with KM# 117 from Syria. Inscription: الجمهورية العربية السورية ١٠
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1399 (1979) 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 20 Yuan (2001 - 2013) coin with Y# 565 from Taiwan. reverse of 20 Yuan (2001 - 2013) coin with Y# 565 from Taiwan.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
101 (2012) 1 VF 0.87 USD
obverse of 50 Yuan (1992 - 2000) coin with Y# 554 from Taiwan. Inscription: 年一十八國民華中 1992 reverse of 50 Yuan (1992 - 2000) coin with Y# 554 from Taiwan. Inscription: 圓拾伍 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 1 VG 1.52 USD
obverse of 50 Diram (2001 - 2006) coin with KM# 6 from Tajikistan. Inscription: ҶУМҲУРИИ ТОҶИКИСТОН 2001 reverse of 50 Diram (2001 - 2006) coin with KM# 6 from Tajikistan. Inscription: 50 ДИРАМ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 1 F 0.25 USD
United Republic
obverse of 10 Shilingi (1987 - 1989) coin with KM# 20 from Tanzania. Inscription: MWALIMU JULIUS K. NYERERE RAIS WA KWANZA WA TANZANIA reverse of 10 Shilingi (1987 - 1989) coin with KM# 20 from Tanzania. Inscription: SHILINGI KUMI 1987 UHURU NA UMOJA 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1 F Unknown
obverse of 50 Shilingi (1996 - 2012) coin with KM# 33 from Tanzania. Inscription: NDUGU ALI HASSAN MWINYI - RAIS WA PILI WA TANZANIA 1996 reverse of 50 Shilingi (1996 - 2012) coin with KM# 33 from Tanzania. Inscription: 50 SHILINGI HAMSINI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 VF 1.02 USD
obverse of 25 Satang - Rama VIII (1946) coin with Y# 66 from Thailand. reverse of 25 Satang - Rama VIII (1946) coin with Y# 66 from Thailand.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2489 (1946) 8,511,000 1 XF 4.4 USD
obverse of 50 Satang - Rama IX (1980) coin with Y# 168 from Thailand. Inscription: ประเทศไทย ริย์รัชกาลที่๙ reverse of 50 Satang - Rama IX (1980) coin with Y# 168 from Thailand. Inscription: ๕๐ สตางค์ พ.ศ.๒๕๒๓
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2523 (1980) 122,260,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 2 Baht - Rama IX (2004 - 2009) coin with Y# 444 from Thailand. Inscription: ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช รัชกาลที่๙ reverse of 2 Baht - Rama IX (2004 - 2009) coin with Y# 444 from Thailand. Inscription: ประเทศไทย พ.ศ.๒๕๔๙ ๒ บาท 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2550 (2007) 232,105,100 1 G 0.06 USD
obverse of 2 Baht - Rama IX (2008 - 2016) coin with Y# 445 from Thailand. reverse of 2 Baht - Rama IX (2008 - 2016) coin with Y# 445 from Thailand. Inscription: พ.ศ.๒๕๕๒ ๒ 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2552 (2009) 244,741,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Baht - Rama IX - 50th Anniversary of Reign (1996) coin with Y# 320 from Thailand. reverse of 5 Baht - Rama IX - 50th Anniversary of Reign (1996) coin with Y# 320 from Thailand.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2539 (1996) 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - Wat Arun (1988 - 2009) coin with Y# 227 from Thailand. Inscription: ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช รัชกาลที่๙ reverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - Wat Arun (1988 - 2009) coin with Y# 227 from Thailand. Inscription: ประเทศไทย ⠂⠴ พ.ศ.๒๕๔๕ ๑๐ บาท 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2545 (2002) 61,180,000 1 VF 0.53 USD
obverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - 150th Anniversary of Prince Bhanurangsri (2009) coin with Y# 519 from Thailand. reverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - 150th Anniversary of Prince Bhanurangsri (2009) coin with Y# 519 from Thailand.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2552 (2009) 1 XF 0.29 USD
obverse of 50 Seniti - Taufa'ahau Tupou IV (1968) coin with KM# 32 from Tonga. Inscription: TAUFA'AHAU TUPOU IV 1968 reverse of 50 Seniti - Taufa'ahau Tupou IV (1968) coin with KM# 32 from Tonga. Inscription: 50 SENTI TONGA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 25,000 1 XF 1.15 USD
obverse of 2 Francs - Chambres de Commerce (1921 - 1945) coin with KM# 248 from Tunisia. Inscription: TUNISIE 1945 ١٣٦٤ العمالة التونسية reverse of 2 Francs - Chambres de Commerce (1921 - 1945) coin with KM# 248 from Tunisia. Inscription: BON POUR 2 FRANCS يقبل في ٢ فرنكين
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1926 500,000 1 F 3.75 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - FAO (1996 - 2013) coin with KM# 347 from Tunisia. Inscription: الجمهورية التونسية 1997-1418 reverse of 1 Dinar - FAO (1996 - 2013) coin with KM# 347 from Tunisia. Inscription: البنك المركزى‎ التونسية دينار 1 واحد 1 ELMEKKI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1418 (1997) 1 XF 3.4 USD
obverse of 5 Kuruş - FAO (1975) coin with KM# 906 from Turkey. Inscription: AİLE PLANLAMASI HERKES İÇİN YİYECEK reverse of 5 Kuruş - FAO (1975) coin with KM# 906 from Turkey. Inscription: 5 KURUŞ 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 1,019,000 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 50 Kuruş (1971 - 1979) coin with KM# 899 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 50 Kuruş (1971 - 1979) coin with KM# 899 from Turkey. Inscription: 50 KURUS 1972
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 14,480,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Lira - Striped Hyena (2014) coin from Turkey. Inscription: ÇİZGİLİ SIRTLAN reverse of 1 Lira - Striped Hyena (2014) coin from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ 1 TÜRK LİRASI 2014
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 25,000 1 UNC 0.03 USD
obverse of 1 Lira - Long-eared Hedgehog (2014) coin from Turkey. Inscription: UZUM KULAKLI KİRPİ reverse of 1 Lira - Long-eared Hedgehog (2014) coin from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ 1 TÜRK LİRASI 2014
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 25,000 1 UNC 0.03 USD
obverse of 20 Lira - Traditional Turkish Handcrafts (2010) coin from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ 20 TL 2010 reverse of 20 Lira - Traditional Turkish Handcrafts (2010) coin from Turkey. Inscription: GELENEKSEL TÜRK EL SANATLARI DERİCİLİK-SU MATARASI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 1,014 1 UNC 0.55 USD
obverse of 50 Cents (1966 - 1974) coin with KM# 4 from Uganda. Inscription: BANK OF UGANDA FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY · FIFTY CENTS · reverse of 50 Cents (1966 - 1974) coin with KM# 4 from Uganda. Inscription: · BANK OF UGANDA · 50 1966
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 16,000,000 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 100 Shillings - Non magnetic (1998 - 2008) coin with KM# 67 from Uganda. Inscription: BANK OF UGANDA ONE HUNDRED SHILLINGS FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY reverse of 100 Shillings - Non magnetic (1998 - 2008) coin with KM# 67 from Uganda. Inscription: BANK OF UGANDA 100 SHILLINGS 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 VF 0.38 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - Sorochynsky Fair (2005) coin with KM# 368 from Ukraine. reverse of 5 Hryven - Sorochynsky Fair (2005) coin with KM# 368 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 60,000 1 UNC 15.35 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - The Kobzar´s going to his last Home (2011) coin with KM# 619 from Ukraine. Inscription: НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ ...ЩОБ ЛАНИ ШИРОКОПОЛІ І ДНІПРО І КРУЧІ БУЛО ВИДНО БУЛО ЧУТИ ЯК РЕВЕ РЕВУЧИЙ. 5 ГРИВЕНЬ 2011 reverse of 5 Hryven - The Kobzar´s going to his last Home (2011) coin with KM# 619 from Ukraine. Inscription: 8-22 ТРАВНЯ 1861 РОКУ ОСТАННІЙ ШЛЯХ КОБЗАРЯ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 35,000 1 UNC 13.8 USD
United Emirates
United Arab Emirates
obverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Sharjah Cultural City (1998) coin with KM# 39 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: SHARJAH 98 الشارقة reverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Sharjah Cultural City (1998) coin with KM# 39 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: الإمارات العربية المتحدة ١ درهم UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 200,000 1 VG 0.27 USD
obverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Abu Dhabi Police (2007) coin with KM# 103 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: 50 1957-2007 ABU DHABI POLICE GOLDEN JUBILEE reverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Abu Dhabi Police (2007) coin with KM# 103 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: الإمارات العربية المتحدة ١ درهم UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 VF 0.27 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 1/2 Penny - Victoria - 3'rd Portrait (1895 - 1901) coin with KM# 789 from United Kingdom. Inscription: VICTORIA · DEI · GRA · BRITT · REGINA · FID · DEF · IND · IMP · T.B. reverse of 1/2 Penny - Victoria - 3'rd Portrait (1895 - 1901) coin with KM# 789 from United Kingdom. Inscription: HALF PENNY 1896
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1899 12,108,000 1 F Unknown
obverse of 1 Penny - George VI - Without IND:IMP (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 869 from United Kingdom. Inscription: GEORGIUS VI D:G:BR:OMN:REX FIDEI DEF. reverse of 1 Penny - George VI - Without IND:IMP (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 869 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ONE PENNY 1950
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1951 1 F 14.1 USD
obverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait; Magnetic (1992 - 1997) coin with KM# 936a from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REG · F · D · 1993 RDM reverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait; Magnetic (1992 - 1997) coin with KM# 936a from United Kingdom. Inscription: TWO PENCE ICH DIEN 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 235,674,000 1 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 1108 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · D · G REG · F · D · 2008 IRB reverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 1108 from United Kingdom. Inscription: TWO PENCE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 67,800,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 5 Pence - Elizabeth II - Thistle; 4'th Portrait (1998 - 2008) coin with KM# 988 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · D · G REG · F · D · 2004 IRB reverse of 5 Pence - Elizabeth II - Thistle; 4'th Portrait (1998 - 2008) coin with KM# 988 from United Kingdom. Inscription: FIVE PENCE 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 246,720,000 1 G 0.06 USD
obverse of 20 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 1111 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · D · G · REG · F · D · 2008 IRB reverse of 20 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 1111 from United Kingdom. Inscription: TWENTY PENCE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 69,650,030 1 VG 0.26 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - Royal Diadem: Wales - Welsh Leek; 3'rd Portrait (1985 - 1990) coin with KM# 941 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REG · F · D · 1990 RDM reverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - Royal Diadem: Wales - Welsh Leek; 3'rd Portrait (1985 - 1990) coin with KM# 941 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ONE POUND
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 97,269,302 1 XF 3 USD
obverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - Football - 3'rd Portrait (1996) coin with KM# 973 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · DEI · GRATIA · REGINA · F · D · 2 POUNDS · RDM reverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - Football - 3'rd Portrait (1996) coin with KM# 973 from United Kingdom. Inscription: 19 96
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 5,141,000 1 F 2.58 USD
Federal republic
United States
obverse of 1 Cent - Steel Cent (1943 - 1944) coin with KM# 132a from United States. Inscription: IN GOD WE TRUST LIBERTY 1943 D reverse of 1 Cent - Steel Cent (1943 - 1944) coin with KM# 132a from United States. Inscription: E · PLURIBUS · UNUM ONE CENT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1943 S 191,550,000 1 G 0.4 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Massachusetts - Washington Quarter (2000) coin with KM# 305 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Massachusetts - Washington Quarter (2000) coin with KM# 305 from United States. Inscription: MASSACHUSETTS 1788 THE BAY STATE 2000 E PLURIBUS UNUM TDR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 D 535,184,000 1 F 0.79 USD
2000 P 628,600,000 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - North Carolina - Washington Quarter (2001) coin with KM# 319 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - North Carolina - Washington Quarter (2001) coin with KM# 319 from United States. Inscription: NORTH CAROLINA 1789 FIRST FLIGHT 2001 E PLURIBUS UNUM JM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 P 627,600,000 1 VF 1.29 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Arizona - Washington Quarter (2008) coin with KM# 423 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Arizona - Washington Quarter (2008) coin with KM# 423 from United States. Inscription: ARIZONA 1912 GRAND CANYON STATE 2008 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 D 265,000,000 1 VF 1.04 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma - Washington Quarter (2011) coin with KM# 498 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GOD WE TRUST LIBERTY QUARTER DOLLAR D reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma - Washington Quarter (2011) coin with KM# 498 from United States. Inscription: CHICKASAW OKLAHOMA	2011	E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 P 73,800,000 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico - Washington Quarter (2012) coin with KM# 520 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico - Washington Quarter (2012) coin with KM# 520 from United States. Inscription: CHACO CULTURE NEW MEXICO 2012 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 D 22,000,000 1 VG 0.48 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Fort McHenry - Washington Quarter (2013) coin with KM# 545 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST D QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Fort McHenry - Washington Quarter (2013) coin with KM# 545 from United States. Inscription: FORT McHENRY MARYLAND E PLURIBUS UNUM JFM 2013
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 P 120,000,000 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Wampanoag Treaty (2011) coin with KM# 503 from United States. Inscription: LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST reverse of 1 Dollar - Wampanoag Treaty (2011) coin with KM# 503 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $1 WAMPANOAG TREATY 1621
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 P 29,400,000 1 F | 1 XF 1 USD
Oriental Republic
obverse of 1 Centésimo (1869) coin with KM# 11 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY 1869 reverse of 1 Centésimo (1869) coin with KM# 11 from Uruguay. Inscription: CENTESIMO 1 A TASSET
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1869 A 1,000,000 1 VF 2 USD
obverse of 5 Centésimos (1944 - 1951) coin with KM# 21a from Uruguay. Inscription: REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY 1946 reverse of 5 Centésimos (1944 - 1951) coin with KM# 21a from Uruguay. Inscription: 5 CENTÉSIMOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 So 2,000,000 1 VF 0.95 USD
obverse of 5 Centésimos (1960) coin with KM# 38 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY .ARTIGAS. 1960 reverse of 5 Centésimos (1960) coin with KM# 38 from Uruguay. Inscription: 5 CENT · SIMOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1960 88,000,000 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 5 Pesos (1965) coin with KM# 47 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPÚBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY · ARTIGAS · 1965 reverse of 5 Pesos (1965) coin with KM# 47 from Uruguay. Inscription: 5 PESOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 So 18,000,000 1 VG 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Centésimos (1994 - 2008) coin with KM# 106 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY reverse of 50 Centésimos (1994 - 2008) coin with KM# 106 from Uruguay. Inscription: 50 CENTESIMOS 1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 10,000,000 1 XF 0.35 USD
City State
Vatican City
obverse of 50 Lire - Paulus VI - Olive (1970 - 1976) coin with KM# 121 from Vatican City. Inscription: · PAVLVS · VI · P.M. A. VII · MCMLXX · reverse of 50 Lire - Paulus VI - Olive (1970 - 1976) coin with KM# 121 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L.50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 600,000 1 XF 0.7 USD
obverse of 10 Euro Cent - Benedict XVI - 1'st Map (2006 - 2007) coin with KM# 378 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO · 2007 R D. L. M.C.C INC. reverse of 10 Euro Cent - Benedict XVI - 1'st Map (2006 - 2007) coin with KM# 378 from Vatican City. Inscription: 10 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 R 85,000 In sets only 1 VG 1.01 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 1 Đồng (1960) coin with KM# 5 from Vietnam. Inscription: VIỆT-NAM CỘNG-HÀO reverse of 1 Đồng (1960) coin with KM# 5 from Vietnam. Inscription: 1 ĐÔNG 1960
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1960 105,000,000 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 20 Đồng - FAO (1968) coin with KM# 11 from Vietnam. Inscription: CCHIẾN-DỊCH THẾ-GIỚI CHÕNG NẠN ÐÓICHIẾN-DỊCH THẾ-GIỚI CHÕNG NẠN ÐÓI 1968 reverse of 20 Đồng - FAO (1968) coin with KM# 11 from Vietnam. Inscription: VIỆT-NAM CỘNG-HOÀ 20 ĐÔNG
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 500,000 1 F 0.9 USD
obverse of 200 Dong (2003) coin with KM# 71 from Vietnam. Inscription: CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM VIỆT NAM 2003 reverse of 200 Dong (2003) coin with KM# 71 from Vietnam. Inscription: NGÂN HÀNG NHÀ NƯỚC VIỆT NAM 200 ÐỒNG
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 125,000,000 1 XF 0.35 USD
Socialist Federal Republic
obverse of 10 Para - Peter I (1920) coin with KM# 2 from Yugoslavia. reverse of 10 Para - Peter I (1920) coin with KM# 2 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 ПАРА PARA 1920
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1920 58,946,122 1 VG 0.75 USD
obverse of 50 Para (1982 - 1984) coin with KM# 85 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 50 Para (1982 - 1984) coin with KM# 85 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 ПАРА · PARA · PAR · ПАРИ · 1983
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 72,100,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (1968) coin with KM# 48 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 1 Dinar (1968) coin with KM# 48 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1 ДИНАР DINAR 1968
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 35,497,000 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Dinara (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 113 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 50 Dinara (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 113 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА DINARA DINARJEV ДИНАРИ 50 1988
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 28,370,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Cents (1980 - 1999) coin with KM# 2 from Zimbabwe. Inscription: ZIMBABWE 1983 reverse of 5 Cents (1980 - 1999) coin with KM# 2 from Zimbabwe. Inscription: 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 1 VF Unknown

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