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obverse of 1 Afghani - Mohammad VII (1961) coin with KM# 953 from Afghanistan. Inscription: افغانستان ١٣٤٠ reverse of 1 Afghani - Mohammad VII (1961) coin with KM# 953 from Afghanistan. Inscription: یوة ١ افغاني
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1340 (1961) 1 F 0.13 USD
People's Democratic Republic
obverse of 50 Francs (1949) coin with KM# 92 from Algeria. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE P. TURIN reverse of 50 Francs (1949) coin with KM# 92 from Algeria. Inscription: 50 FRANCS 1949 ALGERIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 18,000,000 1 G | 1 XF 0.38 USD
obverse of 2 Dinars (1992 - 2011) coin with KM# 130 from Algeria. Inscription: 1992 1413 reverse of 2 Dinars (1992 - 2011) coin with KM# 130 from Algeria. Inscription: بنك الجزائر 2 ديناران
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1428 (2007) 1 XF 2 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos (1896 - 1942) coin with KM# 34 from Argentina. Inscription: * REPUBLICA ARGENTINA * 1938 reverse of 5 Centavos (1896 - 1942) coin with KM# 34 from Argentina. Inscription: 5 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1940 10,191,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos (1970 - 1976) coin with KM# 66 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA *LIBERTAD* reverse of 10 Centavos (1970 - 1976) coin with KM# 66 from Argentina. Inscription: 10 CENTAVOS 1970
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 31,270,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 99 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA reverse of 50 Centavos (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 99 from Argentina. Inscription: ₳ 50 CENTAVOS 1988
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 13,884,000 1 F 0.19 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1993 - 2000) coin with KM# 113a from Argentina. Inscription: · REPUBLICA ARGENTINA · EN UNION Y LIBERTAD reverse of 1 Centavo (1993 - 2000) coin with KM# 113a from Argentina. Inscription: 1 centavo 1998
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 70,000,000 1 VF 0.07 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos - Women's Vote (1997) coin with KM# 121 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA . MARIA EVA DUARTE de PERON . reverse of 50 Centavos - Women's Vote (1997) coin with KM# 121 from Argentina. Inscription: CINCUENTENARIO LEY N° 13.010 VOTO FEMENINO OBLIGATORIO 1947-1997 50 CENTAVOS 1997
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 2,000,000 1 F 0.26 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1992 - 2011) coin with KM# 111 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA · EN UNION Y LIBERTAD · reverse of 50 Centavos (1992 - 2011) coin with KM# 111 from Argentina. Inscription: 50 CENTAVOS 1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 F 0.22 USD
obverse of 2 Pesos - National Constitution Convention (1994) coin with KM# 114 from Argentina. Inscription: .REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. PARANA SANTA FE CONSTITUCION NACIONAL reverse of 2 Pesos - National Constitution Convention (1994) coin with KM# 114 from Argentina. Inscription: .CONVENCION NACIONAL CONSTITUYENTE. $2 25.V.1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1,000,000 1 F 1 USD
obverse of 200 Dram (2003) coin with KM# 96 from Armenia. Inscription: ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆԻ ՀԱՆՐԱՊԵՏՈՒԹՅԱՆ ԿԵՆՏՐՈՆԱԿԱՆ ԲԱՆԿ 2003 ԵՐԿՈՒ ՀԱՐՅՈՒՐ ԴՐԱՄ reverse of 200 Dram (2003) coin with KM# 96 from Armenia. Inscription: 200 ԴՐԱՄ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 G 0.51 USD
Dutch colony
obverse of 2 1/2 Florin - Beatrix (1986 - 2012) coin with KM# 6 from Aruba. Inscription: Beatrix KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN reverse of 2 1/2 Florin - Beatrix (1986 - 2012) coin with KM# 6 from Aruba. Inscription: ARUBA 1986 2 1/2 florin
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 4,000 In sets only 1 XF 1.9 USD
obverse of 1/2 Penny - George VI - Without IND:IMP (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 42 from Australia. Inscription: GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR:OMN:REX FIDEI DEF. reverse of 1/2 Penny - George VI - Without IND:IMP (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 42 from Australia. Inscription: AUSTRALIA KG 1951 HALF PENNY *
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1951 29,422,000 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 3 Pence - George VI - Without IND:IMP (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 44 from Australia. Inscription: GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR:OMN:REX FIDEI DEF. reverse of 3 Pence - George VI - Without IND:IMP (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 44 from Australia. Inscription: AUSTRALIA 19 50 K G THREE PENCE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 21,560,000 1 VF 1 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - World War II (2005) coin with KM# 745 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2005 IRB reverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - World War II (2005) coin with KM# 745 from Australia. Inscription: WORLD WAR 1939-1945 COMING HOME 20
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 33,500,000 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 50th Anniversary of Surfing Australia - 4'th Portrait (2013) coin with KM# 1818 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2013 reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 50th Anniversary of Surfing Australia - 4'th Portrait (2013) coin with KM# 1818 from Australia. Inscription: FIFTY YEARS OF SURFING AUSTRALIA 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 UNC 8.9 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - International Year of Peace - 3'rd Portrait (1986) coin with KM# 87 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1986 RDM reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - International Year of Peace - 3'rd Portrait (1986) coin with KM# 87 from Australia. Inscription: ONE DOLLAR INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF PEACE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 25,100,000 1 VF 1.4 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Women's Suffrage - 4'th Portrait (2003) coin with KM# 754 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2003 IRB reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Women's Suffrage - 4'th Portrait (2003) coin with KM# 754 from Australia. Inscription: CENTENARY OF WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE 1 DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 10,007,000 1 VF 1 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - XVIII Commonwealth Games - 4'th Portrait (2006) coin with KM# 804 from Australia. Inscription: ELIZABETH II IRB AUSTRALIA 2006 reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - XVIII Commonwealth Games - 4'th Portrait (2006) coin with KM# 804 from Australia. Inscription: XVIII COMMONWEALTH GAMES M MELBOURNE 2006 1 DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 58,505 1 UNC 3.3 USD
obverse of 1 Kreuzer - Franz II (1812) coin with KM# 2112 from Austria. Inscription: FRANZ KAIS · V · OEST · KַZ · HU · BO · GAL · U · LO · B reverse of 1 Kreuzer - Franz II (1812) coin with KM# 2112 from Austria. Inscription: SCHEIDMUNZE DER WIENER WAEHRUNG 1 KREUTZER 1812.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1812 E 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Groschen (1947) coin with KM# 2873 from Austria. Inscription: · REPUBLIK · ÖSTERREICH reverse of 1 Groschen (1947) coin with KM# 2873 from Austria. Inscription: GROSCHEN 1 1947
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 23,758,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 5 Schilling (1968 - 2001) coin with KM# 2889a from Austria. Inscription: · REPUBLIK · ÖSTERREICH reverse of 5 Schilling (1968 - 2001) coin with KM# 2889a from Austria. Inscription: SCHILLING 5 19 91
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 20,000,000 1 XF 0.45 USD
obverse of 5 Euro - New Year (2014) coin with KM# 3228 from Austria. Inscription: NEUJAHRE 2014 reverse of 5 Euro - New Year (2014) coin with KM# 3228 from Austria. Inscription: REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH 5 · EURO ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 200,000 1 UNC 9 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 18 from Bahamas. Inscription: COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS ISLANDS · ELIZABETH II · reverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 18 from Bahamas. Inscription: 1971 TEN CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1971 FM 13,000 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II (1985 - 2004) coin with KM# 59a from Bahamas. Inscription: COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1985 reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II (1985 - 2004) coin with KM# 59a from Bahamas. Inscription: · ONE CENT ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 F 0.03 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II (1974 - 1992) coin with KM# 64 from Bahamas. Inscription: COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1974 reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II (1974 - 1992) coin with KM# 64 from Bahamas. Inscription: FIFTY CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1 G 0.5 USD
People's Republic
obverse of 5 Poisha - FAO (1974 - 1977) coin with KM# 6 from Bangladesh. reverse of 5 Poisha - FAO (1974 - 1977) coin with KM# 6 from Bangladesh. Inscription: বাংলাদেশ ১৯৭৪ ৫ পয়সা উংপাদন বাডান
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 3,000,000 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 25 Poisha (1977 - 1994) coin with KM# 12 from Bangladesh. reverse of 25 Poisha (1977 - 1994) coin with KM# 12 from Bangladesh. Inscription: বাংলাদেশ ১৯ ৯১ পঁচিশ ২৫ পয়সা
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 228,992,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Taka (1994 - 1998) coin with KM# 18 from Bangladesh. Inscription: বাংআদেশ ব্যাংক reverse of 5 Taka (1994 - 1998) coin with KM# 18 from Bangladesh. Inscription: যযুনা বলৃযুখী মেতু ১৯৯৬ FIVE TAKA ৫ পাঁচ টাকা
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 F 0.22 USD
obverse of 5 Taka (2005 - 2008) coin with KM# 26 from Bangladesh. reverse of 5 Taka (2005 - 2008) coin with KM# 26 from Bangladesh.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - Heavier (1973 - 1991) coin with KM# 10 from Barbados. Inscription: 19 81 PRIDE AND INDUSTRY BARBADOS reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - Heavier (1973 - 1991) coin with KM# 10 from Barbados. Inscription: ONE CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Yanka Kupala (2002) coin with KM# 116 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АД3IН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Yanka Kupala (2002) coin with KM# 116 from Belarus. Inscription: ЯНКА КУПАЛА 1882 - 1942
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 2,000 1 UNC 36.8 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Partisans (2004) coin with KM# 85 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АДЗІН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Partisans (2004) coin with KM# 85 from Belarus. Inscription: 60 ГОД ВЫЗВАЛЕННЕ БЕЛАРУСІ АД НЯМЕЦКА-ФАШЫ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 3,000 1 UNC 24.25 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Curlew (2011) coin with KM# 291 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ 2011 1 РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Curlew (2011) coin with KM# 291 from Belarus. Inscription: ВЯЛІКІ КУЛЁН ПТУШКА ГОДА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 2,000 1 UNC 20 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil (2013) coin with KM# 448 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ 1 РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil (2013) coin with KM# 448 from Belarus. Inscription: 2014 FIFA WORLD CUP BRAZIL (TM)
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 5,000 1 UNC Unknown
obverse of 1 Franc - Leopold III - BELGIQUE-BELGIE (1941 - 1947) coin with KM# 127 from Belgium. Inscription: BELGIQUE BELGIE reverse of 1 Franc - Leopold III - BELGIQUE-BELGIE (1941 - 1947) coin with KM# 127 from Belgium. Inscription: 1 F 1943
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1943 28,000,000 1 F 0.2 USD
1947 3,175,000 1 G 18.5 USD
obverse of 20 Francs - Baudouin I - Dutch text (1980 - 1993) coin with KM# 160 from Belgium. Inscription: ELSTRØM reverse of 20 Francs - Baudouin I - Dutch text (1980 - 1993) coin with KM# 160 from Belgium. Inscription: BELGIË 20F 1991
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 60,000,000 1 F 0.17 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Albert II - Belgium-Luxemburg economic union (2005) coin with KM# 240 from Belgium. Inscription: H A II 2005 LL reverse of 2 Euro - Albert II - Belgium-Luxemburg economic union (2005) coin with KM# 240 from Belgium. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 5,977,000 1 F 2.16 USD
British colony
obverse of 5 Cents - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1973 - 1979) coin with KM# 34 from Belize. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 5 Cents - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1973 - 1979) coin with KM# 34 from Belize. Inscription: · BELIZE · 5 CENTS · 1976 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 210,000 1 XF 0.5 USD
British colony
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 100,000 1 G | 1 VG 5 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 1 XF 1.9 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1883) coin with KM# 167 from Bolivia. Inscription: REPUBLICA BOLIVIANA ********* reverse of 1 Centavo (1883) coin with KM# 167 from Bolivia. Inscription: LA UNION ES LA FUERZA 1 CENTAVO A 1883
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1883 A 500,000 1 F Unknown
obverse of 1 Peso Boliviano (1968 - 1980) coin with KM# 192 from Bolivia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA ********** reverse of 1 Peso Boliviano (1968 - 1980) coin with KM# 192 from Bolivia. Inscription: UN PESO BOLIVIANO $b 1.- 1974
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1972 1 XF 0.8 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos (1997) coin with KM# 202a from Bolivia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA * reverse of 10 Centavos (1997) coin with KM# 202a from Bolivia. Inscription: LA UNION ES LA FUERZA 10 CENTAVOS 1997
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 2 Bolivianos - Smaller (1991) coin with KM# 206.1 from Bolivia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA reverse of 2 Bolivianos - Smaller (1991) coin with KM# 206.1 from Bolivia. Inscription: LA UNION ES LA FUERZA 2 BOLIVIANOS · 1991 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 18,000,000 1 G 0.29 USD
Bosnia and Herzegovina
obverse of 50 Feninga (1998 - 2007) coin with KM# 117 from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Inscription: Bosna i Hercegovina 2007 Босна и Херцеговина reverse of 50 Feninga (1998 - 2007) coin with KM# 117 from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Inscription: Босна и Херцеговина Feninga 50 Фенинга Bosna i Hercegovina
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 VG 0.28 USD
obverse of 2 Pula (2004) coin with KM# 25a from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 2004 reverse of 2 Pula (2004) coin with KM# 25a from Botswana. Inscription: 2 PULA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 VG 0.16 USD
Federative Republic
obverse of 2 Centavos (1967 - 1975) coin with KM# 576 from Brazil. Inscription: *BRASIL* reverse of 2 Centavos (1967 - 1975) coin with KM# 576 from Brazil. Inscription: 2 CENTAVOS 1967
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 104,121,000 1 VF 0.07 USD
obverse of 1 Real - 40th Anniversary of Central Bank (2005) coin with KM# 668 from Brazil. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DO BRASIL BC 1965 40 ANOS 2005 reverse of 1 Real - 40th Anniversary of Central Bank (2005) coin with KM# 668 from Brazil. Inscription: 1 REAL 2005
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 40,000,000 1 VF 1.25 USD
obverse of 10 Sen - Hassanal Bolkiah - Without 'I' in title; 1'st Portrait (1977 - 1993) coin with KM# 17 from Brunei. Inscription: SULTAN HASSANAL BOLKIAH reverse of 10 Sen - Hassanal Bolkiah - Without 'I' in title; 1'st Portrait (1977 - 1993) coin with KM# 17 from Brunei. Inscription: KERAJAAN BRUNEI 1989 10 SEN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 976,000 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 50 Sen - Hassanal Bolkiah - Without 'I' in title; 1'st Portrait (1977 - 1993) coin with KM# 19 from Brunei. Inscription: SULTAN HASSANAL BOLKIAH · reverse of 50 Sen - Hassanal Bolkiah - Without 'I' in title; 1'st Portrait (1977 - 1993) coin with KM# 19 from Brunei. Inscription: KERAJAAN BRUNEI · 1988 · 50 SEN ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 536,000 1 VF 0.37 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 500,000 1 VF 0.38 USD
obverse of 10 Francs (2011) coin with KM# 21 from Burundi. Inscription: BANQUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU BURUNDI IBANKI YA REPUBLIKA Y'UBURUNDI UNITE TRAVAIL PROGRES UBUMWE IBIKORWA AMAJAMBERE 10F 2011 reverse of 10 Francs (2011) coin with KM# 21 from Burundi. Inscription: 10F
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 VG 0.06 USD
obverse of 50 Riels - Norodom Sihanouk (1994) coin with KM# 92 from Cambodia. reverse of 50 Riels - Norodom Sihanouk (1994) coin with KM# 92 from Cambodia.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 5 Cents - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2006) coin with KM# 491b from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 5 Cents - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2006) coin with KM# 491b from Canada. Inscription: 5 CENTS CANADA 2006
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 43,008,000 1 XF 1.25 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1989) coin with KM# 77 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1989) coin with KM# 77 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA 1988 10 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 199,104,414 1 VF 0.09 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Harmony (2000) coin with KM# 377 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 25 CENTS reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Harmony (2000) coin with KM# 377 from Canada. Inscription: HARMONY 2000 HARMONIE CANADA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 35,184,200 1 XF 0.3 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Snowboarding (2008) coin with KM# 768 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA · ELIZABETH II 2008 reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Snowboarding (2008) coin with KM# 768 from Canada. Inscription: 25 CENTS VANCOUVER 2010
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 22,000,000 1 VG 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - War of 1812, Tecumseh - Colourized (2012) coin with KM# 1324a from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II CANADA D · G · REGINA 2012 reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - War of 1812, Tecumseh - Colourized (2012) coin with KM# 1324a from Canada. Inscription: 25 cents Tecumseh 1812
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 VF 0.63 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Montreal Canadiens (2009) coin with KM# 864 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Montreal Canadiens (2009) coin with KM# 864 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA 1909-2009 DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 L 10,000,000 1 VF 0.83 USD
Canadian provinces
obverse of 1 Cent - George VI (1938 - 1947) coin with KM# 18 from Canadian provinces. Inscription: GEORGIUS VI DEI GRA. REX ET IND. IMP. P.M. reverse of 1 Cent - George VI (1938 - 1947) coin with KM# 18 from Canadian provinces. Inscription: NEWFOUNDLAND 1947 ONE CENT C
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1941 C 827,662 1 VF 0.9 USD
Central Africa (BEAC)
obverse of 1 Franc (2006) coin with KM# 16 from Central Africa (BEAC). Inscription: CEMAC 1 FRANC 2006 reverse of 1 Franc (2006) coin with KM# 16 from Central Africa (BEAC). Inscription: BANQUE DES ÉTATS DE L'AFRIQUE CENTRALE 1 FCFA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 1 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 2 Escudos (1971) coin with KM# 198 from Chile. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CHILE reverse of 2 Escudos (1971) coin with KM# 198 from Chile. Inscription: 2 ESCUDOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1971 So 106 1 UNC Unknown
obverse of 1 Peso - Smaller (1981 - 1992) coin with KM# 216 from Chile. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CHILE LIBERTADOR B. O'HIGGINS So reverse of 1 Peso - Smaller (1981 - 1992) coin with KM# 216 from Chile. Inscription: 1 PESO 1991
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 So 105,000,000 1 F 0.02 USD
People's Republic
obverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu (1902 - 1905) coin with Y# 122 from China. Inscription: 造 省 北 湖     光    寶 元     緒    十 當 reverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu (1902 - 1905) coin with Y# 122 from China. Inscription: HU-PEH PROVINCE * TEN CASH *
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1902 - 1905) 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu - FOO-KIEN (1901 - 1905) coin with Y# 100 from China. Inscription: 造局官建福     光    寶 元     緒 文十錢當枚毎 reverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu - FOO-KIEN (1901 - 1905) coin with Y# 100 from China. Inscription: FOO-KIEN 10 CASH
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1901 - 1905) 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu (1902 - 1905) coin with Y# 162 from China. reverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu (1902 - 1905) coin with Y# 162 from China. Inscription: KIANG-SOO TEN CASH
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1905 1 G Unknown
obverse of 100 Cash - Xianfeng (1853 - 1855) coin with FD# 2526 from China. reverse of 100 Cash - Xianfeng (1853 - 1855) coin with FD# 2526 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1853 - 1855) 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 20 Cash - Constitution (1922) coin with Y# 403 from China. reverse of 20 Cash - Constitution (1922) coin with Y# 403 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
11 (1922) 1 G Unknown
obverse of 100 Cash (1926) coin with Y# 463a from China. reverse of 100 Cash (1926) coin with Y# 463a from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
15 (1926) 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 1 Fen - Puyi (1933 - 1934) coin with Y# 2 from China. Inscription: 國洲滿大 年三同大 reverse of 1 Fen - Puyi (1933 - 1934) coin with Y# 2 from China. Inscription: 壹 分
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
3 (1934) 1 XF 15 USD
obverse of 1 Yuán - Guǎngxi Autonomous Region (1988) coin with KM# 180 from China. reverse of 1 Yuán - Guǎngxi Autonomous Region (1988) coin with KM# 180 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 4,072,000 1 UNC 10.1 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1958 - 1966) coin with KM# 217 from Colombia. Inscription: LIBERTADOR SIMON BOLIVAR 1963 reverse of 50 Centavos (1958 - 1966) coin with KM# 217 from Colombia. Inscription: RÉPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA CINCUENTA CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 2,336,000 1 XF 1.45 USD
obverse of 2 Pesos (1977 - 1988) coin with KM# 263 from Colombia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA 1987 reverse of 2 Pesos (1977 - 1988) coin with KM# 263 from Colombia. Inscription: 2 PESOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 56,537,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
Cook Islands
obverse of 5 Tene - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 1994) coin with KM# 33 from Cook Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II COOK ISLAND RDM 1992 reverse of 5 Tene - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 1994) coin with KM# 33 from Cook Islands. Inscription: JB 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 20,000 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1972 - 1983) coin with KM# 7 from Cook Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1974 reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1972 - 1983) coin with KM# 7 from Cook Islands. Inscription: $1 $1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 FM 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Kuna - 5th anniversary of Kuna - Croatian text (1999) coin with KM# 9.2 from Croatia. Inscription: SLAVUJ 1994. KK 1999. reverse of 1 Kuna - 5th anniversary of Kuna - Croatian text (1999) coin with KM# 9.2 from Croatia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA 1 KUNA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 . 18,000,000 1 VG 0.14 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Olympic Games Barcelona (1992) coin with KM# 67 from Cyprus. Inscription: 1960 CYPRUS.ΚΥΠΡΟΣ.KIBRIS.1992. reverse of 1 Pound - Olympic Games Barcelona (1992) coin with KM# 67 from Cyprus. Inscription: £1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 8,000 1 F 1.18 USD
Czech Republic
obverse of 50 Korun (1993 - 2017) coin with KM# 1 from Czech Republic. Inscription: ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA 2012 50 Kč reverse of 50 Korun (1993 - 2017) coin with KM# 1 from Czech Republic. Inscription: URBIUM · PRAGA · MATER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 b 102,977 1 G 2.16 USD
People's Republic
obverse of 1 Koruna (1947 - 1953) coin with KM# 22 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1952 reverse of 1 Koruna (1947 - 1953) coin with KM# 22 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: 1 O-ŠPANIEL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1950 62,190,000 1 VG 0.1 USD
obverse of 10 Haléřů (1953 - 1958) coin with KM# 38 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1954 reverse of 10 Haléřů (1953 - 1958) coin with KM# 38 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1956 1 G 0.03 USD
Free City
obverse of 5 Pfennig (1932) coin with KM# 151 from Danzig. Inscription: 1932 reverse of 5 Pfennig (1932) coin with KM# 151 from Danzig. Inscription: 5 Pfennig Freie Stadt Danzig
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1932 4,000,000 1 VF 4.75 USD
obverse of 10 Øre - Frederik IX (1960 - 1972) coin with KM# 849 from Denmark. Inscription: FR IX 1967 C ♥ S reverse of 10 Øre - Frederik IX (1960 - 1972) coin with KM# 849 from Denmark. Inscription: DANMARK 10 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 C♥S 24,160,000 1 XF 0.08 USD
obverse of 1 Krone - Christian X (1942 - 1947) coin with KM# 835 from Denmark. Inscription: CHRISTIAN X KONGE AF DANMARK NS reverse of 1 Krone - Christian X (1942 - 1947) coin with KM# 835 from Denmark. Inscription: 1 1946 KRONE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 N♥S 5,060,000 1 XF 3.75 USD
obverse of 10 Kroner - Margrethe II - Polar Bear - 4'th Portrait (2007) coin with KM# 916 from Denmark. Inscription: MARGRETHE II ♥ DANMARKS DRONNING 2007 reverse of 10 Kroner - Margrethe II - Polar Bear - 4'th Portrait (2007) coin with KM# 916 from Denmark. Inscription: POLARÅR 2007-2009 10 KRONER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1,200,000 1 XF 1.6 USD
obverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - 1'st Coat of Arms; 3'rd Portrait (1994 - 1999) coin with KM# 878 from Denmark. Inscription: MARGRETHE II ♥ DANMARKS DRONNING 1994 reverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - 1'st Coat of Arms; 3'rd Portrait (1994 - 1999) coin with KM# 878 from Denmark. Inscription: 20 KRONER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 LG;JP;A 8,651,000 1 VG 2.89 USD
obverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - Landet Kirke - 4'th Portrait (2005) coin with KM# 899 from Denmark. Inscription: MARGRETHE II ♥ DANMARKS DRONNING 2005 reverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - Landet Kirke - 4'th Portrait (2005) coin with KM# 899 from Denmark. Inscription: LANDET KIRKE 20 KRONER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 1,200,000 1 VF 2.91 USD
obverse of 5 Francs (1977 - 1999) coin with KM# 22 from Djibouti. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE DE DJIBOUTI 1977 reverse of 5 Francs (1977 - 1999) coin with KM# 22 from Djibouti. Inscription: · UNITE · · · EGALITE · · · PAIX · 5 FR.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 1 VF 0.95 USD
Arab Republic
obverse of 10 Piastres (1984) coin with KM# 556 from Egypt. reverse of 10 Piastres (1984) coin with KM# 556 from Egypt. Inscription: ١٠ قرش ١٤٠٤ ١٩٨٤
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1404 (1984) 1 F 0.13 USD
El Salvador
obverse of 5 Centavos (1939 - 1974) coin with KM# 134 from El Salvador. Inscription: REPUBLICA EL SALVADOR 1967 reverse of 5 Centavos (1939 - 1974) coin with KM# 134 from El Salvador. Inscription: 5 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1951 2,000,000 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 10 Centavos (1992 - 1994) coin with KM# 155a from El Salvador. Inscription: REPÚBLICA DE EL SAVADOR 1993 reverse of 10 Centavos (1992 - 1994) coin with KM# 155a from El Salvador. Inscription: 10 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 25 Cents (1997) coin with KM# 46 from Eritrea. Inscription: LIBERTY · EQUALITY · JUSTICE 1991 reverse of 25 Cents (1997) coin with KM# 46 from Eritrea. Inscription: STATE OF ERITREA 1997 25 TWENTY FIVE CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 G 0.04 USD
British colony
Falkland Islands
obverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1974 - 1992) coin with KM# 2 from Falkland Islands. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1974 - 1992) coin with KM# 2 from Falkland Islands. Inscription: FALKLAND ISLANDS 1 WG 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1998 - 1999) coin with KM# 2a from Falkland Islands. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1998 - 1999) coin with KM# 2a from Falkland Islands. Inscription: FALKLAND ISLANDS 1 WG 1998
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1986 - 1987) coin with KM# 53 from Fiji. Inscription: ELIZABETH II FIJI 1986 reverse of 20 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1986 - 1987) coin with KM# 53 from Fiji. Inscription: 20 cents
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 360,000 1 G 0.09 USD
obverse of 5 Penniä (1977 - 1990) coin with KM# 45a from Finland. Inscription: SUOMEN TASAVALTA 1973 reverse of 5 Penniä (1977 - 1990) coin with KM# 45a from Finland. Inscription: 5 PENNIÄ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 2,200,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 10 Markkaa (1993 - 2001) coin with KM# 77 from Finland. Inscription: 1996 SUOMI FINLAND reverse of 10 Markkaa (1993 - 2001) coin with KM# 77 from Finland. Inscription: 10 M MARKKAA MARK
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 M 797,713 1 VF 0.48 USD
obverse of 5 Euro - Ostrobothnia (2011) coin with KM# 171 from Finland. Inscription: SUOMI FINLAND reverse of 5 Euro - Ostrobothnia (2011) coin with KM# 171 from Finland. Inscription: 2011 5 EURO T
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 100,000 1 UNC | 1 UNC 14.2 USD
obverse of 5 Centimes (1897 - 1921) coin with KM# 842 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE DANIEL-DUPUIS reverse of 5 Centimes (1897 - 1921) coin with KM# 842 from France. Inscription: LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE 5 c DANIEL-DUPUIS 1917
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1905 2,100,000 1 F 5.5 USD
obverse of 50 Francs (1950 - 1958) coin with KM# 918 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE G GUIRAUD reverse of 50 Francs (1950 - 1958) coin with KM# 918 from France. Inscription: 50 FRANCS 1951 LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 B 13,432,000 1 VG 0.48 USD
obverse of 2 Francs - Louis Pasteur (1995) coin with KM# 1119 from France. Inscription: RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE P. RODIER 1822 Louis PASTEUR 1895 reverse of 2 Francs - Louis Pasteur (1995) coin with KM# 1119 from France. Inscription: LIBERTÉ ÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ 2 FRANCS 1995
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 1 G 0.06 USD
obverse of 10 Francs - Leon Gambetta (1982) coin with KM# 950 from France. Inscription: LÉON GAMBETTA 1838-1882 ER reverse of 10 Francs - Leon Gambetta (1982) coin with KM# 950 from France. Inscription: LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE 10 FRANCS REPUBLIQUE 1982 FRANÇAISE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 1 F 0.63 USD
obverse of 20 Francs - Mediterranean Games (1993) coin with KM# 1016 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE PONCE · BUQUOY reverse of 20 Francs - Mediterranean Games (1993) coin with KM# 1016 from France. Inscription: LIBERTE · EGALITE · FRATERNITE 20 FRANCS JEUX MEDITERRANEENS 19 93
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 5,000,011 1 VF 2.48 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2015) coin with KM# 1414 from France. Inscription: LIBERTÉ ÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ J. JIMENEZ R F 20 13 reverse of 2 Euro - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2015) coin with KM# 1414 from France. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 42,000 In sets only 1 F 2.18 USD
French colony
French Oceania
obverse of 5 Francs (1952) coin with KM# 4 from French Oceania. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE UNION FRANÇAISE 1952 reverse of 5 Francs (1952) coin with KM# 4 from French Oceania. Inscription: ETABLISSEMENTS FRANÇAIS DE L'OCÉANIE 5 F.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 2,000,000 1 G 0.13 USD
French colony
French Polynesia
obverse of 20 Francs (1967 - 1970) coin with KM# 6 from French Polynesia. Inscription: RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE 1970 R. JOLY reverse of 20 Francs (1967 - 1970) coin with KM# 6 from French Polynesia. Inscription: POLYNESIE FRANÇAISE 20 f
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 500,000 1 VF 0.7 USD
German States
obverse of 2 Pfennige - Friedrich Franz II (1872) coin with KM# 316 from German States. reverse of 2 Pfennige - Friedrich Franz II (1872) coin with KM# 316 from German States. Inscription: monogram Franz II
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1872 B 1,155,100 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Kreuzer - Friedrich I (1859 - 1871) coin with KM# 242 from German States. Inscription: BADEN SCHEIDE MÜNZE reverse of 1 Kreuzer - Friedrich I (1859 - 1871) coin with KM# 242 from German States. Inscription: 1 KREUZER 1862
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1871 1 F 3 USD
Federal Republic
obverse of 10 Rentenpfennig (1923 - 1925) coin with KM# 33 from Germany. Inscription: A 1925 reverse of 10 Rentenpfennig (1923 - 1925) coin with KM# 33 from Germany. Inscription: DEUTSCHES REICH 10 RENTENPFENNIG
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1923 F 1 F 29.1 USD
obverse of 50 Pfennig (1949 - 1950) coin with KM# 104 from Germany. Inscription: 1949 reverse of 50 Pfennig (1949 - 1950) coin with KM# 104 from Germany. Inscription: 50 PFENNIG BANK DEUTSCHER LÄNDER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 G 25,924,000 1 VF 0.7 USD
obverse of 50 Pesewas (2007) coin with KM# 41 from Ghana. Inscription: GHANA FREEDOM AND JUSTICE 2007 reverse of 50 Pesewas (2007) coin with KM# 41 from Ghana. Inscription: 50 PESEWAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 G 0.18 USD
British colony
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 UNC 6.46 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 UNC 6.46 USD
obverse of 10 Lepta - Constantin II - National Revolution (1973) coin with KM# 102 from Greece. Inscription: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ 21 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 1967 · 1973 · reverse of 10 Lepta - Constantin II - National Revolution (1973) coin with KM# 102 from Greece. Inscription: ΛΕΠΤΑ 10 ΛΕΠΤΑ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 2,742,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 5 Drachmai - Constantin II - National Revolution (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 100 from Greece. Inscription: ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ · 1973 · reverse of 5 Drachmai - Constantin II - National Revolution (1971 - 1973) coin with KM# 100 from Greece. Inscription: 21 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 1967 · 5 ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ · ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 3,165,973 1 F 0.12 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1974 - 1995) coin with KM# 275 from Guatemala. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA 1988 reverse of 1 Centavo (1974 - 1995) coin with KM# 275 from Guatemala. Inscription: · UN CENTAVO · FRAY BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 20,000,000 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos - Magnetic (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 276.6 from Guatemala. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA 2011 reverse of 5 Centavos - Magnetic (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 276.6 from Guatemala. Inscription: 5 CENTAVOS LIBRE CREZCA FECUNDO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 1 VG 0.02 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (1998 - 2012) coin with KM# 83 from Guernsey. Inscription: ELIZABETH II BAILIWICK OF GUERNSEY reverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (1998 - 2012) coin with KM# 83 from Guernsey. Inscription: TWO POUNDS £2 £2 1998
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 150,000 1 F 2.58 USD
Co-operative Republic
obverse of 50 Cents (1967) coin with KM# 35 from Guyana. Inscription: ONE PEOPLE ONE NATION ONE DESTINY reverse of 50 Cents (1967) coin with KM# 35 from Guyana. Inscription: BANK OF GUYANA FIFTY 50 CENTS 1967
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 1,000,000 1 XF 0.3 USD
obverse of 6 Centimes (1849) coin with KM# 32 from Haiti. reverse of 6 Centimes (1849) coin with KM# 32 from Haiti.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
46 (1849) 1 G Unknown
obverse of 5 Centavos - Non magnetic (1995 - 2007) coin with KM# 72.4 from Honduras. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS 2002 REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS. LIBRE, SOBERANA E INDEPENDIENTE 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1821 reverse of 5 Centavos - Non magnetic (1995 - 2007) coin with KM# 72.4 from Honduras. Inscription: CINCO 5 CENTAVOS DE LEMPIRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos (1976 - 1995) coin with KM# 76a from Honduras. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS REPªDE · HONDURAS · LIBRE · SOBERANA · INDEPENDIENTE 15 SEPTBRE 1821 1994 reverse of 10 Centavos (1976 - 1995) coin with KM# 76a from Honduras. Inscription: DIEZ 10 CENTAVOS DE LEMPIRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1 F 0.1 USD
Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 1992) coin with KM# 63 from Hong Kong. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 1992) coin with KM# 63 from Hong Kong. Inscription: HONG 香 KONG 圓 壹 1991 ONE 港 DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 2 Dollars (1993 - 2012) coin with KM# 64 from Hong Kong. Inscription: 香 港 HONG KONG reverse of 2 Dollars (1993 - 2012) coin with KM# 64 from Hong Kong. Inscription: 貳 圓 2 1994 TWO DOLLARS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 G 0.26 USD
obverse of 1 Forint (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 545 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG 1950 reverse of 1 Forint (1949 - 1952) coin with KM# 545 from Hungary. Inscription: 1 BP. FORINT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 BP 19,440,000 1 VG 0.78 USD
obverse of 1 Forint (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 575 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR · NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG · 1989 reverse of 1 Forint (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 575 from Hungary. Inscription: 1 BP. FORINT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 BP 20,040,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 5 Forint - Lajos Kossuth - Smaller (1983 - 1989) coin with KM# 635 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG KOSSUTH reverse of 5 Forint - Lajos Kossuth - Smaller (1983 - 1989) coin with KM# 635 from Hungary. Inscription: 19 89 BP. 5 FORINT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 BP 4,050,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 50 Fillér (1990 - 1999) coin with KM# 677 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KÖZTÁRSASÁG reverse of 50 Fillér (1990 - 1999) coin with KM# 677 from Hungary. Inscription: 50 FILLÉR 1992 BP.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 BP 10,000 1 G 0.08 USD
Hutt River
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 1 UNC Unknown
obverse of 1/2 Rupee (1950 - 1956) coin with KM# 6 from India. Inscription: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA reverse of 1/2 Rupee (1950 - 1956) coin with KM# 6 from India. Inscription: 1/2 RUPEE 1954
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1955 ♦ 18,977,000 1 G 0.73 USD
obverse of 5 Paisa - FAO (1978) coin with KM# 21 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA पैसे 5 PAISE reverse of 5 Paisa - FAO (1978) coin with KM# 21 from India. Inscription: सबके लिए अनाज और मकान 1978 FOOD & SHELTER FOR ALL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1978 ♦ 28,440,000 1 VF 1 USD
obverse of 1 Rupee - FAO (1989) coin with KM# 84 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA सत्यमेव जयते रूपया 1 RUPEE reverse of 1 Rupee - FAO (1989) coin with KM# 84 from India. Inscription: FAO खाद्य एवं पर्यावरण FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT 1989 विश्व खाद्य दिवस WORLD FOOD DAY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 ♦ 1 F 2.03 USD
obverse of 1 Rupee (1992 - 2004) coin with KM# 92 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA सत्यमेव जयते reverse of 1 Rupee (1992 - 2004) coin with KM# 92 from India. Inscription: रुपया 1 RUPEE 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Rupees (2011 - 2015) coin with KM# 395 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA सत्यमेव जयते reverse of 2 Rupees (2011 - 2015) coin with KM# 395 from India. Inscription: र 2 2011 ♦
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 * 1 G 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Fils - Faisal II (1943) coin with KM# 108 from Iraq. reverse of 10 Fils - Faisal II (1943) coin with KM# 108 from Iraq.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1943 -I 1,500,000 1 G 3.53 USD
United Kingdom
Isle of Man
obverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1976 - 1979) coin with KM# 34 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ELIZABETH THE SECOND · 1976 · reverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1976 - 1979) coin with KM# 34 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN · TWO PENCE ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 10 Pence - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1996 - 1997) coin with KM# 591 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 1996 reverse of 10 Pence - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1996 - 1997) coin with KM# 591 from Isle of Man. Inscription: 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 AA 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 5 Prutah (1949) coin with KM# 10 from Israel. Inscription: إسرائيل ישראל reverse of 5 Prutah (1949) coin with KM# 10 from Israel. Inscription: 5 פרוטה תשיט
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
5709 (1949) 1 F 0.48 USD
obverse of 100 Prutah (1949 - 1955) coin with KM# 14 from Israel. Inscription: إسرائيل ישראל reverse of 100 Prutah (1949 - 1955) coin with KM# 14 from Israel. Inscription: 100 פרוטה תשיע
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
5709 (1949) 1 VF 0.7 USD
obverse of 100 Sheqalim (1984 - 1985) coin with KM# 143 from Israel. Inscription: إسرائيل ישראל ISRAEL reverse of 100 Sheqalim (1984 - 1985) coin with KM# 143 from Israel. Inscription: 100 שקלים SHEQALIM התשמ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
5745 (1985) 19,638,000 1 XF 0.7 USD
Papal States
Italian States
obverse of 1 Baiocco - Pius VIII (1829) coin with KM# 1301 from Italian States. Inscription: PIVS.VIII.PONT.MAX.ANNO.I. G. C: R reverse of 1 Baiocco - Pius VIII (1829) coin with KM# 1301 from Italian States. Inscription: BAIOCCO ROMANO 1829
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1829 R 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 5 Centesimi - Vittorio Emanuele III (1939 - 1943) coin with KM# 73a from Italy. Inscription: VITT · EM · III · RE · E · IMP · reverse of 5 Centesimi - Vittorio Emanuele III (1939 - 1943) coin with KM# 73a from Italy. Inscription: ITALIA 1942 R XX C. 5 G. ROMAGNOLI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1941 R 25,200,000 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 50 Lire - Larger (1954 - 1989) coin with KM# 95.1 from Italy. Inscription: REPVBLICA · ITALIANA · ROMAGNOLI GIAMPAOLI.INC reverse of 50 Lire - Larger (1954 - 1989) coin with KM# 95.1 from Italy. Inscription: 1973 R L.50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 R 825,000 1 VG 4.85 USD
obverse of 100 Lire - Centennial of Livorno Naval Academy (1981) coin with KM# 108 from Italy. Inscription: REPVBLICA ITALIANA M.VALLUCCI reverse of 100 Lire - Centennial of Livorno Naval Academy (1981) coin with KM# 108 from Italy. Inscription: CENTENARIO ACADEMIA NAVALE DI LIVORNO 1881 1981 L. 100 R MOPPI RI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1981) R 39,500,000 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Torino Olympics (2006) coin with KM# 246 from Italy. Inscription: GIOCHI INVERNALI TORINO 2006 RI R M.C.C. reverse of 2 Euro - Torino Olympics (2006) coin with KM# 246 from Italy. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 R 40,000,000 1 VG 2.16 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Count of Cavour (2010) coin with KM# 328 from Italy. Inscription: CAVOUR RI R 1810 2010 CM reverse of 2 Euro - Count of Cavour (2010) coin with KM# 328 from Italy. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 R 4,000,000 1 G 2.16 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - Wide legend letters (1975 - 1990) coin with KM# 65 from Jamaica. Inscription: JAMAICA OUT OF MANY, ONE PEOPLE FIFTY 1975 CENTS reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - Wide legend letters (1975 - 1990) coin with KM# 65 from Jamaica. Inscription: THE RT. EXCELLENT MARCUS GARVEY 1887-1940
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 2,119,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 500 Yen - Heisei - Hyogo (2012) coin with Y# 191 from Japan. Inscription: 日 本 国 HYOGO 五 百 円 reverse of 500 Yen - Heisei - Hyogo (2012) coin with Y# 191 from Japan. Inscription: JAPAN 47 PERFECTURES COIN PROGRAM 500 YEN 平國 24 年
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
24 (2012) 18,000,000 1 VG 3.32 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 50 New Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1980) coin with KM# 34 from Jersey. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 50 New Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1980) coin with KM# 34 from Jersey. Inscription: BAILIWICK OF JERSEY FIFTY NEW PENCE 1969
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 100,000 1 F 0.65 USD
Hashemite Kingdom
obverse of 1/4 Dīnār - Hussein (1970 - 1975) coin with KM# 28 from Jordan. Inscription: الحسين بن طلال ملك المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية reverse of 1/4 Dīnār - Hussein (1970 - 1975) coin with KM# 28 from Jordan. Inscription: THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN 1970 ١٣٩٠ ربع دينار QUARTER DINAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1394 (1974) 400,000 1 VF 0.95 USD
obverse of 1/2 Dīnār - Hussein (1997) coin with KM# 63 from Jordan. reverse of 1/2 Dīnār - Hussein (1997) coin with KM# 63 from Jordan. Inscription: THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN ١/٢ HALF DINAR ١٤١٧-١٩٩٧
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1417 (1997) 1 VF 1.52 USD
obverse of 1 Franc (1961) coin with KM# 1 from Katanga. Inscription: KATANGA reverse of 1 Franc (1961) coin with KM# 1 from Katanga. Inscription: BANQUE NATIONALE 1 FR 1961
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1961 1 VG 0.29 USD
obverse of 50 Tenge - Pavlodar (2012) coin from Kazakhstan. Inscription: ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ ПАВЛОДАР reverse of 50 Tenge - Pavlodar (2012) coin from Kazakhstan. Inscription: 50 ТЕҢГЕ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 50,000 1 VF 0.75 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Without legend (1966 - 1967) coin with KM# 3 from Kenya. reverse of 25 Cents - Without legend (1966 - 1967) coin with KM# 3 from Kenya. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF KENYA 1966 25 TWENTY FIVE CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 4,000,000 1 F 0.3 USD
obverse of 1/2 Chon - Horse (2002) coin with KM# 183 from Korea. Inscription: 2002 reverse of 1/2 Chon - Horse (2002) coin with KM# 183 from Korea. Inscription: 1/2 전
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 1 VG 0.08 USD
obverse of 1/2 Chon - Orangutan (2002) coin with KM# 184 from Korea. Inscription: 2002 reverse of 1/2 Chon - Orangutan (2002) coin with KM# 184 from Korea. Inscription: 1/2 전
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 1 VF 0.32 USD
obverse of 1/2 Chon - FAO (2002) coin with KM# 194 from Korea. Inscription: 2002 reverse of 1/2 Chon - FAO (2002) coin with KM# 194 from Korea. Inscription: XXI CENTURY FAO FOOD SECURITY 1/2 전
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 1 VF 0.29 USD
obverse of 500 Won (1982 - 2014) coin with KM# 27 from Korea. Inscription: 오백원 reverse of 500 Won (1982 - 2014) coin with KM# 27 from Korea. Inscription: 2006 500 한국은행
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 G 0.34 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Sisavang Vong (1952) coin with KM# 6 from Laos. Inscription: ROYAUME DU LAOS 19522 reverse of 50 Cents - Sisavang Vong (1952) coin with KM# 6 from Laos. Inscription: 50 CENTS 1952
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 1 XF 1.15 USD
obverse of 5 Lisente - Letsie III (1998 - 2006) coin with KM# 62 from Lesotho. Inscription: KINGDOM OF LESOTHO KHOTSO PULA NALA 1998 reverse of 5 Lisente - Letsie III (1998 - 2006) coin with KM# 62 from Lesotho. Inscription: 5 LISENTE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 1 VG 0.05 USD
2'nd republic
obverse of 5 Centai (1991) coin with KM# 87 from Lithuania. Inscription: LIETUVA 1991 reverse of 5 Centai (1991) coin with KM# 87 from Lithuania. Inscription: 5 CENTAI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 1 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 5 Litai (1998 - 2014) coin with KM# 113 from Lithuania. Inscription: LIETUVA 2009 reverse of 5 Litai (1998 - 2014) coin with KM# 113 from Lithuania. Inscription: 5 LITAI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 G 0.19 USD
Grand Duchy
obverse of 2 1/2 Centimes - William III / Adolphe (1854 - 1908) coin with KM# 21 from Luxembourg. Inscription: GRAND DUCHÉ DU LUXEMBOURG reverse of 2 1/2 Centimes - William III / Adolphe (1854 - 1908) coin with KM# 21 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 2 1/2 CENTIMES 1908
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1901 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 2 Euro Cent - Henri I (2002 - 2015) coin with KM# 76 from Luxembourg. Inscription: LËTZEBUERG 2008 GC reverse of 2 Euro Cent - Henri I (2002 - 2015) coin with KM# 76 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 2 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 7,100,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 10 Euro Cent - Henri I - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2015) coin with KM# 89 from Luxembourg. Inscription: LËTZEBUERG 2008 GC F reverse of 10 Euro Cent - Henri I - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2015) coin with KM# 89 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 10 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 4,000,000 1 G 0.11 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Henri I - 1'st Map (2002 - 2006) coin with KM# 82 from Luxembourg. Inscription: LËTZEBUERG 2002 GC reverse of 2 Euro - Henri I - 1'st Map (2002 - 2006) coin with KM# 82 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 VG 2.19 USD
Special Administrative Region
obverse of 10 Avos (1967 - 1976) coin with KM# 2a from Macau. Inscription: * MACAU * * 1975 * reverse of 10 Avos (1967 - 1976) coin with KM# 2a from Macau. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA *10 AVOS*
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 5,525,000 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 1 Pataca (1992 - 2010) coin with KM# 57 from Macau. Inscription: M A C A U 1 9 9 2 reverse of 1 Pataca (1992 - 2010) coin with KM# 57 from Macau. Inscription: 1 PATACA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 F 0.3 USD
Portuguese colony
Madeira Islands
obverse of 100 Escudos - Regional Automony (1981) coin with KM# 5 from Madeira Islands. Inscription: REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 100 ESCUDOS R.A.M. reverse of 100 Escudos - Regional Automony (1981) coin with KM# 5 from Madeira Islands. Inscription: REGIÃO AUTONÓMA DA MADEIRA ZARCO 1981
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 250,000 1 G 0.38 USD
obverse of 1 Tambala (2003) coin with KM# 33a from Malawi. Inscription: MALAWI reverse of 1 Tambala (2003) coin with KM# 33a from Malawi. Inscription: 1 TAMBALA 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 10 Kwacha (2012) coin with KM# 214 from Malawi. Inscription: MALAWI reverse of 10 Kwacha (2012) coin with KM# 214 from Malawi. Inscription: 2012 10 KWACHA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 F 0.01 USD
3'rd Federal Republic
obverse of 20 Centavos - Type 1 National Emblem (1943 - 1955) coin with KM# 439 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 20 Centavos - Type 1 National Emblem (1943 - 1955) coin with KM# 439 from Mexico. Inscription: 20 CENTAVOS 1955
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1953 Mo 26,948,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos (1992 - 2002) coin with KM# 546 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 5 Centavos (1992 - 2002) coin with KM# 546 from Mexico. Inscription: 5¢ 1992 M
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 Mo 136,800,000 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 1 Peso (1993 - 2015) coin with KM# 603 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 1 Peso (1993 - 2015) coin with KM# 603 from Mexico. Inscription: 2005 $1 Mo
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 Mo 169,320,000 1 VF 0.29 USD
obverse of 100 Pesos - Republican coin counterstamped (2013) coin with KM# 974 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 100 Pesos - Republican coin counterstamped (2013) coin with KM# 974 from Mexico. Inscription: HERENCIA NUMISMATICA DE MEXICO M 2013 $100
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 UNC 4.99 USD
obverse of 20 Francs - Rainier III (1950 - 1951) coin with KM# 131 from Monaco. Inscription: RAINIER III PRINCE DE MONACO 1951 reverse of 20 Francs - Rainier III (1950 - 1951) coin with KM# 131 from Monaco. Inscription: 20 FRS DEO JUVANTE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1951 500,000 1 VF 1.15 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Albert II - Royal Wedding (2011) coin with KM# 196 from Monaco. Inscription: MONACO 2011 reverse of 2 Euro - Albert II - Royal Wedding (2011) coin with KM# 196 from Monaco. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 66,820 In sets only 1 G | 1 XF 2.16 USD
obverse of 50 Tugrik (1994) coin with KM# 123 from Mongolia. reverse of 50 Tugrik (1994) coin with KM# 123 from Mongolia. Inscription: МОНГОЛ БАНК 50 ТӨГРӨГ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 G 0.06 USD
obverse of 5 Mazunas - Yusef ben Hassan (1912 - 1922) coin with Y# 28 from Morocco. Inscription: 1340 reverse of 5 Mazunas - Yusef ben Hassan (1912 - 1922) coin with Y# 28 from Morocco. Inscription: 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1340 (1922) 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Franc - Yusef ben Hassan (1921 - 1924) coin with Y# 36 from Morocco. Inscription: EMPIRE CHERIFIEN reverse of 1 Franc - Yusef ben Hassan (1921 - 1924) coin with Y# 36 from Morocco. Inscription: 1 FRANC
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1921) 10,502,643 1 G | 1 VG 0.35 USD
obverse of 5 Francs - Mohammed V (1951) coin with Y# 48 from Morocco. Inscription: EMPIRE CHERIFIEN 1370 reverse of 5 Francs - Mohammed V (1951) coin with Y# 48 from Morocco. Inscription: MAROC 5 FRANCS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1370 (1951) 23,000,000 1 VF 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Santim - Hassan II - FAO (1987) coin with Y# 93 from Morocco. Inscription: المملكة المغربية reverse of 1 Santim - Hassan II - FAO (1987) coin with Y# 93 from Morocco. Inscription: 1987 1407 1 سنتيم واحد
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1407 (1987) 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 1 Dirham - Hassan II - 1'st Portrait (1965 - 1969) coin with Y# 56 from Morocco. Inscription: المملكة المغربية الحسن الثاني reverse of 1 Dirham - Hassan II - 1'st Portrait (1965 - 1969) coin with Y# 56 from Morocco. Inscription: 1965 1384 درهم 1 واحد
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1388 (1968) 5,000,000 1 VF 1.85 USD
obverse of 10 Dirhams - Hassan II (1995) coin with Y# 92 from Morocco. Inscription: الحسن الثاني المملكة المغربية reverse of 10 Dirhams - Hassan II (1995) coin with Y# 92 from Morocco. Inscription: 1995 1415 10 عشرة دراهم
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1415 (1995) 1 G 1.04 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 25 Pyas (1952 - 1965) coin with KM# 35 from Myanmar. reverse of 25 Pyas (1952 - 1965) coin with KM# 35 from Myanmar.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1959 6,000,000 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 25 Pyas - FAO (1980) coin with KM# 48 from Myanmar. reverse of 25 Pyas - FAO (1980) coin with KM# 48 from Myanmar.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1 XF 0.6 USD
obverse of 1 Paisa - Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev - महेन्द्र in obverse (1966 - 1971) coin with KM# 748 from Nepal. Inscription: श्री ५ महेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहदेव नेपाल २०२८ reverse of 1 Paisa - Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev - महेन्द्र in obverse (1966 - 1971) coin with KM# 748 from Nepal. Inscription: श्री भवानी १ एक पैसा
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2026 (1969) 1 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 50 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh (1987 - 1992) coin with KM# 1018 from Nepal. reverse of 50 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh (1987 - 1992) coin with KM# 1018 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2047 (1990) 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 50 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh (1994 - 2000) coin with KM# 1072 from Nepal. reverse of 50 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh (1994 - 2000) coin with KM# 1072 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2051 (1994) 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 50 Paisa - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev (2001 - 2002) coin with KM# 1149 from Nepal. Inscription: २०५८ reverse of 50 Paisa - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev (2001 - 2002) coin with KM# 1149 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2058 (2001) 1 VF 0.12 USD
obverse of 1 Rupee - Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (1955 - 1963) coin with KM# 785 from Nepal. reverse of 1 Rupee - Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (1955 - 1963) coin with KM# 785 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2018 (1961) 1 VF 0.8 USD
obverse of 1 Rupee - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh (1988 - 1992) coin with KM# 1061 from Nepal. reverse of 1 Rupee - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh (1988 - 1992) coin with KM# 1061 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2049 (1992) 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Beatrix (1982 - 2001) coin with KM# 203 from Netherlands. Inscription: BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN reverse of 10 Cents - Beatrix (1982 - 2001) coin with KM# 203 from Netherlands. Inscription: 10 ct 1993
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Beatrix - Treaty of Rome (2007) coin with KM# 273 from Netherlands. Inscription: VERDRAG VAN ROME 50 JAAR EUROPA 2007 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN reverse of 2 Euro - Beatrix - Treaty of Rome (2007) coin with KM# 273 from Netherlands. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 6,333,000 1 G 2.16 USD
Dutch colony
Netherlands Antilles
obverse of 1 Cent - Juliana (1970 - 1978) coin with KM# 8 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN 1971 LIBERTATE UNANIMUS reverse of 1 Cent - Juliana (1970 - 1978) coin with KM# 8 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: 1 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1972 1,000,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Beatrix (1989 - 2014) coin with KM# 35 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN reverse of 25 Cents - Beatrix (1989 - 2014) coin with KM# 35 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: 25 c 19 91
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 997,000 1 F 0.14 USD
Dutch colony
Netherlands East Indies
obverse of 2 1/2 Cents - Wilhelmina (1856 - 1913) coin with KM# 308 from Netherlands East Indies. reverse of 2 1/2 Cents - Wilhelmina (1856 - 1913) coin with KM# 308 from Netherlands East Indies. Inscription: NEDERLANDSCH INDIE. 1907 2 1/2 CENT.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1858 40,989,806 1 VF Unknown
New Zealand
obverse of 3 Pence - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1953 - 1965) coin with KM# 25 from New Zealand. Inscription: + QUEEN · ELIZABETH · THE · SECOND reverse of 3 Pence - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1953 - 1965) coin with KM# 25 from New Zealand. Inscription: NEW · ZEALAND 3d · 1954 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1954 4,000,000 1 XF 3 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1994) coin with KM# 83 from Nicaragua. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA AMERICA CENTRAL reverse of 50 Centavos (1994) coin with KM# 83 from Nicaragua. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DE NICARAGUA 1994 50 CENTAVOS DE CORDOBA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 12,000,000 1 VF 0.13 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (2007) coin with KM# 88b from Nicaragua. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA AMERICA CENTRAL reverse of 50 Centavos (2007) coin with KM# 88b from Nicaragua. Inscription: EN DIOS CONFIAMOS 50 CENTAVOS 2007
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 F 0.01 USD
North Macedonia
obverse of 1 Denar (1993 - 2016) coin with KM# 2 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1993 reverse of 1 Denar (1993 - 2016) coin with KM# 2 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 1 ДЕНАР
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 21,040,000 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 2 Øre - Haakon VII (1909 - 1952) coin with KM# 371 from Norway. Inscription: KONGERIKET . NORGE reverse of 2 Øre - Haakon VII (1909 - 1952) coin with KM# 371 from Norway. Inscription: 2 ØRE 1914
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1934 500,000 1 XF 10.65 USD
obverse of 10 Øre - Haakon VII - WW2 Exile Coinage (1942) coin with KM# 391 from Norway. Inscription: 1942 · ALT · FOR · NORGE · reverse of 10 Øre - Haakon VII - WW2 Exile Coinage (1942) coin with KM# 391 from Norway. Inscription: 10 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1942 6,000,000 1 G 8.82 USD
obverse of 10 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said - FAO (1975 - 1998) coin with KM# 52 from Oman. Inscription: قابوس بن سعيد سلطان عمان reverse of 10 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said - FAO (1975 - 1998) coin with KM# 52 from Oman. Inscription: بيسة ١٠ ١٤١٨
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1418 (1998) 1 VF 0.03 USD
obverse of 50 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said (1975 - 1998) coin with KM# 46a from Oman. Inscription: قابوس بن سعيد سلطان عمان reverse of 50 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said (1975 - 1998) coin with KM# 46a from Oman. Inscription: بيسة ۵۰ ١٤١٠
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1410 (1990) 4,000,000 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 50 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said (1999) coin with KM# 153 from Oman. Inscription: قابوس بن سعيد سلطان عمان reverse of 50 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said (1999) coin with KM# 153 from Oman. Inscription: بيسة ۵۰ ١٩٩٩ - ۱۴۲۰
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1420 (1999) 1 XF 0.6 USD
Papua New Guinea
obverse of 50 Toea - Elizabeth II - Silver Jubilee of Bank of Papua New Guinea (1998) coin with KM# 41 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1998 reverse of 50 Toea - Elizabeth II - Silver Jubilee of Bank of Papua New Guinea (1998) coin with KM# 41 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: SILVER JUBILEE 1973 - 1998 50t BANK OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 XF 2 USD
obverse of 1 Kina - Elizabeth II (1975 - 1999) coin with KM# 6 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: PAPUA NEW GUINEA reverse of 1 Kina - Elizabeth II (1975 - 1999) coin with KM# 6 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: K1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 VG 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Nuevo Soles - 2'nd Type (2010 - 2015) coin with KM# 344 from Peru. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA DEL PERU 2010 reverse of 5 Nuevo Soles - 2'nd Type (2010 - 2015) coin with KM# 344 from Peru. Inscription: 5 NUEVOS SOLES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 LIMA 1 VG 1.38 USD
obverse of 1 Piso (1972 - 1974) coin with KM# 203 from Philippines. Inscription: REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS * BANGKO 1974 SENTRAL * reverse of 1 Piso (1972 - 1974) coin with KM# 203 from Philippines. Inscription: PISO 1 JOSE RIZAL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 45,631,000 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 5 Piso (1995 - 2014) coin with KM# 272 from Philippines. Inscription: BANGKO SENTRAL NG PILIPINAS 1993 reverse of 5 Piso (1995 - 2014) coin with KM# 272 from Philippines. Inscription: REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS 5 PISO 1997 EMILIO AGUINALDO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 BSP 1 F 0.48 USD
obverse of 50 Groszy (1949) coin with Y# 44a from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA · 1949 · reverse of 50 Groszy (1949) coin with Y# 44a from Poland. Inscription: 50 GROSZY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1949 59,392,950 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Złotych - Boleslav II (1981) coin with Y# 124 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 81 ZŁ 50 ZŁ reverse of 50 Złotych - Boleslav II (1981) coin with Y# 124 from Poland. Inscription: BOLESŁAW II ŚMIAŁY 1058-1079
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 MW 2,524,000 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 100 Złotych - Jadwiga (1988) coin with Y# 183 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 1988 ZŁ 100 ZŁ reverse of 100 Złotych - Jadwiga (1988) coin with Y# 183 from Poland. Inscription: JADWIGA 1384-1399
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 MW 2,469,000 1 G 0.09 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Adam Mickiewicz (1998) coin with Y# 352 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 1998 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Adam Mickiewicz (1998) coin with Y# 352 from Poland. Inscription: 200-LECIE URODZIN ADAM MICKIEWICZ 1798 - 1855
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 MW 420,000 1 VG 0.59 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Podlaskie (2004) coin with Y# 491 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2004 zł 2 zł reverse of 2 Złote - Podlaskie (2004) coin with Y# 491 from Poland. Inscription: WOJEWÓDZTWO PODLASKIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 MW 900,000 1 F 0.52 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński (1905-1953) - The 100th Anniversary of the Birth (2005) coin with Y# 527 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2005 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński (1905-1953) - The 100th Anniversary of the Birth (2005) coin with Y# 527 from Poland. Inscription: KONSTANTY ILDEFONS GAŁCZYNSKY 1905 - 1953
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 MW 850,000 1 XF 1.38 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Warsaw School of Economics (2006) coin with Y# 609 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2006 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Warsaw School of Economics (2006) coin with Y# 609 from Poland. Inscription: SGH SZKOŁA GŁÓWNA HANDLOWA W WARSZAWIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 MW 1,000,000 1 G 0.52 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Legnica (2006) coin with Y# 548 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2006 2 zł reverse of 2 Złote - Legnica (2006) coin with Y# 548 from Poland. Inscription: LEGNICA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 MW 1,100,000 1 G 0.52 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - 40th Anniversary “Rocznica” March (2008) coin with Y# 629 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2008 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - 40th Anniversary “Rocznica” March (2008) coin with Y# 629 from Poland. Inscription: 40. ROCNIZCA MARCA 68
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1,400,000 1 XF 0.85 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - History of the Polish Cavalry: Winged cavalryman - 17th Century (2009) coin with Y# 670 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2009 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - History of the Polish Cavalry: Winged cavalryman - 17th Century (2009) coin with Y# 670 from Poland. Inscription: HUSARZ - XVII w.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 MW 1,400,000 1 G 0.52 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Artur Grottger (2010) coin with Y# 746 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2010 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Artur Grottger (2010) coin with Y# 746 from Poland. Inscription: ARTUR GROTTGER 1837-1867
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 MW 1,300,000 1 VG | 1 F 0.52 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Zofia Stryjenska (2011) coin with Y# 764 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2011 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Zofia Stryjenska (2011) coin with Y# 764 from Poland. Inscription: ZOFIA STRYJEŃSKA 1891-1976
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 MW 1,000,000 1 XF 1.43 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Silesian Uprisings (2011) coin with Y# 792 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2011 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Silesian Uprisings (2011) coin with Y# 792 from Poland. Inscription: 1919 1920 1921 Powstania Śląskie
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 MW 800,000 1 G 0.52 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - 2012 London Olympics (2012) coin with Y# 832 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2012 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - 2012 London Olympics (2012) coin with Y# 832 from Poland. Inscription: POLSKA REPREZENTACJA OLIMPIJSKA LONDYN 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 MW 1,000,000 1 XF 1.53 USD
obverse of 1 Escudo (1986 - 2001) coin with KM# 631 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 1996 reverse of 1 Escudo (1986 - 2001) coin with KM# 631 from Portugal. Inscription: 1 ESCUDO H.BATISTA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 250,000 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 50 Escudos (1986 - 2001) coin with KM# 636 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 19 87 50 ESCUDOS E.VAZ reverse of 50 Escudos (1986 - 2001) coin with KM# 636 from Portugal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 2,000,000 1 VF 0.8 USD
obverse of 100 Escudos - Discovery of Azores (1989) coin with KM# 648 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA · 100$00 reverse of 100 Escudos - Discovery of Azores (1989) coin with KM# 648 from Portugal. Inscription: · 1439 · 1989 ARQUIPÉLAGO DOS AÇORES 1427 · 1452
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1989) 2,000,000 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 200 Escudos - Espingarda (1993) coin with KM# 666 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 1993 200 ESC reverse of 200 Escudos - Espingarda (1993) coin with KM# 666 from Portugal. Inscription: 鉄砲 INCM A.MARINHO ESPINGARDA 1543 · 1575
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 1,000,000 1 F | 1 VF 0.47 USD
obverse of 200 Escudos - Tordesilhas (1994) coin with KM# 671 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 200 ESCUDOS reverse of 200 Escudos - Tordesilhas (1994) coin with KM# 671 from Portugal. Inscription: TRATADO DE TORDESILHAS 1494-1994 FERNANDO · E · ISABEL · REIS · DE · ESPANA JOÃO II · REI · DE · PORTUGAL ISABEL C.-F.BRANCO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1994) 750,000 1 VG 0.35 USD
obverse of 1 Dirham - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (2008 - 2012) coin with KM# 69 from Qatar. Inscription: ١٤٢٩ - ٢٠٠٨ دولة قطر reverse of 1 Dirham - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (2008 - 2012) coin with KM# 69 from Qatar. Inscription: 1 DIRHAM ١ درهم STATE OF QATAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1433 (2012) 1 G Unknown
obverse of 50 Dirhams - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani - Magnetic (2008 - 2012) coin with KM# 15a from Qatar. Inscription: ١٤٢٩ - ٢٠٠٨ دولة قطر reverse of 50 Dirhams - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani - Magnetic (2008 - 2012) coin with KM# 15a from Qatar. Inscription: 50 DIRHAMS ٥٠ درهما STATE OF QATAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1433 (2012) 1 G 0.14 USD
obverse of 10 Lei - Carol II (1930) coin with KM# 49 from Romania. Inscription: CAROL II REGELE ROMANILOR A. LAVRILLER reverse of 10 Lei - Carol II (1930) coin with KM# 49 from Romania. Inscription: 10 LEI 1930
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1930 H 7,500,000 1 XF 28.8 USD
obverse of 15 Bani (1975) coin with KM# 93a from Romania. Inscription: REPUBLICA SOCIALISTA ROMANIA · 1975 · reverse of 15 Bani (1975) coin with KM# 93a from Romania. Inscription: 15 BANI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 1 VG 0.48 USD
obverse of 5000 Lei (2001 - 2006) coin with KM# 158 from Romania. Inscription: -2002- V.G reverse of 5000 Lei (2001 - 2006) coin with KM# 158 from Romania. Inscription: ROMANIA 5000 LEI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 2 Kopeks - Nicholas I / Alexander II (1850 - 1859) coin with C# 150 from Russia. reverse of 2 Kopeks - Nicholas I / Alexander II (1850 - 1859) coin with C# 150 from Russia. Inscription: * 2 * КОПБЙКИ 1854
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1853 BM 2,642 1 G Unknown
obverse of 10 Roubles - Non magnetic with reeded edge (1992 - 1993) coin with Y# 313 from Russia. Inscription: ВАНК РОССИИ reverse of 10 Roubles - Non magnetic with reeded edge (1992 - 1993) coin with Y# 313 from Russia. Inscription: 10 РУБЛЕЙ 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 M 1 G 2.21 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - Magnetic; Plain edge (1992 - 1993) coin with Y# 313a from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ reverse of 10 Roubles - Magnetic; Plain edge (1992 - 1993) coin with Y# 313a from Russia. Inscription: 10 РУБЛЕЙ 1993
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 (Л) 1 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Roubles - 55th Anniversary of the Victory: Moscow (2000) coin with Y# 667 from Russia. Inscription: МОСКВА reverse of 2 Roubles - 55th Anniversary of the Victory: Moscow (2000) coin with Y# 667 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 MMD 10,000,000 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 2 Roubles - 55th Anniversary of the Victory: Smolensk (2000) coin with Y# 665 from Russia. Inscription: СМОЛЕНСК reverse of 2 Roubles - 55th Anniversary of the Victory: Smolensk (2000) coin with Y# 665 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 MMD 10,000,000 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 2 Roubles - Matvei Platov (2012) coin with Y# 1406 from Russia. Inscription: М.И.ПЛАТОВ reverse of 2 Roubles - Matvei Platov (2012) coin with Y# 1406 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 ММД 5,000,000 1 VG 0.06 USD
obverse of 5 Roubles - Capture of Paris (2012) coin with Y# 1417 from Russia. Inscription: ВЗЯТИЕ ПАРИЖА ЗАГРАНИЧНЫЕ ПОХОДЫ РУССК&# reverse of 5 Roubles - Capture of Paris (2012) coin with Y# 1417 from Russia. Inscription: 5 РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 ММД 5,000,000 1 F 0.55 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - 40th Anniversary of the space flight of Yuri Gagarin (2001) coin with Y# 676 from Russia. Inscription: 12 АПРЕЛЯ 1961 ГОДА ГАГАРИН reverse of 10 Roubles - 40th Anniversary of the space flight of Yuri Gagarin (2001) coin with Y# 676 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2001
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 ММД 10,000,000 1 F 0.47 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - 60 th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (2005) coin with Y# 827 from Russia. Inscription: НИКТО НЕ ЗАБЫТ, НИЧТО НЕ ЗАБЫТО 60 1941-1945 reverse of 10 Roubles - 60 th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (2005) coin with Y# 827 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2005
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 СПМД 1 F 0.6 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - 1150th Anniversary of Russian Statehood (2012) coin with Y# 1389 from Russia. Inscription: 1150-ЛЕТИЕ ЗАРОЖДЕНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОСТИ 862 2012 reverse of 10 Roubles - 1150th Anniversary of Russian Statehood (2012) coin with Y# 1389 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 СПМД 10,000,000 1 VG 0.15 USD
obverse of 100 Francs (2007) coin with KM# 32 from Rwanda. Inscription: AMAFARANGA IJANA 100 reverse of 100 Francs (2007) coin with KM# 32 from Rwanda. Inscription: BANKI NKURU Y'U RWANDA 100 FRW 2007
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 F 0.58 USD
Most Serene Republic
San Marino
obverse of 500 Lire - Man with Computer (1986) coin with KM# 195 from San Marino. Inscription: REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO LIBERTAS reverse of 500 Lire - Man with Computer (1986) coin with KM# 195 from San Marino. Inscription: L.500 1986
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 R 3,111,196 1 XF 1.85 USD
obverse of 20 Euro Cent - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 483 from San Marino. Inscription: SAN MARINO 2008 Ch R ELF INC. reverse of 20 Euro Cent - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 483 from San Marino. Inscription: 20 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 R 50,000 In sets only 1 VF 2 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 486 from San Marino. Inscription: 2011 SAN MARINO R Ch ELF INC. reverse of 2 Euro - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2015) coin with KM# 486 from San Marino. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 R 627,249 1 F 2.97 USD
Democratic Republic
São Tomé and Príncipe
obverse of 1 Dobra - FAO (1977) coin with KM# 26 from São Tomé and Príncipe. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEMOCRATICA DE S. TOME E PRINCIPE 1977 reverse of 1 Dobra - FAO (1977) coin with KM# 26 from São Tomé and Príncipe. Inscription: AUMENTEMOS A PRODUCAO 1 DOBRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 1,500,000 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 2 Dobras - FAO (1977) coin with KM# 27 from São Tomé and Príncipe. Inscription: REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA DE S. TOMÉ E PRINCIPE 1977 reverse of 2 Dobras - FAO (1977) coin with KM# 27 from São Tomé and Príncipe. Inscription: AUMENTEMOS A PRODUÇAO 2 DOBRAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 1,000,000 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 1 Dinar - 1'st Coat of Arms; Magnetic (2009 - 2010) coin with KM# 48 from Serbia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА СРБИJА-REPUBLIKA SRBIJA · НБС-NBS · reverse of 1 Dinar - 1'st Coat of Arms; Magnetic (2009 - 2010) coin with KM# 48 from Serbia. Inscription: ДИНАР-DINAR 1 2010
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 1 F 0.12 USD
Sierra Leone
obverse of 5 Cents (1980 - 1984) coin with KM# 33 from Sierra Leone. reverse of 5 Cents (1980 - 1984) coin with KM# 33 from Sierra Leone. Inscription: 5 FIVE CENTS 1984
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 20 Stotinov (1992 - 2006) coin with KM# 8 from Slovenia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA DVAJSET STOTINOV 20 1992 reverse of 20 Stotinov (1992 - 2006) coin with KM# 8 from Slovenia. Inscription: ASIO OTUS 20
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 1,000 In sets only 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 5 Euro Cent (2007 - 2014) coin with KM# 70 from Slovenia. Inscription: S L O V E N I J A 2007 reverse of 5 Euro Cent (2007 - 2014) coin with KM# 70 from Slovenia. Inscription: 5 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 148,000 In sets only 1 VF 0.25 USD
Solomon Islands
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 3'rd Portrait (1996 - 2005) coin with KM# 72 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II SOLOMON ISLANDS 2005 reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 3'rd Portrait (1996 - 2005) coin with KM# 72 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: 1 DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 F 0.31 USD
obverse of 5 Senti - FAO (1976) coin with KM# 24 from Somalia. Inscription: JAMHURIYADDA DIMOQRAADIGA SOOMAALIYA جمهورية الصومال الديمقراطية reverse of 5 Senti - FAO (1976) coin with KM# 24 from Somalia. Inscription: SENTI 5 سنت 1976 ١٩٧٦
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 18,500,000 1 VG 0.03 USD
South Africa
obverse of 1/4 Penny - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1953 - 1960) coin with KM# 44 from South Africa. Inscription: ELIZABETH II REGINA reverse of 1/4 Penny - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1953 - 1960) coin with KM# 44 from South Africa. Inscription: SUID-AFRIKA · 1955 · SOUTH AFRICA 1/4D.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1960 1,022,591 1 VF 0.25 USD
Soviet Union (USSR)
obverse of 1 Rouble - 1980 Olympics in Moscow (1980) coin with Y# 177 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР 1 РУБЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - 1980 Olympics in Moscow (1980) coin with Y# 177 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ИГРЫ XXII ОЛИМПИАДЫ · МОСКВА · 1980 1980
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Hamza Hakim-zade Niyazi (1989) coin with Y# 232 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1989 reverse of 1 Rouble - Hamza Hakim-zade Niyazi (1989) coin with Y# 232 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: ХАМЗА ХАКИМ-ЗАДЕ НИЯЗИ 1889 1929
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1,800,000 1 VG 0.48 USD
obverse of 2 Decima de Real - Isabel II (1853) coin with KM# 601 from Spain. Inscription: ISABEL 2 POR LA G · DE DIOS reverse of 2 Decima de Real - Isabel II (1853) coin with KM# 601 from Spain. Inscription: Y LA CONST.REINA DE LAS ESPAÑAS DOBLE DECIMA DE REAL * 1853 *
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1853 1 F 34.2 USD
obverse of 1 Peseta - Euzkadi (1937) coin with KM# 1 from Spain. Inscription: GOBIERNO DE EUZKADI reverse of 1 Peseta - Euzkadi (1937) coin with KM# 1 from Spain. Inscription: 1 PESETA 1937
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1937 7,000,000 1 XF 8.9 USD
obverse of 10 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Emilia Pardo Bazán (1996) coin with KM# 961 from Spain. Inscription: Emilia Pardo Bazán 1996 reverse of 10 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Emilia Pardo Bazán (1996) coin with KM# 961 from Spain. Inscription: 10 PESETAS M ESPAÑA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1,060,000 1 VG 0.06 USD
obverse of 10 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I (1998 - 2000) coin with KM# 1012 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA · 1998 · reverse of 10 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I (1998 - 2000) coin with KM# 1012 from Spain. Inscription: · 10 · PESETAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Barcelona '92 high jump (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 851 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I ESPAÑA 1991 reverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Barcelona '92 high jump (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 851 from Spain. Inscription: BARCELONA '92 M 25 PTAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 1 G 0.06 USD
obverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Tower of Gold in Seville (1992) coin with KM# 905 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA 1992 reverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Tower of Gold in Seville (1992) coin with KM# 905 from Spain. Inscription: 25 PTAS SEVILLA '92
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 VG 0.06 USD
obverse of 50 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Expo 92: Sevilla (1990) coin with KM# 853 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA SEVILLA reverse of 50 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Expo 92: Sevilla (1990) coin with KM# 853 from Spain. Inscription: EXPO 92 50 PESETAS 1990
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 7,916,000 1 F 0.16 USD
obverse of 100 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Denomination 100 (1998 - 2000) coin with KM# 989 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA · 1998 · reverse of 100 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Denomination 100 (1998 - 2000) coin with KM# 989 from Spain. Inscription: · 100 · PLUS ULTRA M PESETAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 M 1 VG 0.15 USD
obverse of 200 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I (1990) coin with KM# 855 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPANA 1990 reverse of 200 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I (1990) coin with KM# 855 from Spain. Inscription: 200 PESETAS M
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 M 8,000,000 1 VF 3.29 USD
Democratic Socialist Republic
Sri Lanka
obverse of 10 Cents (1975) coin with KM# 140 from Sri Lanka. reverse of 10 Cents (1975) coin with KM# 140 from Sri Lanka. Inscription: 10 பதத கதம TEN CENTS 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 10,800,000 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 2 Rupees - FAO (1995) coin with KM# 155 from Sri Lanka. Inscription: 50 விழா - ANNIVERSARY FAO FIAT PANIS 1945-1995 அனைவரு த்கும் உணவு FOOD FOR ALL සැමට reverse of 2 Rupees - FAO (1995) coin with KM# 155 from Sri Lanka. Inscription: இலங்கை ශ්‍රී ලංකා SRI LANKA 2 රුපියල දෙකයි இரண்டு ரூபாய் TWO RUPEES 1995
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 40,000,000 1 XF 1.85 USD
obverse of 10 Rupees (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 181 from Sri Lanka. reverse of 10 Rupees (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 181 from Sri Lanka. Inscription: 10 TEN RUPEES 2009
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 VF 0.37 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Juliana (1962 - 1986) coin with KM# 14 from Suriname. Inscription: SURINAME reverse of 25 Cents - Juliana (1962 - 1986) coin with KM# 14 from Suriname. Inscription: 1976 25 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 1,500,000 1 VG 0.08 USD
1982 2,000,000 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Mswati III (1986 - 1993) coin with KM# 43 from Swaziland. Inscription: SWAZILAND reverse of 50 Cents - Mswati III (1986 - 1993) coin with KM# 43 from Swaziland. Inscription: 50 SIYINQABA 1986 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 1 XF 1.45 USD
obverse of 1 Lilangeni - Sobhuza II - FAO (1981) coin with KM# 32 from Swaziland. Inscription: SWAZILAND reverse of 1 Lilangeni - Sobhuza II - FAO (1981) coin with KM# 32 from Swaziland. Inscription: FOOD FIRST LIJAHA SISU 1 LILANGENI 1981
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 871,000 1 VF 1.4 USD
obverse of 1 Lilangeni - Mswati III (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 60 from Swaziland. Inscription: SWAZILAND reverse of 1 Lilangeni - Mswati III (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 60 from Swaziland. Inscription: ONE LILANGENI 2011
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 XF 1.88 USD
obverse of 2 Emalangeni - Mswati III (1995 - 2010) coin with KM# 46 from Swaziland. Inscription: SWAZILAND reverse of 2 Emalangeni - Mswati III (1995 - 2010) coin with KM# 46 from Swaziland. Inscription: 2003 2 EMALANGENI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 VF 0.92 USD
obverse of 1 Öre - Oscar II - Large letters (1879 - 1905) coin with KM# 750 from Sweden. Inscription: BR · DRAFOLKENS V · L reverse of 1 Öre - Oscar II - Large letters (1879 - 1905) coin with KM# 750 from Sweden. Inscription: 1 ØRE 1882
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1890 1,948,794 1 VG 0.98 USD
obverse of 50 Öre - Carl XVI Gustaf (1992 - 2009) coin with KM# 878 from Sweden. Inscription: 1992 reverse of 50 Öre - Carl XVI Gustaf (1992 - 2009) coin with KM# 878 from Sweden. Inscription: SVERIGE 50 ØRE D
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 B 247,620 1 VF 0.05 USD
Arab Republic
obverse of 10 Piastres - No stars on shield (1974) coin with KM# 106 from Syria. Inscription: ١٣٩٤ - ١٩٧٤ reverse of 10 Piastres - No stars on shield (1974) coin with KM# 106 from Syria. Inscription: الجمهورية العربية السورية
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1394 (1974) 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 3 Somonii (2001) coin with KM# 8 from Tajikistan. Inscription: ҶУМҲУРИИ ТОҶИКИСТОН · СЕ СОМОНӢ · reverse of 3 Somonii (2001) coin with KM# 8 from Tajikistan. Inscription: 3 СОМОНӢ 2001
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 1 XF 2.4 USD
obverse of 50 Satang - Rama IX (1980) coin with Y# 168 from Thailand. Inscription: ประเทศไทย ริย์รัชกาลที่๙ reverse of 50 Satang - Rama IX (1980) coin with Y# 168 from Thailand. Inscription: ๕๐ สตางค์ พ.ศ.๒๕๒๓
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2523 (1980) 122,260,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 2 Baht - Rama IX (2008 - 2016) coin with Y# 445 from Thailand. reverse of 2 Baht - Rama IX (2008 - 2016) coin with Y# 445 from Thailand. Inscription: พ.ศ.๒๕๕๒ ๒ 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2551 (2008) 10,004,000 1 F 0.06 USD
obverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - Centenary of Fine Arts Department (2011) coin with Y# 508 from Thailand. reverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - Centenary of Fine Arts Department (2011) coin with Y# 508 from Thailand.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2554 (2011) 2,000,000 1 VG 0.3 USD
obverse of 20 Baht - 60 Years of Renewable Energy (2013) coin from Thailand. reverse of 20 Baht - 60 Years of Renewable Energy (2013) coin from Thailand.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2556 (2013) 300,000 1 F 0.59 USD
obverse of 20 Baht - 100 Years of Poh Chang College of Arts and Crafts (2013) coin from Thailand. reverse of 20 Baht - 100 Years of Poh Chang College of Arts and Crafts (2013) coin from Thailand.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2556 (2013) 500,000 1 G 0.59 USD
obverse of 20 Seniti - Salote Tupou III (1967) coin with KM# 8 from Tonga. Inscription: SALOTE TUPOU III 1967 reverse of 20 Seniti - Salote Tupou III (1967) coin with KM# 8 from Tonga. Inscription: 20 SENITI TONDA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 150,000 1 VG 0.08 USD
Trinidad and Tobago
obverse of 25 Cents (1976 - 2014) coin with KM# 32 from Trinidad and Tobago. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 2007 reverse of 25 Cents (1976 - 2014) coin with KM# 32 from Trinidad and Tobago. Inscription: 25 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 9,000,000 1 VG 0.07 USD
obverse of 1/2 Dinar - FAO (1988 - 1990) coin with KM# 318 from Tunisia. Inscription: الجمهورية التونسية 1988 reverse of 1/2 Dinar - FAO (1988 - 1990) coin with KM# 318 from Tunisia. Inscription: البنك المركزي التونسي نصف 1/2 دينار ELMEKKI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 3,000,000 1 VG 0.16 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - FAO (1988 - 1990) coin with KM# 319 from Tunisia. Inscription: 1990 reverse of 1 Dinar - FAO (1988 - 1990) coin with KM# 319 from Tunisia. Inscription: 1 ELMEKKI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 1 F 0.49 USD
1990 8,000,000 1 G 0.32 USD
obverse of 1000 Lira (1990 - 1994) coin with KM# 997 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 1000 Lira (1990 - 1994) coin with KM# 997 from Turkey. Inscription: 1000 LIRA 1991
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 136,480,000 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 10 Bin Lira (1994 - 2000) coin with KM# 1027 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 10 Bin Lira (1994 - 2000) coin with KM# 1027 from Turkey. Inscription: 10 BİN LİRA 1997
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 56,584,000 1 VF 0.13 USD
obverse of 25 Kuruş (2009 - 2015) coin with KM# 1242 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 25 Kuruş (2009 - 2015) coin with KM# 1242 from Turkey. Inscription: 25 KURUŞ 2009
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 1 F 0.06 USD
obverse of 1 Lira - Red Deer (2012) coin with KM# 1283 from Turkey. Inscription: KIZIL GEYIK reverse of 1 Lira - Red Deer (2012) coin with KM# 1283 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKIYE CUMHURIYETI 1 TÜRK LIRASI 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 15,000 1 UNC 4.9 USD
reverse of 2 Hryvni - 100 Years of the Kyiv National Economic University (2006) coin with KM# 383 from Ukraine. Inscription: КИЇВСЬКИЙ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ 1906 100 РОКІВ ІМЕНІ ВАДИМА ГЕТЬМАНА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 60,000 1 UNC 14.1 USD
obverse of 2 Hryvni - Viacheslav Prokopovych (2006) coin with KM# 384 from Ukraine. reverse of 2 Hryvni - Viacheslav Prokopovych (2006) coin with KM# 384 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 30,000 1 UNC 11.65 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - Korosten (2005) coin with KM# 364 from Ukraine. Inscription: НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ 2005 ПЯТЬ ГРИВЕНЬ reverse of 5 Hryven - Korosten (2005) coin with KM# 364 from Ukraine. Inscription: 1300 РОКІВ КОРОСТЕНЬ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 30,000 1 UNC 16.9 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - Clear Water A Spring of Life (2007) coin with KM# 453 from Ukraine. Inscription: НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ 5 ГРИВЕНЬ reverse of 5 Hryven - Clear Water A Spring of Life (2007) coin with KM# 453 from Ukraine. Inscription: ЧИСТА ВОДА – ДЖЕРЕЛО ЖИТТЯ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 50,000 1 UNC 14.85 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian reverse of 5 Hryven - Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 45,000 1 UNC 14.15 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - International Year of Astronomy (2009) coin with KM# 557 from Ukraine. reverse of 5 Hryven - International Year of Astronomy (2009) coin with KM# 557 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 10,000 1 UNC 14.7 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - Antiquity Navigation (2012) coin with KM# 664 from Ukraine. reverse of 5 Hryven - Antiquity Navigation (2012) coin with KM# 664 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 30,000 1 UNC 8.7 USD
obverse of 200000 Karbovantsiv - Mykhaylo Hrushevsky (1996) coin with KM# 27 from Ukraine. Inscription: УКРАЇНА 1996 200000 reverse of 200000 Karbovantsiv - Mykhaylo Hrushevsky (1996) coin with KM# 27 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 75,000 1 UNC 7.35 USD
United Emirates
United Arab Emirates
obverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Formal Education (2003) coin with KM# 51 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: 1953-2003 عاما من التعليم النظامي YEARS OF FORMAL EDUCATION 50 reverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Formal Education (2003) coin with KM# 51 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: الإمارات العربية المتحدة ١ درهم UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 G 0.27 USD
obverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Zakum Development Company (2007) coin with KM# 77 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: 1977-2007 The 30th Anniversary of Zakum Development Company reverse of 1 Dirham - Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Zakum Development Company (2007) coin with KM# 77 from United Arab Emirates. Inscription: الإمارات العربية المتحدة ١ درهم UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 XF 0.95 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 1 Farthing - Elizabeth II - Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1956) coin with KM# 895 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · DEI · GRATIA · REGINA · F · D:+ reverse of 1 Farthing - Elizabeth II - Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1956) coin with KM# 895 from United Kingdom. Inscription: 1954 FARTHING
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1956 1,997,000 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 1/2 Penny - Elizabeth II - Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1970) coin with KM# 896 from United Kingdom. Inscription: +ELIZABETH · II · DEI · GRATIA · REGINA · F:D: reverse of 1/2 Penny - Elizabeth II - Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1970) coin with KM# 896 from United Kingdom. Inscription: HALF PENNY HP 1958
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 1 VF 0.08 USD
obverse of 6 Pence - Elizabeth II - With BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1953) coin with KM# 889 from United Kingdom. Inscription: + ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA BRITT:OMN:REGINA reverse of 6 Pence - Elizabeth II - With BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1953) coin with KM# 889 from United Kingdom. Inscription: FID · DEF · SIX PENCE 1953 E.F C.T
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1953 1 XF 1.4 USD
obverse of 50 New Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1981) coin with KM# 913 from United Kingdom. Inscription: D.G.REG.F.D.1979 ELIZABETH II reverse of 50 New Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1969 - 1981) coin with KM# 913 from United Kingdom. Inscription: 50 NEW PENCE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 74,003,000 1 F 0.65 USD
obverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - Larger; 3'rd Portrait (1985 - 1997) coin with KM# 940.1 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REG · F · D · 1997 RDM reverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - Larger; 3'rd Portrait (1985 - 1997) coin with KM# 940.1 from United Kingdom. Inscription: FIFTY PENCE 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 682,103 1 VG 0.65 USD
obverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - Girlguiding - 4'th Portrait (2010) coin with KM# 1165 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · D · G REG · F · D · 2010 IRB reverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - Girlguiding - 4'th Portrait (2010) coin with KM# 1165 from United Kingdom. Inscription: CELEBRATING ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF GIRLGUIDING UK 50 PENCE DH JE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 125,000 In sets only 1 VG 0.65 USD
reverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - Games in Northern Ireland - 4'th Portrait (2002) coin with KM# 1034 from United Kingdom. Inscription: £2 XVII COMMONWEALTH GAMES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 485,500 1 VF 3.03 USD
Federal republic
United States
obverse of 5 Cents - Return to Monticello - Jefferson Nickel; 2'nd Portrait (2006 - 2015) coin with KM# 381 from United States. Inscription: IN GOD WE TRUST Liberty 2012 P JNF DW reverse of 5 Cents - Return to Monticello - Jefferson Nickel; 2'nd Portrait (2006 - 2015) coin with KM# 381 from United States. Inscription: E PLURIBUS UNUM MONTICELLO FIVE CENTS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 P 1 VF 0.37 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Bicentennial - Washington Quarter (1976) coin with KM# 204 from United States. Inscription: LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST 1776-1976 reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Bicentennial - Washington Quarter (1976) coin with KM# 204 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E PLURIBUS UNUM QUARTER DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 809,784,016 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Louisiana - Washington Quarter (2002) coin with KM# 333 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Louisiana - Washington Quarter (2002) coin with KM# 333 from United States. Inscription: LOUISIANA 1812 LOUISIANA PURCHASE 2002 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 D 402,204,000 1 F 0.72 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - South Dakota - Washington Quarter (2006) coin with KM# 386 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - South Dakota - Washington Quarter (2006) coin with KM# 386 from United States. Inscription: SOUTH DAKOTA 1889 2006 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 D 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi - Washington Quarter (2011) coin with KM# 497 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GOD WE TRUST LIBERTY QUARTER DOLLAR D reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi - Washington Quarter (2011) coin with KM# 497 from United States. Inscription: VICKSBURG MISSISSIPPI	2011	E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 D 30,400,000 1 VG 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - James K. Polk (2009) coin with KM# 452 from United States. Inscription: JAMES K. POLK IN GOD WE TRUST 11TH PRESIDENT 1845-1849 reverse of 1 Dollar - James K. Polk (2009) coin with KM# 452 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 D 1 F 1 USD
Oriental Republic
obverse of 10 Centésimos (1953 - 1959) coin with KM# 35 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPÚPBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY .ARTIGAS. 1953 reverse of 10 Centésimos (1953 - 1959) coin with KM# 35 from Uruguay. Inscription: 10 CENTÉSIMOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1959 10,000,000 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 5 Pesos (1965) coin with KM# 47 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPÚBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY · ARTIGAS · 1965 reverse of 5 Pesos (1965) coin with KM# 47 from Uruguay. Inscription: 5 PESOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 So 18,000,000 1 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 50 Centésimos (1976 - 1981) coin with KM# 68 from Uruguay. Inscription: URUGUAY So 1976 reverse of 50 Centésimos (1976 - 1981) coin with KM# 68 from Uruguay. Inscription: 50 CENTESIMOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 So 200,000 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 100 Nuevo Pesos (1989) coin with KM# 96 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY - GAUCHO - reverse of 100 Nuevo Pesos (1989) coin with KM# 96 from Uruguay. Inscription: N$ 100 1989
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 35,000,000 1 F 0.09 USD
City State
Vatican City
obverse of 20 Lire - John Paul II (1992) coin with KM# 237 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAVLVS II P.M. AN.XIV · MCMXCII reverse of 20 Lire - John Paul II (1992) coin with KM# 237 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO R L.20
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 50 Lire - Paulus VI (1969) coin with KM# 113 from Vatican City. Inscription: PAVLVS VI · P.M. ANNO VII MCMLXIX reverse of 50 Lire - Paulus VI (1969) coin with KM# 113 from Vatican City. Inscription: L.50 CITTA'*DEL*VATICANO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1969 190,000 1 VF 0.48 USD
obverse of 50 Lire - John Paul II - Balance (1992) coin with KM# 238 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAVLVS II P.M. AN. XIV MCMXIV reverse of 50 Lire - John Paul II - Balance (1992) coin with KM# 238 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA DEL VATICANO R L.50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 VG 0.13 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 100 Lire - John Paul II - Basketball (1994) coin with KM# 255 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAUVLVS II P.M · A · XVI · MCMXCIV A. CANEVARI reverse of 100 Lire - John Paul II - Basketball (1994) coin with KM# 255 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L. 100 R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 VF 0.73 USD
obverse of 500 Lire - John Paul II (1986) coin with KM# 197 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAVLVS II P. M. AN. VIII - MCMLXXXVI reverse of 500 Lire - John Paul II (1986) coin with KM# 197 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L.500
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 300,000 1 VG 0.53 USD
North Vietnam
obverse of 5 Hao (1946) coin with KM# 2 from Vietnam. Inscription: VIET-NAM DAN-CHU CONG-HOA 1946 reverse of 5 Hao (1946) coin with KM# 2 from Vietnam. Inscription: 5 HAO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1946 1 F 3.8 USD
Western Africa (BCEAO)
obverse of 10 Francs (1964 - 1981) coin with KM# 1a from Western Africa (BCEAO). Inscription: 1971 reverse of 10 Francs (1964 - 1981) coin with KM# 1a from Western Africa (BCEAO). Inscription: 10 FRANCS BANQUE CENTRALE ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 12,000,000 1 G 0.02 USD
People's Democratic Republic
obverse of 50 Fils (1976 - 1984) coin with KM# 6 from Yemen. reverse of 50 Fils (1976 - 1984) coin with KM# 6 from Yemen.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 2,000,000 1 F 0.18 USD
State Union of Serbia and Montenegro
obverse of 1 Novi Dinar - Larger; ЈНБ logo (1994 - 1995) coin with KM# 165 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: SR JUGOSLAVIJA СР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА reverse of 1 Novi Dinar - Larger; ЈНБ logo (1994 - 1995) coin with KM# 165 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: НОВИ ДИНАР · NOVI DINAR 1 1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 47,755,000 1 XF 0.5 USD

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